Blaine rolled his suitcase down the sidewalk, he couldn't quite believe his eyes, he was in New York! actual New York City! If he wasn't on a street filled with people he might have actually done a little celebratory dance.

Kurt had offered to let him crash with him, Santana and Rachel for a bit whilst he got himself sorted with NYADA and a place to stay, for which he was very grateful for. He just wished that they were sharing an apartment permanently and not just as a friend helping out another friend. Blaine sighed at the thought, but hey, he'd take whatever he could get from Kurt right now.

As he approached the Bushwick apartment building that was going to be home for a little bit at least his heart started to speed up in his chest. He made his way slowly up the stairs, and much too quickly for Blaine's liking he was knocking on the sliding apartment door. There was shuffling sounds and a muffled "coming!" Before the door slid open and there stood Kurt, his breath caught slightly at the sight, of course he was still in love with him and Kurt had honestly never looked so hot, he'd quite clearly been working out.

Blaine recovered quickly however when he had an armful of Kurt, engulfing him in a massive hug. He heard a whispered "I missed you" in his ear but could only nod, too caught up in the moment to reply out loud.

They pulled apart and Kurt led him further into the apartment.

"Just dump your stuff in my room for the moment Blaine, there is no where else really for it to go. Hope its OK for you to have the couch we don't really have any spare beds, unless you wanna share with one of us!"

Blaine tried not to look too excited at that prospect, not wanting to scare Kurt off before he'd even really begun and instead just thanked Kurt for his generosity and made his way through to Kurt's room.

Kurt's room was exactly as he remembered, a nice big bed and a dresser and mirror off to the side. What hit him most though was the smell, it was the smell of home, and he wanted nothing more than to bury his head in Kurt's pillow just to breathe him in, he knew that would be too creepy for words so refrained and made his way back to the living room instead.

Kurt was stood awkwardly by the couch as Blaine came back into the room. "c'mere!" Blaine said as he came back in pulling Kurt down with him onto the couch "Tell me what's been going on with you since I last saw you back in Ohio?" Kurt proceeded to tell Blaine all about NYADA, Santana and Rachel's apartment antics. Blaine realised Kurt hadn't mentioned Adam at all, he felt hope swell in his chest at this fact. He was mentally debating whether to ask about him when the words seem to come tumbling out of his mouth anyway.

"So, where's Adam?" Kurt looked momentarily wary of the question, before responding "He and I, well we were never going to work out were we?" Blaine raised his eyebrow in Kurt's direction, but when Kurt didn't expand, he didn't push him.

"So, film?" Blaine smiled at Kurt's attempt to change the subject. Blaine just nodded and watched as Kurt bent down to pick a film. Blaine couldn't help but admire him as he did so, remembering exactly what that ass looked like completely naked and being pounded into. He quickly averted his eyes as Kurt turned back around, making sure not to look too suspicious and desperate.

Blaine would never be able to tell you what film they watched that afternoon, he was too busy trying to not look like he was watching Kurt's profile whilst watching it as much as he could. Eventually the film ended and Kurt got up from the couch, Blaine made a small noise of protest at losing his cuddle buddy, but Kurt just chuckled and offered Blaine his hand pulling him up with him.

As Blaine righted himself, he noticed just how closely him and Kurt were standing, he desperately wanted to lean forward and seal his lips onto those of his former lover, his eyes flickering from Kurt's eyes to his lips. He noticed that Kurt seemed to be having the exact same dilemma. Just as Kurt was starting to lean in, and Blaine's heart was threatening to leap right out of his chest, the apartment door slid open noisily.

Kurt jumped back from Blaine as though he had been scolded and looked round to see an oblivious Rachel swan into the apartment busy chatting on her phone to probably her latest boyfriend. Blaine sighed loudly at the sight and looked at Kurt who looked apologetically back at him.

Kurt walked over to the kitchen area, mumbling something about preparing dinner, Blaine excused himself to the bathroom. He had a very big problem right now, and being in a small kitchen with Kurt was not going to make the problem go away. He locked the bathroom door securely behind him and proceeded to splash cold water on his face, thinking of anything but Kurt. Rachel naked usually worked, and sure enough within a couple of minutes he was ready to face the world again.

He re-entered the apartment, and watched as Rachel and Kurt chatted animatedly to each other about their days, he just stood on the sidelines watching the boy he was in love with talk with his best friend, so much light in his eyes. Rachel was the first to notice Blaine standing there and squealed at him, running to give him a massive hug, Blaine picked her up slightly, hugging her back with as much enthusiasm.

"It's so good to see you again Blaine! I missed you! I can't believe you're in New York!"

"Me either, Rach, it's great to see you too, I can't wait to hear all your stories about NYADA and the city!" Rachel grinned at Blaine nodding her head in agreement. They all started to make the dinner, working well together. Blaine smiled widely, loving the fact that they all fit so easily together, like their own, very dysfunctional, family.

Once dinner was ready, Blaine, Kurt and Rachel sat around the table, chatting like old times. Blaine kept staring at Kurt throughout the meal, looking away whenever Kurt caught him staring. They cleared up after dinner, and all snuggled up on the sofa to watch another film. Kurt sat in the middle of Blaine and Rachel, Rachel snuggled into Kurt's chest and Blaine with his head on Kurt's shoulder. Blaine had never been more comfortable, just enjoying being so close to Kurt again.

Rachel excused herself and retreated behind her curtain to her bed, leaving Kurt and Blaine curled up on the sofa. Santana wasn't due back until later that night due to her shift at the bar. Kurt turned towards Blaine, looking him straight into the eyes.

"Blaine, we need to talk" Blaine hated those 4 words more than anything right now, after how well the evening was going, he knew it was going to take a nosedive now. He nodded wordlessly at Kurt, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm still in love with you, and although you hurt me more than anything, I can't live without you. Everyday I just want things to go back to the way that were, but I knew that with you being back in Ohio, that would never happen." Blaine literally couldn't believe his ears, he looked at Kurt, eyes wide and mouth open, hoping more than anything he was hearing everything correctly.

"So, Blaine, if you'll have me, I want to give 'us' another shot, for you to move in here properly, share my bed with me, and most importantly share my life with me" At the end of Kurt's speech Blaine's eyes were shining with unshed tears, he couldn't form any words he was totally overcome with emotion.

So instead of replying verbally, he decided to reply physically, surging forward to kiss Kurt with as much passion as he could muster. Kurt immediately started kissing back, wrapping his arms around Blaine's shoulders, tugging softly on the hairs that had escaped the helmet of gel.

"Kurt, please, bedroom now!" Kurt nodded, keeping his lips close to Blaine's, looking deep into his eyes. He moved them slowly into the comfort of his bedroom. He stopped Blaine just before his knees hit the bed. "We're going to have to be completely quiet, Rachel is just the other side of that curtain, and Santana will be home any minute, think you can manage that for me baby?" Blaine gave a breathy moan in response and started peeling Kurt's t-shirt off over his head, kissing every inch of the newly exposed skin. He sat down on Kurt's bed, reaching forward to pull Kurt towards him by his belt loops.

Kurt was making the most amazing sounds, all breathy and quiet, Blaine loved the challenge of making Kurt break his silence. He pulled his own shirt over his head, and grabbed Kurt's hips guiding him to lie down on the bed next to him. The started off kissing slowly, just enjoying the feel and taste of each others mouths, a taste that neither of them could ever get enough of.

As things started to heat up Blaine started to tug on Kurt's belt, unbuckling it expertly, Kurt leaned up to allow Blaine to slowly slip his pants down, along with his tight briefs. Blaine took a moment to fully appreciate the sight of Kurt, finally naked in a bed with him again, he really was the luckiest son of a bitch alive right now.

Kurt made quick work of Blaine's skin tight jeans and briefs. Blaine had to muffle his moans more than once in a pillow on Kurt's bed. Kurt kissed all the way down Blaine's chest, once he reached Blaine's cock, he ran his tongue slowly round the tip, collecting all the pre-come, Blaine became a hot mess, writhing on the bed, never feeling pleasure quite like it. Kurt took the head of Blaine's cock into his mouth, sucking lightly. Blaine really was in heaven now. It was then that he heard Rachel cough and realised just how close she was to them, reminding him just how quiet he needed to be, although if anything that just turned him on more, so shoot him, he had a slight exhibitionist kink!

Blaine felt Kurt release his cock with a soft pop and lean over the top of Blaine to his bedside table. He saw him grab a small bottle, returning to lay back beside Blaine. Blaine begged Kurt with his eyes, he wanted nothing more than to feel Kurt inside him.

Kurt seemed to get the hint and slowly lubed his fingers up, warming the liquid slightly. He lowered his hand to Blaine's entrance. Blaine was trying so hard not to make a sound, but it was so difficult with Kurt's fingers just there. Blaine felt Kurt's finger slowly breach his entrance, he was so turned on though, he couldn't wait any longer and moved his ass down to meet Kurt's fingers. Kurt made a sound of surprise but complied, starting to slowly thrust his finger in and out of Blaine.

Before Blaine knew it, he had three of Kurt's fingers pumping in and out of him. His whole body felt like it was on fire. "Kurt, please!" Kurt nodded and removed his fingers. He heard Kurt rather than saw him lubing his cock up, hissing as the cold liquid hit his sensitive cock.

"Hands and knees baby" Blaine could only nod at this point, it was like he had forgotten how to speak. Blaine rolled over bracing himself on his hands and knees as requested. Kurt wasted no time in slipping into Blaine's entrance. Blaine leant forward groaning into the pillow near his head.

Blaine felt Kurt still once he had pushed himself all the way in. He hadn't waited all this time for soft sweet sex though, he wanted it hard and fast. He moved his hips back, impaling Kurt further on his cock. He heard Kurt stifle a moan by biting his lip. He started to build up a steady rhythm. Blaine knew he wasn't going to last long, and by the sounds of it, neither was Kurt. They had both quite clearly forgotten that the only sound proofing they had was a flimsy curtain. By now they were both moaning loudly, loving the feeling of finally being together again.

Blaine bent his head back, and Kurt grabbed Blaine by the back of his hair, pounding furiously into him, rhythm completely forgotten. Blaine felt the familiar pooling in his lower abdomen, and without being able to give Kurt any warning he was coming with a scream all over the covers below him. Kurt gave one, two, three more thrusts until he too was coming, shooting his load deep into Blaine.

Kurt collapsed on top of Blaine sweating profusely. Blaine rolled out from under Kurt, Kurt rolled to lie down next to him. "Well, I'm hoping that means a yes to us trying again" Blaine just laughed and kissed Kurt soundly.

"You know boys, if you wanted the apartment to yourselves, you could have just said, that curtain isn't half as soundproof as you think it is!"


Both boys hid their faces in the pillows of Kurt's bed, laughing maniacally, before finally drifting off to sleep in each others arms.

If I get enough reviews I might just do a second part to this, with an empty apartment ;)