Katara and Zuko both sat atop Appa as the sun growing faint in the upcoming night sky. Katara breathed in the cooling air, closing her eyes against the warm air, her hair fluttering behind her. This was the day. Sozin's comet would be infiltrating the sky in just a few hours. She opened her eyes again, her fingers grasping Appa's reign, the nervousness rising in the pit of her stomach. She was nervous for Sokka, Suki, Toph, and… Aang.

He had disappeared after he kissed her on the balcony during the intermission of the Ember Island Players. Thinking back – she was afraid it was all her fault….

She recalled her reaction to the kiss, she flinched and pulled back harshly, quickly wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

This kiss was chaste, the lips too soft… It wasn't the kiss she was accustomed to or wanted. She remembered the firm pressing of slightly chapped lips, the taste of smoke, the scent of sandalwood and a clean burning fire. Zuko. It was at this moment Katara realized Zuko was the one she wanted – even though she'd never admit it out loud. As little a chance of them ever being anything but a sexual liaison didn't matter now. Katara remembered angry words coming out of her mouth after she pulled away.

"What did I just say!? I just said I was confused and you just kissed me! Can't you take a hint! I don't like you like that! I mean – it's just me and Zu – "

Words she wished she could take back. Her hand firmly pressed against her lips. Her eyes wide in the horror of what she just said - But it was too late. The name slipped. She remembered the look in Aang's eyes. The despair, pain, and confusion lacing the soft grey eyes of the 12 year old.

"You and…. Zuko?" Aang muttered softly.

Katara didn't stay to answer. She rushed back into the hallway and almost ran into Zuko who was walking toward the balcony. By the soft smile on his face she knew he hadn't witnessed what happened. Without a second thought, she grabbed his arm and pulled him toward their seats. After that kiss, she couldn't look at Aang even as he sat and slumped on the other side of Zuko.

Before the stage curtains opened again, Zuko looked at her questioningly, noticing her topsy-turvy attitude change. Zuko brushed her hand with his own. She begrudgingly looked at him and he mouthed 'you okay?' She just forced a fake smile and nodded softly.

Later that night same night, after everyone else went to bed, Zuko found her moping on the beach alone – a nearly empty rice wine bottle laced in her dark fingers. She remembered his comforting arms, firm chest against her back, heartbeat beating soundly against his rib cage. His incredibly warm skin compared to the cold night, eventually, his lips found hers. It wasn't long before his soft tongue was running along her lips and gums. Their 'penance' had ended when they found her mother's killer and she forgave him on the dock, which was more to convince Aang than anything. After that – it was sex. But under the moonlight, his beautiful pale skin, his devastatingly beautiful face and smile – it was all too much. She made love to him that night. Yue being the only witness as the two teenagers came together under the clear night sky.

She giggled from her position on the back, Zuko still atop of her where he rested on her as their orgasm passed. After the passion faded, it was all too clear that sand was wedged in places she wasn't aware she had. Zuko apparently was just as uncomfortable as she was from the way he gave her a nervous smile. The sweat from their passion making all the grains stick to their skin. 'Come on.' Katara said, pulling Zuko to the water until they were both waist deep in the warm water. She dipped her hands and arms into the water, covering them with a layer before running her hands along his body and began to wash him. Zuko watched her with heavily lidded eyes, is mouth slightly agape as she continued to wash the grains of sand off his body. A few moments passed in silence, Katara lost to the task running her hands along every familiar curve, bump, and scar of his firm body. She tensed when she suddenly felt his lips at the corner of her mouth. She looked at him, her face red, and his hands grasping her forearms. His gentleness shocked her at times still. She quickly forgot her cleaning task and wrapped her arms firmly around his shoulders and she hungrily kissed him. She moaned, feeling his wet hands grazing her back, rubbing small circles in her lower back, kneading the muscles.

Katara pulled back after a moment, still breathless, and looked deeply into his amber eyes. The warmth and intensity of his stare made heat pool in her lower belly. His desire for her was hardened against her stomach, and while waste deep in the water, Zuko scooped her left leg, placing the back of her knee into the crux of the inside join of his elbow and joined them for the second time that night. Katara threw her head back moaning his name loudly against the night sky as he continued to thrust himself into her body. She clenched around him feeling her release imminent. They were soon both spent, being sure to wash again and as they walked back out of the water, Katara bent the water off their skin to avoid more sand in every crevice of their skin.

Zuko unceremoniously plopped on the sand, still naked, but remembering to lay out a blanket he had brought. Katara giggled wondering where it was when they did it the first time. She didn't question it as she watched him pat the ground next to him. She placed her hands on her hips feigning anger but it quickly dispersed as he held out his hand instead. She shrugged and sat next to him, immediately snuggling close to his warmth. Zuko ran his fingers along her back, tracing various shapes lazily against her dark skin. Katara sighed, her hands wrapping around his waist. Katara's cheek pressed against Zuko's chest, her eyes glancing down at his penis, and even though it wasn't at all erect, she still felt her face flush, her cheeks turning a dark red. Katara bit her bottom lip, her fingers lightly grasping his hard abdomen, her fingernails lightly scratching the warm skin.

Katara closed her eyes, listening to his heartbeat. The strong steady thrum of his heart, the warmth of his skin, the feel of his hands on her body, oh, and his smell… the smoke of a clean burning fire, spice, and sandalwood. It was now she realized how she could be with this man the rest of her life. She opened her eyes, leaned her face up and looked at him. He smiled softly at her before turning his attention back to the view in front of him. She swallowed a lump in her throat and came to realize the fact she neglected before – she loved him. There was no if, ands, or butts. She was head over heels for him and for the first time, was okay with admitting it.

After awhile, they both reassembled their clothes, cleaned up the scattered items on the beach and walked hand and hand back to the beach house. When they got to Zuko's door, he looked down at her and gave her a beautiful smile that was hers and hers alone. He hugged her around her waist, his head leaning into the crook of where her shoulders met her neck. She wrapped her arms tightly around his waist, kissing the exposed skin of his chest from the folds of his tunic. He breathed deeply, kissing her temple and holding her tighter.

'Stay with me tonight?' he breathed against her ear.

'Yes.' She whispered.

After entering the room and locking the door, they got back down to their underclothes and lay down on the soft silken sheets. They faced each other, Katara feeling more safe than ever wrapped in his strong arms, her cheek resting against his warm chest, her hands loosely draped around his thin waist. They lay in comfortable silence. Katara rubbed circles on his back as Zuko warmed his hands and kneaded her shoulders. After awhile, Zuko leaned closer to her, kissed her lips. He whispered 'goodnight' before succumbing to sleep, his fingers stopping their ministrations and resting loosely around her shoulders.

Katara watched him like that for awhile. She remembered watching him sleep when her brother caught her. She giggled silently at that. Her fingers reached from around his shoulders to his face. She traced every feature, his nose, cheekbones, lips, chin, and finally his scar, where her fingers stayed. She felt the slick feeling of it, not leathery or hard, but unbelievably smooth under her fingertips. She traced it for awhile, mesmerized with his face as he slept. He looked so peaceful, a soft smile tracing his lips. Her hands left his face. She leaned forward and kissed his still lips before leaning over and whispering 'I love you' for the first time into his scarred ear.

Laying her head back into the pillow, she watched him for another moment before she fell asleep.

Aang was gone in the morning. Her admission of love to the banished Prince the night before was pushed to the back of her mind as they fruitlessly searched for Aang…

She took a deep breath atop of Appa. She was scared. She didn't know what to expect. She was terrified for her friends as well as herself and Zuko. Now that Aang just disappeared, she wondered what hope they had. She gasped when she felt a hand grasp her shoulder. She looked over at Zuko. Her anger raged. She hated it but when Aang disappeared, she blamed him. She always blamed him, it was natural to her and since they found Aang's footprints into the ocean just feet away from where they had sex last night, she believed Aang had witnessed what transpired, and let her anger loose on Zuko. She didn't want to be angry at him and she knew she had no right to be – but she needed someone to blame and Zuko was a natural choice. As usual, he accepted her anger and did whatever it took to try and find Aang, going as far as hiring Jun the bounty hunter, promising her wealth, giving her the rest of the money he had taken with him from the Fire Nation – all in the effort to find the absent Airbender. When they found Iroh and the White Lotus Society instead, her anger dissipated slightly and was able to be civil with him but didn't push it even when she agreed to help him go against his sister.

Zuko looked at her for a moment. Her eyes finally closed against his gaze. "I'm sorry." Katara breathed.

"Don't be."

"No…. I was wrong to blame you… You did nothing wrong. I was just angry and – well, I … Just everything came to a head, and at the play, this stuff happened. This stupid war, the way they depicted us in that freaking play - especially how your own people clapped when Azula killed you – and…. Just maybe Aang seeing us, and running off, and just – UGH!" Katara mumbled her aggravation growing as she continued and the words made less and less sense as she continued.

"Katara." Zuko said, placing both his hands firmly on her shoulders as he seated himself behind her.


"It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay. It's going to work out. You'll see." He said.

"You can't promise that…" Katara muttered, grasping the reigns tighter. She moaned softly feeling Zuko's hands massaging her shoulders.

"I know, but I don't give up without a fight – and I know for certain you don't either. We're just going to give our all – and hope for the best. We'll get through this." Zuko continued, resting his forehead against the back of her head, his breath against her exposed neck where he pushed her hair to lay over her right shoulder.

"Since when did you become Mr. Optimistic?" Katara said with a throaty breath, fighting tears that were pooling at her eyes.

"Guess you rubbed off on me. You know, with your tearbending and always giving speeches about hope." Zuko chuckled, leaning his head over her shoulder to look at her, pressing flush against her back, his legs on either side of her.

"Dork." She muttered, losing a fight against a smile breaking across the corner of her mouth.

Zuko chuckled breathily before leaning closer and kissing her temple. Katara looked over at him for a moment before leaning forward and kissing him on the cheek. Zuko smiled at her action before closing his eyes and leaning closer, his lips puckered slightly as if waiting for her to complete the kiss, giving her permission to not go through with it. Katara shook her head and chortled before closing her eyes and kissing his lips. Zuko pressed his hand upon the back of her head and deepened it for a fleeting moment before breaking it. Katara smiled softly, her cheeks flushed as she leaned back into his warmth as they looked at the night sky.

Both lost in their thoughts as they thought about what was about to transpire in the fight against Azula and thinking of their friends. Katara leaned deeper into Zuko feeling his heartbeat against her back, the steady thrum of the organ relaxing her frayed nerves. Zuko wrapped his arms around he protectively. He kissed her temple, grabbed the reigns, and whispered, "Rest" against her ear.

Katara just sighed knowing how useless it was to fight her exhaustion – recalling how the last sleep she had was in her white wrappings being atop soft red silk laying comfortably in Zuko's arms. Feeling the same arms around her, she fell asleep against his chest in moments. Zuko continued to watch the night sky. His own thoughts fell from the upcoming fight to the girl lying against him in his lap. He shook his head, smiling, wondering what God was responsible for bringing the two of them together and wanting nothing more than to thank them for the rest of eternity. Complete opposites but what he believed was his other half. Zuko was in love. He had been for awhile now. During her little 'penance' requirements, he fell - hard. It wasn't the physical relationship that made him fall. It was her spirit. She was a fighter, never had he met anyone with more passion and determination. She was so unlike anyone he ever met. She was fiery and was equal to him in every way. The way they complimented each other, the way she fit perfectly in his arms, and how she made his heart beat and stomach rise to his throat when she was around was not accidental. He was in love. He never told her of course worried that even though they had a sexual relationship and a wonderful friendship, he never knew if she wanted something deeper. More.

Zuko sighed sadly, his eyes falling to the night sky. He looked at her sleeping form while absentmindedly brushing some hair that fallen against her hair behind her ear. He smiled softly, kissing her cheek and whispering a soft 'I love you' against her ear. His head rested on top of hers and allowed the quiet of the night to take over as he continued to let his mind wander for what the next few hours would hold and how this may be the last night they would be together. Not so much fearing Azula, but more of how Katara may never feel the same about him.

With a thunderous cackling noise, the lightening sprung from Azula's fingers. The Waterbender's steel nerves slightly waivered but still chose to display the uttermost confidence in Zuko's skills to redirect. Katara watched eagerly. Suddenly, she watched Azula's eyes waver from her brother and lock with hers.

That was all it took.

She knew.

She knew the lightening was no longer targeting the Prince of the Fire Nation – but her.

Katara wanted to run, but her legs had long since froze to their spot, her body no longer reacting as the lightening came barreling toward her.

A scream, "NOOOOOO!" she heard in her subconscious but it wasn't her own as Katara waited for the strike. She waited for the pain and the death to overcome her – but it never did.

In an instance, a form was in front of her. Time seemed to slow as she took in the red and gold tunic, the pale skin and shaggy black hair of Zuko as the lightning struck his body. Katara's eyes widened as the breath caught in her throat. She wanted to scream, she felt the tears pooling in her eyes as she watched the Prince's body fall to the floor, the lightening leaving his fingertips and being directed to the sky above.

"ZUKO!" the words finally escaped her throat. The tears blurred her vision as she watched the blurred form of Zuko convulse before laying still. She finally willed her legs to move as she ran as quickly as possibly toward him but was met with the snarling face of Azula and blue fire instead.

The psychotic Princess sneered and began throwing the blue fire toward the Waterbender. Katara quickly shook her head and knew the only way she would get to Zuko was to go through his sister. The fight seemed to have last a lifetime. Katara fought her distraction but the Princess was relentless. Katara spent the first half just evading and thinking of a plan, reluctantly pushing Zuko from her mind. Her breath was labored as she realized the water running under the city. She waited for the perfect moment. Drawing Azula into a false sense of security as she bent the water up and froze it instantly.

The Princess' eyes were wide and her mouth frozen open in a silent scream as Katara swam toward her with the chains in hand, she bound the Princess tight to the grate below and giving it the hardest tug she could muster to make sure it would stay. Katara then unfroze the water and bent it back into the drain. Giving herself only enough time to make sure the Princess wouldn't go anywhere, Katara immediately turned on her heels and ran toward Zuko.

As she ran toward his motionless body, the events of the past year and their relationship played over and over in her mind. From the first moment they met, the pirate incident, the siege of the north, the earth kingdom town – the crystal caverns of Ba Sing Sei - him joining their side. Her threatening his life to her 'penance' she required… What happened between them over those months. It was more than just sharing his bed, it was his pathetic jokes, dancing dragon, overall adorable dorkiness, soft raspy voice when he whispered, always making tea after dinner, watching him training Aang, being a big brother to Toph, his bromance with Sokka, him washing the dishes and helping her with laundry, their sparring, the quiet nights and the long talks… realizing over the course of their odd relationship, how she fell so hard in love.

They never spoke of it though. At least not to each other while conscious. Even after he saved her father from the Boiling Rock – how he helped her track down her mother's killer – even as she found comfort in his warm arms in the pouring rain – she fought the feeling – refusing to believe she was in love with the Prince of the Fire Nation. But as she ran toward him – laying on the ground after sustaining a wound meant for her – she never felt like screaming it to the world more than she did at this very moment.

Katara found herself finally at his side. She quickly flipped him onto his back and felt incredible relief when she felt him groan as she did. "Shh, shh, shh…." She mumbled taking in his closed eyes and pained expression, her hand caressing his scarred cheek. "It's okay…. Everything's going to be okay…" she continued, her hand reaching for her water before she could assess the damage and when her eyes finally fell upon his stomach, she felt her mouth fall open and eyes pool with tears. The skin covering his abdomen was black, smoldering. The wound itself was a dark crimson hole, pooling with blood with nothing surrounding it but charred edges and marred flesh.

Not to be deterred, she immediately placed her gloved hand upon his stomach, the water glowing. Her eyes avoided his face since she quickly patted his cheek. She didn't want to see the look of pain she knew would be apparent in his eyes. Instead, she focused on her healing, but as it continued, she begin to realize his skin was not stitching together, the blood would not clot, and his heart beat and pulse was weak under her fingertips.

He was dying.

It was too late… And she could do nothing for him. Fighting the tears she finally brought her eyes to his face.

Instead of the pain filled grimace she anticipated, she saw him looking at her – the softest of smiles gracing his face. He looked peaceful. As if he was accepting of his fate.

Katara felt tears dripping down her face. The lines through the dirt and grime she accumulated through her fight. "You're going to be okay…" she muttered again, at that moment she didn't know if she said it to convince him or herself. After a moment, she reluctantly turned her gaze from his face back to healing the man she refused to lose. As she fought with her element, putting every last ounce of strength into healing this wound and as the seconds ticked by, she felt the sobs heaving through her body when it became clear that as hard as she was trying, nothing was happening. The wound and his body wouldn't respond, and wasn't going to – with that realization – her resolve shattered.

"NOOOOO!" she screeched, her voice cracking when the truth hit her like a ton of bricks, "You have to be okay! You need to be Fire Lord! You need to be here! You can't leave, Zuko! You CAN'T! You can't die… Please…" Katara again turned to look at him, tears rolling down her face.

"Please don't leave me." She begged. Katara felt frozen in time as she watched with bated breath as Zuko struggled, he lifted his arm, his fingers, which felt cold for the first time she ever recalled, trembled against her cheek.

"Don't – n't cry…" Zuko breathed, his voice cracking with the pain wracking his body as his fingers clumsily wiped her tears. She grasped his cold hand against her face before it fell.

Katara bit her lip, trying her hardest to keep her tears at bay. Doing everything possible to appease him while all the while feeling more hopeless and useless than she ever had in her life. "No! I'm not letting this happen!" she screamed, placing Zuko's hand back at his side before bending the water into a glove again. As soon as she laid the glowing water against his wound, it was the same result – nothing. Feeling more tears dripping from her eyes at her feelings of despair - she felt his hands resting over hers, the water dripping down his stomach and arms.

Katara's eyes turned to the man lying in front of her. His eyes heavily lidded, the smile never leaving his face. The smile that always made her heart beat loudly against her chest, her palms sweat, and her throat to go dry. Even as he lay before it, the effect was still working. She found herself just looking at him, silently recalling so many fleeting moments – so many opportunities she had to tell him everything. To say, 'Screw IT! You're the one I want!' But instead - she just found herself wasting time being too stubborn to admit you 'got it bad' for him as Toph would say. Through the tears and knowing he wasn't long for this world - she found herself smiling back at him.

Long forgetting the healing, she kneeled closer to him, as gently as she could lay his head in her lap. Her fingers gently running themselves through his thick hair as her gaze never left his face. She felt the cooling sweat still on his brow. Zuko just gazed at a point over her shoulder – trying to stay conscious she assumed. She listened to his breathing – there was a horrible rattling in his lungs but she tried to hardest not to think about it. Her smile fell after a moment when it began to sink in exactly what he had just done for her. The lightening that was meant for her – the bolt that was now ending his life – was for her.

"Why did you do that?" she asked, her voice cracking slightly.

"Do what?" he whispered.

"You know sure as hell what I mean…" Katara said, hating the bitterness that came from her lips. She was angry at herself – angry at the fact she was so worthless – hated she was too much of a stubborn ass to stay and learn from Yagoda when she just picked a fight with Pakku. Regretting not staying and being more useful in saving lives – maybe learning enough to be able to save his right now. She hated she was angry at Zuko – for being a hero when she never asked for one. She was the one who was supposed to be in his place right now. His life worth far more than hers – The Fire Prince – the new ruler of the Fire Nation was dying in her arms because she just couldn't move out of the way. Dying because he just had to be the selfless hero saving the damsel in distress…. She had no idea what possessed him to do it – to throw it all away – just for her.

"I - I couldn't… live with myself…" he took a deep breath, "if I had let her hurt you."

Katara just furrowed her brows at his answer, was opening her mouth to say something, but she heard him continue.

"I guess… You know, instinct, to…" he said, a soft chortling lacing his throat, he coughed roughly, blood dripping from his lips.

Katara patted his chest softly, hoping to help break up the fluid in his lungs. After a few moments, the coughing ceased, his eyes closing as he took deep precious breaths.

He was going to continue speaking – to finally finish 'instinct to protect those you love', but he stopped, looking up feeling small drops of water on his cheeks. He was met with her downcast face so close to his, the tears dripping from her big blue eyes, down her cheeks, and onto his. He watched as she solemnly tore part of her robe, dipping it in the water near where it sat after dripping from his chest and mechanically wiped the blood off his face.

They sat there for a while, Katara now wiping his face free of the dirt and grime he accumulated through the battle with his sister. She was silent. It was comforting in a way. He had always loved the comfortable silence they had. Just being together – no words were needed – Thank the Spirits because words have never been his forte when they usually just failed him and came out an awkward jumbled mess. Katara forgave him for it anyway. He sadly watched her downcast eyes. The tears never ceasing from falling her face as her hand continued their ministrations. It was as if her body accepted what was happening but her heart and mind were still in denial. Zuko's throat remained constricted as he watched her. His pain was now just a dull ache, his mind mercifully shutting down his pain center. He hated seeing her cry. It hurt more than sustaining the lightening. He knew his life would end soon. His heart felt heavy in his chest, its erratic beating slowing to a dull thump.

Zuko wasn't afraid of death. Never had been. He actually welcomed it at times – but as he looked at Katara – seeing a future with her fading away – seeing children they would never have – a life of growing old together - he felt his mouth quiver, tears filling his good eye.

"I'm sorry, Zuko…." She whispered breaking the heavy silence. "I'm sorry I can't save you… I'm so sorry…" she wept, grabbing the neck of his tunic and holding it tightly until her knuckles were nearly white. She fought the tremors in her body as heavy sobs begin wracking her body.

"Don't be… In a heartbeat – I'd - I'd do it all again…" With his last bit of strength, Zuko pushed himself up and wrapped his arms around her. His right arm wrapping around her shoulder, his hands grasping her hair gently. His left arm securing itself around her waist, the top of his head was nestled under her chin.

Katara gasped, her arms immediately wrapping around him, careful to avoid the wound on his abdomen. His strength soon faded, he came to rest against her, his top half in her lap, his arms still loosely draped around her waist. Katara's forehead was pressed against his, tear blurring her vision as she looked deeply into his warm amber eyes. She quickly wiped her tears and continued to run her hand in comforting circles against his shoulder blade. Her hand grazed his face. Her fingers brushing his scar, taking in the slick cold feeling of it against her fingertips. She watched in despair as the once smoldering amber colored eyes she cherished were slowly dulling. "Please don't leave me…" she begged, her voice nearly inaudible against the shuddering in her chest. Nothing mattered anymore.

Just now.

Just him.


She pushed forward, her eyed closing, a few stray tears dripping from her face as her lips collided with his. That spark she always felt and the warm pooling in her stomach whenever she kissed him was still there… would always be there. She smiled against his lips as his began to caress hers back, feeling his fingers grasping the fabric against her lower back. She was reveling in their warmth, the feel of his body against her, his gentle touch, taking in the scent that was so uniquely him. After a few moments, she reluctantly pulled away - lovingly touching his face, placing a soft kiss on his scar before pulling back and staring deeply into his beautiful eyes.

In an unwavering whisper, she finally said the words she wished she said so long ago, "I love you, Zuko…"

Katara watched his lips curve in a smile. A smile meant just for her. "I love you too… Katara." He whispered her name like a prayer on his lips.

Katara couldn't help but smile at him, but her smile quickly fell when she felt his arms that were grasping her waist fell limp and landed with a soft thud on the marble back at his side. The soft breaths she was hearing ceased. The heartbeat she no longer felt under her fingertips. The eyes that once held so much warmth and light faded before finally closing forever. He lay still.

After what seemed like an eternity, she let out his name in a whimper, "Zuko?" not even aware of the breath she had been holding.

"Zuko!" she said again, his name crumbling in her throat as she waited desperately for a response, her heart beating frantically against her chest. Panic was rising in her throat as she waited for a reaction of any type. After what seemed like an eternity, the truth reared its ugly head.

He was gone.

"ZUKO!" she screamed, shaking his shoulders. She vehemently denied this was happening. "WAKE UP! OPEN YOUR EYES!" The tears and sobs rocked her body as she grasped the remnants of his tunic still clinging to his body. "…PLEASE!" she begged, her voice cracking into a shrill.

Katara felt her shoulder's trembling. He felt heavier against her lap. She opened her eyes and looked down at his face, the soft smile still on his lips. This couldn't be happening. There's was too much left unsaid – too much life for him to live – he couldn't be gone – not when everything was finally going to be okay… "You promised…" she mumbled, her fingers clumsily cupping his scarred cheek. "You promised everything was going to be okay! Why did you lie to me, Zuko!? WHY!?" her fists grasping his tunic. She wanted to hit him, take out the frustration bubbling in her chest but looking at his face made that task impossible.

Katara had to close her eyes, the physical pain in her chest of what felt like her heart being physically ripped from her chest grew too great. Images from the past few months played quickly in her mind. The Western Air Temple. The threat to end his life being the start of the first time she realized how warm his hands were against her skin, how his kiss made her knees buckle and heart flutter like wings against her chest. She recalled the warm nights they spent together on the secluded beach on Ember Island, the nights she would never forget. Seeking refuge from the stress of the day in his arms. She remembered her back pressed flush against his chest, admiring their contrasting skin tones from his arms wrapped around her shoulders and his feet pressed atop her cold ones in the sand.

Katara's eyes slid open. Tears dripping from her bloodshot eyes as she gazed down at Zuko's face. She carefully wrapped her arms around his shoulders, placing her face against his neck and screaming her loss into his cold skin. As she grasped his body, the angry tears dripping down her face and into the crevices of his skin. "Why did you lie to me?" she mumbled against his skin.

As she held him, a new resolve hit her hard. She pulled away and looked at him. She was giving up. He never gave up. Not without a fight. Why should she?

Katara carefully placed Zuko down on the ground. She stifled a loud sob when his head lulled to the side, the scar side facing up. She affectionately caressed the scarred skin and whispered, "I don't know if this will work – but if it does, you owe me penance for the rest of your life for this..." She said, a forced laugh getting caught in her throat. She kissed the scar once more, her hand ruffling the black shaggy hair before she closed her eyes, being sure to wipe away any remaining tears before she focused upon the moon – the push and pull, Yue, Tui and La, and other God who would listen - praying to them for help – guidance. She swore she would never bloodbend again – but if it was the one thing that could save the man she loved – she'd happily take it up again. She refused to live the rest of her life without him.

Katara let out a shaky breath, not focusing on the cold body in front of her. Not who it was - just the still blood in his body. She lifted her fingers as she focused on the wound. She slowly began moving the blood, forcing it to coagulate against the wound. She pulled together the broken veins and arteries, forcing them together. Her focus soon turned to his heart, where the lightening did the most damage. She fought the shiver from surveying the damage of the organ and instead brought together the torn organ, bringing the fibers to heal, to replace themselves and close the hole they made. Katara felt the exhaustion and began to feel light-headed but refused to stop. She would keep going until her heart gave out if it meant even a chance of bringing him back.

Katara them moved to the hole in his abdomen, the charred blackened skin, and layers of muscle that were destroyed in the lightening's wake. After a strenuous moment of fixing the muscle as best she could, she was able to stitch the skin together. There would be a huge star shaped scar on his chest for the rest of his life – but she knew he could deal with it. She finally pulled away gasping air into her lungs. She fought her body's desire to pass out. She pressed her eyes tightly together ridding of the black spots she saw knowing she needed to stay awake.

Katara's eyes opened and were expecting to be looking at his face with his bright golden eyes open, him smiling and saying something dorky and cheesy to match the moment. Instead, her face fell when she saw him laying still, his face still lolled to the side.

"Zuko?" she breathed. She sat back on her heels, panic rising in her chest as he remained completely still. Her head fell against his chest, she held her breath listening for anything, any rattling of a breath, a thump of a heartbeat, the sound of a pulse –

But there was nothing.

Katara pulled away. She sat up and just looked at him. It was as if she was frozen in time. The sounds of the temple on fire, Azula's screaming ceased, all she heard was the dead silence. Never had she heard silence so loud… Her denial was faltering. She couldn't deny this anymore. She felt her lips quivering, her shoulder's shaking and the fat tears rolling down her cheeks as sobs racked her cold and tired body.

"Oh, Zuko…" she mumbled, picking him up off the marble flooring, now stained with burn marks and the Prince's blood. She cradled his cold body in her arms, her face lowering into the crook of his neck. She hugged him tightly, muttering incoherent words in his ear as tears continued to drip off her face. Her face was pressed into his throat, her hands gripping him tightly as she rocked him in her arms. She didn't know how much time had passed. He was soon cradled in her arms with his head resting against her chest. Her chin resting atop his head as her arms rubbed the cold skin covering his bicep. She looked at the scene in front of her. Not really taking it in – just allowing her mind to wander. She didn't know what to do – there was nowhere to turn. She wanted to run away, she willed herself to wake up – praying this was all just a horrific nightmare, but the pain that enveloped made her realize there was no waking up from this nightmare.

Katara began speaking – just words that were completely unfiltered – just needing to fill the silence. "You know – it's kind of silly – but I used to watch you sleep. I don't know why – but it was so nice – so different from seeing you brooding and scowling all the time… Heh… Well, at first anyway… After that I would just think about other things. All kinds of things. You know – like - what to make for breakfast the next day – the chores I had to do… How to drive you crazy while we put an act on in front of the gaang… Heh… You know, pretending I still hated you… All the mean things I said and the way I teased you… I didn't mean any of that by the way… It was kinda fun after I forgave you on that bridge. We were like a little family of sorts – dysfunctional, but… I liked it. I don't know how we got away with what we did. Hee-hee… I can't believe we had sex with my dad sleeping in the next room… Sorry I got mad at you afterwards. You know how jealous I can be… You know what else I used to think about?"

Katara lifted her head after a long silence, not believing she waited for an answer or some kind of okay that she could continue. She swallowed hard, fighting a sob rising in her throat before placing her cheek against his forehead, kissing his brow before continuing, "…I used to think about what we'd name our kids… Is that weird? I didn't think so. I always thought our first would be a boy – maybe darker skin, shaggy dark brown hair, and your gold eyes… I thought we could name him Lu Ten… after that cousin you talked about all the time. Then maybe a little girl… with your pale skin… black hair – but with blue eyes… She'd probably be a daddy's girl…. As scared as you were of ending up like your father – I wasn't worried… because I think you would have been a great daddy…" Then her world crashed – Katara screamed harshly against the night sky before her face fell against Zuko's chest.

Katara sobbed against his chest, so much regret and pain erupted at the thought that she would never again hear his voice, see him smile, gaze into his eyes, feel his warm arms around her, feel his warm lips pressed against hers. She suddenly remembered his warm arms, soft smile, and just how freaking happy he made her. She smiled against his chest. Getting to experience something so rare and wonderful – someone like him – how even though they stared out as mortal enemies – how it blossomed into something more incredible than words could articulate. It was selfish of her to ask for more. She let out a soft breath before the words, "thank you…" fell from her lips. "you know - for everything… for teaching Aang Firebending – being a big brother to Toph… to being a great friend to my brother… for helping save the world… and for making me so happy… You made me smile, you made me feel so safe – so loved… I can never thank you enough… I'll never forget you…" she said, her face resting on his chest, she sniffled before closing her eyes. "Never…"

Katara's eyes flew open when a sudden sound erupted from his chest. She listened to the soft thrum and rattling before she heard a harsh coughing. Her gasped loudly, her head flew up and she watched in stunned silence as Zuko cleared his throat and took quick deep breaths, his eyes fluttering open. Zuko smiled at her, his hand raising and reaching up to wipe the tears off her face.

"Hey… I thought I told you not to cry…" he rasped.

Katara screamed, tears of joy falling from her face before she rolled on top of him and kissed every inch of his face. Only hearing him grunting loudly in pain made her sit up, straddling his thighs as she grasped his face in her hands, feeling the warmth of his skin returning. She leaned in kissing his lips over and over again, only breaking apart when she could no longer breathe. She looked deeply into his eyes, taking in the beautiful bright amber and his white smile on his beautiful, beautiful face. She kissed every inch of his scar as Zuko wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head on her collarbone and deeply breathing in the scent of flowers still lingering from her hair.

"Oh, I love you so much…" she breathed against his lips, her forehead pressed against his as she lovingly caressed his face.

"I love you too…" he smiled, brushing her hair away from her face and behind her ears.

"Now don't you EVER do that again." Katara scolded, feigning as much anger as possible through her smile and tears of joy still dripping down her face as she wagged her finger in front of his face.

Zuko laughed softly, but winced in pain feeling his abdomen throbbing, he smiled instead and just leaned forward and kissed her lips in the softest kiss she had ever felt. His warm hands cradling her face and being sure to wipe the remaining tears from her cheeks. He pulled away after a few moments, Katara opened her eyes and smiled at him, her heart fluttering against her chest. She bit her bottom lip as she gazed into Zuko's eyes. "I'll be more than happy to make it up to you…" he said, a wicked smirk passing his lips.

"Good. Because you'll be paying for this penance the rest of your life." Katara smiled, a laugh leaving her lips, loving the way it felt against her chest.

"I wouldn't have it any other way…" Zuko said, pulling her down and kissing her again.