This is a story I've been writing in my note book, I'm about finished but I'm only putting up the first 2 chapters to see how the reveiws go. So, it's a Vegeta's in heat fic, I've only read one of these and I liked it so I did one. Oh and yes one warning Yaoi. So please reveiw. Oh and some OOC.

Vegeta woke up feeling dizzy, the whole room felt like it was spinning. As he stood up his stomache let out a loud growl. He groaned walking down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Mornin' Dad." Bra smiled. Her and Trunks were already eating. Vegeta grunted and walked over to the fridge. He pulled out the milk and saw it was almost empty, he then looked inside the fridge and saw it was almost bare,except for some empty packages cartons.

"Hey Trunks are you ready?" Came a yell from the living room.

"Yeah hold on Goten." Trunks yelled dumping his dishes into the sink. Bra dumped hers in the sink and followed him.

"Guess I'll have to go to the store." Vegeta mumbled. He turned around to find Goten staring at him.

'God he's hot, wiat what?! What am I thinking?' Goten thought then noticed Vegeta turned around.

"Uh Trunks left hi books in his room." He said grinning. Vegeta glared at him. Goten stood there for a minute.

'Why can't I move, God he smells so good..' Goten thought. He then stepped forward grabbing Vegeta's arm and sniffing it.

"Mmm, you smell like gingerbread." He said taking a bigger whiff. Vegeta starred at him horrified, then backed up bumping into the fridge.

"Oh sorry." Goten said letting him go and backing up. Vegeta lifted his arm and sniffed it.

'There must be something wrong with his mind, well he is Kakarott's brat.' He thought smirking at the last part. Goten found himself staring again. He then shook hi head and ran up stairs. Vegeta walked into the front room to find Trunks sitting by the door.

"Something smells really good." He said sniffing the air. Vegeta let out a snarl.

"Hey Goten do you smell something like Cinimon?" He asked seeing Goten come throught the door from the kitchen.

"Yeah it's your dad." He said sniffing Vegeta's hair.

"Eww Goten that gross." Trunks said watching his freind sniff his dad's hair. Vegeta let out a small growl and Goten walked passed him.

"Come on lets go before we're late." Trunks said taking his books from Goten.

"Right." They walked out the door.

A while later after coming back from the store. He pulled out a beer and started drinking it when Goku appeared beside him.

"Damn it Kakarott are you trying to give me a heart attack.?" Vegeta yelled almost falling over.

"Sorry Vegeta, I just thought you'd want to spar." Goku said smiling. He closed his eyes and sniffed the air.

"Mmm, something smells great." He said then his nose hit Vegeta's hair. His eyes blinked open and he jumped back.

"Gee, you smell good." He said grinning.

'Something is messed up with his sences.' Vegeta thought standing up.

"Well let's get going." He said crushing his can and throwing it in the recyling bin, Bra put it in about a week ago and it's been driving him crazy having to divide everything. Vegeta walked pass Goku and started walking down to the basement where Bulma installed the gravitron before she had the accident(Silent moment for her death. ok moment over). Goku started following a foot behind. He found his eyes travling down Vegeta's back.

'What am I doing?' He yelled at himself shaking his head. He then bumbed into Vegeta, who was trying to oen the door.

"Watch where you're going." He sneered typing in the gravity.

"Put it at 300." Goku said. " I feel really strong today." He said smiling. Vegeta looked at him and snorted. The door opened and the both walked in. They both got in starting stances and then blazed into supersayjin. They started exchanging punches and kicks. Vegeta phazed behind goku and kicked him in the upper making him slam into the wall.

"You're getting better and better." Goku smiled getting up.

"You're just getting softer." Vegeta sneered. He then phazed behind goku punching but Goku spun around catching it(kinda like when Gohan caught Buu's punch) he then twisted it behind his back. Vegeta let out a growl and blazed into supersayjin 2. Goku did the same. Vegeta powered up almost freeing his arm, but Goku blazed into supersayjin 3. Goku then grabbed the back of Vegeta's head and started sniffing his neck.

"Kakarott what are you doing?" He yelled as he felt goku grabbing his shirt. Vegeta then kicked him in the leg and Goku let go backing up and powering down.

'What's happening to me?' He thought staring at his hands.

"What in the hell is wrong with you?" Vegeta yelled powering down.

"I'm sorry Vegeta I don't know what went over me." He said shakilly. He looked up to see Vegeta suddering. Vegeta looked down to see his hands trembling. He clenched them trying to calm down.

"Vegeta." Goku said quietly.

"What do you want now Kakarott?" He yelled.

"I'm really really sorry...."

"I don't want to hear your pathetic exuses, just leave me alone." He yelled walking out of the room. Goku fell back sitting on the ground.

'What's wrong with me?' He thought.