
"Should I?" Sting asked

Chapter 15

No one's POV

Lucy laying there in Sting's arms losing blood and Sting holding own to her telling her she was going to be alright. They had to wait for Erza to come back. Wendy couldn't heel a wound this bad so everyone was there trying to help her in one way or another. Lisanna who had said the only thing that could have saved her in time was shaking her head in disbelief.

Lucy and Sting were staring into each other's eyes debating on whether or not they should seal the deal between their love. Sting was debating whether or not to mark Lucy. Lucy was debating if she really was ready to be with him. The answer though should be clear. Lucy just saved Sting's life and Sting's been there for Lucy this whole time, plus they kissed. Their first kiss together and both found it magical.

"Sting…" Lucy said "Do you really love me?"

When Lucy spoke though it couldn't be heard, Sting bowed his head so no one could see his eyes except Lucy. Lucy saw love in them and caring, things she never thought he had and that made her happy. Sting looked at Lucy and smiled a real smile, rather than a smirk and they stayed like that.

"I love you" Sting said "But do you really love me?"

Lucy thought about this for a while. She was still looking at Sting but her mind was elsewhere. Sting was getting afraid of her answer but he didn't care, all he wanted was for her not to die.

Then someone stepped into the apartment through the window. It was Rouge. He had gotten tired of hearing his two closest family talk such stupidity and just wanted them to make up already. He didn't want to lose a sister and he didn't know what would happen to Sting if Lucy was to die. He had to do something.

"The question isn't Do you really love me" Rouge said "It's can you live without me"

"Oh" Levy said "Like the saying: You never realize how much you love something until it's gone"

"Or" Mira said "If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you then it was yours all along"

They were all turning to Lucy and Sting now trying to get them to make up their minds. Everyone just wanted to save Lucy's life and they had no time for the two to be arguing or debating or whatever on whether or not to be marked (Lucy) or to mark (Sting).

Can I live without her? I mean I came all the way over here to tell her I love her. I can't wait for her to die then realize that I love her, I have to make that decision up now. I did let her go but I came back to her not she came back to me. Sting thought

Can I live without him? If I do live. I mean I missed him last night, a lot. I didn't want to say goodbye…is that love. I let him go either way and he came back to me. Does that mean his mine and I'm his? My life is on the line here…should I just let him mark me JUST to save my life or do I love him. Lucy thought

They had both already said they love each other, to themselves all the time but when it comes to telling each other they both seem to change their minds. Rouge thought

Doesn't it prove it! Doesn't this situation prove their love? Lucy jumps in to save Sting and Sting comes in through the window to stop Lucy from doing something stupid JUST for him. So does that not prove their love? Lisanna thought

Lisanna had been quite the whole time. She's the one who thought about the marking but now it was taking longer for Lucy to get better. She was about to lose her cool. She could tell they both adored each other they were just too shy to admit it. Lisanna took a deep breath before she spoke to the two dambass in front of her.

"Lucy, you saved his life. That could have been him on the floor not you" Lisanna said "Plus a second ago you were willing to leave the guild AND battle Erza to be with him"

"Sting, you jumped in to make sure she didn't do that" Rouge said "Plus you came all the way here JUST to tell her that you love her"

"So" Mira said "What's stopping your love from blooming?"

Lucy and Sting both didn't know the answer to that.

I guess it's really the guilds…..if only they would approve of us. They both thought

"The guild" They said in unison

"We don't care" Cana said "Sting can quite Saber to join us"

Sting looked at Lucy to see if she was ok with this. Lucy wasn't objecting but she knew that he would never do that.

He can't give up his home for me. He's still Sting after all. Lucy thought

"May I?" Sting asked

"ok" Lucy said

Sting nodded and pulled Lucy closer to him. Her hair was in a ponytail so he didn't have to move it. He brought his mouth to her neck and he bit down on it. He used his two vampire teeth and took in some of her blood. Lucy didn't scream in pain because she felt tickles from this. When Sting was done, a light shone on her neck and she screamed in pain. Sting was hugging her tight and telling her it only lasted for a few minutes.

Lucy's wound started to heel and a tattoo was starting to form on her neck. It was white wings, to represent that he was a light dragon slayer. They were pretty and in the light they would stand out but in the dark they would be fine.

"Everything's going to be ok" Sting said

Lucy was feeling an insane amount of pain. Her wound was heeling and if it didn't then the marking process would not be complete and who knows what would happen then.

Everyone just hoped she would be fine.


They're finally together…took forever…but whatever. I'm so happy!

I'm making a sequel.

I hope you love the ending.

Please Review