A Rise of the Guardians Fanfic; Shrinking Snowflakes
Chapter One "Guardian of Fun"

There were voices sounding from something that he couldn't place. To his left? Right? He couldn't tell. He shifted a little against the soft, warm blanket and burrowed his face into whatever that fluff was… Wait? Warm? Since when did Jack feel warm and soft without wanting to burrow under the snow? Chocolate brown eyes fluttered open sleepily, letting out a yawn as his fist came upwards to rub at the sand (courtesy of one Sandman no doubt) resting at his eyes. Sandy must have been here, he mused. As his eyesight cleared, the voices starting clarifying and settling down until Jack could see someone right in front of him. He squinted his eyes, squirming against the soft blanket he realized he was lying on. What was going on? The blur of colors slowly began to clear as someone spoke up.

"Oh look Sophie! He's awake," came the very familiar voice of one 21-year-old Jamie Bennett. It had been 11 years since the fight against Pitch and Jack had visited Jamie and Sofie quite a lot. He'd definitely recognize the youth's voice anywhere.

"Look Jamie! His eyes are like chocolate. They're pretty," Sophie giggled, making Jack blink in confusion. Of course his eyes were brown, Sophia had seen them quite a lot when he joined their company. Why was she sounding so enthused about his eye co- No wait, his eyes were supposed to be blue! They had been brown when he was a human, blue when he became an immortal. He could finally see the 14-year-old Sophie and Jamie standing over him, the blonde little girl peering at him. He tried to call out to the Bennett siblings, but nothing came out except a mouthful of gurgling. What in the world!?

Jamie Bennett put a hand against Jack's stomach, causing the winter spirit to squirm at the odd feeling. What was Jamie doing? His question was soon answered when Jamie lifted, actually lifted, the Guardian of Fun up into his arms and that's when Jack realized three of many things.

He was light enough and small enough that Jamie was able to keep him in his arms. Jamie was holding him in his arms in a position that had Jack looking at his hands with a bit of difficulty. Finally, his hands. They were definitely not like that last time he looked. Jack flexed a finger in front of him, nearly freaking himself out that the tiny little finger moved as he had.

"We need to get this little guy fed, Soph." Jamie told his sister as he jostled Jack slightly to plant him on his hip. Little guy? Jack's mouth dropped open slightly in shock. Oh dear MiM, was he having a really crazy dream from too many of North's cookies or was this actually happening? There was no other conclusion, he was somehow, some freaking way, that he was the size of a toddler or that of a baby. How or when he hadn't the foggiest right away and he tried to think of what happened before he woke up.

By the time this conclusion dawn on Jack, he was suddenly being seated on Sophie's lap and a rubber teat was coming towards his mouth.

"That's right, you just coax it into his mouth, sis." Jamie was coaxing. Oh right, Jamie no doubt had some minor babysitting experience with babies, being an older brother and all. Where were their parents anyways? Jack squirmed as he thought of these things while the bottle was stuffed into his mouth. He nearly choked on it if not for Jamie saving Jack and easing his sister to let it loose ever so slightly. Jack sucked on the teat experimentally, not sure what he was really doing. A stream of warm milk flowed into his mouth and he gulped it.

Jack normally didn't eat, but after that first explosion of taste bud he greedily suckled down more. Why didn't he ever drink this before? It tasted amazing! The milk was quite warm on his tongue, but the reassuring coldness wasn't wrapped around him for once, allowing him to enjoy the warmth without the need to hide under a blanket of snow. So he had to be human, otherwise he would've frosted everyone he touched. How was that even possible? He might've understood the shrinking, but being turned mortal was not what he expected at all.

"I wonder what his name is," Sophie commented, adjusting Jack in her arms while she looked up to her big brother. Jack's chocolate brown eyes peeked through the bangs on his forehead to look at his first believer who was pacing. The action made Jack grin inside. The pacing was a regular habit that Jamie had picked up over the years, pacing. The once only believer in the world as a child had never doubted the Guardians, keeping his belief well past the age that others stopped believing. His sister was the only other one who looked like she would never stop either. After all, she saw the Easter Bunny every Easter without fail, Bunnymund favoring her without meaning to.

"He looks kind of like Jack does, only with brown hair and brown eyes." Jamie laughed, peering forward far enough Jack could look right into his eyes. The boy looked back at him, blinking back as he sucked down the rest of the bottle. Why was he looking at him like that?

Jack couldn't speak coherently, that much was becoming obvious. How was going to alert Jamie that he was Jack Frost. Although, how did he even end up with the two? How did he even end up miniature as he was? And most likely human since Jamie said he had brown hair and brown eyes. Gah, these thoughts were circling each other with no answer coming forth!

"Let's call him Jackie!" Sophie declared as she jostled Jack slightly, causing him to whine in protest at his thought process being interrupted. He was not some play thing for her to move around! Luckily Jamie rescued him and settled his tiny body on the sofa over a blanket he set down. Jack laid on his stomach, wondering if he could at the very least retain some dignity and crawl. Walking seemed out of the question already, what with the fact his legs were being quite stubborn and refusing to move very well. He kicked a leg, pleased that it at least twitched.

"He's not a pet Soph," argued Jamie, "but we can call him Jackie for now. His parents are probably looking for him."

"I wonder how a baby even ended up near Jack's pond," Sophie agreed thoughtfully. "Do you think his mom and dad left him?" The little blonde didn't look pleased with the notion. Jack wriggled around as he listened, trying to get onto his knees to experiment with crawling. It took a few squirming until he managed and as he was about to try his hand at crawling, Jamie scooped him back up. He was not a toy! Jack tried to glare at the boy, but it simply came out as a pout. What was the point of even taking him away from his mission here? All Jamie was doing was holding him.

"Hopefully they didn't," Jamie answered as he started bouncing Jack in his arms. He was slightly awkward, obviously not a child minder expert, but experienced somewhat with kids enough to not drop the winter spirit. Fine, this wasn't so bad. At least now he could concentrate on how he got here while the two believers talked to each other, about what he didn't really pay much attention.

Jack was able to determine that he was less than a year old, though he couldn't determine the exact amount of months. He couldn't talk and he didn't know if he could walk (or crawl) either, so trying to get ahold of the Guardians was looking quite impossible by the minute. He needed some way to communicate to the siblings that he was Jack Frost, but how?

Jamie was carrying him to the front door, Jack obviously having missed out on the conversation unfortunately. He held onto Jamie's shirt for dear life as he was carried to his best friend's car. The sleek black car was something Jack had only ever been in a few times, but the idea of riding in a machine like a car in this size was unappealing (it was always unpleasant enough in his regular body) and he let Jamie know this by squirming as much as he could.

"Woah there Jackie, you're okay!" Jamie tried to soothe. "Do you need a… uh change?" The young man sounded embarrassed to even ask the question, something Jack could relate to as he struggled harder with his mind flustering at the thought that he was quite certainly wearing a diaper now that it was brought up. How did that not even cross his mind? Oh yeah, he never bothered caring about clothing before. Jamie turned to Sophie pleadingly who frowned but took Jamie clumsily and rested a hand near his lower half. That was certainly NOT a pleasant feeling, Jack tried to say but it came out as an irritated baby rant.

"I think he does Jamie," Sophie told her older brother, handing the baby-sized Jack Frost over to him. Jamie had never changed a diaper before, only having put one on their new charge when he found the baby naked in the forest earlier, so the idea made his face a deep pink. He held Jack up at arm's length and carried him back inside while Sophie fetched the shopping bag filled with some of the baby supplies they'd picked up after finding Jack.

Jack had never felt embarrassment much before in his immortal life, hardly any in his human life either. So this feeling of his cheeks heating up and the need to hide was extremely unfamiliar as he kicked his baby fat legs while he was laid down on his back atop Jamie's bed. Jamie didn't look like he was having any fun with this situation as well, which was comforting for the winter spirit. When the tabs of the diaper was peeled off, Jack flushed a dark red alongside the young adult trying his best not to beg Sophie for help.

"Right," Jamie said as he went to work, clumsily wiping the chibi Guardian up and wrestling to replace the diaper. Thankfully, he'd remembered to keep him covered least he get sprayed. Soon enough, a dry diaper was taped on and Jack was very much relieved the ordeal was over as the overalls he'd been wearing were snapped back on him. Incident over and catastrophe of the car ride gone, Jack yawned tiredly and blinked up at Jamie. He was so getting Jamie back for this—wait. That's it!

Jack made a gurgling noise aloud as he realized what had happened to him last night before he woke up a human baby in Jamie's hands, something he didn't know was a good or bad thing. As he yawned, realizing his body was demanding a brief nap, he did his best to remember the details of yesterday.


"Get back here ye bloody Frostbide!" roared one E. Aster Bunnymund as he hopped after the cackling winter immortal. Jack flew from the Guardian of Hope's clutches, grinning from ear to ear at a job well done. He'd managed to dump about 4 feet of snow on top of Bunny when he was out searching for creativity for this years' Easter eggs. The non-human Guardian had proceeded to thunder after Jack all the way to the North Pole, Jack riding the wind to try to hide while the rabbit bolted through his tunnels.

Jack looked around for a good exit when his icy blue eyes caught sight of the flickering snow globes resting upon the shelves beneath a casing of vials, no doubt North's experimentation for new toys. He reached forward and let the tip of his fingers ghost over the globes before snatching one and giving it a slight shake as he hollered, "Burgess" into the globe, grinning as the portal began to open when-


Jack yelped as the bookcase of vials shuddered from the collision of Bunnymund's boomerang before a handful of glass vials broke atop Jack's head, drenching him in the unknown substances.

"Jack!" Bunnymund said in alarm as Jack tumbled into the portal, clutching his soaked head and disappearing from sight, to fall unconscious atop his frozen lake in the body of a small baby, naked as the day he was born with his staff nowhere to be seen and later found by two believers…

End of Flashback

Jack rubbed the sleep out of his eyes once more, blearily looking around before remembering the day before. He glanced down and nodded with a tiny sigh escaping his lips. Yup, still infantile and human. Only this time, he was lying in some sort of closed area with bars surrounding him. Did he get kidnapped? This certainly looked like a cage to him…

He rolled onto his stomach and pushed himself up. After much difficulty, he managed to get his hands in front of him and his knees holding him up with success. Proud of this accomplishment, the Guardian of Fun wobbled in his weird squishy cage before attempting to bring a hand forward. Success! He wriggled a bit before bringing a knee to join behind his hand and managed a pitiful crawl up to the end of his cage. Now what…?

"Aba!" Jack said aloud, wincing at the incomprehensible baby word coming from him. He looked up and noticed finally he was in what most would call a crib. So this is what it felt like… He'd never really recalled ever being in one before, and he most certainly did not like it at all. So how did he get out? Oh, didn't babies make loud sobs to get taken out of cribs? Maybe he ought to try that. Taking a deep breath, Jack let out a screeching cry that came easily from his small lungs. There was a loud clash before thundering down a hallway and Jack was suddenly lifted up into one Jamie Bennett's arms.

"Shhhh," Jamie pleaded, bouncing Jack in his arms until he finally calmed his loud wails into a sniffle, surprised by the ease of crying. He brought a small chubby fist up to rub his eyes, but Jamie beat him to it by grabbing a Kleenex from the nightstand by the couch and doing his best to gently rub the salty liquid away. Jack hiccuped, glad he'd found a way out of that prison but now suffering with sniffles and hiccups as a result. When he finally eased the consequences of his sob-fest away, he blinked at Jamie sleepily. Huh, Sophie must have gone home already.

"You sure know how to cry little guy," Jamie laughed, lifting Jack up and holding him on his hip while he worked on creating a bottle for the mischievous spirit. He perked up, reaching eagerly for the object when it approached. Hey, he wasn't embarrassed to suck on a bottle at least. The milk was extremely appealing for him and he hoped when he got back to normal to have as much milk as he wanted whenever. His mouth latched onto the rubber teat and he gave it another experimental suck before continuing forth, pleased when the same delicious taste from earlier entered his mouth. No wonder North ate milk and cookies all night on Christmas especially, it was amazing.

While he was in his newfound bliss, Jamie sat Jack in his lap at the college student's tiny kitchen table to work on a term paper due within two weeks. Jack peered at the one bedroom apartment as he drank for lack of anything better to do. His first believer had moved out of his home two years ago, getting into college upon his high school graduation and attaining a small apartment in Burgess near his community college where his sister often visited him. The young adult had never really stopped believing, perhaps because Jack's presence in the winter was so common to him that he didn't doubt his faith in his childhood heroes. Although during his teenage years he had really become best friends with Jack considering the immortal's physical age and whatnot.

"Let's see…" Jamie was muttering as he typed one-handedly, doing his best to keep Jack supported while he worked. Jack peeked at the computer screen, narrowing his chocolate brown eyes at the bright light. He could see black scribbles but nothing else, annoying him as he knew they were words but he couldn't decipher them very well. Why couldn't he read the words? That had to be what Jamie was typing, words, so why couldn't he read them?

The sun beamed down on the small apartment as he finished the bottle up, squirming against Jamie as he wondered what he was supposed to do with the plastic item. He shrugged inwardly and tossed it down, grinning sheepishly when it dropped onto Jamie's foot.

The young adult jumped in surprise at the sudden feeling of something hitting him, looking down at the babified guardian. Jack gave him an innocent look as if to say his customary 'Oops?' to the 21-year-old. Jamie shook his head and bent over to scoop the bottle up and set it on the table before he stood up and patted Jack on the back.

A belch escaped his throat to his surprise and his arms flailed in reaction, hiding his face in Jamie's shoulder as he was carried to the young man's bedroom and laid on the bed. Jamie hesitated before briefly putting a hand to Jack's crotch, making the victim of his touch flush once more though not as much as before. He'd lived for well over three decades independently so to be this dependent now on someone else was really getting to him. He had to find a way to contact the other Guardians, but how…?

As Jamie began the process of undressing him once more to his grimace, he had a better question. How was he even going to let Jamie know who he was?

Author's Note: This was running around in my head for awhile and I was contemplating writing at least this first chapter to clear my head out. It's Summer! I'm excused from school for a few months! Yay! So therefore, I'll be going on a writing spree and working on my other stories. I don't know about this one, this was sort of a test chapter to see how it would be received, so if you do like it please tell me. If you don't, I'd appreciate a review about what I could do to improve it if I continue this story. If. I don't know. Yeah at most there'd be a second chapter later on to end it, or if it's wanted I'll make it longer. But I have an ending already in mind. Lol