A.N: For Jo, because she's amazing and wonderful and she got me hooked on Andrea Gibson and Romione's her OTP. Surprise! This is for you, love!

Thanks to Olivia for looking this over for me. In her words: "It's a freeverse, though... How do I correct a freeverse. It's free."

"I decided how I wanted to live, what I wanted to give."

C. R. A. C. K.

the noise echoes in your ears.

No turning back

not now.






and you can't return.

. . .

What if they've l-e-f-t?

What if they're not where you






What if they get caught?

What if you never (see) them again?

What ifs?


around in your head.

maybe you will...

maybe not...

. . .




You can't escape

the whispers

. . .

and you don't know that you want to.


"what's got you so down?"

"what's made you so blue?"


bill ?questions? you

d. a. i. l. y.

But you can't hide what you did

from him forever.

"I... left..."

you spit out.

. . .

no returning...

the voice inside your head h-a-u-n-t-s you

no crawling back to them...

never again, Ron...

they don't want you there...

you've made your choice...

you've decided what you wanted...

they're happier without you...

. . .

(sometimes, you feel like the l. o. c. k. e. t. is still around your neck)

(like you can't ever remove it)

. . .

You've messed up.

You've chosen your path.

You've tried to stop thinking about them,

but your attempts have been futile.

But what are you gonna do about it now, Weasley?

. . .

I just want to go back!

I just want to go back!

I just want to go bloody back!

. . .


comes and goes.

And you keep thinking about Hermione

all day

every day

Because life without Hermione

isn't life.

(the only reason you have to still hope)

(is that you haven't heard any bad news about them)

[... yet]

. . .

The whistles through the trees

as you stare out the window.






but you could've sworn you heard her say your name.

[from your pocket?]

you pull out your d*e*l*u*m*i*n*a*t*o*r








you know this feels right.

because you can feel Hermione.

she's close, you know it.

A.N: Written for:

Camp Potter Day Two—Arts and Crafts (freeverse) using the prompts Maybe, maybe not; blue; and wind.

Andrea Gibson Appreciation Competition, using the quote: "I decided how I wanted to live, what I wanted to give."

Reviews are greatly appreciated!