Me: A bit short and sorrry a million times for not updating. Its been waaaay too long...
Blossom: You can say that again! I told you so!
Buttercup: Are we gonna chat or type the damn story!
Blossom: Pfft!
Buttercup quickly opened her eyes and swiftly sat up. "OUCH!" She yelped then laid back down. She frowned and looked around the room she was in. Buttercup was in the infirmary and she noticed Butch in the other bed beside hers. She remembered everything that had happened earlier and groaned. "Butttercup? BUTTERCUP YOUR ALIVE!" Buttercup jumped when arms wrapped around her body and a blonde pigtail landed on her face. "UGH!" Buttercup felt pain spreaded threw out her body while Bubbles hugged her. Blossom gently pulled Bubbles away from her. "Shes been alive Bubbles and Buttercup a little wea- I mean injuried for hugs right now." Blossom corrected herself knowing Buttercup doesn't like the word weak and her name in the same sentence. "Buttercup I'm sorry. You've been out for the whole day!" Bubbles pointed out the window showing its night. "How did you know where I was?" Buttercup asked. "Are you kidding?! Your loud when you talk and fight! Of coarse we'll find that big mouth of yours." Blossom said that like Buttercup should already know. "And what the hell were you thinking? Your temper got the better of you! Again!" Buttercup rolled her green eyes. Two boys entered the room. "Look whose woke up!" Brick grinned looking and Buttercup. She frowned at him. "Look whose found a talent for saying obvious things." He glared at her and she gave a sarcastic smile. "ugggh..." Everyone looked at the bed next to Buttercup's. "Sup Butch! Did you have good nap? Cause you were knock out." Boomer chuckled. "Shudda'up." Butch groaned. Butch and Buttercup suddenly made eye contact and glared at one another. "Can you not start this again!" Blossom frowned at them both and crossed her arms. Buttercup wanted to get up and finish him off, but her legs were much more sore than the rest of her body. Instead, she rolled her eyes and looked away from him. "So Butch, how are you feeling?" Boomer asked him trying to make things less akward. "Satisfied." He grinned. Everyone gave him a confused look. "Umm... why is that?" Brick asked. Brick regretted asking already. "Because I put Butterbitch in her place." Buttercup quickly sat up and looked intensly at Butch. She ignored the pain in her back and her sisters hands that were trying to get her to lay back down. "What! You didn't put me in no place! You better shut your fucking mouth if you don't want your ass wiped again!" Butch sat up a bit as well. "Wanna go again?!" He frowned at her. Buttercup groan in pain but still frowned in anger as she floated over to him. Buttercup was dangerously close to his face, but Butch didn't even flitch. "If you can handle it!" The rest of them were trying to separate them.
Buttercup was getting better quickly. She was still sore. Her legs had cuts on them and she couldn't walk yet. Her arm was finally stitched up and cleaned. Buttercup was heading to the living room door. She grabbed for it, but Brick quickly blocked it. "Where are you going?" He asked with a frown. Buttercup frowned back. "Back home... my real home..." She pushed him, but he grabbed her arm. "You can't leave." He said pulling her away from it. Buttercup frowned and slung her wrist causing Brick to get throwing into the TV. "Just because I am injured, doesn't mean I am weak!" Buttercup rolled her eyes at him.
Just a little something to tell u I haven't forgot...