Hey this is kbunny10 with the first chapter of a new story called…well seeing as this is kind of a draft I'm having other people read I was thinking we could call the story Beta but if you have a better idea tell me please. :3 In the beginning it's a little shaky because I didn't know how to start the chapter and everytime I would try to work on that part my parents and my dog would choose to make any and all noises possible about 20 times louder than they needed to be. Anyways on with the show.

Disclaimer: Neither I, nor the rest of The-Team-Titans-Writers, own or claim to own the Teen Titans…which is actually very sad. :(

It was a normal pleasant day in Jump City, if you know you count high stress due to higher levels of crime around the city as pleasant. Yes for some unknown reason the amount of crime in the city had risen, taking a toll on the city's favorite protectors the Teen Titans.

Currently Raven stood in the kitchen making herself some tea while Beast Boy rested at the kitchen table. On today in particular Cinderblock, Overload, and Plasmus had all launched three simultaneous attacks on different parts of the city. Raven and Beast Boy had taken on Overload and were the only two members who had returned to the tower so far.

Suddenly the doors to the ops room slid open and two more titans entered the room, none other than Cyborg and Nix. Cyborg was doing some work on the laser in his left arm while Nix walked up to Raven and the tea kettle. "Is it okay if I have some tea too? Rough day and all." Raven nodded, taking a note of the ends of Nix's hair being singed. "There was a…little misfire when Cyborg was aiming for Cinderblock.

Raven nodded, "I can tell."

"Anyone else back yet?" Cyborg asked, taking a moment to look up from his work.

"Nope, just us." Beast Boy said, lazily lifting his head from the table. "I'm sure Robin and Star will be back soon though, I mean they're only fighting Plasmus."

As if on cue the last two remaining titans entered the ops room, still covered in some of Plasmus' goo. Starfire was muttering some words in Tamaranian as she tried to get some of the goo out of her hair.

"Guys I think we might need to talk about the recent rise in criminal activity around here." Were the first words out of Robin's mouth.

"Dude, you think? We can't keep doing this! There are just too many villains for the six of us to handle on our own, and we can't keep splitting up to take care of them." Beast Boy proclaimed as he let his head fall back down onto the table.

"Beast Boy has a point, we have to do something about this, something that doesn't involve splitting us into smaller groups, we were able to handle it this time, but who knows what could happen next time." Raven said.

"Well what are we supposed to do? It's not like we can just call the Titans East in like we did when we were gathering heroes to take on the Brotherhood of Evil, they have their own city to watch." Cyborg said.

"Why not just get a Beta?" Nix spoke up. "Just an extra group of heroes, they could live in the tower here and help us take care of the city."

"That's easier said than done Nix, it's not like we really have time to go looking for more heroes." Robin reasoned.

"Well then, why don't you guys keep watch over the city and I'll go looking for some possible Beta Team members? I mean you guys did fine without me for five years, I'm sure you can handle a couple weeks or a month or so without me."

The others all looked at each other before Robin finally spoke up, "Would you really be okay with doing that?"

"Of course, just give me some time to pack and I can go look for some possible beta team members…where would I go looking for those exactly?"

"Friend Nix has a point, Robin how did we find the heroes we recruited during the Brotherhood of Evil incident?" Starfire asked.

Robin thought for a second, "Nix you go pack, while you do that I'll research possible recruits."

Nix nodded before leaving the ops room.

"Alright Nix, I've done some research, and this list contains the names, powers, and locations of five possible beta team recruits. Look it over before you go." Robin said as he handed the list over to the brunette.

"Rachel Morgan, Apollo aka Ziggy, a girl named Silver, Zane Ricardo Rodriguez Moralles de Calle Moreno Garcia-Whoa that is a mouthful, I'm gonna call him Zane Garcia, and Amber Misty Ramen…their names have a lot of character…I like em." Nix said as she smiled down on the sheet. "Well, I guess I'll be off then." Nix said as she threw the small back pack she had packed over her shoulder.

"How're you gonna travel now?" Robin asked as he watched Nix head for the door of the ops room.

"Water, how else? …Don't worry if I'm gonna drown I'll call Aqualad but I think I can handle our shared element." Nix smiled sarcastically as she headed out the door. "I'll be back in a few weeks, don't burn anything down while I'm gone. And don't let Beast Boy anywhere near my room." The ops room doors shut behind her, and like that she was gone, off on her adventure for some new recruits, hopefully it'd go well.

Yeah sorry that's the best I could manage, I was having some huge writers block problems and yeah I'm really sorry. ^^; I wanted to put in a sentence saying who she was gonna go look for first but I wasn't sure who was writing the next chapter so I wasn't sure who to put down. I do like everyone's oc's just so we're aware, my cousin said it sounded like I was making fun of them or something when I wrote down their names but I swear I wasn't I think they're all super awesome! X3 sorry it took so long to write the first chapter btw I just have really bad luck. Anyways tell me what you guys think. :3