When you loved me

Kura: A poem for Judai and Johan, kind of sad if you ask me.

Sakura: Yup, in it, they have problems which end up in a break up.

Kura: That's right, don't be mad, this is both spiritshipping and heroshipping.

Sakura: Enjoy.

When You Loved Me

When you loved me,

our heart was bigger than our strength.

When you loved me,

you didn't care that I started having problems.

When you loved me,

your emerald eyes shone with pride.

When you loved me,

my flaws didn't bother you.

But now,

now you love her.


Why did you leave me?

Was I the wrong person for you?

Is it because I merged with the Demon that tried to hurt you?


Just tell me why...


after waiting so long for you to come back to me,

I realized something,

I can't love you if you can't love me.


I moved on.


I have some else in my life.

I love him.

I love his blue eyes and silver hair.

I love his dedication to those children and their school,

he doesn't care that I have Yubel inside me.

He doesn't question my actions unless he has to,

he gives me space,

and at the same time,

he's always there for me.


this is goodbye Johan.

I hope you and Rei are happy together,

because I'm happy with Edo.

Kura: Told you it was kind of sad.

Sakura: Rei?

Kura: I believe that was Blair. Yeah, if you want, I can make an actual story based off this. Well, review, favorite, follow, do whatever you can or want people!

Both: Caio!