Jack laughed as he swung his staff. Ice covered the ground and a man carrying books and papers slipped, scattering everything. The winter spirit took off into the sky, freezing everything in his path. He landed on a frozen lake. Jack swung his staff once more, covering the icy surface in swirls of frost.

"Jack!" Jamie called, waving his arms. Jack smiled and slid over to the edge of the pond, nodding in greeting.

"Hey Jamie, how have things been?" Jack asked.

"They've been great!" Jamie smiled. "Everyone and school has been great!"

"That's good to hear," Jack smiled. "And your belief in the Guardians?"

"Strong as ever!" Jamie proclaimed proudly. "Same with the others!"

"How's Sophie?" Jack asked him.

"She's not feeling well. She's sick," Jamie answered.

"Hey, I'm sure she'll be better soon," Jack assured him.

"Jack! There you are mate!" Bunny shouted, hopping over to the two. "Good day Jamie."

"Hi Bunny," Jamie smiled.

"What's wrong Bunny? I was just catching up with Jamie," Jack told him.

"North's called a meeting. We have to get to the North Pole quickly," Bunny informed him.

"Is it Pitch?" Jamie asked.

"Don't know, but North needs us now," Bunny answered.

"Sorry Jamie but I have to go," Jack apologized.

"Alright," Jamie sighed. "But come back soon alright. We're going to have a snowball fight in the park, and the guys and I want you on our team."

"I'll try Jamie," Jack told him.

"Come on mate," Bunny urged, tapping the ground. A hole opened up and the two dove down. When the hole closed up a pink flower was in its place, despite the frozen ground. Jamie sighed and plucked the flower, twirling it between his fingers.

"North! We're here!" Bunny shouted. He and Jack ran around the yetis, running up to Santa Claus.

"Good, now we just need Sandy," North nodded.

"What's going on?" Jack asked.

"I do not know," North muttered. "But Manny wanted me to call a meeting."

"The Man in the Moon told you to call a meeting?" Bunny asked in shock.

"I wore same expression," North chuckled, seeing Bunny's shocked face. Jack walked away from the two and looked up at the ceiling, seeing the full moon through the skylight.

"What are you up to?" Jack whispered.

"Hello Jack!" Tooth smiled, flittering around him. "Oh! You're teeth have only gotten brighter since the last time I saw them!" she gushed.

"Uh...thanks," Jack told her.

"Sandy!" North bellowed out upon seeing the sandman. Sandy smiled and a question mark formed above his head. "I do not know, but hopefully our questions shall be answered." North gestured to the moon and smile. "Man in Moon! What brings you here, old friend?" Moonlight streamed through the air, illuminating the decorative floor piece that depicted the five guardians.

"Wait…did you add me to this thing?" Jack asked, pointing at his triangle.

"Of course, you are Guardian now," North smiled. The stone 'G' sank into the wooden floor and opened. A giant blue crystal rose from the ground. Light reflected off of the crystal, illuminating the room.

"Uh guys, he's choosing a new Guardian," Tooth said.

"Wait, already?" Jack asked in disbelief. "I mean, he just chose me three years ago. And on top of that, he isn't even telling us why."

"Maybe it will be explained once we find out who it is," Tooth suggested.

"Please not the groundhog," Bunny pleaded quietly.

"Are you still happy I was chosen over him?" Jack smirked.

"How did you know about that?" Bunny demanded. Jack smiled and turned to look at Sandy. The sandman simply waved at the two with a big smile on his face.

"You just can't keep a secret, can ya mate?" Bunny huffed.

"Bunny," North said, pointing at the figure of light.

"What?" the rabbit snapped, looking up at the figure. His furry mouth twitched into a smile. "Thata girl!"

"Who is she?" Jack asked, looking at the figure.

"That is the Spirit of Spring," Bunny laughed.

"Bunny, would you care to fetch our newest Guardian?" North requested.

"I'll be right back mates," Bunny smiled. He tapped he ground with his back paw and back flipped into the hole, leaving a flower in his place.

"Ya know, I never got to tell him how adorable that flower thing is," Jack laughed, touching the petals. The pink flower froze at his touch.

"Sakura! Where are you?" Bunny shouted as he hopped through a forest. "Where are you?" he shouted once more. He dove into a clearing with a lake and saw a head of pink hair inside the water. "There you are!" he gasped. The head of hair turned around, revealing the face of a young girl. The girl had a heart shaped face and emerald green eyes. Her face became pink and she turned around.

"Usa-chan! You know this is the lake where I take my bath!" Sakura shouted at him.

"Sorry Sakura," Bunny chuckled, turning around.

"What is it that you need?" Sakura asked.

"Remember how you told me you wanted to meet the Guardians?" Bunny began.

"Of course I do," Sakura huffed. "I ask every time I see you."

"Well…how would you like to meet 'em?" Bunny asked. Sakura's eyes widened and she turned around in shock.

"Really?" She gasped, staring at the rabbit's back.

"Really," Bunny nodded. "Get dressed and we can go." Sakura jumped out of the lake and pulled on a white nagajuban. She ran over to the rabbit and hugged him tightly.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" Sakura laughed into his fur.

"It's nothing, Sakura, now get dressed so we can go," Bunny told her.

"Right!" Sakura nodded, pulling away from him, and searching for her clothes.

"How long does it take to get one girl?" Jack sighed.

"Bunny is getting her as fast as he can, just be patient," North told him.

"Hey, I'm the Guardian of fun, not patience. And no offense, but your toyshop can be pretty boring," Jack told him.

"Sorry Jack, but I can't have you breaking my toys," North smiled. "The yetis wouldn't like you very much if you did."

"Alright, alright, I get it," Jack nodded. "But, I promised Jamie I would try to make it back in time for a snowball fight." Just as he said that a hole opened up in the ground and Bunnymund jumped out, a pink haired girl on his back. Bunny placed the girl down and hopped out of the way, allowing her to be seen. She wore a pink furisode kimono that reached her knees. Under the kimono skirt was a white petticoat that made the skirt puff out. The kimono was decorated with lighter pink flowers. She had a white sash around her waist that was tied in a large bow. She had on light pink Mary Jane platforms and white stockings. Bunny smiled, pushing the teen girl forward. "Go on, introduce yourself." The pinkette looked back at him with wide eyes before nodding and facing forward. She took a deep breath and bowed to the other three Guardians.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Sakura Haruno, the spirit of spring," the pinkette introduced.

"Pleasure to be meeting you!" North laughed. "I am Santa, but you may call me North!"

"Pleasure to meet you North," Sakura smiled, bowing her head.

"I'm the Tooth fairy, nice to meet you," the fairy smiled, flittering around her. "Oh! Your teeth are as white as daisies!"

"Um…thank you?" Sakura replied with an unsure smile. The sandman stepped up with a smile. "You must be the Sandman. You are utterly adorable!" The pinkette giggled, smiling at the little guy. Sandy smiled back at her. Sakura turned around to stare at the last member of the Guardians. "And, you are?" Jack blinked at her and smiled, holding out his hand.

"Jack Frost," he answered. "Spirit of winter, and Guardian of fun."

"Well, it is nice to meet you Jack Frost, spirit of winter, and Guardian of fun," Sakura laughed, shaking his hand. "But that title is so long. May I just call you Jack?"

"Sure," Jack nodded. "You sure are polite." He noted.

"Well it is in my best interest to be polite right now. I am standing in the presence of the Guardians after all, it's only natural to show some respect," Sakura told him.

"Now that you are acquainted with everyone we can go forward with the ceremony!" North cheered. "Music!" Trumpets started playing as the yetis and elves filed into the room. Two yetis twirled torches that were lit on both end. Confetti rained down from the ceiling and the tiny tooth fairies flew over to her, placing a necklace of paper flowers around her neck. She looked down and saw an elf glaring at her. He pointed to a pair of light pink pointed slippers with an elegant 'G' on them. Sakura looked up and saw North opening a large book.

"STOP!" the pinkette screamed, causing the music to come to a screeching halt. An elf that was holding a trumpet glared at her and slammed his instrument onto the ground, storming off. "What is going on here?"

"Didn't Bunny tell you?" Tooth asked.

"Tell me what?" Sakura demanded, glaring at the rabbit. Bunnymund cleared his throat and approached her, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look, you aren't here just to meet the Guardians," Bunny confessed. "You're here to become one."

"Become a Guardian?" Sakura asked in disbelief. "No offense, but are you fucking nuts, Usa-chan?" Sakura growled, crossing her arms. The Guardians stared in shock at her attitude change. Jack quickly covered his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter and joy. "I will never be a Guardian, nor do I want to be one."

"Look, the Man in the Moon chose you to be a Guardian," Bunny told her.

"I don't care who the fuck says I'm going to be a Guardian, I'm not doing it! There is no way in fucking hell that I am going to join you guys!" She declared. The pinkette turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.

"I don't know about you guys, but I like her," Jack laughed.