I do not own Inuyasha
Chapter 1
Kagome sat waiting for the rest of the group to return from a hunt.
'I wonder whats taking so long she thought' Kagome thought
As she though that she heard Sango calling her name
"yes Sango what is it is something wrong?" Kagome asked
" Yes" Sango replied
"the stupid half breed ran off again" Sango said
"Inuyasha will never learn" adds Miroku with an irritated look on his face.
Kagome sighs
"i will go find him" Kagome said
As she grabs her bow and arrows plus her backpack and runs off into the woods.
"Be safe" Sango adds
Miroku and Sango watch as she runs in the direction they came from.
"Hope she doesn't find what i think she will stupid Inuyasha." Sango said sadly
Kagome was walking and though to her self.
'why does he always do this to me always running off when he is needed the most?all Of a sudden a familiar energy pattern appears as she is walking. Please let me be wrong. that its not what i am thinking.' Kagome thought
As she turns the corner leans out from behind of a tree. She finds Inuyasha embraced in Kikyo's arms
'Why me' Kagome asked her self
Kagome turns and starts to run away from every thing. She is done dealing with all Inuyasha and Kikyo's relationship.
' Nothing has changed even though Naraku is dead. He still cares for only her why Inuyasha did you have to lead me on for so long if you weren't going to give me a chance. Im done with this you will never see me again goodbye.'Kagome thought crying to herself
Kagome continues to run after the sun was about to set. She stopped to set up camp for her for the night.
"I need to get as far from him as i can." Kagome says in a pout
I am never going back to my time again. I cant with what has all happened now. As she stops she yells aloud.
" Inuyasha i will kill you if its the last thing i do." Kagome screams aloud with tears running down her face.
From a little distance away Sesshomaru hears her yell she will kill his brother.
'What has my brother done now? why Is she so upset and smells so much of anger its almost over whelming his already heightened senses. I will find him and figure out why this miko is so angry.' Sesshomaru thought
He runs as fast as he can tracking his brother. To find him in the dead priestess arms mating with her.
"This is disgusting how can you do that she is dead. I can see why she is so angry with you now." Sesshomaru said to himself
"You are very stupid brother of mine." Sesshomaru says under his breath
Sesshomaru turns and walks away headed toward where Kagome had put up her camp. As he walks back he gets to thinking.
' I have never seen that miko angry like that before Inuyasha doesn't deserve her. she has always been devoted to him every since I meet her. she has not changed her loyalty until now that is. Now she wants to kill him at least we have something in common now. I think I will train her so she can kill him' Sesshomaru said with a smirk
this is my first writing feed back would be nice thanks