Episode One! Class F and Class A and the Summoning System (again~ =,=)

Kurea-chan: A fanfic inspired (?) or based on the Volume 10.5: Me and the Future and the Summoned beasts! from the Light Novel.

Disclaimer! I do not own Baka to Test... yada yada yada...

Fumizuki Gakuen, a school known for its summoning beasts system. And a school of which we all knew, that has an unequal society. Why so? Well, it's pretty obvious. Starting from the facilities

Albeit Class F, a very lowly section, there resides the special students.

Akihisa Yoshii, the punishment inspector. Whose shoukanjuu has different abilities than those of normal shoukanjuus.

The child prodigy, Yuuji Sakamoto

Minami Shimada, whose maths is as well as those in B Class. Though she fails in other subjects because she was raised abroad.

Mizuki Himeji, a supposedly Class A student but flunked the placement test

Kouta Tsuchiya, the known Silent Ninja Pervert and is the undefeated (A/N: though in the LN, he lost on Seijou Gakuen's, Amano Touko... But for me... It doesn't count! He nosebleed on the flipped skirt! I won't accept that defeat!) when it comes to Health Education that he even surpassed the said subject's teacher.

Hideyoshi Kinoshita, well, does being a girl looking-boy counts? He is a member of the drama club and is good in mimicry of voices

These students are the apple of the eye of some known students from the Highest Class, A Class; namely,

Shouko Kirishima, the said class' representative and is Yuuji's childhood friend and self-proclaimed wife of him

Toshimitsu Kubo, as much as I don't want to put him here, he still counts =,= The second honor of the second year and is having a liking on Akihisa

Aiko Kudou, the said rival of Kouta when it comes to Health Education, and is almost as perverted as him in some ways. She likes to tease Akihisa and Kouta. Obviously, she has her eyes set on Kouta

At some times, the principal calls to this class for help in testing out the new trial summoning system. Like the one which made shoukanjuus talk and the other one which made them look like Halloween Party Attendees.

So, yeah, phew! What a narration. On to the first episode, Class F- it's in the chapter title, kono baka!

Monday, start of school week.

Class F. Dismissal time.

"We used the summoned beasts to make a simple simulation of the summoner's future. So before all of you leave. I would like these students to stay;" the principal stated

"Yoshii" he laid his head on the low table and sighed, knowing he would always need to remain

"Sakamoto" in his usual calm demeanor, he just sat there looking at the window

"Hideyoshi, Tsuchiya, Himeji and Shimada" no reaction. For they may already knew that they will be called.

"Some A Class students might go with you, they seem interested in the new trial of the Summoning system" the principal said which made Yuuji and Kouta pay attention to her, wondering if the girls that seem attached to them will be there. Yuuji had a scared face on imagining if this trial will turn out like the one that had his shoukanjuu blurt out his inside feeling and perverse. And as for Kouta, he just had a poker face on.

"That's all. I'm going to set up a field surrounding the school" the principal said raising her hand and a field appeared and as that happened she left the room, followed by the A Class students entering

"Shouko! Ah! I knew it!" Yuuji said as he hit his head on the nearby wall

"Hello there, muttsulini-kun~! *giggles*" Aiko said tapping his shoulder which made him look, twitch his eyes and mumble her name again "Kudou Aiko!"

"Who's gonna start anyway?" Akihisa asked

"Muttsurini-kun... You go start!" Aiko told him but he resisted

"... why don't you go first anyway? Ladies first!"

"I believe in equal treatment so you first!"

"...Janken! (Rock-paper-scissors)"


""Janken!"" they said altogether and here are the results

Aiko- rock

Kouta- scissors

"Yay! I win! Hahaha! Now summon your shoukanjuu!"

"... tch, too despicable. Summon!" then a similar geometric pattern appeared on the floor, but wait, it's not just one! There's two of it! Because Aiko said 'SUMMON your shoukanjuu' her future self appeared to, alongside Kouta's. His summon still looks like himself just a bit taller. Aiko's summon still looks as energetic as she was, though she looks more feminine now and her hair was shoulder length now.

"What the?!" was all Aiko could say

"... you're too naive, Kudou Aiko"

"Damn it!"

"Aww, so this is how we were when we were in high school huh? Muttsurini-kun?" the older Aiko told the future Kouta and she clinged to his arm which he just shoved her off

The Aiko in the present time blushed as she saw the future Kouta, he looked so mature now but for her, he is still cute in that suit he wore with blue necktie.

"They're so sweet!" Minami and Mizuki exclaimed as their eyes were sparkling

"So future muttsurini, is there anything between you and the future Kudou-san?" Hideyoshi calmly asked the taller boy in front of him

"...w, what?! N, no, this naive girl hasn't changed so much ever since" the future Kouta glared at the future Aiko who is swaying playfully and giggled

"... So, Aiko, what do this future you tells you?" Shouko asks, referring to what job she will have on the future

"Let's see, a white coat, clip board, and hey! Is that a stethoscope?" Aiko pointed to the stethoscope around her future self

"I am a doctor" her future simply said

"... a... female doctor? You! How long are you going to mess with me!?" Kouta faced Aiko and pointed to her face while he had a small glint of blush on his face


"Anyway, Tsuchiya-ku... I mean, Tsuchiya-san, what are you in the future?" Himeji politely asked

And here comes the saying, truth hurts! Hahahaha! Good luck Muttsurini-kun

"... I am a reporter" the future Kouta said

"... Say what!?"

"... Want me to repeat it again?"

"... why did you gave up our dream!?"

"... If your talking about being a nude cameraman, it's not dream, it's your desire"

"... whatever!"

"Say, isn't this the perfect job for you, muttsurini?" Yuuji asked

"... no it's not!"

"Yeah muttsurini-kun, you have great information gathering skills, and other more makes you perfect to be a news reporter" Aiko said who was sitting on the floor beside her future self.

And chattering filled the room. Unknown to them

"Sensei! There's an error on the summoning system!"

"What!? What kind of error!"

"We don't know yet, the screens keep flashing 'warning'!"

Back at the classroom...

While they were all asking or just talking to the future Kouta and Aiko, a spark was seen from somewhere

"What was that?!" Akihisa said alarmed

"Students, please go out of the school immediately, there's an unknown error on the system" a voice was heard from the speaker, but before they could make haste, there was another electric spark but this time it was on the floor which electrocuted them and they collapsed on the floor. Before they knew it the summoning field was about to disappear, along with the students currently inside it.

Black Out.

"Un... I feel dizzy" Minami said with her hand over her forehead

"Ee, where are we?" Aiko asked getting up, Kouta was on her lap, still unconscious, which made her blush

"This room still looks like Class F" Himeji said looking around

"... Yuuji" Shouko said looking for Yuuji who was beside her, not yet gaining consciousness

"Are we sleeping that long enough and we were still here 'til night?" Hideyoshi asked

"Hey, guys, don't you want to take a look at this?" Akihisa said while looking at the window

"Isn't that? Tsuchiya-kun?" Himeji asked pointing to the boy outside

"And Kudou-san?" Minami continued

"O, oi! Don't talk things about us since I can't stand here!" Aiko said in a soft voice, she don't want to wake Kouta who was sleeping soundly on her lap

"Maybe we're not in our timeline now" Yuuji who was still laying down on the floor with his eyes closed

"... we're in the future now." Shouko added

""WHAT!?"" all of them shouted which made Kouta wake up

"... what the~~!?"

"We're in the future, Muttsurini-kun, just so you know" Aiko told him who was looking to her left to hide her blush


"... who's there?" a voice was heard on the outside of the room which made them all remain quiet

Kurea-chan: So, yeah :P Chapter One finished, tell me what you guys think about it. Kikiki! Reviews are welcomed and add to favorites are most appreciated... Until next time.