Just Jack thinking...
The wind blew leaves across the lake. In the middle of it was a boy. Don't be fooled, he may look like a teenager, but he's actually centuries old.
It was nighttime. The most peaceful night he ever had.
Jack scanned the starry sky and smiled.
It was amazing how much his life could change in a span of three days. First, he met the "Big Four", the ones he heard so much about, the ones he admired, the ones who protected the children of the world.
Then Manny chose him to work with them.
Could you believe it? Out of all the spirits across the globe, the Man in the Moon chose him, Jack Frost, the mischievous spirit with absolutely no sense of responsibility.
He even got his memories from before he became immortal. And after the battle with Pitch, the guardians welcomed him into the team.
He remembered feeling his heart beat rapidly in his ears when Jamie hugged him and when all the children looked at him- not through him.
That was the best day ever. Ever.
He looked up at the moon.
"Thanks," he whispered, before closing his eyes and falling fast asleep.
Unknown to him, the moon glowed brighter, as if smiling from above.
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