- Hi! Welcome to Pocahontas Naruto style, I know I did a lord of the rings version but I couldn't resist doing one with the Naruto cast-

Itachi- She does not own Naruto or Pocahontas

-Nope, on with the story-

Chapter 1- Setting Sail

A large majestic ship stood proudly in the docks of Amegakure, families, friends and loved ones were gathered to say their goodbyes to the brave soldiers about to sail off to the new world.

Not long after they set sail a rough storm had hit, every man was running about tying things down or pumping water off the ship, the youngest Sasori had been tying down a cannon when a wave suddenly crashed against the side knocking the poor boy into the ocean, Itachi seeing this immediately dived in after him.

As he resurfaced with Sasori, Kakazu quickly threw a rope to them and hauled them back onboard.

'Thank you Itachi' said Sasori after he had coughed up a good deal of water, Itachi smiled and nodded to the young recruit. After a rough night and many seasick sailors the sky had cleared and land was just visible in the distance.

- It's short but it was the only way I could do it, Review-