Set in the film when Nod and MK leave with the slug/snail/bud and Ronin is left behind to fight off the Boggans by himself.
The weight of the Boggans were unbearable; the stench was even more so. Ronin couldn't move a muscle under the heap as fists collided with his face and ribs. He was sure that if he wasn't crushed or pummeled to death, he would suffocate easily. He managed a punch or two himself when the slim oppurtunities arrived, but nothing that would knock a Boggan away.
Finally the Boggans began to retreat from him.
He raised himself to his feet, catching his breath during the moment of an awkward quiet around him. He raised his fists weakly to continue the fight that he had no chance of surviving-if anything, he would do it just to buy Nod and MK more time. He didn't care if he died as long as he could make it until the bud bloomed.
Mandrake was coming over to him and the closer Mandrake came to him the more space his army gave them.
"They should have come back for you." Mandrake mused with that smirk plastered onto his face.
"What? Don't you have any faith in me that I'll escape? I've done it before, haven't I." In a cheeky attempt to appear fearless, Ronin returned the smirk, hunched slightly from a sore back.
"Oh but I've learned from my mistakes." Mandrake gestured the nearer Boggans to come forward and quickly hold Ronin's arms.
"While you have me here, they're already preparing the bud for the arrival of our new Queen. It doesn't matter what happens to me. You'll still lose in the end. And then-"
"Ronin, Ronin..." Mandrake's smirk twisted and he reached out with his staff, touching Ronin's chest lightly, making the leafman wince and bite back a groan as his armor decayed where he was touched. "You're right. We don't have a lot of time to do this." He agreed. "But we still have some time; a very short window of time. I may not be able to do this right but it will still be done."
Ronin's eyebrows creased together. "Go ahead. I'm not afraid to die. You'd be wasting your time if you think you can ever instil fear inside of me."
Mandrake tapped his staffed against the branch they stood on and a decay of rot bubbled up under it. "I'm aware that death will not frighten you. You give a look of peace at the very mention of it. You want to see her again, don't you." He leaned in so that their faces were only centimeters apart. "No, Ronin. I won't give you the satisfaction of seeing her again. I have something else in mind for you."
Ronin was pushed unceremoniously onto a pile of dead leaves and silk. It was a bed, there was no doubt in his mind. The bed itself was of high quality especially for the Boggans. The silk was plentiful here and the leaves, though decayed, were colored by the fall of last year; slightly darkened but none the less a reminder of how beautiful death can be at times.
The comforts of the bed were similar to the ones Ronin has known and, to be honest, he didn't realize that the Boggans shared the same idea of sleeping arrangements. He always assumed they slept on the ground or in the dirt and filth that they create. And, certainly, he never thought Mandrake was one to sleep at all. He was surprised at how childish and naive that thought seemed to him now.
He grabbed at the large lamb's ear leaf that was warm and soft to the touch. It was the same type of leaf he was tucked under at night by his mother when he was young.
"Are you comfortable?"
Ronin turned to Mandrake who tapped his staff once, allowing the other Boggan's to depart.
"I don't understand why I'm here." Ronin scowled. It didn't make any sense to him. This was clearly a room for privacy.
Mandrake came closer. There was no light from the moon or sun that could come inside. The only light came from three lightning bugs imprisoned in rot above them. When one blinked off, another blinked on, and so on, dimming and brightening the room's light at a random pace.
The shadows cast onto Mandrake's quiet grin were an eerie reminder of just how cynical this Boggan was.
Mandrake reached up and he pulled off the Bat coat, letting it fall to the floor behind him.
Ronin glared, looking over Mandrake's uncovered form. "What are you doing?"
Faster now, Mandrake lunged at Ronin who quickly punched Mandrake but failed to make a blow hard enough to stop him. Mandrake pushed Ronin's fist away and grabbed both of his wrists, pinning them to the bed.
Mandrake was panting and Ronin was terrified to find that the pants weren't from overworked lungs, but from some deep passion that set behind his eyes.
Mandrake chuckled. It was low at first but then he began to put some gusto behind it and he threw back his head, howling in laughter.
Calming himself slowly, he looked back down at Ronin. "What was that you had said? That I would never be able to instil fear inside of you?" He smirked. "Years ago you thought the same, didn't you? That night you and another leafman came into this beautiful wasteland and killed my father." It was the night Mandrake had taken over the throne. It should have been a glorious night. "I'll never forget the screams your friend had made while my father killed him. Your eyes still didn't show the fear that I see now." Mandrake tightened his hold onto Ronin's wrists as he sat comfortably onto the general's groin, earning a gasp. His intentions were clear. "You took my father's life and I vowed from that moment to take something precious from you. And now the Queen is dead." He grinned. "Only..." His grin faded and he scowled. "Only then you took my son. Once again, General Ronin, we are no longer even. Once again, I must settle the score. I will take something precious from you but this time it wont be another life. No,..." He leaned down again, grinning wider as he did so. "No, Ronin, this time I will take everything you live for. Honor, Dignity, Respect. Everything that makes you who you are. I will strip you from all of it." His voice lowered. "I will make you mine, Ronin."
I'm tired right now so I'll make this into parts instead of the oneshot i was going for lol
I just saw the film for the second time but I'll probably have to wait until DVD or something before I can get all of the facts straight so that I can watch it over again lol I wish I had the movie now. it was awesome! I just LOVED Ronin and Mandrake! They were amazing!
And remember, this is a STRONG M lol I might have to cut from this story to keep it 'FANFIC acceptable' but if I do have to cut, then I'll be posting the uncut version somewhere else and I'll be sure to leave a link. This first chapter is uncut because...well...there's nothing wrong with it lol xD
So be prepared for the next chapter lol ;3