Thaila was a normal 25 year old. Has a boyfriend, two best friends. Works with her mother. But she never meets her father. But her whole life turns upside down when she finds of she is with child.

I had to meet my boyfriend Luke at his job. I had a surprise for him. I'm pregnant, with his child (of course). Wait, first let me introduce myself. My name is Thaila, I'm 25 years old. I have a boyfriend Luke. And two best friends. Nico and Annabeth. I meet Nico in 5th grade. He always stayed by himself. We became friends when I sat next to him at lunch, after I had "accidently" tripped and dropped my milk on Drew. A girl that has bullied Nico and me, since the beginning of the year. I just couldn't take her teasing anymore. But I didn't get in trouble. I was as goody-goody in the eyes of the teachers. When I sat next to Nico I heard a small chuckle coming from him. We talked, or well I did Nico is a silence person. He really doesn't talk that much. Ever since then we are super close. In high school we had every class together. And he got more social in middle school. He made a friend. Luke. Nico introduced us. The way I meet Annabeth, is well. She and I are like sisters, really. Or moms were close. They meet in high school. They were teased by the popular kids, but didn't care. They stuck together. When Annabeth and I were born, we would always go to each other's house. So Annabeth and I literally spend every time together as babies. And something else, we were born on the same day. So, we practically are sisters. Shoot, even twins. There are things we agree on and things that we don't. Our mother's would say, we argue like twins, and act like it. We would do everything we could do together. Annabeth and I were inseparable in school. We had are mom's change are classes to be together. People would talk and make fun, but that was because they never had a relationship with someone like ours. Anyways back to what I was saying. I drove to the café that Nico and Luke worked at. She wants me to work there, but I keep saying no. I was happy working for my mom has her helper. And let me tell you something my mom is an amazing tailor. There is nothing she can't make or fix. (AN: it is true my mom is amazing. She had her own company. But only to support us. And she would have lots of customers. It there were any girls me and my sister age or size. We would be the dummy.)

Sorry, losing my train of thought. Anyways, I parked in the front and went to the back where the workers went for their brake. I saw one of the workers there making out with a girl, with clothes three times to small for her body. Slut. I thought. Then I heard the girl say Alex's name. I walked closer and saw the boy had beach blonde hair, tan skin. He turned his head to deepen the kiss; I saw the scar Luke had gotten when he was playing with a bull dog. The scar ran down his eye, starting on his eyebrow and down to his nose. I couldn't believe my eyes. And I saw a glimpse of the girl. It was Silena Beauregard. A girl from college, she had always had her eyes on Luke. Later I had helped her find a boy that liked her for her. Not who she is. But later he dead, he was in the navy and dead when a torpedo hit the engine. There were no survivors. Silena was devastated. I haven't heard of her since. I quietly walked to them. I tapped on Luke's shoulder.

"What?!" Luke said. I could tell he didn't like someone interrupting on his make out session. Luke turned when I didn't answer. And he just stared at me, shocked. Luke and I have been dating for about 7 years. Tomorrow it will be the 7th year of us dating. "Thals!" He said snapping out of his state of shock. "It's not what it looks like."

"It looks like you and Silena sucking faces!" I said her name in disbelief. "How could you?" I said. My voice close to cracking. Tears where now starting to run down my cheeks. And let me tell you something. I never, and I mean NEVER cry.

"It's her fault. She attacked me." Luke said, pointing to Silena

"My fault?!" Sliena shrieked. Her voice was nice, but she would change it to a squeaky one. I don't know that guys saw in that, but she would get any guy she wanted. "You said 'I don't care about Thals. I want you." And then you started to kiss me." Silena tried to mimic Luke's voice, failing. Then she turned Luke to face her, and slapped him, hard. She may look weak but she's not. She was taught self-defense when she was younger. He turns to me from the impact of the slap. By now people were gathered around see what was happening. I could see Silena's handprint on his cheek. I want to confront him, but I held myself back.

"I can't believe you." I yelled. "You're a...a…" I stumbled. I took slow deep breathes, trying to relax. "I had great news. And now you ruined them." I clenched of the idea of him being with my baby.

"And what would that news be?" Luke asked. Grabbing my arm, I shook it off.

"I'm pregnant, with your kid." I said.

"That's great. We can start the family we always wanted." Luke said.

"No, it's not." I said, staring straight in his icy blue eyes.


"The baby won't have a father." I said, I saw confusion in his eyes. "Because we are through." I said firmly. I started to head to the café. But Luke grabbed my arm again, and pulled me to him. His calm blue eyes were not deadly and angry.

"You're not leaving me here. We're staying together; tomorrow will be the day I break the record of dating a girl." Luke said, tightening his grip. He only dated me for a record. "And to think I almost started to fall for you." When those words left his mouth, my heart stopped beating for two seconds.

"I hate you! We are over!" I yelled, hitting his arm so hard you could hear it break.

"OW! Why, you little." He raised his good arm and slapped me. I lost my balance, and fell. On my side, pain shot up on my arm, back, and my stomach.