
crash and burn
we're just two people lost in the world.

She stands outside the Emergency Department, hair blowing in the wind, sucking on a cigarette. It's a disgusting habit, one that she took up when she was fourteen and briefly broke at twenty when she got pregnant with Tianna.

She hadn't a clue why after all this time, she's ended up here. In Holby, trying to track down her husband. Maybe it's because when she was handed those divorce papers she realised she didn't want to give up the fight, she needed him. Tianna needed him too.

Her daughter's sat in the pushchair, Shona the doll on her lap, "Are we seeing daddy?" She exclaims excitedly and Keira nods. Yes they're seeing Tom, they've got too, there's too much to sort out. Her daughter squeels happily and she can't help but smile.

She stubs the cigarette out on the wall, the cigarette half-smoked and places it back in her packet of Sterling cigarettes. She places them back in her handbag and smoothes down her hair, the ends becoming mattered. She sighs and runs a brush through her hair for a second.

She glances around, takes the brakes off the pushchair and begins to walk into the hospital. She walks towards the large reception desk which is manned by a woman and a man. She waits in line, her heart beating furiously.

"Mummy?" She bends down when her daughter calls her, "Yes sweetheart?"

"Do you think Daddy remembers me?"

"Of course," she presses her lips against her daughter's forehead and stands up; "Daddy will still remember us."

The man in line moves out of the way and it's her turn to speak to the receptionist. The woman doesn't even make eye contact as she asks how she can help. Keira's silent for a moment, she isn't sure how to come about it.

"Would it be possible to speak to Tom Kent, please?"

Louise looks up, making eye contact with the woman. She's only young, mid twenties, bright red hair and piercings. She wonders why such a person would want to talk to Tom, "Who should I say is asking to speak to him?"

There's another pause, "His wife and daughter."

She notices the reaction between the woman and the man. They both seem to make eye contact and break apart straight away. She wonders if he hadn't mentioned he was married, why would he though? Until today they'd agreed to divorce, their marriage no longer "working".

"I'll see if I can find him," She begins and gestures over at the waiting room. Keira pushes the pram over to a free seat and sits down. Tianna looks at her mummy and laughs; "It smells funny in here doesn't it?"

"It's called disinfectant and it makes all the nasty bugs go away."

"Disinfectant? that's a big word mummy." She nods. She glances around the hospital, wondering if it was a good idea to come here. It had been over a year since they agreed their marriage was simply over, a year and now she turns up out of the blue.

"Keira?" She brings her eyes up, staring at her husband. She smiles, "Hello Tom."

Tianna jumps out of the pram and clutches her daddy's leg; "Daddy! You didn't forget me!" She exclaims. He picks her up, his daughter and hugs her tightly. He kisses her forehead and answers back;

"Of course daddy didn't forget you," He smiles and looks at Keira, "What do you want?"

"We need to talk," she begins, "I can't do it Tom, I can't go through with the divorce."

He nods and glances around, hoping the coast is clear. He puts Tianna down on the floor and looks at his watch. He knows he can't discuss it here, at work and tells Keira that he has a break in ten minutes and that they'd talk then.

She nods, that's something but she can't help but question the way Tom's acting, like he's got something to hide. In the pit of Keira's stomach, there's a sinking feeling and a doubt. It would not surprise her if he had another family tucked up here.

jottings / if you like it enough to favourite/alert, please leave a review:3 PS. been away from the casualty fandom for far too long.