Hello! So... this is one of the few ideas I had. I decided to start with this one. I don't usually like doing The Legend of Zelda in modern times, but that's just how it kept coming out, so I really hope you guys like it. This one is supposed to be pretty long, I hope XD And because I like POVs, there are two - Link and Zelda :D Anyway enjoy!
( By the way, just in case - I warn you there is abuse in this fic and later a lemon. And pretty mild language. Okay! Now enjoy :3 )
"Okay, so you honestly think that a zora can beat a goron?" I scoffed at my friend Mikau, who happened to be a zora, and raised an eyebrow. "What are you smoking lately?"
Mikau rolled his cerulean eyes, smirking. "Yes, I do think so. It's definitely possible." He insisted confidently.
"Wanna try that theory out now?" A low grumble sounded beside me as my other friend, Darunia, slid onto the bench with me.
We were waiting for the bell signaling the beginning of school to ring, so Mikau and I had decided to sit outside at one of the tables. I don't even remember how we got on this subject...
Mikau pursed his lips. "Ah, no thanks. I'm still sore from yesterday's gym class."
"Lying down too much for you?" Darunia smirked.
Mikau stuck out his tongue. "I didn't lie down the whole time, thank you very much!" He argued, crossing his aquamarine colored arms across his chest. Just then the first bell rang and the three of us stood to head to class.
"I'll see you guys around, I have to sort something out in the office." Darunia nodded to Mikau and I, then departed in the opposite direction. Together the two of us walked to our lockers, which happened to be conveniently right next to eachother.
"Dude." Mikau said as he pulled necessary books from his locker, glancing over at me. I knew what he was going to say before he said it. "Have you found a date for the dance yet?" He asked for the upteenth time that week.
I groaned, pushing my locker door shut and turning to my Zora friend. "No, you'd know, trust me." I replied, also for the upteenth time.
Mikau closed his locker, shrugging at me. "I'm just saying. All the girls here would definitely agree as soon as you asked, but-"
"But..." I interrupted. "These girls are nice, I just..." I sighed, starting to walk down the hall with him. "I don't know, I want the right girl, you know?"
"Hm." Mikau mumbled. "Yeah, I know what you mean."
"Okay, then just wait. It'll happen. Hopefully."
Mikau chuckled lightly, nodding to me. "Whatever you say, O Wise Link."
I rolled my eyes, playfully elbowing him. He laughed again, then stopped walking. "Okay, see ya at lunch!" He said. I nodded goodbye and he went down another hallway to class.
As the lunch bell rang through the halls, I stood to go meet my friends, but as I turned a corner towards the cafeteria, I ran right smack into something solid. Stumbling back a couple steps, I glanced up and saw what I'd run into... Or who.
Ganon. The school bully.
"Watch where you're going, punk." Ganon growled, his two followers standing behind him, snickering quietly.
I just rolled my eyes and moved to push past, but Ganon caught my arm, gripping it tightly. "Is there something you wanna say to me, hm?"
I glared up at Ganon's ugly face, scowling. "Not to you, you ugly brute." I sneered, wrenching my arm free. Just as I stepped away, Ganon swung a fist at me, but I dodged, swatting his arm away. He swung again, catching the corner of my jaw. I shook my head, gritting my teeth.
I didn't really like to fight unless I absolutely had to. And Ganon and I got into it a lot.
Taking a deep breath, I simply turned and walked in the other direction, but I was jerked back by the collar of my shirt.
"Don't walk away, you little bitch." Ganon shoved me against the nearby lockers. Jeez, what the hell was this guy's problem?! He just couldn't leave anything alone. Suddenly, I whirled on him, throwing my fist into the side of his head, connecting with a satisfying crack. He actually stumbled a bit, but quickly regained his footing and shot forward.
"Enough!" A voice suddenly intervened and Ganon and I were pushed apart. "Both of you to the office. Now!" I looked up and saw one of my teachers watching us with narrowed eyes. Shooting me one more hateful glare, Ganon turned and slowly walked towards the office and, with a sigh, I followed.
So, I ended up getting detention after school, but Ganon had to serve two since he pretty much started everything. That thought made me feel a bit better. I had told my friends to just head on home though they insisted on waiting for me, but finally they gave up and left.
Adjusting my backpack on my shoulder, I walked quickly down the sidewalk towards my dorm room. As I passed the girl's dorm on the way, I saw a car sitting outside with the trunk open and boxes filling up the back as if someone had just moved in.
"Can I help you?" A voice said from behind me and I turned to see an unfamiliar girl standing there. A very... beautiful unfamiliar girl. Though you couldn't see much past the hood pulled over her head, I did happen to see strands of golden blonde hair peek past the edge of her jacket. She wore fitted jeans and sneakers and was watching me with an odd expression from beneath her jacket hood. I had been awkwardly standing there, staring at her car...
I finally spoke up. "Oh, um... no, I just... did you just move in?" I asked. Well, obviously, ya dumbass!
She tilted her head to the side slightly. "Yes." She answered shortly. Her voice was soft, but firm and it was kind of... sad. Something inside me wanted her to be haply. Even though I just met her. She didn't say anything else, but shifted slightly as if she were uncomfortable. She had to be hot in that jacket, but she seemed determined to keep it on and even self-conciously tugged her sleeves further down her arms.
"Well... you'll, um, like it here." I stuttered, which I didn't normally do, but this girl caused such unfamiliar feelings in the pit of my stomach. However, these feelings weren't particularly bad. "Need help?"
She simply shook her head, but continued to be silent. Maybe she was just shy. But she had a look in her eye, almost as if something was going to come at her out of nowhere.
I stood awkwardly for a second, then boldly stated, "I'm Link." I put my hand out to shake and she flinched at my sudden movement, then tried covering it by straightening a little. She cleared her throat. "Zelda." She said quietly, tentatively taking my hand and shaking it before quickly pulling back again. But those few seconds of contact were enough to get my heart to pick up the pace and my skin to raise in nice goosebumps.
"Pretty name." I said smiling. "If there's, um... anything. That you need, just... just find me. I'm right over there." I pointed vaguely to the boy's dorm not too far away. "Second floor."
The girl, Zelda, nodded. "Thank you." The smallest ghost of a smile flitted over her full lips before vanishing again. It was beautiful while it lasted though. I wondered how amazing her full smile was...
I nodded. "Sure you don't need help?" I asked again.
"I'm really okay. Thanks." She replied softly. I pursed my lips, nodding one more time, then gave a small wave to which she cringed slightly at again, causing me to quickly drop my hand. I smiled again and turned to walk away.
Damn... I'd just met her, but...
I needed to get to know that girl.
Yay! So, I have this pretty planned out. This chapter was mainly just to introduce people and all that jazz. It'll get good ( I hope! XD ) So I hope you guys liked it.
As always, please review and tell me if you'd like me to continue this! Thanks guys! :)
- NayruSapphire