This is my first time writing a fanfic. I love Ghost Hunt and thought I would give it a try. I could use a beta reader if anyone is up to the task. Just so I cover my bases I do not own Ghost Hunt unfortunately because if I did then Oliver and Mai would be together. I love that couple; I'm also a big Lin/Madoka, Ayako/Monk supporter. Oh and Gene would be alive! Anyways enough about me on with the story!

Chapter 1

Madoka's POV-

I had just got off the phone with a potential client when the bell to the front door rang out alerting me to another presence in the office.

I came out of my temporary office to come face to face with the man I had been waiting to see for the last 6 months.

Not able to stop the whisper of his name off my lips "Lin" Smiling running to engulf him in a hug and bombard him with a 101 questions.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?" "I could have met you at the airport, where is that twerp that took you away from me. Did he come with you, oh, oh how is Gene?"

Chuckling softly Lin replied "Noll and Gene are back with me and the reason I didn't call you and let you know we were coming back was because the so called twerp wanted to get a place to stay before informing anyone we were back. The two of them should be coming up shortly Gene wanted to stop at the coffee shop downstairs and drug Noll with him."

Grinning up at Lin I watched as several emotions passed over his normally stoic face. Not many people could read him but after being around him since I was 14 I could easily read his face.

He went from joy to hesitation finally his eyes showed determination. Before I could question what was going on he lifted my chin and kissed me.

Starting out slow and light but quickly turning into passion and hunger, having been so long without him there was no way I was going to stop him.

We broke apart after hearing someone clear their throat. Blushing and looking over to the door I noticed Gene and Noll standing there.

Noll looked bored, while Gene looked like he was going to burst in to a fit of giggles. Lin snuck off to his office before an argument could ensue. Deciding I would rather deal with Noll over Gene, I turned to Noll intent on scolding him for not informing of their return.

"Noll, why didn't you let me know that you were all returning from England?"

Noll looking impassive replied in his normal bored tone. "Madoka I didn't feel that it was necessary for you to know until now, seeing as we are three adults capable of finding our way from the airport and we needed to meet with the apartment complex in order to retrieve our keys. I felt your time was best spent here rather than running around doing pointless errands with us."

Trying to keep his bored expression he asked about the one person I knew he was waiting to see. "Where is Mai?"

Grinning like the Cheshire cat I replied "She should be here any minute. Why Noll are you having Mai with draws?"

Rolling his eyes and deciding I wasn't worth the trouble walked past me to the office and shut the door.

Looking over at Gene "How has he been? Is he still over working himself? He looks tried."

Genes POV-

Glancing at Madoka I try to give her my biggest grin hoping to ease her fears about Noll, she tends to worry about us. "Noll is fine, having a bit of tea withdraws and slightly antsy due to not working these last 6 months. Nothing that a intriguing case and Mai's tea can cure."

Nodding Madoka seems to have relaxed a little bit then looks me over trying to decide to ask me something but weighing her options. "Gene how are you feeling you have only been back on the surface for the last 6 months. Did the Professor or BPR find anything unusual, with you using such a large amount of PK to rap yourself in it had to do something to you whether it is mental or physical?"

Contemplating how I should answer I go with a serious reply rapped in breezy sarcasm. "Well you know how exceptional us Davis twins are we are like titanium strong but malleable. Although, I have to say since my encounter with the pond, I feel a little more like Noll in the retrospect that we are so of the most awesomeness people on the plant!"

Madoka looks as if she is trying to decide to whether she should slap me, hug me or laugh at me. Lucky for me she chooses to hug me. (Dodged the bullet on that one lover her but I hate it when she slaps she does not hold back!)

Releasing me and stepping away she tells me "I had an office set up for you in case the iceman came back. It is not as big as your brothers but Mai made it more Gene like or so she says. She thought that instead of plain walls you would enjoy some art so she took the liberty hanging several pieces in here and placing a bonsai tree and other various knick knacks throughout the room trying to make a place just for you."

Grinning I had to ask "When is Mai suppose to be in today? I know that Noll has been anxious to see her and I wouldn't mind it is really weird not communicating with her in the dreamscape."

Looking at the clock she replies "She should have been here by now I hope that nothing has happened to her it is raining rather hard outside and you know Mai she seems to be quiet clumsy all the time."

Hearing a snort from the doorway we turn around to see my Little brother standing in the door way.

Madoka ask him "What do find so funny Mr. Grouch?"

Looking like his usual stoic self "When you say Mai is clumsy that is a understatement, Where is Mai today is Saturday she should be here by now."

His features darkening and brows furrowing together, "Unless in my absence you have become slack and let her come and go as she pleases?"

Noticing the flight that is brewing, I have to find away to defuse it before the idiot goes and pisses her off. We have only been in Japan a few hours and he has already started picking on people, I know he missed them but really Noll.

Trying to reach out telepathically, 'Noll what are you lashing out at Madoka for, it not her fault you have been Mai deprived for 6 months. She will be here soon chill or going to show your heart on your sleeve and we all know just how much you hate that!'

'WHAT?! I am not Mai deprived, maybe tea deprived but certainly not my deprived, as for starting a fight with Madoka. I am doing no such thing; however, I am just merely questioning how she ran the office in my absence. Furthermore, shouldn't you be getting to work? I emailed you the file on the case I just accepted, it seems to be right up your alley in one of your favorite places.'

'Really where pray tell little brother might that be?'

Sounding smug he replied out loud "A movie theater"

Trying to pull of his passive face "Hmm, I guess I will read your email then now wont I."

Smirking with a light in his eyes that only a good mystery can put there "I knew it would catch your interest, I have to go back to work you two please remember we are here to work not play. And Madoka let me know as soon as Mai gets here. Will you please call the irregulars and inform them we have a case and I am requesting their presence."

Mai's POV -

Today is the worst day ever I woke up late and to top it off it is pouring cats and dogs outside.

I ran to the closest train station to my apartment trying to keep dry.

Unfortunately for me the umbrella I had decided to flip inside out and blow away.

I hate today I knew when I woke up from my nightmare it was going to be a bad day.

I already know we are going to get a new case today the dream I had last night was proof of that. Lately, my dreams always seem to precede a case.

At first I thought they were just nightmares nothing important but soon I realized that the cases we were accepting had similarities to my dreams.

I am going to have to tell Madoka as soon as I get to the office and let her know I had another precognitive dream about a potential case.

From what I saw in my dream the girl on this case needs our help. Thankfully; it is Madoka that is here and not Naru.

I wouldn't be able to convince him to take the case. Naru, the one person that can drive me insane!

Missing him is like missing an extension of me. Gene and Naru are currently in England. Gene finally told me where he was and when we found him his body had wrapped itself in physic energy (AN: I got this idea from X-men ) Once he was brought to the surface I felt a surge of physic energy then he was coughing and trying to sit up.

Whatever connection we had while he was in the lake dissipated after his revival. I no longer have him to guide me through my dreams. Instead I have learned to endure the nightmares all by myself.

I was terrified the first time I had a dream without Gene there to guide me but after about twenty times of experiencing first person death dreams, I try to remind myself that it will all be over soon.

Madoka said the Davis twins would be back in a few days but honestly I don't know if Naru will come back. Right before he left I tried to tell him that I loved him and asked me one question, "Me or Gene", I was so shocked I didn't know what to say and he just left me sitting there. If he does come back at least now I have an answer to his question.

Madoka's POV-

Taking Noll's instructions as a cease fire I agree to call the others and let them know about the case.

When I had spoke to the man on the earlier something about the story he told me seemed kind of off like he was trying to hide some small detail.

I just hope this case doesn't put Mai or Masako in too much trouble. They are both the same age as the victims.

Not only that Mai tends to live out the death of others in her dreams and I would hate for her to have to experience being decapitated over and over.

Ever victim had their head cut off as cause of death the only question now is it a haunting or a serial killer.

Hearing the door open I look up from position in the reception area to see Mai soak to the bone.

Sighing, I realize she needs to change before Noll sees her or she will never live it down. To top it all off we don't need her sick while on this case

"Mai, dear what happened you are soaked? Why didn't you use an umbrella?"

Mai's POV

"Oh, Hi Madoka, I did leave with an umbrella but when I was walking over here it blew away from me and I ended up soaked anyways. I have a spare change of clothes in the bathroom. I keep them there for emergency cases."

Then I heard the one voice that I loved to hate, that sent chills and a wave of heat straight through my body every time I heard it.

"Mai, do you care to enlighten us as to why you are standing there dripping all over the place; like an idiot." Naru's cold eyes clash with mine when I whip my head around. I see him leaning on his office door in all his narcissistic glory.

"Well hello to you to Naru, and if you would have been paying attention you would have heard that I was just about to go change."

Sighing Naru pushes away from his door frame and says "TEA" what that's all I get after not seeing him in 6 months. A sarcastic comment and a sigh love you to Naru.

"Yeah, Yeah I'll get your tea after I change my clothes."

"Mai is the idiot scientist being mean to you again." Gene banters playfully

Mai roll her eyes thinking wonderful so he came back too.

Great at least now I will have someone around that will be on my side.

Smiling I replied "No he was just making sure I knew he was here."

Grinning I made my way to the bathroom praising myself for the look Naru just shot me, for the underhanded comment.

He looked slightly shocked by what I had just implied. Well at least now that he is back my life will be a little less scary. Hopefully, he can help me figure out a way to control my growing abilities.

Not only am I dreaming and astral projecting, I have been having this weird visions. Well now that my twins are back they will be able to help me figure out what is going on.

20 minutes later

I knock on Naru's door. "Come in" opening the door I see him sitting behind his desk in his dark lair the only light is from a crack in the dark curtains and the computer that he is currently engrossed in.

"Tea just like you ordered" I had to say something I want him to look at me.

Glancing my way he smirks and I can tell he some smart ass comment that is seconds from leaving his lips. " I appreciate the tea that asked for 20 minutes ago, I guess while I was gone Madoka let slack off?"

WHAT is he freaking kidding me I was late bringing his tea because I was changing!

"What no answer I thought that the more time "

"You are such a jerk you know why I was late bringing you tea…I was changing because I was soaked or did you the great idiot scientist already forget that you told me to go change and quit dripping everywhere. "

He just smirks at this point and I realize I played right into his hand. "Good to see you are starting to pay attention to what others are telling you Mai. Now if you will be so kind to do your job and let me do mine."

GRRR I really want to bang this tray over his head that stupid Naru.


Mai turned around muttering and growling under her breath storming out of my office. Oh how I missed picking on her it is so cute, wait cute since when is Mai cute.

'Yes little brother you said cute.'

'Shut up gene and get out my head.'

'Oh come on Noll, you know bloody well that the girl is in love with you! Why can't you just tell her that you feel the same way?'

'She doesn't love me. She is in love with you, you were the one she saw in her dreams and you were the one that smiled at her. She was just confused. So confused that she couldn't even tell me which one she truly loved.'

'That's because you didn't give her a chance little brother'

'Whatever, Gene, I have work to do' severing the connection with Gene I try to concentrate on the case I am researching before the client gets here.

Try as I might, I cannot get her face out of my head. The looked that she had that night when I asked her who she loved, I will never forget.

She looked so confused and broken; I didn't wait for a reply I just left. I had to get my brother back to England so that my parents could test him and make sure his body was stable.

I made the excuse that Japan had more activity so that I could come back to SPR; however, in all truthfulness, I came back for Mai.

She was the one person other than Gene that could get through to my heart. Mai the one who in the end took my heart and I'm not sure I want to take it back.

AN: Well this is it for my first chapter. Let me know what you think should I keep going? Review please and if anybody has any good case ideas I would appreciate it.