Disclaimer: I own the OC's and the plot and no money is made off of this work of fan-made fiction.
Author's Note: This huge undertaking is a trilogy altogether called Rising from the Ashes. It is centered around a clan of Saiyans completely created by me run by a twisted sadist named Gaelrick. This story focuses on his family most notably his son, Lygoren and grandson, Iodin. Yes, this is the full background of my two OC's that keep popping up on my page. I've decided to flesh out their story from painful beginning to end. So if OC's bother you than by all means skip this. Warnings will be posted at each part as needed but know off the bat that the first two arcs of this story are filled with a lot of darkness, despair, and pain. It touches on some dark subjects including rape, pedophilia, mutilation that leads to scarring, abuse, and character death in some cases. All pertinent warnings will be added per chapter. I will not be offended if this is one saga that you skip because it is dark and dismal…but in the end there is light and hope. It's just getting there that is the difficult part. Kleenexes are definitely suggested. For this part warnings include; angst, violence, mutilation that leads to scarring, and Gaelrick. Yes, he is a warning all his own.
Prologue: In the Beginning...
Fingers wrap tightly around his wrist giving him no escape and a pained hiss escapes through gritted teeth. "If you don't release me..."
"You're going to do what; scream? Are you really so sure you want to do that with what you know I'll do to him if he is stupid enough to come to your aid?"
The voice was like honeyed poison and makes the dark haired Saiyan's stomach churn. "You wouldn't dare be that stupid, Gaelrick."
"Do you really want to test to see what I'll do to our prince, Eyadei?"
Honestly, no he didn't because he had a sneaking suspicion that he knew what would happen at that point. Gaelrick was strong, of that there was no doubt, but he was also sadistically cunning and it wasn't something that Eyadei wanted to risk near the royal about to be crowned king. The grip tightening tells him that an answer was desired before more pain would be dealt and Eyadei wasn't in the mood to be further harassed by the brunette before him. "L-let go of me, Gaelrick. I'm not interested in whatever you want. I have things to do in the medical wing and you are not..." He's not prepared for the sudden and very violent reaction that has him hitting his knees, his wrist still held now at a more painful angle, and a hot pain as the others nails tear into his skin his eye barely close in time to keep from getting sliced as well. The male kept his nails sharp for this reason and they cut flesh well. He smells the scent of blood and a snarl escapes him. "F-fuck you...Let GO!" he growls struggling against the other. However, his chosen profession as a medic had his build slighter than the male before him and a physical altercation has the other the clear winner.
So it comes as no surprise when he's hauled from the palace struggling to keep from being bodily dragged by the taller male as he feels the blood slide down his face. He was pretty sure his wrist was broken in addition to everything but all he could focus on was the fact that he was probably never going to see the palace or the spiky-haired royal who had been trying to court him for three months now.
As pain finally overshadows everything else as the grip tightens, as his body finally protests the other injuries sustained from being struck and slammed into a wall by the other, he stops paying attention to where they are going. His focus is only returned when he's tossed onto a rather scratchy cot. He grits his teeth as he brings his hand up and presses it against his throbbing skin. "Y-you have no tact, Gaelrick," he grits out angrily.
"Oh, I'm sorry that I'm not as emotionally charming as our prince," comes the sneered response, "I don't have time for such stupidity. You, however, are going to do as I tell you if you'd like to remain breathing."
"Oh, I can't imagine why you're not popular," Eyadei mutters, "You have such a charming personality." A moment later, his hair is twisted in a violent grip and he's dragged from the cot towards the other.
"You do not want to see what I'm capable of, Eyadei, you really don't."
"Oh, I can give a few guesses," he grits out.. Getting dragged a few feet towards the embers of a newly outed fire has the medic suddenly a little afraid of what might be happening in a few seconds. Watching the other press the end of a poker against a still glowing coal has him quite worried. "Gaelrick..." He never gets a response. What he does get is the poker once hot slashed across the same spot the others fingers had grazed twice eliciting a sharp cry of pain and him attempting to jerk free with no luck. The others grip is unyielding and the feel of the hot item pressed against his skin has him nearly howling in agony.
He isn't sure when the other dumps him back onto the cot, his skin singed, bleeding, and sparking pain hard enough to form tears which only make it hurt worse so he struggles to hold them back. "You'll learn to do as you are told the first time around, Eyadei, or you'll find yourself not liking the end result."
A thousand different retorts occur to him but he realizes that it might be a very bad idea so he just bites his tongue and curls up trying to ease the pain as best as he could while inwardly cursing the bastard for being who he was. "When I come back, I expect you to be a little more willing to do as you are told, Eyadei." The parting commentary has him almost laughing snidely. It wasn't like the other was giving him much of a choice and right now he was in too much pain to try and handle either his wrist or his face and he was pretty sure it was going to leave a nasty scar. 'Your luck sucks,' he thinks to himself, 'This is what you get for having feelings for one Saiyan while another wants to own you and doesn't play nicely.'
To be honest, Eyadei had been trying to avoid Gaelrick for almost three years as the other was no one he'd ever associate with let alone have any feelings for. He'd wanted to focus on his career choice and be left alone as he was good at medicine. While he trained to keep toned and fit, he wasn't as muscled as the male who was making his life miserable as he kept coming into the infirmary where he was trying to make something of himself. It was solved, surprisingly one day when one of their arguments was interrupted as the crown prince was brought in needing immediate care and the other medics were busy. It had taken Eyadei three hours to stabilize the brunette Saiyan who had obviously had one hell of a fight and kept Gaelrick from bothering him. He'd needed to keep the royal in the infirmary for a few days which turned out to be easier than expected as the other found him intriguing. Honestly, he should have known then that it was a bad idea to talk to the other but hadn't been able to help it. After that, the prince was a constant visitor there which definitely kept Gaelrick at bay as he wasn't stupid enough at the time to go against the crown prince. Eyadei found himself becoming fond of the other who was five years younger than himself but acted far older which he was sure was a product of his position.
Things had come to a head when it was obvious that Vegeta was interested in him and that Eyadei was actually starting to warm up to the idea. Gaelrick had found out and in usual fashion had been quite not happy with the thought. Eyadei just hadn't thought that it would evolve into this. Closing his eyes, the black haired male wonders if he shouldn't have just said yes three years ago and spared himself this. He was just of the mind that he had a right to choose the mate he wanted to be with, that he wanted to be submissive to. As he slowly manages to fade off, he whispers miserably, "Vegeta..."