Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji and all the characters within this story are taken from the manga/anime the artist and publishers own the rights.

Warning: this contains mature content 18+ and contain S&M as well as urethra piercing and so on... yer you have been warned so please be kind

His scream tore through the household causing all the servants to look up from what they were doing and rush from their work ruining it in the process. They all arrived at the door at the same time, it was silent, they looked at each other before returning their eyes to focus on the solid oak door to Ciel's study unsure what to do next. They heard shuffling on the other side of the door and in unison they all came to a decision. Taking a deep breath they stood back and ran at the door breaking it from its hinges. Although it was probably due to Finney's extreme strength that they managed to brake the door!

The sight before them was not one they had expected to see nor was it an experience they would want to repeat or to see in the first place (well except May Rinn secretly)!

Sebastian lay on the opposite side of the room his hands cuffed behind his head and completely naked from head to toe, his only adornments being the ring that snacked through his urethra and the handcuffs that wound around his limp arms. His body was covered in cum and his head was hung in embarrassment and shame that he had been dominated in such a way and that he had then been found looking such. Ciel on the other hand sat behind his desk completely unnerved by the situation that was rapidly spiralling out of control before his eyes. He unlike Sebastian was the picture of self-composure, it was like the roles of the pair had been switched around and instead of Sebastian being the one composed and in control here it was Ciel!

Sebastian kept his head down and let his hair fall to cover his face as the crimson flush of embarrassment was quickly washing over him like a tidal wave, he wished for nothing more than to be out of that room and in his own chamber and to make matters worse that masochistic side of Sebastian was once again kicking in and he could feel himself becoming excited from the attention everyone was paying him and his fully composed lord who felt no shame over Sebastian being looked at as such.

Ciel stood from his chair (Sebastian could not help but wonder when on earth his master had managed to get dressed and quite so well for such an incompetent boy, he, Sebastian decided, must have been practising in secret so he was ready for this day!) and walked around it to stand in front of the three gobsmacked and now red in the face servants "well what are you standing there for? Don't you have work to do? And why are you here anyway?" he asked the question as if they had all suddenly rushed in for no reason and Sebastian wasn't lying on the floor in such a compromising condition. "Actually no don't worry; just get back to your duties…and try to fix whatever you must have broken in your rush to get here, the door would be a good start!"

The three left and Sebastian was once again left alone with Ciel and his sadistic ways. He looked up hoping Ciel would give him some respite and allow him to leave so he could bury himself in his woes for a few hours before having to once more wake Ciel for his breakfast. Unfortunately for the moment Sebastian would have to hold out for a little while longer as Ciel once more approached him he wore a smirk on his face that could only mean bad news for Sebastian.

From within his jacket Ciel removed a small sphere about small enough to be a pin head and it was gold, the same colour as the ring that had pierced him. Sebastian tensed as Ciel unhooked the ring penetrating him and he barely suppressed a moan as Ciel half removed it, the feel somewhat pleasurable since Sebastian was still slightly hard after having all those prying eyes upon him, including his masters. Sebastian watch as Ciel threaded the small ball onto the ring through the hole in its side before proceeding to close it again; Ciel flicked the closed ring to make sure the ball stayed in place before finally pushing the ball around to the head of Sebastian's cock that could clearly be seen to be become hard again. In one swift movement Ciel shoved the ball inside the head. Sebastian through back his head and let out a long groan of both pain and pleasure as it melded together. Removing the handcuffs Ciel said in a no arguments voice "now clean up here and you are to return to your duties as per usual, without any mistakes" the last bit was said with an evident threat hanging in the air.

Standing Sebastian put on his clothes careful not to aggravate the piercing in his penis that was quickly becoming uncomfortable, he then left the room only to return to his own chamber. The sky outside was dark and Sebastian thought it must be about 11 at night. He flicked of the lights in his room shutting the door and he lay on his bed as he became aware that he would have to release again to try and make the uncomfortable feeling more...pleasurable. In the darkness that surrounded him Sebastian's other senses became much stronger and his fingers made him shiver as they ran along his chest as he began to slowly unbutton his shirt letting it fall open around him exposing his perfect skin, he rolled his nipple around with the fingertips of his hand, the feeling all the more enhanced from the bulldog clips that had pinched them only minutes before leaving them still a light shade of pink. It didn't take long for the nipple to become hard and he quickly moved on to the other one rolling and squeezing it until it became almost pain full but not quite, the images of Ciel's naked body drifted into his head and he pinched hard as he felt his cock twitch in anticipation, he could no longer stand the strain of it against his trousers and ripped open the zipper pulling down his trousers till they were around his knees. He jerked his hand across his length in a less than controlled fashion. Sebastian pulled down the remaining bit of fabric separating skin from skin and closed his hand tightly around the base of his member giving it a hard squeeze to reinforce his erection, he moaned as he pulled his still tightly closed hand up himself and surround him in heat as his body flared in intoxicating fire. As his hand reached the top he pulled at the ring and fiddled with it causing him to moan again louder this time. As much as he wanted to he could not control his burning desires and noises flowed from him in streams. Sebastian could feel himself tighten and knew even with the ring he could only last so long and he wanted it to last so much longer, ohh he wanted this pleasure so badly. He forced himself to stop and rolled of the bed fumbling beneath his chest of draws to find what he was after rubbing his cock against the floor boards as he did so, his hand closed around a small belt, a tube of liquid and a long bumpy implement, he removed them and sat on the floor. First he picked up the thin belt and tied it around the base of his cock tightening it as much as possible, it was painful but Sebastian knew the end result would be so much better for it, then he squirted some of the liquid onto his hand and covered the bumpy object, it was long, longer than most and ticker than most as well, he rubbed it up and placed it on the floor securely so it wouldn't move before laying down with his head next to it and licked the tip of it while he rubbed the tip of his own erection with the palm of his hand trying to create the feel of a tongue but he could no longer stand it and in the space of a few seconds he had stood and sat himself down on the dildo penetrating himself up to the hilt, he let pout a long groan. He had taken it in in one fair sweep and now was paying the consequences it hurt like hell but that only stopped him for a few seconds before he lifted himself up and plunged back into it taking it all in once again, Sebastian started a rhythmic pace aiming for that one spot that would give him the most pleasure, he found it and rammed onto it repeatedly. His penis was straining now and it was becoming really painful but he did not remove the belt he could not if he wanted the maximum pleasure so instead he continued his frantic pace and at the same time pumped at his cock giving the much needed friction although it did nothing to aid his release. Sebastian continued at a rapid pace as a knot stared to tighten in his stomachs, he needed to cum and quickly his body could no longer take the extraordinary pleasure bestowed upon it, his legs were trembling and he was finding it hard to lift himself enough off the dildo to cause pleasure so instead he aimed at his prostate and sat down letting his legs rest slightly as he rubbed hard against that part of him, the pleasure was intense, better than it had been before and the pain building up was becoming unbearable but that simply made him more excited and he pressed harder onto his prostate as a bead of pre cum formed on his tip. He needed to cum he had never needed anything in his life more his hands moved down to remove the belt but through his blurry vision he saw the ring and changed his mind, his fingers griped the ring and gave it a pull, he teased his urethra with the ring, this mixed with the prostate teasing he was also receiving was too much and with shaking fingers he undid the belt. Immediately his whole body spasmed and he came hard the feeling of it as it pushed past the ring making him erect once more but he could not subject his body to another round or it would affect his work so instead he tried to calm himself and then mediated for the next few hours until dawn arose.

When morning came Sebastian awoke himself from his meditation which had really help him organise himself and he stood ready to serve his master once more, although whether he wanted to do it well or not was still to be debated since Sebastian was still not sure whether he liked the punishment that he had been given, obviously it had been a fantastic release and extraordinarily enjoyable he wasn't sure if it was an experience he wanted to be repeated who knows what punishments could be in for him a second time around!

Sebastian prepared some Earl Grey tea for his master and some freshly baked waffled accompanied by strawberries and whipped cream, a favourite of the master's breakfasts! Placing it on a tray the butler carried the breakfast up the vast flights of stairs going from the servants kitchens to the lord's bedroom. When Sebastian entered he was surprised to find the Earl asleep on top of the sheets curled up and still in his clothes from the night before, the revelation that the young master really could do nothing without Sebastian warmed him to the core as he gently shock Field shoulder to wake the boy. Ciel groaned and buried his face in the covers so Sebastian left him for a moment and went to open the curtains to try and encourage him to arise and eat.

Ciel moved and sat up as Sebastian walked over "Sebastian what are you doing this early can't you let me lye in I didn't think you would be in such a rush to see me this morning but since you obviously are...well then, why don't you show it to me?"

"My apologise my lord I do not understand what you are asking" of course Sebastian knew full well what Ciel wanted but showing the lord that which he had partaken in last night after being sent away sent shivers down his spine, he continued; " the young lord should eat before anything else in order to be able to function as the leader of this household."

"I'll eat in moment now show me my handiwork" Ciel said in a flat tone. Knowing he would not be able to get away with not showing Sebastian slowly undid the zipper on his jet black trousers and dropped his trousers allowing them to fall to the floor landing with a light rustle, next he pushed his hand into his black silk pants and lowering them to slightly below the hips he pulled out his pierced member the ring gleaming in the light that filtered into the room. There were too obvious marks near the base one think enough to be string the other more like a piece of cloth, a fact that was not missed by Ciel as he smirked saying: "Have a little more late night fun now did we Sebastian?"

"My Lord" was the flat response that the emotionless butler gave the boy as he replaced his organ back into his pants and did up his trousers once more, as he did so he could not help but notice Field eyes travel away from him and towards a draw by his bed, just poking out of it Sebastian could see the end of what looked like some description of a remote but it only contained what could only be assumed to be an on and an off button! Ignoring it Sebastian u dressed the Earl and changed his clothes before giving him his breakfast and the plan for the day, after all his duties in the masters bedroom had been fulfilled he travelled back to the kitchen intending to start preparing the masters dinner.

As he entered the kitchen he noticed that he was alone, an unusual occurrence since normal at least one of the incompetent servants normally sat in here trying to avoid their duties, but today apparently they were all hard at work so Sebastian took advantage of the silence and got to work preparing food whilst humming a tune. Not an hour had been passed before Bard entered the kitchen no doubt intending to try and speed up the cooking preparations with some simple minded technique that would burn everything! "Ohh hello Mister Sebastian, you seem very jolly considering...considering...considering it's such an awful day outside!" Bard caught himself and tried to cover it but it was so obvious not even Finney could have missed it but Sebastian decided to let it slide for once, yes he was in a good mood, after all last night he had finally managed to get the release he had wanted for such a long time!

Sebastian continued to cut the vegetables up while Bard started to prepare the pork that was to be served for the ravening meal. Sebastian. Was just transferring the raw vegetables to the opposite counter when something buzzed and he dropped all the veg letting out an involuntary moan as he stiffened trying to keep control off his body. He easily located the source of the pleasure to the ring that had suddenly started vibrating within him, the ball moving around inside the walls of his member causing immense pleasure that Sebastian could not hope to keep under control. Bard looked up inquisitively at Sebastian wondering what all the fuss was a pout and what on earth that noise was since no flies were ever seen insides the Phantomhive mansion. He looked around the room then back down at Sebastian who was on the floor picking up the dropped vegetables and grimacing as he did so. Then the noise changed, instead of a steady buzz as it had been a moment ago it was now a I intermittent one that pulsed, as soon as the noise changed Sebastian through back his head and let out a long moan of pleasure as he felt the pressure between his trousers grow rapidly. Bard looked at him not understanding what had gotten into the butler then saw the tent that had formed between his legs and understood immediately. His face turned red but he could not look away, the sight of the composed Sebastian in such a state turned him on tremendously and the moans that escaped his lips were captivating! The immaculate Sebastian was being undone by a pulsating ring and from the looks of it would not be able to return to his room or his work any time soon. This whole train of thought was getting Bard hard he could feel it growing within his trousers but he couldn't exactly deliver himself in here not with Sebastian, but on the other hand he wanted to see Sebastian's face as he came, he wanted to masturbate to the sounds of the butlers laboured breathing, arh this was turning him on so much he was finding it difficult to stand. An idea suddenly hit him and no sooner had he thought of it did he rush out the door walking strangely and shut it leaning back upon it to undo his trousers and pants letting them fall to the ground and allowing the air too wrap its cool fingers around him. He waited but still the only sound was the buzzing and Bard was getting desperate for friction upon him. Finally it came the hard breathing and the moans of pleasure from behind the door…

Authors note: Thank you to everyone who has reviewed it really helps me to write, im so sorry for the massive waiting periods between chapter i am thinking of writing another 3 chapters to this but i may become more ~ also i am very sorry if i do not update for a while i think i might update my other ff next so give me a while especially since i now have to make a cosplay outfit from scratch for the end of July ~