Chapter 7: Turn for the Better

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater or any of the characters involved except Lucas and Mira

A dark alleyway lay silent in the night air, a single streetlamp casting the last half of the stretch in a dim half-light. Suddenly a figure comes rushing through and turns the corner abruptly as they continue to run down the street, a moment later a figure in armor comes rushing past them, a pair of swords in its hands. The running figure, a woman with an elongated tongue and large pointed hat wearing a brown dress with an extended skirt and matching leggings turned another corner and dipped into a different alley, stopping just inside she held her chest and tried to quiet her breathing. A moment later she froze as she heard the sound of the armored figure clinking louder and louder, it turned down the corner and rushed past her. She gave it a moment before releasing a sigh of relief.

"Finally that stupid kid and his weapon are gone," She said to herself in a whisper.

"Not quite," Lucas' voice echoed from down the other side of the alley.

"What?! But how can you be there! I just saw you-"

"Run past?" He asked as he stepped forward into the dim light of the street lamp. "Mira!" he shouted.

The clanking stopped for a second before resuming and getting louder. It stopped at the opposite edge of the alleyway pinning the woman between them.

"It's over Komra!" Lucas shouted.

"Like hell it is!" She shouted as she leapt into the air, lifting a hand above her head a large fireball appeared, she threw it down at Lucas who lifted his arms to block the attack, but was soon covered by the armor.

"Good save," Lucas said aloud, his voice echoing inside the helmet. He saw an image of Mira smiling at him in his soul.

"Let's finish this," Lucas threw his hands out and two swords appeared.

"Right!" Mira replied as she began to amplify their soul wavelengths.

Lucas let out a yell as he kicked off the ground, hard, sending him flying toward the witch Komra who summoned another fireball and began to yell back as she threw it at him. Lucas sliced through the magic with Mira's swords and then in a blur dashed through Komra, cutting her in half.

"Not… like this…" she said as her body began to disappear. Lucas landed in the street outside the alley in a crouch.

Standing he turned and looked back into the alley to see a small, purple-colored sphere floating a few feet off the ground. He approached it and once they were close enough Mira opened the armor's chest plate and consumed the witch's soul.

"That does it," Lucas said with a smile.

"Yeah, hard to believe we'd get all those souls collected in such a short time," Mira replied.

Lucas nodded as Mira transformed back into her human form, the two were older now, but only by a few months, but in those few months they'd put themselves through hell and back as they rushed to catch up to their classmates in terms of soul collecting, they'd even shot past a majority of the class until they got to why they were here tonight:

"How does it feel?" Lucas asked as he began to lead the way back to their apartment in the city.

"Not all that different honestly," Mira replied.

"Huh, you don't feel any more powerful or like you've unlocked some hidden ability?" Lucas put his hands behind his head as he asked.

"No, just the same old me," She shrugged.

"Well that's lame," He said as he stopped outside the door to an apartment building.

"Maybe it has something to do with Lord Death and his awakening my power?"

"Maybe," Lucas fished a key out of his pants pocket and used it to open the door. The two stepped inside and locked the door behind them, turning on the lights they were standing in a simple living room with a couch and chair facing a TV with a set of stairs in front of them leading up to the bedrooms and the bathroom, and a doorway to their left leading into the kitchen.

"Do you want to call him now or later?" Lucas asked.

"We should tell him immediately!" Mira shot back.

"Fine, fine," Lucas walked up the stairs and Mira followed, the two entered the bathroom and Lucas breathed onto the mirror over the sink before writing in Death's numbers. They waited a moment before Lord Death appeared on the surface in front of them.

"Hey, hiya, what's up with you two?" he asked in his normal, high-pitched voice.

"Meister Lucas Ivonz and weapon Mira Sicily reporting," Lucas told him as the two stood at attention.

"Excellent, so, how did the witch hunt go?"

"Fairly easy to be honest sir," Lucas replied.

"I take it that means Miss Mira is now qualified to become a death scythe?"

She nodded.

"Excellent! When you two get back I want you to come straight to my office!"

The pair nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you soon then, good night!" he waved his overly-large hand at them and the mirror faded back to its normal reflective surface.

"Guess you were right," Lucas told Mira as the two exited the bathroom.

"I don't think I'm gonna get any sleep tonight at this rate, I'm so excited to find out what's next!"

"Well, you're going to have to, otherwise you won't make it back to the school," Lucas gave her a grin.

The two took turns in the bathroom changing into their night clothes before hitting the light and going to sleep. The next day was spent at the airport and catching a flight back to the school. The pair dropped off their travel bags in their normal apartment before heading directly to Lord Death's office. They entered the office and approached Lord Death. Once they were on his podium they stood at attention and waited for him to start.

"Hello again, boy you two sure made it here fast!" he replied.

"Sir-" Lucas started, but Death cut him off with a hand.

"Relax will ya? This isn't a formal visit,"

The two looked to each other before relaxing their bodies.

"What did you call us here for sir, if you don't mind my asking?" Mira looked to him.

He gave her a thumbs up "Good question Miss Sicily. Tell me, what do you two know about the book of Eibon?"

The two looked at each other, confused. "We've never heard of that before sir," Lucas replied.

"Then I have a long story to tell you,"