Legendary Tamer 1: Rise of Darkness

By Black Knightmon

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, never have, never will.


The grass was green all around, tall trees and beautiful flowers were everywhere. It was a great place, quiet, and yet full of life. He loved coming here when he had the time, it was so relaxing, especially for him. He was in fights and threats for almost all of his existence, sometimes it seemed it was his whole life. But here, away from everything, he could pretend, just for a little while, that nothing bad ever happened. Here he could let his guard down, as nothing ever came here.

"Hello little one," the old man said, startling the blue lizard from his thoughts. Slowly, as not to show his uneasiness at not noticing the sudden arrival, he turned his head to the voice. " The name's V-mon, 'old one' ," the V-mon quipped, turning his head away to its original position. He sighed, knowing this wasn't a social call the old one was giving him. It probably meant he had another mission for the Victory Dragon. And here I thought I could finally take a vacation. Everything has been very quiet since the last big incident. Whatever was wrong now can't be as serious as that. " The reason I'm here," the old man said," is because there is work to be done."

" No kidding," V-mon said dryly, " when is it ever not about work. So what is it this time, I'm on vacation you know. Can't you find someone else to do it."

" No," the old man said sadly," I'm afraid there isn't anyone else."

Curious as to why his old friend was suddenly so sad, something he never seemed to be before, V-mon stood up and turned around. " What's wrong Gennai? " V-mon asked, then smirked to lighten the mood, " did you got dumped or something and now you want me to teach the guy a lesson for breaking your heart?"

He just couldn't resist making a joke, knowing they always made him laugh. He didn't joke often but when he did they were usually funny, or so he thought. But the look Gennai gave him was devoid of the usual cheerful spark that never left the old guys eyes. It was then that V-mon realized the situation might really be bad, like the Diablomon incident.

" Gennai? What's wrong?" he asked with concern.

" Something evil, very evil, is forming in digiworld. Something incredibly horrible and incredibly powerful, maybe even more powerful than the Harmonious Ones."

V-mon couldn't help but gasp, how could anything be stronger than the Digital Gods themselves. Not even Diablomon had that much power. " H-how is that possible. What the hell is this thing?" V-mon asked.

" We are not sure," Gennai confessed," but we believe it has to do with an ancient prophesy concerning the complete destruction of all we hold dear."

V-mon never cared to much about prophesies, most of them were probably a lot of crap and could apply to almost any situation. Still, his work for the Harmonious Ones had made it necessary to study at least the "Apocalypse" prophesies. And one of these prophesies suddenly came to him.

" You don't mean." he said, trailing off.

" Yes, this might be the one, and if we don't stop it will be the end of us all."

" But Gennai," V-mon said, " even I can't beat something like that. Why not call for the chosen, this is just up their alley."

Gennai sighed, making V-mon realize they had already tried that and that it didn't work. " What happened?" He asked gravely, already dreading the answer.

Gennai didn't answer immediately," the signals seemed to bounce back, that's why we think this is about the Dark One." " We can't contact the chosen, so we are on our own," V-mon added. At this Gennai seemed to smile for a moment, making V-mon very suspicious. How could anyone smile in a time like this?

" Not exactly," Gennai continued," for while we can't contact the Odaiba Chosen we detected two other signals, not sent by us, getting through. That's why I came to you, V-mon. If the signals do reach Earth, then two inexperienced chosen will come here. They have no idea what they are up against. Your mission is to find the chosen and guide them. Go know, I'll contact you later when you find them."

"Yes Gennai, I'm on it," V-mon said, already feeling where he needed to go. That was why he was the best, he always knew were to go. Turning around quickly he started running of towards the horizon, Gennai watched him go, before leaving as well. There was still a lot of work to be done and evil doesn't rest.

Authors Notes: Well here it is, the prologue for Legendary Tamer. I hope you like it so far. Next chapter will feature the two new chosen and will give a hint about who the enemy is.