An attempt at the 100 Themes challenge at deviantart. Variation 1 if y'all are curious. This will be Tatsugarde through and through, OgaXHilda for the uninitiated. Not always romantic, but I try.

Title: GPS
Universe: Beelzebub
Theme/Topic: 72) Mischief Managed
Rating: K+ for language
Character/Pairing/s: Oga, Hilda, Yolda and Alain Delon. Beel mentioned in passing.
Spoilers/Warnings: Yolda's relationship with Hilda.
Summary: On rare days of the week, cartography counts as one of Hilda's greatest skills.

"You take the first right, then the third left, walk straight till you see a garden then take another right and it will be the fifteenth door after the suit of armour of the great Baknamy on your right." Hilda calmly directs a fidgety Oga, not even bothering to look up from the book she is perusing.

"Damn you woman!" he shouts. "Isn't there anything closer?"

"Toilets are not a necessity in the Demon World. His Highness had a couple made especially for your arrival." She informs him imperiously. "It is entirely your fault for consuming too much water."

"The food was fucking spicy!" he roars even as he hops from one foot to another in a deranged rendition of the Pee-Pee Dance. "Draw me a map!"

Hilda does so with great care, labelling everything that is necessary and everything that is not and adding artistic squiggles here and there for good measure, and watches him charge down the corridors at breakneck speed with a disinterested gaze. Too bad the Young Master is spending quality time with his father. He would have enjoyed seeing this.

"Not bad." Yolda observes, stepping in the room without bothering to knock. "Though I must deduct points for the map." Hilda takes great care to ignore her.

Alain Delon looks askance at the two sisters. "Hilda-dono! Couldn't you have told him about the one next door?"