I thought I would finally get this written down, I may not tell anyone or show them this but who knows? The world works in mysterious ways. I am writing about what happened a few months ago, to me what seemed like several days or even a week were only a few hours according to my friend. It all started when I found that mysterious doorway on my parent's business trip to Russia, at least that's what I thought it was at that time. But maybe I was just dreaming it. Maybe I just fell down that hole and knocked myself unconscious and I'm still just dreaming the whole thing. But that still doesn't explain the… well I'm probably getting ahead of myself.

My name is Thomas Smith and this is my story...

Chapter one: The Doorway

*sigh* 'another crappy day in Russia' Thomas thought to himself as he walked through the snow covered streets, remembering the events that led to him being here. 3 weeks earlier Thomas was having an argument with his parents about going to Russia for a vacation.

"But why?" Thomas almost screamed at his parents

"Because your father and I important business there that why." replied his mother getting a little annoyed at her sons defiance.

"Can't I just stay here at home? I'd rather stay down here where it's warm than going to Russia and freezing my ass off!" Thomas yelled.

"No your still to young we will be gone for weeks not days, look on the bright side at least you will get out of going to school for the duration of the trip." His father replied.

"But I'm nearly sixteen and…" started Thomas

"That's enough! His mother yelled "you're coming with us and that's final! No more arguments!"

Thomas kept on walking through the snow that had only settled on the road a few minutes ago looking for something to do. Both of his parents were at a meeting and had left Thomas back at the hotel. So he thought he'd go and explore the area around the hotel they were staying at.

'It would have been nice if they allowed me to bring from back home in Australia with me' Thomas thought glumly. 'He always seems to find something to do even at the dullest of moments.' Smiling to himself as he remembered the shopping trolley incident involving both him, his friend and an extremely angry bald guy.

'Maybe when my parents get back from their meeting I can persuade them to bring him over, I really don't like the idea of spending three weeks like this' Thomas thought.

While he was walking along the side of the road he noticed a fairly small building off to the side of the road had an open door. Seeing as he had nothing better to do he decided to take a quick look through the door. The interior of the building kind of reminded him of his dads tool shed back home.

'I guess there's no harm in taking a look around' Thomas thought as he stepped inside the door. After about ten minutes of going through all of the contents on every single shelf in the room he noticed a small square button covered in dust hidden behind a pot on the wall.

'Hmm. There aren't any light bulbs in here so I wonder what it does' Thomas though while staring at the unusual button. After a bit of careful thinking he came to the conclusion that nothing bad could possibly happen and pressed the button. As soon as he pulled his finger away from the weird button the ground gave way under his feet.

"Wooaahh!" Thomas cried out trying to grasp onto something to stop himself. He landed in what he thought to be a small basement or storage space under the building. He quickly looked up to see what he fell through but found no presence of the hole he fell through.

"Guess I'm not getting out the way I came in" Thomas said to himself, getting up. After a quick look around the small room he saw something that looked a bit like doorway on one of the walls. Walking towards it he soon realized there was nothing more than a solid wall behind it.

"What the hell? It doesn't even go anywhere! What's the point in making a doorway that doesn't lead anywhere?" Thomas shouted into the almost empty room, not really expecting anybody to hear him. Once he quieted down he realized that the arch of the doorway was covered in weird purple orbs with gold rings around them

"Why does this somehow look familiar? Wait a minute… One of the purple things fell out." Thomas whispered to himself, picking up the orb. He also noticed there was a gap between two of the orbs on the doorway where there should be another orb instead of an empty space.

'Maybe I should fix that. I could be the reason it fell out in the first place' Thomas thought. As soon as he placed the orb in its respective hole, all the orbs (including the one he was just holding) started to glow.

"What the hell?" Thomas cried out in surprise as a large swirling vortex appeared in the middle of the doorway.

"Uh oh" Thomas whispered as he tried to turn around and run. But it started to pull him into it.

"Oh shhiiiittt!" Thomas yelled as he disappeared into the vortex which soon after wards collapsed. As if on cue, the orb that Thomas has slotted into the doorway fell out and rolled to its original position on the hard floor.