Danny didn't even bother saying goodbye before ending the call and flying out of bed. He thought it would be best of he took a shower though, bearing in mind he hadn't had one last night. He pulled on fresh clothes and towel dried his hair before brushing his teeth and heading out the door.

His hair was still damp when he reached the Lab. "Morning!" He greeted Jazz and Tucker between throaty breaths; he had run all the way down here.

Tucker grinned, "More like good afternoon; it's 1pm."

How long had he been sleeping for?

He laughed breathily as he sat himself down on the lab chair next to his old friend.



Tucker got out the vaccine, which was a greenish blue liquid, and extracted it into a syringe. He wiped Danny's upper arm clean before inserting the needle.

Danny bit his tongue; after all the horrible injuries he'd received over the years, needles still made him cringe more than most things.

Tucker wiped the area clean again and sat back, disposing of the syringe. "It should take a few minutes to work. Hold tight!" he warned, he could see Danny was squirming excitedly in his seat.

Never had time passed so slowly, but eventually two minutes went by and Tucker agreed it was worth a shot to try using his powers.

"Here goes…" Danny said as he got up and stood back away from Jazz and Tucker. He tensed and focussed fiercely on attempting to transform. To his delight, the familiar feeling of power began to course through him and a bright light appeared over his abdomen. He concentrated harder as the rings slowly travelled over his body. He squeezed his eyes shut, was it always this difficult to go ghost? The rings carried on spreading, threatening to snap back to his middle at any moment – but he had been waiting for this for too damn long to give up that easily.

The power finally spread to his face and he felt a slight but familiar tingling as his hair and eyes changed to their ethereal form. When he opened his eyes again he saw Jazz and Tucker smiling at him.

Jazz jumped and clapped her hands, "It worked!" She reached behind her and grabbed a hand mirror that had been sitting on the desk and promptly held it up to her brother's face.

Obviously, Danny had seen himself in ghost form many a time since The Bomb, but somehow his reflection was now completely different. He studied his blazing green eyes and the bags beneath them, his messy white hair, his slight aura that illuminated his skin and contoured around his jutting cheek-bones. No, he didn't look any less exhausted than usual, but somehow, for a ghost, he'd never looked so alive.

He was reminded of the face he saw all those years back when he had felt his whole body tingle in that curious way for the very first time.

He had been lying on the bed with his laptop, resting after the accident with the Ghost Portal, relieved to have been released from hospital so quickly. He was an hour deep into the Wikipedia pages about Astronauts when he felt it. The sensation travelled up his body like severe goose-bumps. He saw nothing but blinding blue-white light for a second, and then it was gone. Danny thought it was strange, but considered nothing more of it.

He went to use the mouse pad on his laptop, but nothing happened when he touched it. Was his laptop broken… again? Then he caught sight of his hand.

Danny sat up straight. "Wha..?" He whispered desperately as his eyes traced his white gloved hand that appeared to be… glowing?! He followed his arm up to his elbow where the white material met an end and the black material began.


He ran to the bathroom across the hall (to this day he was ridiculously relieved that no one had been out in the corridor at the time) and gawked into the mirror, putting his hands on the cold glass as if it would assure him that this was reality.

The face that looked back then was very different to the one Danny Fenton was seeing now, the horror in the little boy's eyes when he had looked in that mirror – the bewilderment and anxiety. These were now swapped with jubilation at finding himself back in his old familiar skin – it was like seeing your best friend after a very long time.

What these two moments in time, Danny felt, had in common was that fact that he knew without doubt that from this point onward everything was going to change.

Tucker laughed cheerfully, "Can you use any of your ghost powers yet?"

"I'll try!" Phantom said, looking at his hands – now considerably larger than the first time he saw them in ghostly form, but still encased in a well-fitting glowing white glove. He balled his fists and let the flow of energy become concentrated in his palm. He then held out his arm as the ball of green light sparked to life in his hand. He directed it to one of the many beakers on the tables around the labs and let go.

The shot of green energy exploded through the air and directly into the beaker – hitting it dead, causing it to shatter into miniscule shards, but the ecto-blast wasn't done there – It carried on soaring through the many instruments behind it and straight through the wall on the other side.

"…I guess I need to learn to control my powers a bit, eh?" Danny said, scratching his head with his now smoking hand.

Jazz and Tucker just laughed, they too were too relieved about having the old Danny back to care about the damage.

Jazz picked up a clipboard, "I have a list of your powers here, we need to go through them and check if they are working properly. Also I think we should move into the ghost chamber before proceeding for the labs sake."

"Always with the clipboards." Danny sniggered.

Just down the corridor were two doors right next to each other. One read "Ghost chamber" and the other, "Viewing platform". Danny went into the ghost chamber, descending down the stairs that lead him into the room, he couldn't help but shudder a little at the thought of what this space was most likely meant to be used for. Jazz and Tucker proceeded into the other room, which had nothing but a desk, a few chairs and a large window looking out over the room Danny was in, Danny's room was well lit, plain and grey, had a much lower floor and was completely void of any furniture.

Jazz turned checked the ghost shields were disabled before looking down at her list.

"Flight?" She said through a microphone.

Danny jumped up into the air and stayed there, hovering easily above the ground, "Check."


He flew up to the ceiling before hesitantly pressing his hand to the painted metal. He felt the cold surface give way and swim around his hand like liquid or a heavy gas. His hand disappeared into the ceiling, followed by his arm, then head. He beamed to himself and dropped down to hover just above the floor again, "Check."


He squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated. When he opened them again he looked down at his hands, or where he thought his hands should have been. He then looked at Jazz and Tucker, who were still looking at where he was, but their eyes weren't quite focussed.

Jazz put and tick on her sheet, "Check! Ice powers?"

Danny let himself become visible and raised his hand again. He summoned the coolness that slept in his core and let it manifest until it shot down his arm. A large bolt of ice sprung out his hand and encased it.

"Sort of check." Danny stated, observing the curious iceberg imprisoning his hand before using his ecto-power to melt it.

"Energy shield?"

With a swipe of Danny's hand, an air born shield appeared in front of him. It's usually perfect square form was a little off, but it was good enough to do its job.

"Aural projection?"

Danny focussed himself. His aura suddenly got a lot brighter – a similar brightness to the light projected when he transformed. He let the energy build up until he appeared nothing more than a sphere of light, then when he abruptly released the pressure. The energy exploded out with a sonic boom, hitting all the walls, the floor and the ceiling. When the smoke cleared all the metal walls had ever so slightly melted. Danny, who was out of breath from the effort, gave his friend and sister a determined smile, "Check."

Jazz closed her mouth, which previously had been hanging open. She quickly looked down at her notes and put a tick next to 'Aural Projection'. Although she knew that this was one of Danny's powers, she had never actually seen it herself before now.

"Spectral body-split and duplication."

Danny had to admit, he was having fun. He hadn't used his powers in so long; he had forgotten how fun they could be! Phantom lifted his hands to his head, keeping eye contact with both of them. With a sharp 'pop' he removed his head from his shoulders and tucked it under his arm like a basketball.

"Good gosh!" Jazz retorted while Tucker burst into fits of laughter at her reaction.

Danny had a sly smile on his lips as he then manifested a mirror of himself standing next him, the duplicate was also holding his own head.

Jazz watched in horror as the two Dannys turned to eachother.

"Swap?" One Danny said to the other.

"Sure." The other Danny replied.

"Oh God, Danny!" Jazz squealed as the two ghosts swapped and placed either one's heads upon their own shoulders.

"I don't like this head. Mind if we swap back?"

"No problem. I think my own head was a better fit, anyway."

The two Dannys once again exchanged heads and with that, the second Danny disappeared and the original Danny placed his own head securely back on his shoulders.

"Goodness Gracious!" Jazz exclaimed, having watched the transaction through her fingers.

Tucker, meanwhile, was doubled over in laughter. He clapped Jazz on the back, "I don't know what's funnier, Danny's weirdness or your reaction!"

Jazz let out a nervous laugh, still a little flustered, "Trust you to find that funny rather than disturbing!"

"Will you two love birds concentrate on the list, please?" Danny called playfully.

Jazz and Tucker, both blushing and laughing, straightened themselves up and observed the list together.

"Teleportation?" Tucker asked

"Well, I couldn't really do that before hand, but I'll give it a go."

Danny squeezed his eyes shut and concentrated hard. He had done this a few times in his life, and it was always at a point when he was pure adrenaline – a life or death situation. Think about the observation room. Think about the space just behind Tucker and Jazz.

No dice.

"Eurgh. I'll have to work on that one." Danny exclaimed, opening his eyes and feeling a little dizzy from concentration.

Jazz obediently wrote a cross into her paper and continued to the next bullet point."Ghostly wail?"

Now that, he could do.

"Hold on," Jazz said as she and Tucker put in earplugs. "This won't stop all the sound but it will prevent us from getting ear damage. Go for it."

Danny sucked in as much air as he could manage, puffing his chest up. Then he opened his mouth wide and yelled "JAZZ STILL SLEEPS WITH HER TEDDY BEAR!"

The high pitched reverberation from the final word sent sound waves bouncing around the confined space like hundreds of trapped birds. Dust began to fall down from the ceiling. The lights that had managed to survive the Aural Projection all burst with fits of electricity and the glass screen separating the Observation Room from the Ghost chamber splintered into tiny shards and rained down onto the floor below. Despite the earplugs, Jazz and Tucker both has their hands over their ears.

Danny closed his mouth and it was like someone had just switched off a hurricane. The room was all too silent again but the destruction left behind by the ghostly wail was immediately obvious.

Tucker burst out into more fits of laughter, removing his earplugs.

"Not funny, Danny!" Jazz barked angrily, also taking out her earplugs. She had a hint of a smile on her lips.

"How is Bearbert Einstein doing these days?" Danny beamed at his sister. Upon hearing the name of the bear, Tucker let out another round of hysterics.

"Shut up, you." She muttered in mock annoyance.

"We still have one last thing to test, and since you're finding everything so funny today, Tucker, You can be the guineapig."

"Oh shit. Why am I always the gineapig for this power!" Tucker retorted, still sniggering about Bearbert a little.

Jazz smirked and looked to her brother "Danny: Let's see some overshadowing."

Danny gave a little salute to Jazz before soaring up towards Tuckers protesting outstretched hands. He let his body flow into something that looked and felt a lot like a thick gas as it slipped into Tucker's Body.

There was a flash of green in Tucker's eyes and suddenly stopped protesting and got up, his movements were a little robotic, but he was balancing easily on his feet as he walked out the door. Jazz followed curiously as Tucker silently got into the lift and pressed the floor for Danny's room. Once out the lift, he walked calmly up to room 605 and opened the unlocked door.

"Danny, what is your plan here?" jazz asked apprehensively as Tucker crouched down to reach for something under the bed. He returned holding a large bottle of clear liquid. "Vodka?"

Tucker looked at Jazz and gave her a cheeky smile that could only have been Danny's. He raised the bottle slightly, and said "To Danny!" before popping the bottle open and taking one… two… three shots.

As soon as this was done fluorescent green gas appeared out of Tuckers mouth and nose and fabricated into Danny again.

Tucker coughed and gagged, sticking out his tongue. "If you want me to get drunk with you, just ask next time!"

Danny and Jazz both burst into hysterics as Tucker shrugged his shoulders and took another shot. He handed to bottle to jazz who wrinkled her nose and took a cautious glug before passing it to Danny.

The night seemed to fly by after that, the trio ate cold pizza and joked about old times. Jazz told gossip about goings on in she had seen through CCTV cameras. Tucker told everyone about the time he had had a minor accident at his university labs, resulting in him being completely covered in white powder. Without thinking he has shouted "Going ghost!" to his fellow classmates, and was met by a room full of blank stares.

It was the best night the three of them had had since the bomb without doubt. They all forgot – just for one evening – that there had been an apocalypse. Just for one night, their biggest worries were silly embarrassing stories and whether they were going to run out of pizza. For one night they all acted like the children they were.

A happy chapter, About time! I would love to know how you guys are finding my story so far, reviews would be much appreciated!