Author's Note: I know, I know! I'm evil for that last chapter, so think of this as an apology!
Chapter 7: Redshirts will be a total standalone, basically, that one's not going to really connect to any other drabbles in this series.
I could never kill my Nyota bby and stick with it! I love her too much!
Thank you for the reviews, and as always, I hope you enjoy this next little drabble of mine~
Nyota loved warm weather.
She also loved rainstorms.
What she was not particularly fond of, however, was snow. Or more, she just wasn't very fond of the winter months. Spock recalled that, in the early stages of their relationship, she'd told him how she found herself beneath three comforters, wearing sweats, with a space heater running and she was still utterly freezing in her dorm over the winter.
Spock was equally as fond of the warm weather—it reminded him of home.
The Enterprise wasn't always the warmest vessel, even with cabin temperatures 'cranked' as Nyota would put it.
On the nights that she found the temperature particularly unbearable in their shared quarters, Nyota would use Spock as a pillow of sorts, her upper body resting atop his.
She'd always been quite fond of physical contact while they slept, but when she was cold, his bondmate took advantage of his raised body temperature.
He'd be remiss if he didn't note that she was very… cute, for lack of a better word, when she did so.