Reina was commanding her ANBU Black ops in their training. She watched as the various shinobi worked together to learn each other's strengths and weaknesses. She was proud of what she had accomplished with them. All was well until she felt a trickle down her leg. Her breath hitched in her throat in surprise. She looked down and saw blood saturating her ankle bandages to the point that it began dripping onto the floor and pooling around her.

She gasped as her eyes widened in fear at what was happening. "W-what's going on?!" Reina flicked her head up and watched as the ANBU members simply stopped to watch.

"What a shame."

"Demons like her should never be able to reproduce anyway."

"Serves her right."

Reina looked at them with anger and sorrow. "Please! Help me! Someone!" She cried out, collapsing onto her hands and knees.

The stared with blank expressions as the blood pooled around her and spread across the training floor. Reina's hands began to heat up and sting as the blood began dissolving her. She cried out in pain while trying to stand up, but the pain of the miscarriage was too unbearable. The room continued to fill with blood, but her ANBU team simply stood there.

Before the blood rose above their chins, each ANBU member said in unison. "How does it feel to be dissolved?" in a haunting chant, before disappearing in the pool of blood.

Reina trembled. "No! NO!" Slowly, the blood rose above her platform and made its way into her nose and mouth, burning her from the inside out.

Reina gasped as she bolted upright in bed. She panted and lifted the bedsheets to check herself. "No blood…" She whispered softly. Reina turned her head, glancing at Madara sound asleep.

Reina felt awful after such an uncanny, frightening nightmare. Her heart raced and a thin layer of sweat made her feel sticky and cold. She quietly crawled out of bed and shuffled over to their balcony doors. Gently grabbing the handles, she pushed down and slowly opened the doors. Reina stepped onto the balcony and rested her elbows onto the railing. The dream kept running repeatedly through her head. No matter what she could not shake those haunting images.

"Are you going to be alright?" Kaguya inquired.

"Yeah… I just need a moment." Reina replied as she lowered her head.

"You are going to have this baby."

"How do you know?" Reina inquired while looking up at the moon.

"Do you question me?"

"To be frank, yes, very much so." Reina straightened her back and stretched, reaching her arms up to the stars. "Lady of the Moon."

"I simply know. Call it mother's intuition."

"I call bullshit," Reina muttered.

"You still challenge me." Kaguya chuckled. "I like you."

"Oh? And why is that?" Reina raised a brow and sat down on one of her balcony chairs.

"You are like me. We are both very much individualistic who challenge those around us and do as we please." She smirked. "It is magnificent, yes?"

Reina rubbed her barely protruding stomach. "I suppose your statement has some merit."

Kaguya watched as Reina rubbed her stomach. "Are you excited?"

Reina nodded. "Of course…" She spoke to her stomach. "I wonder who you're going to look like. Will you have my personality or Madara's? Or neither?" She giggled. "Who will you like more? Or will you love us equally?" She frowned. "I hope you don't give me any trouble."

"Wouldn't that be karmic?" Madara inquired as he hazily stepped onto the balcony. He admired the night air. "Oh, it's nice out here."

Reina smiled. "Care to join me?'

Madara plopped down on the empty balcony chair across from Reina and leaned back. "Why are you up so late?"

Reina sighed. "I had a nightmare about miscarrying."

"Again?" Madara furrowed his brows. "I'm sorry to hear. Is there anything I can do to help put you at ease?"

"No… I'll be fine. Thank you, though." Reina gave a soft smile. "I'm sorry if I woke you."

Madara smiled as he closed his eyes. "There is no need to apologize. It was cute waking up to you talking to your stomach."

Reina giggled. "That's kind of embarrassing."

"It was endearing," Madara said as he breathed in the night air. The couple stayed outside for some time until returning back to bed.

Reina walked the streets of Konoha in a white, flowy sundress. She wore nude sandals and a matching clutch. Her hair was down it it's typically flow, wavy fashion with two strands on either side of her head making a loose crown. Reina carried grocery bags in each hand as she quietly meandered through town until she made it home. She sauntered through the door and walked over to the kitchen to put the groceries away.

Today was her day off, so she knew exactly what she was going to do. Prep dinner, clean, relax, and read a book. Especially after the horrid dream, she had that night; Reina knew she needed time to herself. Just as she finished putting her groceries away, there was a knock at the door. Reina sighed and walked over to her front door and slowly opened it up to reveal, "Oh, Lady Shika! It's you." She grinned politely.

"Yes, I thought I would stop by and congratulate you on your pregnancy." Shika smiled and bowed.

Reina bowed back before holding the door for her. "Please, do come in." She smiled and watched as the elderly woman entered her household. "So much for my relaxing day off." Reina shut the door behind her and brought her over to the dining room. "Allow me to make some tea and refreshments for us. It will only be a moment."

Shika nodded. "Oh, of course, dear."

"Thank you." Reina walked to the kitchen in slight frustration, preparing tea and snacks for her company.

Hashirama was sitting with Tobirama in their dining room eating lunch when Mito burst into the room, skidding on the floor with her feet while panting. Hashirama looked up at her in surprise. "Mito, are you alr-"

"Is she gone?!" Mito looked him dead in the eyes.

"You mean, Lady Shika?" Hashirama inquired.

"Yes! Is that woman gone?" Mito said with an exhausted expression.

Hashirama chuckled. "Yes, I told her about Reina's pregnancy and encouraged her to visit so you can have a moment to breathe."

Mito placed a hand on her chest both in relief and out of respect for Reina's sacrifice. "Oh, thank God." She shook her head. "Poor Reina. Bless your soul."

Tobirama waved his hand. "Do not worry about Reina. Shika and Reina have developed an odd sense of respect for one another."

Mito looked at him bewildered. "How?!" She inquired. "How does she do it?"

Hashirama shrugged with laughter. "Beats me. Now, come. Sit down and enjoy lunch."

Reina was listening to Lady Shika talk about how she was preparing for Mito to be a lady since she will soon become a political figure as Hashirama's wife. All she could do was feel sick inside for her friend. "Yes, if there is anyone who has the capabilities for refining a woman it would be you, Lady Shika. Your expertise is unparalleled and I am forever grateful for the lessons you have taught me."

Shika blushed and waved her hand. "No, you flatter me."

"Oh, but it is true." Reina smiled sweetly.

"Oh, well I am honored to have worked with you." Shika giggled and sipped her tea. "What a splendid cup."

"Thank you." Reina bowed her head.

"You remind me very much of your mother. What a lovely woman she was." Shika smiled. "She would make the best cup of tea."

Reina lowered her head. "What was she like, if you do not mind me asking?"

"Ah, yes. I forgot you never learned much anything about her." Shika sighed and looked up as she thought to herself. "Well, she was a little taller than you. Her skin was lighter, like Tobirama's. Hashirama gets his darker skin from your father, Lord Batsuma. Both you and your late brother Itama had skin tones in between." Shika looked at Reina and smiled. "You look almost identical to her, except she had white hair and red piercing red eyes like Tobirama. Her hair was wavy, like yours, but she preferred to keep it short for battle."

"Did she die in battle?" Reina inquired. "I never cared much to ask."

"And understandably so. The warring states era was about survival, not trivial questions. No one had the luxury time to wonder and daydream. Well, except Hashirama and Madara." Shika shook her head with a chuckle. "Besides, Lord Batsuma would never have answered."

"Yes, father was rather strict." Reina nodded.

"Indeed, he was." Shika cleared her throat. "To answer your question, your mother passed away giving birth to you."

Reina stiffened at her words. "She died… because- how?" She inquired once more.

Shika smiled sadly. "When your mother gave birth to you, it took a great toll on her body. No medical ninjutsu could save her. She was bedridden for a little over a week before she passed. Hashirama did everything he could to nurse her back to health but failed. This is why he has excelled at medical ninjutsu. He never wanted to lose a family member to his lack of ability ever again." Shika reached over and held Reina's hand. "You are aware of the incredible power within you, yes?"

Reina nodded. "I am."

Shika gave her hand a light squeeze. "Your mother's body was not strong enough to birth you. We do not know why, but during her third trimester, her health started deteriorating even though you kept growing healthy and strong inside her. Your life force was so overwhelming that you ended up keeping her alive rather than the other way around. When she gave birth to you, you stripped much of her chakra and energy from her body. It was like a siphon."

Reina lowered her head. "That is rather unfortunate… and terrifying."

Shika nodded. "Indeed it was quite the anomaly, but regardless she loved you dearly. She spent every last moment of her life nursing you and showering you with love." Shika lowered her head and slowly let go of Reina's hand. "When she passed, Lord Batsuma became even more calloused. As you grew, he was torn about how he should treat you. A part of him treasured you very much as you were a product of his and your mother's love and you looked much like her, but at the same time, she was gone and you had an ominous power dwelling within you. Nonetheless, he did his best to love you as much as he could, for your mother's sake."

Reina nodded. "It often felt like I was being punished for no reason. Now I know why." She smiled softly at Shika. "Thank you for telling me. It all makes sense."

Shika nodded. "Of course. I am so pleased to hear that thanks to Lady Mito you are now able to have a child of your own. Your mother would be so proud."

Reina smiled. "Would she be?"

"Absolutely." Shika smiled and sipped her tea. She lightly set the cup down. "Oh! I almost forgot." She pulled out a small box from her kimono pocket and handed it to Reina. "Here. A gift for your baby."

"Oh, I cannot accept it." Reina bowed her head.

"Of course you can." Shika gestured for her to take the box.

Reina graciously accepted it with a seated bow. "Thank you." She untied the ribbon and popped the lid off the box. Inside, was a silver rattle. "Lady Shika, it is beautiful! Thank you."

Shika giggle. "You're very welcome dear." She smiled. "Well, I ought to return back to the tower. Mito has had enough of a break from me."

Reina laughed at her comment. "Oh, it was lovely seeing you. Allow me to walk you out."

Madara was in his public office doing paperwork when there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" He called.

The door slid open and Jun stepped inside. "Good Afternoon, Lord Madara."

"Good afternoon, Jun," Madara said in his low, gruff tone while stamping papers. "What can I do for you?"

Jun cleared his throat. "I was simply wondering if I will resume training with Lady Reina. Kazuko and I would like to start planning our wedding soon. In order to do that, I need to make sure I have a set schedule."

"I see." Madara looked up at the man before him. "Well, I am not certain as Reina has a plethora of responsibilities. Various plans are being set into motion and Reina is at the helm. Not only that but she also has the ANBU Black Ops to command."

"What do you suggest I do?" Jun inquired.

"I permit you to visit Reina at our house and ask her yourself. I am sure she wouldn't mind." Madara gave a small smile. "Is that all?"

"Yes, sir." Jun bowed. "Thank you for your time."

Madara watched as Jun left his office and was about to continue his paperwork when he realized today was Reina's day off. "Reina's going to murder me in my sleep." He muttered to himself with a sigh, reluctantly continuing his work.

After Reina finished running a masque through her hair, she tied it up in a messy bun and sat down at her vanity. She was about to groom her eyebrows when she heard a knock coming from downstairs. Reina furrowed her brows and turned her lips into a suspicious frown before standing up and walking out of the bedroom. Quietly, she made her way downstairs and peaked outside of a window to see who was knocking at her door.

"Who the hell is-?" When Reina saw Jun she sighed. "Sweet lord." She groaned before shuffling over to the entryway. Reina cleared her throat and plastered a smile on her face before opening the front door. "Oh! Hello, Jun. How nice to see you."

Jun bowed. "Greetings, Lady Reina. I apologize for disrupting you." He looked up at her messy hair. "You must have been in the middle of something."

"Oh, please do not apologize. Is everything alright?" Reina inquired.

Jun nodded. "Yes- well- no."

"Oh?" Reina giggled and opened the door up for him to enter. "How about you come on in? I'll make us a pot of tea."

Later that evening Reina was sitting in the kitchen scanning the refrigerator to see what she could make for dinner. She was feeling rather lazy but knew she had to make food for both her and Madara. Reina let out an exasperated sigh. She heard the front door open and shut the refrigerator door.

"Madara? Is that you?" Reina called as she shuffled over to the main hallway.

"Yes! I'm home!" Madara called from the entryway.

Reina peaked around the wall and watched as he set a couple of bags down to take off his shoes. "Oh, what is that?"

"You're not allowed to look!" Madara pointed comically.

Reina giggled and disappeared back into the kitchen. "Alright!" She sat on the island, waiting for Madara to enter.

Madara came into the kitchen and set the bags down in front of her. He untucked something from his arm that was hiding behind his back and revealed a bouquet of her favorite flowers. "I brought you a bouquet of white spider mums as an apology for sending Jun here on your day off. I forgot and I would prefer not to die in my sleep."

Reina chuckled and accepted the flowers. "Thank you, but it wasn't that big of a deal."

"You're pregnant. You need to relax when you can. That and I'm being cautious about your mood swings." Madara joked.

Reina snickered. "You've come prepared."

"I have had a plethora of experience on the battlefield. I know when I will lose." Madara pulled out take-out food from the other bags. "I also bought us dinner since I'm certain you wouldn't want to cook today."

Reina gasped. "You're my savior!" She bowed in her seat. "Thank you so much!"

Madara chuckled at her dramatic display. "Yes, I'll bring the food to the dining room. You can put your flowers in a vase."

"I will." Reina popped off her stool and began taking care of her bouquet.

Shortly after, the couple joined each other at the table and began eating dinner. Madara sipped his water glass and set it down. "So, how was your day aside from Jun's interruption?"

"Oh, it was fine, but Jun wasn't the only interruption." Reina waved her hand.

"Oh? Do tell." Madara said before crunching on a piece of crispy breaded pork cutlet.

Reina swallowed her rice. "Well, Lady Shika stopped by today."

Madara's eyes widened. "I am… sorry?"

Reina quietly laughed to herself. "It's fine. It wasn't that big of a deal. Turns out, she's grilling Mito harder than ever."

"I am surprised Mito needs that much work. Aside from the sporadic energy, the sass directed at Hashirama, the tendency to drink herself silly, and-…" Madara stopped mid-sentence and tilted his head. "Perhaps she does need more work than I thought."

Reina giggled. "Mito just needs to learn to fake it until she makes it." She sighed. "Anyway, I was on my best behavior while she was in my company."

"Naturally." Madara raised his brows with distaste at the thought of the old woman's austere nature.

"Yeah, I wasn't in the mood to be critiqued today." Reina sipped her tea and set her cup down. "Anyway, she told me I make a wonderful cup of tea, just like my mother."

Madara furrowed his brows and tilted his head as she looked at Reina. "I do not think you have ever told me about your mother."

"That is because I never learned anything about her." Reina ate a pickled radish before continuing. "I asked Shika about her today. Turns out she passed away shortly after giving birth to me."

Madara's face softened. "Reina, I am so sorry to hear that. Do you know why she passed?"

Reina nodded. "Yes, and it very much ties into my original issues with miscarrying." She continued telling Madara what Shika informed her of earlier and how it connected to her tendency to absorb other's chakra abilities. Eventually, the couple wrapped up dinner, relaxed with one another for the remainder of the evening, and headed off to bed.

Hashirama was sitting in his office when he heard a gentle knock on his door. "Come in!" He called.

The door opened and Reina stepped inside in her black attire. "Hello, Lord Hokage."

Hashirama flashed a cheeky grin. "Lady Reina! What can I do for you today?"

"Give me my next mission," Reina smirked. "My people are ready."

"You mean… the ANBU are ready after a month and a half of training?" Hashirama inquired.

Reina nodded. "I told you that we did not need much time. They are perfectly capable of executing successful internal and external missions now."

Hashirama smiled and nodded. "I should have expected this from you. You always pass with flying colors."

Reina bowed her head in acknowledgment. "Thank you."

Hashirama pointed his ink brush to her stomach. "How's the baby doing?"

Reina blushed bashfully. "It's um- doing alright I guess."

"You guess?" Hashirama inquired while standing up from his chair.

"I mean, yeah. I just had an appointment with Doctor Yakushi about two weeks ago. She said everything is fine." Reina shrugged.

Hashirama sighed and shook his head. "You're hopeless." He turned around and glanced out the window behind him. "What a lovely day."

"It's going to storm today," Reina stated confidently.

Hashirama frowned. "So much for a leisurely stroll through the village if I catch a break."

Reina cleared her throat. "So, what is my next step from here?"

Hashirama turned around with a sigh. "How about we have you and your select platoons visit surrounding villages to see if we can gather intel about the Miyashita clan in the surrounding area. Check to see if outside villages need more aid. Stay within the Land of Fire. If you catch wind of strange occurrences happening outside our borders, come to me first. Try not to engage in fights as much as possible."

"When should we be dispatched." Reina inquired.

"Is tonight suitable?" Hashirama rested his hands on his desk.

Reina nodded. "That's doable. When would you prefer for us to return?"

Hashirama placed a hand on his chin in thought. "How about… return within one week. Is that okay?"

"You're just pulling this outta your ass." Reina pouted.

Hashirama gasped before crouching depressed. "Listen, I'm still new to this job. No need to be so mean about it."

Reina waved her hand as she headed for the door, not willing to entertain his depression. "I'll tell the ANBU about their mission and report to you before dispatch. See ya tonight." With that, the door clicked shut, leaving Hashirama to brood in his office alone.

That evening, Reina was packing her backpack when Madara stepped inside their bedroom. Madara leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms as he watched her. Reina stopped packing and turned her head to look at him. "Are you having second thoughts?" She asked while looking him directly in the eyes.

"You mean about letting you go on missions while pregnant?" Madara pushed himself off the doorframe and let his arms drop to his sides as he walked towards her. "Not at all. I know you are more than capable of protecting the two of you. That and if there is anyone suitable for this kind of work, it is you." Madara wrapped one arm around her waist and tilted her chin upwards. He gently lowered his head to kiss her. He softly pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. "You are Reina Uchiha, of the elite Uchiha clan. I will never doubt you."

Reina shyly smirked. "Thank you."

Madara let go of her. "I'll walk you to the Hokage's tower when you're finished."

"You don't have to. You're more than welcome to relax at home. You had a busy day." Reina encouraged.

Madara chuckled. "I'm fine. You're the one with the heavy workload. Besides, I want to see you off."

Reina smiled sweetly. "If you insist."

Hashirama and Madara were standing with Reina in the ANBU Black Ops atrium. About three-quarters of the ANBU were employed for this mission. Each and every one of them kneeled on one leg as they listened to Hashirama give his speech on the importance of the mission. Eventually, Reina took the stage.

"Stand!" Reina commanded and watched as her troops stood in unison. She turned and looked at Hashirama and Madara. "It's about time we get going." She turned back to the ANBU. "Team A! Move out!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Yes, ma'am!" The group of shinobi said in unison as the quickly rushed out.

After ten minutes had passed, Reina dispatched the next group. "Team B! Move out!" The cycle repeated until all twenty platoons of seven were sent off. Reina smiled and turned to her brother. "They've all memorized the map of the Land of Fire. I'll be heading out soon."

Hashirama nodded. "I'll leave it up to you." He bowed. "I will take my leave."

Reina bowed in return. "Thank you." She watched as Hashirama disappeared. Reina turned her attention toward Madara and looked up at him. "Well, I should get going."

Madara smirked stepped forward, gently wrapping one arm around her waist. "Do your best." He leaned down and kissed her sweetly before pulling apart. "Obliterate anyone who tries to harm you."

Reina giggled and slipped on a mask of a black rabbit. "Oh, I will."

Team C was traversing the woods northeast when a clone of Reina's appeared beside them. The leader of Team C chuckled. "You really are quick like a bunny, huh?"

"Team A was just as surprised." Reina snickered beneath her mask. "Pretend like I'm not even here." She propelled backward to let the squad leader do his work as she was simply a back-up fighter in the shadows. Her clone was also present to relay information as quickly as possible. For any ordinary shinobi, it would be exhausting spreading shadow clones across the entire Land of Fire, but for Reina, it was perfectly doable.

The sun began to peek above the tree line. Nao watched as the sky turned from a deep blue with an orange glow to bright fuchsia. He tilted his head with a small smile as he reminisced about the past.

Nao and Reina were running off to a cliff where they could stargaze once the sun finished setting. She jumped grinned as the wind rushed past her with haste. Nao admired her as if in slow motion. Her face lit up. Her palpable energy bounding off of her in bolts of electricity. Her thirst for adventure, contagious. Nao chuckled and raced with her to the edge of a cliff.

Reina used her heels to slide to the edge, squeaking with a thrilling fear as she almost fell off the edge. "Aaaaah!" She caught her balance, but Nao still pulled her back to safety. "Oh, thanks!" She giggled.

Nao laughed. "You're rather reckless sometimes."

"That might be an understatement." Reina rubbed the back of her neck with a sheepish expression. "Anyway, shall we sit?" Reina plopped on the ground and patted the spot next to her.

Nao sat down next to her and leaned in. He gave her a charming little kiss before looking beyond the horizon with her as the sun disappeared. "What did you want to do all the way out here?"

Reina laid back and folded her hands behind her head. "Well, whenever I feel distant from my brothers, I like to lay here and look among the stars."

Nao looked down at her. "Oh? And why is that?"

Reina took in a deep breath with a smile. "Because I know that wherever they are and however long it takes for me to say them, we share the same earth and are blanketed under the same sky. Knowing that we share this vast space is more than enough for me. It makes me feel that much closer. It makes me feel less alone. Though we may be apart, we are always together."

"That's very poetic of you." Nao smiled. "I like that. You always have such a unique way of looking at things."

"You think so?" Reina looked at him briefly before looking back up at the stars.

Nao nodded. "Yes… I'd like to think that you have changed me for the better as well. I am forever grateful for my time with you."

"You say that as if it is coming to an end." Reina sat up concerned.

Nao chuckled. "I'm sorry to have worried you. That was not my intention, my love."

Reina pursed her lips. "Then… what is it?"

Nao sighed. "Well, I don't mean to rain on your parade, but we are still in the middle of a war era. Who knows where we will end up?"

Reina nodded. "I see."

"I hope that whatever happens to us and wherever we end up, we can always stay connected," Nao said sincerely before flashing a handsome smile.

Reina's heart melted. "Hold on a sec." She began digging around in her ninja pouch. "Sometimes when you meet someone… you can never truly break away from them, even if you tried. Somehow, they always come back or you hear something related to them. They pop into your mind randomly until eventually, you make your way back to one another."

Nao raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

"Ever hear the concept of the Red Thread of Fate?" Reina pulled out a wound up ball of red yarn.

"I can't say I'm familiar with it." Nao smiled with his glimmering eyes. "Tell me about it."

Reina grinned. "So, originally it is a concept that states that there is an invisible spiritual cord connecting two people who are bound to marry. However, throughout the years, the concept has begun to cover a wider scope."

"Meaning?" Nao raised his brow.

"Well, it's a matter of fate." Reina tied the thread around her pinky. "Two people are bound to always meet. They can never stray, as something invisible always ties them together. No matter how much they try to stretch or cut the cord, it cannot be broken. Essentially, you are soulmates, which goes beyond romance." She held her hand out. "Give me your hand."

Nao gently placed hers in his. "So, it's like an inescapable destiny. You are bound to always be connected to this person as long as you two shall live. And if you believe in the afterlife?"

"Well, I'm not sure about that. But what I do know, is that some people you're forever touched by and connected to. Some people… you look up at the sky." Reina pointed to the stars. "And you know they're looking up with you."

Nao felt something tighten around his thumb and looked down at his hand. Around his thumb was the other end of the red yarn. He looked up at Reina with curiosity and awe. "So… we are connected?"

Reina smiled and nodded. "I'd like to think so. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully forget about you. Not ever."

Nao looked at her hand, fascinated by the little red thread tied neatly around her dainty pinky. He blushed and looked away. "You sure have a way with words."

Reina chuckled and looked away as well. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so emotional about it."

Nao slowly averted his attention back at her. "Th-there's nothing to be sorry about… it's kinda cute."

Reina slowly turned to face him and smirked. "Thanks… As long as we are connected… there's nothing to worry about."

Nao nodded. "I suppose you're right." The two laid back down and gazed at the stars until falling asleep. The dun began to rise and the bright pink sky lit up the departing night. Nao stirred and woke up, but Reina was nowhere to be found. He looked around him with unease until he noticed the red thread on the ground. He raised his hand and looked at his thumb against the rising sun. He grinned and stood up. Nao followed the thread until he came to a nearby tree. The thread hit the roots and climbed straight up the tree to the very top. Nao squinted his eyes and looked up to see Reina sitting at the treetops. He sighed with relief and relaxed his shoulders, turning to the sunrise to welcome the morning sky.

Nao smirked and reached into his pouch. He pulled out a string of red yarn bound up and tied in a bow. "What was that… about two years ago? Not long before you left…" He whispered softly to himself.

"You reminiscing about your girlfriend?" Arata said as he approached him.

"Must you ruin every moment of my life?" Nao inquired without turning around.

"Now now! Is that any way to speak to your elder brother?" Arata smirked as he lectured him akimbo.

Nao sighed. "Being older by five minutes really doesn't count."

Arata chuckled and walked up to him. He admired the sunrise as he stood beside him. "For your sake, I hope she still loves you."

"Why is that?" Nao raised a brow.

"If she hurts you… I'll kill her." Arata said calmly. "She's beautiful and powerful… and our relationship can be dicey… but you're all I have left."

"You will not kill her as we agreed upon." Nao sighed. "But I appreciate the sentiment."

"She's pregnant you know." Arata turned his head slowly to look at Nao.

Nao's breath hitched in her throat. He took a moment to compose himself. "That's to be expected. She is a married woman and has always wanted a family."

"We can always do something about that," Arata whispered softly, forcing Nao to listen. "Not her… but the baby…"

Nao shook his head. "No. It will cause her heartache. We can't risk targeting her either. They will know for certain that we are after her." He turned to his brother. "Stop with your antics."

"I'm just testing your love!" Arata chuckled and patted Nao on the shoulder while turning around. "I'm just messing. You know me. I have a thing for cruelty." Arata waved his hand. "I'll see you at the camp. We've got another sacrifice to make."

Nao clenched his jaw and looked down at the red thread in his hand. "Sacrifice… that's nothing new."

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I apologize for the wait. This chapter is a bit longer due to my screw-up and lack of brain cells, but alas, finals week. I will be writing like a fiend once this summer semester ends! Be on the lookout for updates!

If you enjoyed this chapter or did not enjoy it, leave a comment down below!

With love,
