Disclaimer: I do not own the Ace Attorney series. All characters except OCs are the property of Capcom. No money is being made by the distribution of this story. This story is made by a fan for fans.

This is my first story on this site so go easy on me. I'm doing a multi-chapter story, go big or go home I say. I do have this entire story pre-written on paper. I will finish this story if there is demand for it. Due to the fact this an AU there will be contradictions to the actual timeline. In fact this is more like an alternate timeline I guess. Characters will be OOC and have a good reason why too. The first paragraph is pretty much a quotation for JFA grammar error and all. Also just as a warning, spoilers will come from the 4 Ace Attorney games released, but not investigations. Here it is. Enjoy!

March 24, 9:37 P.M.

High Prosecutor's Office

"And just like that… the case came to an end. I ran from the courtroom and wandered the streets alone. I never saw Maya again. De Killer is a man of his word, so I'm sure he let Maya go. The trial of Adrian Andrews went ahead and the newspapers read the following headline… guilty of course. The "miracle" never happen. Maybe it was never meant to. Because a "miracle" is something that doesn't exist." Said the downcast defense attorney looking at the ground.

"Wright, there are several things wrong with what you just said. First off you're no longer alone, you have Franziska and I. Second you used incorrect English. I know you are still devastated, but try to keep it together."

"How can I?" Phoenix replied to Edgeworth as he choked on his own words. He then proceeded to bury his head in his hands and started to cry into his arms.

Edgeworth shook the broken defense attorney. "You can either move on in your life, or you can fix it! Living in your office cut off from the rest of society won't change anything!" He yelled at Phoenix inside his office.

"Little brother, you know screaming at him won't help him at all." Franziska stated this as she emerged from a darkened corner in the unlit room.

Edgeworth was slightly startled by her voice. I almost forgot about her.

"By the way being a grammar Nazi was probably a very foolish thing to do. We are here to help Phoenix Wright, not correct him on the proper usage of the English language." Franziska was slightly annoyed at the magenta clad prosecutor; however she restrained herself from whipping him.

"Anyways you state that the "miracle" never happened. Not to mention you believe on does not exist." He calmly continued.

Phoenix said in despair. "That's correct; there is no way to correct the countless wrongs I have committed."

"Even though I am a man of science, I believe in miracles. You think that what happened was the last chapter of your story. I believe that it is only the beginning of it. Miracles exist, sometimes it takes a while for them to happen."

"How can this miracle happen? It is over. It's been about a year since the trial. It seems the only ones who have forgiven me are you and Franziska. I have let a killer get off the hook and indicted an innocent woman for murder. Not to mention that M-M-M..." Phoenix started to lose himself. He balled his eyes out thinking about Maya's name.

Edgeworth motioned Franziska to grab a box of tissues lying on his desk. About fifteen minutes past until Phoenix regained some composure.

"Continue," Franziska ordered.

Edgeworth pondered. I have a good feeling as to why he is emotionally distressed at the mention of her name. I have seen this a few times before whenever we talk about Miss Fey.

"Well… M-M-Ma-Ma-MAYA!" Once again the fallen attorney wept. However this time it only took a few minutes to come back to his senses.

"We are not here to judge you for your emotions. We both know it must be hard for you. This however was the reason we had you come here tonight. We are here to get these things off your chest." The male prosecutor now had his hand around Phoenix's shoulder while consoling him.

Franziska said "Why don't we go around this topic for now. Continue with other people you have broken contact with."

Phoenix thought for a while. A few moments later he said this. "Now after that trial I have a terrible guilt on my shoulders. I feel as if I am once again in the defendant's chair, having all sorts of accusations thrown at me. Mia she…trusted me. All I did was destroy that trust. She thinks that I only got a not guilty verdict for my own selfish self. She does not know I made a mistake."

The two prosecutors knew about the channeling of Mia after the trial. In fact this was how the two came to believe in the Kurain channeling technique and did not see it as a farce anymore. She had personally talked to them. She told them of whom she was and the fact Pearl was channeling her. She also stated her fury over Phoenix's actions.

"The reason why Franziska and I forgave you was because we knew the truth. The truth was you were emotionally compromised and you lost your focus. With that knowledge we would not hold a grudge. We knew that we had to help you in your time of need, not hold it against you."

"That does not matter though, Pearls hates me now too. She thinks I wanted to win at all costs at the expense of justice. She's made numerous vengeful calls to my phone. With things like "You betrayed mystic Maya and freed a guilty man, I thought you cared about justice. Now I think you're just a slimy defense attorney! I hate you!" Then there's M…" Phoenix trailed off once again and silently cried.

"Phoenix Wright! We are here to help you get through the pain. Tell us or else this time will have been wasted." Franziska said.

"Maya…" Phoenix sighed while talking. "The time when I needed to pull a Deus Ex Machina I couldn't. Maya would want to kill me if I ever approached her again. All due to her kidnapping we have been separated. Now she will never come to the city, I heard, out of fear of meeting me. She believes I betrayed her. I can't bear to be the man who obliterated her trust."

"I'm using logic to guess that Maya means a lot to you. In the past you even called her the person closest to you proving this point. You have strong feelings for that woman. She was special to you." Edgeworth said to probe Phoenix's heart.

"Yes… she was very special to me. I never realized this completely until after the trial. I remember whenever she was in trouble, I was there. She was there smiling at my side as well. Her warmth made me feel happy just to be with her. Even though she would bug me at times, it was still nice to see her. I remember the first time we meet. I made a promise to her at the time."

"You did?" Franziska asked.

"Yes I promised to never abandon her. After this mess though, she loathes me. She thinks I have broken the promise. I never saw how important she was to me until she was taken from me. During the trial I thought that even if the entire world turns on me, this was one fight I would not lose."

Edgeworth and Franziska asked simultaneously. "Do you love her?"

"Yes, I love…her. That is the only way to explain the emotions plaguing my heart for the past year." Phoenix once again started to cry but for a significantly less time than the other times.

"Well, Wright it is settled. You need our help. We will make sure the "miracle" does happen." Edgeworth stated confidently.

"How would we do that?" Phoenix asked bitterly

"Well for starters we could reverse the verdict of Adrian Andrews. Then, we could somehow overcome the not guilty verdict of Matt Engarde."

"But that would be double jeopardy!" Phoenix exclaimed.

*sigh* "You've been out of law so long. You haven't heard that you can request a retrial if the trial was in any way manipulated. In your case it was being forced to defend Engarde with a hostage on the line. There is evidence to back it up. It should not be that hard." Franziska remarked.


"It's the truth, if we can reverse both verdicts we can start to reverse your fate." Edgeworth remarked.

"After that then we can worry about fixing your relationship with the Feys" Franziska added

Miles said. "When we accomplish the first two tasks, then you must talk with Miss Fey. You must tell her you've screwed up, and then confess your feelings are for her."

"Yes, understood." Phoenix started to smile a little.

"One more thing."


"Clean off your blue suit, you will be defending Adrian Andrew."

"I see" Phoenix replied.

"Wright, we will help you. We are your friends. We will meet with the judge about wanting a retrial tomorrow."

Phoenix gave the two a hug. "You two are great friends. You have saved me from the depths of my depression before. Now you are helping me restore my life. For supporting me through this turmoil, I thank you." He let go the prosecutors after his heart-felt gratitude.

"It never ceases to amaze me about you. Your name says a lot about you. Phoenix, the mythical bird that rises from its own ashes, a name best suited for you. You seem to die, but you rise up and are triumphant. I've seen this first hand several times in the court, as well as Franziska. If we pull this off this would be your greatest turnabout yet." He gave a slightly off smile. "We must start now on the appeals case, take care."

Edgeworth and Franziska got to work to help phoenix immediately. Phoenix thanked both prosecutors for their efforts and left the room. As he left he thought. The miracle can happen, now we must try to reach it. Maya I will make it up to you, I will correct the wrongs. I will become a new man. One better than before. This is for you Maya.

There you have it chapter 1 of The Miracle. Don't hate on Phoenix being extremely emotional, he's been holding it in for over a year. Don't worry though he won't cry in every chapter of the story. Don't forget to review to let me know you're comments about the story. I am somewhat of a perfectionist like Franziska, so I want to make this story as good as possible.