Summary: Just imagine it... A world without love...

What if there was a world without love,

Matthew woke up to a normal day. Like everyday, he felt something in his heart was missing, yet he couldn't put a finger on it. He sighed and got out of bed. Staggering around, he got dressed and ready for school.

What if brothers could sit through eating time without saying a single word to each other,

His family sat for breakfast. "Good morning," Matthew said casually. His family nodded in acknowledgement. No one talked. After all, what was there to talk? Everything was always the same.

What if people walked the streets alone,

"Have a good time in school, lads," Matthew's father said to him and his brother, Alfred. It was his father's duty to say it. There was no emotion in it. There never was. Somehow, it pained Matthew.

Alfred and him just waved goodbye and started walking to school. All they could hear was the footsteps of people. Matthew looked down and noticed their walk was synchronised. He then looked at his brother. Alfred was looking forward. He has a stern face and looked like he didn't want to talk. "I wonder how you would look with a smile," Matthew thought out loud. Alfred just shrugged.

What if no one had anything to hide,

Matthew scoffed his head at the thought of his brother smiling. "Probably really dorky and stupid. I wonder wha-" "Shut up, Matthew. I really could care less," Alfred cut him off. Matthew zipped his mouth and hinged his head low, "Sorry..."

What if there was no such thing as a 'friend,'

Matthew parted ways with Alfred when they reached school. Sure, they had classes together, but they preferred to pretend to not know each other. Everyone was walking to their lockers or to class. No one, like always, was talking. All that was heard was the quiet slamming of lockers, closing doors, and moving feet. Matthew sighed. He was like everyone else; invisible in a crowd of other invisible, nameless people.

What if no one bothered to make things exciting,

Matthew looked around the classroom. Everyone was listening to the teacher blabber on. He looked at his brother next to him. Alfred yawned quietly. Matthew wondered what was on Alfred's mind. Was he actually paying attention, or was he think of amazing and strange things? Matthew doubts the latter one would ever happen.

What if every single detail of someone's life was controlled by rules,

It was time for lunch. Matthew was walking out of some class when he heard the principal and a student arguing. "You cannot wear that to school or anywhere in fact," the principal said. "C'mon, this t-shirt is awesome! Much more awesome than those stupid button up shirts!" The student said. Mathew unconsciously touched his shirt. "You can't wear that shirt, Mr Beilschmidt." The principal stubbornly said. "Ah, shut up," Beilschmidt waved her off. Matthew couldn't believe what he was hearing. No one, and he means no one, says shut up to a principal. "That's it. You're coming with me young man," The principal grabbed the boys wrist and led him to her office. The students that enter the office rarely come out. Matthew hung his head low and pretended that he didn't see anything.

What if one can't make their own choices,

"You get this for lunch," The lunch lady said neutrally. 'I would have preferred the other one though,' Matthew mentally complained. "You are sitting here," A teacher then led Matthew to his sit in a table filled with strangers. Matthew would have preferred sitting with his brother and some familiar yet unknown faces. It wouldn't matter though. The conversation would have been the same; absolute silence.

What if there was no way out?

Matthew escaped to the school's roof after classes were over. The sky always looked pretty in whatever weather. Matthew went to the edge, sat down, and watch the students coming quietly out of school. Then he looked at the free sky. No one told it what to do. It could decide where it wanted to go. Matthew wanted to be just like the sky. He looked at the students again. They were trapped; just like everyone else. Matthew looked at the sky again, then students, then sky, students, sky, students, sky, students, sky...

For a second, just for a second, Matthew imagined jumping off the edge and joining the sky...

I'm sorry for the lack of updates. Here's something sad... I whipped it up in less than an hour.