I look at the mansion through the car window. No way is this happening. How am I related the Jay McGuiness of The Wanted.

Griffin knocks on my window and I roll it down.

"Ok whenever you guys are ready."

I take a deep breath and step out of the car. "Let's get this over with."

We all walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. Then Jay McGuiness from the Wanted answers the door!

"Hey you must be Kim and Brent." He smiles and pulls us both into a hug.

I hug him back awkwardly.

"Come on in and meet the gang." He offers and we walk in. He leads us into the living room and then I see The Wanted. "That's Siva and his girlfriend Neresha, Max, Nate, Tom and his girlfriend Kelsey. Guys this is Kim and Brent."

I wave awkwardly. "Hey."

After meeting all the guys they give us a tour and when I see my room I can't believe it. It is huge and has its own bathroom! It's all white but Jay said he would let me decorate it. They left me to get settled and we are having a small party tomorrow for our arrival.

I pull out my laptop and log onto my oovoo. I look who is online and see Jack and Grace are on. I video chat them both.

"Hey chica how is Los Angles?" Grace asks as her video pulls up.

"It's nice but it isn't the same without you guys." I say and blow kisses at the screen.

"Ah you miss me." Jack coos.

"Are you guys like a couple or something?" Grace asks.

"We kissed a couple of times." Jack boasts. I throw him a look through the screen.

"Kim you never told me those scandalous details." Grace teases.

"Shut up Grace. It is kind of like a flirtantionship." I argue and smile.

"Well I think a long distance flirtantionship isn't going to work out. I think it is time we have a relationship." Jack says.

"I would like that."

"Ooooohhhhh." Grace chimes in.

"Shut up." Jack and I say at the same time.

"Aw your acting like a couple already." She sighs and puts her hands to her chest.

"We are never going to get through to her." I tell him.

"Yeah I guess you're right."

Someone then knocks on my door. "Come in!"

"Better get to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day." Brent says and shuts one of my lights out.

"I gotta go guys. I will talk to you tomorrow." I say and blow kisses to the screen before shutting it.

"Night Brent." I call before shutting my other light out and crawling under the covers.