This is the final chapter, enjoy.

May 31, 3:35 PM

District Courthouse Defendant's Lobby

Franziska was standing there smiling a grin that the defense attorney had never seen before. "You win, Phoenix Wright."

"What the hell does that mean!? Is there some kind of evidence to prove that Maya is innocent?" The attorney was struggling to understand the situation when she said he won.

"I think it would be easier to show you." Edgeworth added as he gave an off grin.

Phoenix looked in disbelief at what he saw. In fact he almost fainted from the sight he witnessed. Of all the things to happen this was one thing he would have never even dream of. His entire jaw dropped so low, he could have sworn it was dislocated.

"Is that any way to treat a friend?" The calm and soothing of a familiar voice said as the body it was attached to came into focus.

"I-I thought y-y-you were…"

"Dead? Ha, I was never dead." Misty finished his sentence. "I was just hidden for a short while."

Phoenix was even more upset, "Why would you do this? You want to know how worried I was?"

"I'm guessing that you were completely horrified beyond belief. About the why, you should ask your two prosecuting friends over there. It was ultimately their idea." She looked in the direction of Miles and von Karma.

"You! What have you done to me!?" He grabbed Edgeworth by the collar about ready to punch him in the face. "You ripped out my heart!"

"Yes, but someone saw your heart lying out there naked. They now know what you truly stand for." Edgeworth was obviously referring to Maya as he spoke.

The spikey haired man let go Edgeworth, the prosecutor dusted off his clothing. "I see, but how did this all happen." Now that I think about it the magatama should have told me if someone was lying.

"You are probably wondering how you were not able to see Psyche –Locks. Am I right?" Misty took a glance at Phoenix who nodded at her. "That wasn't that hard. I gave all the people involved some extra magatamas I found lying around. Then I put spiritual energy into it programing it to block all other magatamas' powers. You should have known there are other abilities to these mystical trinkets other than exposing secrets."

Edgeworth gave his side of the entire story. "This step was planned from day one. We had contact with Misty for a ludicrously long time. Unfortunately this was ultimately a backup plan. This was our greatest gamble and I think it has paid off."

"The black tie event, I thought it was the…" The confused attorney said this as he was still trying to wrap his mind around this idea.

"True, but it was phase one of the plan." Franziska was looking at the master as she spoke. "The next step was to have a "murder" occur. We were able to fake that gunshot, blood, and everything else on that scene except for two things. The fingerprints and Maya Fey's phone were not there when we set it up."

"Many apologies Miss von Karma, I swiped my daughter's phone and placed it there."

"Back to the topic, we were able to make a somewhat believable fake corpse. The trial was another sham, the judge, Godot, and Detective Gumshoe were all in on it. This probably was set up as a simulation in the court record. I do remember the Judge saying he needed to practice his poker face. The only ones who didn't know were you, Maya, and the two girls."


"And Mia as well."

"Why would that coffee freak want to do this? He hates me."

Edgeworth gave a slight smile, "Why don't you ask him?" Godot entered the room still shaken from the entire ordeal. Phoenix asked him the question.

"Err, Trite, err I mean Wright." Godot corrected himself, "I did it for the Fey girl's sake. I didn't like this idea to begin with because I would have to break Mia's sister's little heart. In as I presented the tape, I saw Mia on your side of the bench I felt ashamed for even thinking about creating such a wound. Though, in the end this might help her out a great deal."

"Why would you know Mia?" The curious lawyer asked.

"It's because she was my lover. Fate however, had different plans for us. I've read that you came into contact with Dahlia Hawthorn. She gave you the piece of evidence that could have convicted her when she tried to murder me. That is one of the few reasons why I hated you." Godot took a long sigh before going on. "I felt you were responsible for Mia's death. On top of that I heard about the trial over a year ago. I caught wind on Mia's sister's depression and found you were the source. I acted in anger without a clear mind. Now though, I understand and can call you a real attorney."

"A real attorney?" Phoenix gave an off look.

Godot under his mask closed his eyes. "This was your trial as well. This was to show Maya how far you were willing to go to chase after her. That so called trial, was like the coffee in this mug. It was very bitter, but you drank it anyways. I trust you; I have no qualms about you and Maya being together.

"Thanks Godot." The defense attorney gave held out his hand to shake it.

He shook his hand and replied, "It's Diego Armando, I want the name Godot to die in the wind now."

"Now really? I kind of like it when you're mysterious like that." Mia entered the talk. A very short conversation followed, it ended on this note. "Diego, I'm sorry but Pearl can't channel me any longer. I promise we will meet again." She left her cousin's body at that time.

"What's going on?" Pearl asked everyone around her.

"We'll explain later." Edgeworth responded.

"Where's Mystic Maya?"

Phoenix added, "Yeah, where is she?"

No later after that Maya was led in to the room by the bailiff. Edgeworth told the bailiff to release her and the court officer did.

"Free?" Maya asked surprised at everything.

Edgeworth gave her a very brief explanation, "Yes you are. You couldn't have killed Misty because she was never dead." He pointed to her mother who gave a slight smile.

"But what about…?" Maya was interrupted.

Phoenix gave her a hug and she wrapped her arms around him. "He can explain things later I need to talk to you."

"Nick, I don't know what to say I…" She lost her words in her mouth.

"It's been a while since you have called me that." Phoenix replied.

She softly responded, "Yes, it has."

"One thing, you never answered my question about you pushing me away."

"I don't want to talk about it." The five locks reappeared around her.

"Maya, I know you won't like this, but this is for your own good." The attorney pulled out the magatama out of his pocket. "This will help you get everything off your chest."

"Fine, let this be your final test."

Phoenix began, "Maya I believe there is a good reason why you've pushed me away for some time. I believe this will help start up the reason." He presented the note found in the book at the office. "This was written by you. This says you have something to tell me."

"Yes, I wrote it, but what does it mean? You need more evidence." Maya replied as one of the locks shattered.

"I believe that you wanted to talk to me of course. Pearl when I talked to her yesterday at some point told me that you talked about me a lot when I wasn't around." Another lock was destroyed.

"Nick, you need more proof to pass the test." Maya remarked and smiled a bit.

"To continue on I will way all the times we had together you have said some interesting things. A few being 'I am hopeless without you.' and 'I'm too young to die.'" Two locks started to crack "This is supported by this," he presented the magatama in his hand. "I was told by your mother that spirit mediums give one of their magatamas to their 'significant other.' I'm holding yours right here." Both the third and fourth lock vanished as well. On last lock remained over Maya's heart. I have just a feeling what it could be for Phoenix thought.

The spikey haired lawyer spoke, "You worried I might break your heart again. Let me reassure you I won't." In that moment he only thought of what he felt. He brought her close to himself and planted a kiss on her lips. The kiss was very awkward looking to anyone who caught a glimpse of it. Maya's eyes first had a look of shock, but then melded into a dream-like gaze. The kiss lasted for what seemed as an eternity as if time stood still for the both of them. That moment the last Psyche-lock slipped away from existence and the chains rolled back. What remained was a speechless spirit medium.

Maya breaking her lips away but still in embrace said, "I guess it's time to let you know. When you messed up over a year ago, I pretended to be upset over the fact you kept your win record. In reality I felt betrayed by you just leaving the courthouse without trying to contact me after my kidnapping. I felt abandoned. I thought of you when I was trapped and even drew a picture of you. I actually had become love-sick with you, my best friend. After the ordeal I tried to hold it in. Of course it didn't work. Then when you came back to me I wanted to forgive you, but I the entire misunderstanding happened and I didn't trust you. You kept coming back and I wanted to forget about you so I wouldn't have my heart broken ever again. I tried to protect myself from you. I was a selfish brat. Today I saw you who you were, you cared for me." Maya's eyes started to water. "Please forgive me."

Phoenix brought her even closer and whispered in her ear, "I forgive you."

A sudden grumble interrupted the moment. Maya's face turned bright red out of embarrassment as she left Phoenix's arms. "Heh heh, I'm hungry."

"Ergh, I have no money in my wallet unfortunately. I'm sorry." The attorney replied as he hung his head in shame.

Diego offered assistance, "I think I can help out Maya. I think actually I can pay for diner for everyone here."

"Thanks Diego," Maya smiled as she clasped her hands together. "I want burgers, of course."

"How did I know" Phoenix added.

"Because you're my boyfriend, of course you have to know all that." She clutched onto the attorney's arm. "Let's go" The entire group left to grab dinner together.


10 Years Later

September 5, 8:21 PM

Wright Family House

"And that's how your parents fell in love with each other." Pearl and Trucy said in unison.

An eight year old girl said, "Thanks for telling us auntie Pearl and big sister. By the way do you have any more steak lying around?"

"It was nothing Raven." Pearl remarked as her face beamed, "I just had to let you know when you asked about it."

Her brother whose name was Zak was gagging in disgust, "Did you really have to add all that romance in? Yuk!"

"It wasn't added in that's what actually happened." Raven motioned to the magatama around her neck. She was a spirit medium just like her mother and she knew the two older girls were not lying.

"Hey kids do you know what time it is?" Maya walked in with Phoenix just following right behind. "It's time to play magatama showdown. Not really, but that story you just heard it is all true."

Phoenix looking at a red vested attorney who he hired about 3 years ago right out of school. "Apollo are you sleeping," he asked, "I tell you to watch the kids and you fall asleep." Phoenix was disappointed.

Errg, uh, I wasn't sleeping." He rolled off the couch as he woke up. "How was your anniversary dinner?"

"It was nothing; we just got some burgers at the local joint." Phoenix said as he scratched the back of his head.

"That's not what you're supposed to do. You have to have a candlelight dinner at a fancy restaurant." Pearl gave a pouty look at the attorney.

"Don't be down about it. It was my idea." Maya tried to sooth the now 19 year old Fey.

"Raven, Zak, it's time for you to go to bed." Phoenix motioned to his two children to their rooms.

"But neither of us are tired." They both whined in unison.

"Okay, you can stay up, but just warning you, you dad and I might make out." Maya's flashed a devilish smile back at the two children.

"Well look at the time I got to go." Zak said as he ran to his room.

"That's weird mom." Raven added as she walked into her room.

Another voice added, "Go for it Mr. Nick." Pearl intently waited to watch some action. "I need to know how to kiss my special someone."

"Who is it?" Phoenix asked.

She glanced over at Apollo and blushed as she turned back. "None of your business."

Looks like Pearls has a crush. It might work out for her; all three are fumbling around in their investigations together and have those awkward moments. I know for a fact that Apollo is having a hard time choosing between her and Trucy. The attorney was lost in his thoughts about the three. I still have no idea who Apollo's real parents are as well.

Maya laughed a little at Pearl. "Maybe we should introduce 'Pollo to our friend Ema to make it easier for a decision." She whispered into Phoenix's ear.

"I don't need to have him deal with a love pyramid. Plus, I don't know. She's been so busy in the forensics department." Phoenix looked at Maya with a smile.

"Maya glanced back, "I just hope that Pearly's cute little heart isn't broken."

"What's with all the Feys and lawyers. Do you guys over in Kurain have a lawyer fetish, you know on your calendars you have a hunky lawyer of the month. I mean first Mia and Diego, then me and you, now there's Pearl's crush…" He was interrupted by Maya who placed her finger in front of his lips.

"You talk too much." As soon as she spoke grabbed Phoenix and locked lips. Phoenix was happy with how life was now. After the many trials they both were put through, they could rest for now.

I'm not the hero everyone says I am. I am just like everyone else, Human. We all live, we love, and we all make mistakes. We go through darkness as well as light. One thing I learned on that day 10 years ago, Miracles do exist, but they don't come easy.

A/N I would like to first say I was nervous being that this was my first multi-chapter fic ever, but I believe it turned out nicely. I had that entire last part planned from the beginning of the story as well. Talk about wild endings.

I have been pondering whether or not to make a sequel to this story. I will be making one, but it will be three trials with high stakes with a crazy prosecutor of my design. He will be rather interesting to say the least. It will be both light and dark at times. Coming to an internet connection near you.

I might also do a collection of crazy one shots with AU's, parodies, and outrageous spoofs.

This has been a wonderful way to spend my time. Thank you those who read through this entire story. Leave a review if you feel like it. Enjoy the rest of your time using the internet. This is topersnake signing off until the next story.