AN's: I can't get enough of writing these two! This fic is brought to you by the JaimexBrienne one sentence prompt fic challenge on tumblr. Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: George R. R. Martin owns them.


Dancing used to make her feel awkward and 100-feet-tall; now, with Jaime's hand on her back and his chin on her shoulder, she feels almost graceful.


On his knees in front of Stoneheart, Jaime only half-listens to his list of crimes as he seeks out Brienne's blue eyes and hopes the things he did for love were enough to save his soul.

Unresolved Sexual Tension

The bed is small and they can't help brushing each other in the night, nor can they help the dreams that find them hard and wet and unsatisfied in the morning.


At the Sept of Baelor, King Rhaegar stands beside Jaime as his not-so-blushing bride is escorted down the aisle, her blue eyes shining.


He laughs along with the others when she shows up for practice, but by the end of the day they are on the field alone, saying nothing as they toss the football back and forth.


She finds him alone and silent and goes to sit beside him, placing her steady hand over his, which is trembling and still clutching the letter bearing the news of Cersei's death.

First Time

Brienne moves to put the candle out, but Jaime stops her with a look as he lifts her tunic over her head.


She trips on a rock while sparring, and while he could take advantage he drops his sword and offers her his good hand.


He grips her hips while she rides him and he revels in the way her head lulls back, calling his name with a breathy moan.


"Goodbye, Ser Jaime," Brienne whispers, tears streaming down her cheeks as she bows her head over the stone marked Kingslayer.