
The servants of the royal mansion bowed in respect as a golden and white cheetah strolled past them, ears perked and senses on the alert. Both felines held their noses high, sniffing the air with their tails swaying from side to side behind them.

The golden one yipped loudly, standing still and stretching its neck while listening intently. A pair of loud mews was heard in the distance and now the white one let out a yip. Another set of mews responded and the two cheetah's looked at each other before breaking out into a light trot.

The two of them had woken up to find that something very important was missing from their nest, more specifically a set of cubs. Both cheetahs continued to yip loudly, following the responses from the cubs to find their location.

Paws soon trotted on grass instead of stone slabs as the cheetah's made their way into the royal garden. The sound of running water soon reached their ears along with a more distressed mew, and the two instantly picked up pace racing towards the creek which ended in a beautiful pond.

Upon arriving the golden one was running right into the water, hastily picking a silver colored cheetah cub up by the scruff of its neck before leaping out of the pond and onto dry land.

On the bank the other cub was mewing loudly in distress while the white cheetah laid down and nudged the cub in-between its front legs, a long tongue instantly out checking the cub for injuries while calming it down.

The golden cheetah laid down, quickly nuzzling the white cub all over checking for injuries. The cub made a gurgling sound and a golden paw immediately pushed the tiny cub onto its back, before a long tongue began running over the stomach of the tiny feline.

After a few strokes the cub began couching up water, and the golden haired cheetah continued until it was certain there was no more water in the cub's lungs.

When both cubs had calmed down, the white and gold cheetah nipped their ears with an admonishing growl that had both cubs lowering their ears and mewing in apology.

Giving them both an affectionate lick atop of their heads, the cheetahs took one cub each by the scruff of their neck and began walking back towards the palace.

~~~~~Beauty masked by Darkness~~~~~~

"Did you find them?" a deep and well known voice called out upon the cheetah's entry of the palace.

"They were by the pond, Evita had fallen into it. She swallowed some water but she'll be fine," a soft warm voice responded.

The King of the kingdom of Pantera, Grimmjow Jaegerjaques strolled up to his husband Kurosaki Ichigo with a smile.

"That's good to hear," he said before ruffling the tiny cub held in Ichigo's hands with his hand.

"I hope you learned your lesson you little rascal," he said with a fond tone to his voice.

"Poor Vito was sitting on the bank crying loudly," Ichigo laughed smiling at the Evita's twin who was in Shiro's grasp.

"He's such a crybaby," Shiro laughed petting his son affectionately.

After sending a prayer to the god of fertility, Ichigo and Shiro's wish to have cubs had been granted. They were told by the goddess to find a suitable woman to carry the cubs for them, preferably someone who could regress completely and give birth in a feral form.

After much searching the two brothers finally found a kind hearted and young serval-hybrid who was more than willing to carry the cubs for them. The goddess had descended before the three and the two brothers had both mounted the serval, paying her their respect by treating her with care and love.

During the mating the goddess had blessed the act, and made it so that only Ichigo and Shiro's genes would be used in the making of the cubs. Both brothers had requested that the cubs be allowed to have some of their carrier in them, but neither knew what that would be. Most likely it would show itself when the cubs became old enough to take their human form.

Because of the unusual conception the cubs were restricted to their feral forms until they were five years of age. Thus both Ichigo and Shiro tended to spend more time in their feral forms than their human while raising their cubs.

The carrier of their cubs had of course been integrated into the royal household and now served as the cubs babysitter allowing her to spend time with the cubs she helped come into life.

Before she started living in the royal mansion she'd been a peasant living in the slums. Now she lead a prosperous life where she had everything she needed, and she donated half of her generous wage to her family, which allowed them to buy a house in a nicer area of the capital and live a better life.

Both cubs loved their babysitter making it obvious they knew she was the one who had carried them, and they were always ecstatic to see her every time she came by.

Today however she had a much deserved day off, and the mischievous cubs had snuck out of their fathers' nest before the two woke.

Ichigo and Shiro were living a healthy life, both having the title as prince and interim ruler, meaning they'd take over the rule of the country should Grimmjow die or fall out of commission for some reason.

Ichigo was happily married to Grimmjow, while Shiro had married Starrk after a few years of getting to know the wolf. Toshiro had officially claimed the title of Ichigo's personal assistant and attendant, and 'mistress' but no one but he, his brother, his sister, his husband and Starrk knew that of course.

The royal staff held a strong sense of loyalty towards their royal employers, and none spoke of how they all shared the same bed on more than one occasion and indulged in each other freely.

Karin was being courted by the younger brother of Kuchiki Byakuya's general Renji, and if the brother's weren't completely mistaken their sister was quite taken with him.

Jinta was a fiery red headed young man with a strong sense of loyalty. He was a bit of a hothead and had a tendency to rush headfirst into situations, but he was a bright lad and knew how to handle a woman and take care of her properly.

Ichigo and Shiro had given Jinta a few years before finally accepting his request to court their younger sister, and the two were currently on a journey into the kingdom of Hueco Mundo.

Currently Grimmjow functioned as interim ruler of the kingdom until he found someone to take the throne in his stead. He was the rightful king of Hueco Mundo, since he'd defeated Barragan in battle, or well Ichigo and Shiro did but that didn't matter.

Grimmjow had offered both twins the position as king of Hueco Mundo, but both had declined immediately something which the King of Pantera had more or less predicted.

So instead Ichigo and Shiro as the new heads of the Shiba clan had sent out Kaien on a mission to find a young boy suitable to be raised into the position of king.

Currently their cousin had not yet succeeded in his search through Hueco Mundo, but he was positive he'd be able to find a native boy with the correct personality and mindset to be a ruler.

Zaraki's army was currently under contract with the kingdom of Pantera, tasked with the mission of suppressing the many riots which occurred rather frequently in Hueco Mundo due to the fact that there was no leading figure present.

Grimmjow was ruling Hueco Mundo from within the borders of Pantera, and besides the few trips he made there regularly once every month there was no official figure there to assure the people and keep them in line.

The situation put a lot of stress on Grimmjow's shoulder, and Ichigo could see how the king was tiring more easily and became snappish suddenly. But he thought he might have the solution to Grimmjow's problem.

He'd met all the remaining members of the Shiba clan, and Kukakku who was Kaien's sister seemed to have the right traits to rule a country. He was going to propose Grimmjow name her interim ruler in his name.

This would of course be temporary until Kaien found someone for Ichigo and Shiro to raise into the title of king. All in all the country of Pantera had entered a rather peaceful era, the knowledge that two demigods resided by the King's side made most of their enemy countries hesitate in attacking.

Kyoraku Shunsui, a renowned nobleman loved by the people of Pantera had been given the title Lord of the East, replacing Aizen. His longtime friend Ukitake Juushiro along with his family had accompanied him to the Eastern estate, and Ukitake functioned as Kyoraku's personal advisor.

The Pantera kingdom was currently in a stable position, and the people of the country were prospering more than ever before. The slums were slowly cleaned up, houses refurbished and all inhabitants of Pantera now had a minimum wage, and those who were unemployed still got enough funds to live a healthy life with nice accommodations and enough food and clothes.

The kingdom of Pantera was growing, and people of neighboring countries were constantly emigrating and crossing into Pantera in hopes of finding a better life. Most all citizens of Pantera including the significantly bigger royal family were all content with their lives, and living peacefully together.

Ichigo and Shiro often took walks around the capital to greet the people, and sometimes Evita and Vito came along with their babysitter. The two had quite the fanbase and the people had grown fond of them, crowding around the two in hopes of striking up a short conversation or just to shake their hands.

Ichigo and Shiro had been the ones to come up with the system that allowed all citizens some sort of income, and the people were endlessly grateful to the two princes.

Most women were infatuated with their silver cubs and cooed at the twins whenever their father's brought them into town. To be short the kingdom of Pantera and its citizens had found happiness, and so had Ichigo and Shiro's little family.

~~~~~~Beauty masked by Darkness~~~~~~

Ichigo and Toshiro smiled mischievously at each other as they concealed their presence upon entering the royal bedchambers through a secret passage. As expected Grimmjow was in the connected study furiously reading through documents, approving and declining offers and contracts as well as looking into complaints from citizens and such.

The two could easily see how tense the blue haired panther was, and they'd long been plotting to help the King relieve some stress. The King was hunched over his mahogany desk, and Toshiro saw his opportunity.

Silently regressing he snuck up to the man before running up his back and sitting down on his shoulder, rubbing his head along Grimmjow's jaw. As the years passed Toshiro had been able to let other people besides Ichigo touch him, and he now happily indulged with the King but only when Ichigo was there as well.

He meowed and pawed lightly at Grimmjow's nose, keeping him distracted while Ichigo snuck in front of him.

"Is there something you need Toshi?" Grimmjow said completely unfazed by the caress from the caracal, purring in response to the tiny feline's affectionate head rubs, scratching behind Toshiro's ears making him mewl in pleasure.

"Not really, but I think he want's something from you," Toshiro said through feline maws pointing with his paw in Ichigo's direction.

Before Grimmjow had the chance to even greet Ichigo his lips were caught by Ichigo's, a gentle tongue sweeping his lips asking for entrance. Somewhat shocked Grimmjow responded on instinct and soon found himself subjected to an intense makeout session, Toshiro adding to the pleasure by nipping and licking his chin and ears lovingly. When he was finally released the blue haired panther was panting heavily, his face lightly flushed with rising arousal.

"What's gotten into you two?" he asked with an astonished voice.

"Nothing," Ichigo purred.

"We just want to play with the big kitty," Toshiro purred licking Grimmjow's lips with his feline tongue before jumping off and trotting into the bedroom. Ichigo followed suit pumping his pheromones into the air to entice the King even more.

Grimmjow didn't even hesitate to follow, this was a rare treat after all. It wasn't often the two decided to invite him to a threesome, and there was no way he was going to let this chance slip through his fingers.

With an excited growl he followed the two into the bedroom, finding both disrobed and completely naked waiting for him on the bed.

~~~~~~Beauty masked by Darkness~~~~~~

About to climb onto the bed he was stopped by Ichigo shaking his head lightly while holding up his index finger in a signal of 'no'. Arching a brow Grimmjow looked around the room and seated himself in one of the western chairs he'd had imported for him.

Crossing his leg and folding his arms together he gave Ichigo and Toshiro a questioning glance, the two looking at each other and smiling before smirking at the King.

Grimmjow watched as Toshiro's slender and flexible frame began crawling towards Ichigo, the caracal making sure he stretched and curved his body to appear as sensual as possible.

The tiny feline hybrid began purring as he inched closer and closer to his prey, and when he finally reached Ichigo he placed his tiny tongue on his mate's abs and licked all the way up to his chin in one stroke.

Ichigo responded with a dominate growl before reaching behind to Toshiro's nape, twisting his hand into the silver strands yanking the smaller male's head back before biting down on his jugular making the silvette cry out in slight pain and pleasure.

In the chair Grimmjow was very much enjoying the treat he was being served, his arousal building with every action the two on his bed did.

The performance continued after Ichigo had left evidence of his presence upon the caracal's sensitive neck, moving down to suckle on tiny pert and pink nipples. Soft hands massaged Toshiro's hips as warm lips caressed his nipples, the lithe man letting out gasps and small moans of pleasure as the tangerine tended to his body with care.

Ichigo hummed and moved his hands behind Toshiro, lightly tracing the muscles from his shoulders and down to the top of his crevice knowing very well that those particular lines were extra sensitive to caresses.

The silver haired guardian let out a loud mewl his frame quivering begging Ichigo's hands for more, and slowly those strong fingers dipped down into the crevice mapping it out and searching for his warm orifice.

Up until know they had both been kneeling but when Ichigo coated his fingers in saliva and slipped one inside the smaller male, Toshiro was gently laid down on the futon, Ichigo repositioning himself with a devious smirk directed at his albino mate.

Teal eyes widened when the caracal realized what was coming, a loud moan torn free from his throat when a slick tongue ran up the length of his aching member. Soon the tongue was replaced by the warm cavern which was the tangerine's mouth, the silvette gasping as the entirety of his swollen length was swallowed by that warm mouth.

Humming Ichigo began to work diligently at Toshiro's member, using the precum spilling from his mouth to coat his free hand in saliva, reaching to his own crevice and pushing in.

Moaning at his own actions he continued to work on Toshiro along with himself, the caracal massaging Ichigo's scalp tenderly with his lithe fingers while he had both his front and back pleasured.

Ichigo could never quite reach his prostate on his own, but he could reach Toshiro's and before long a loud yowl of pleasure echoed in the spacious room, the caracal arching off of the futon with his cry.

At the same time Ichigo had gotten three fingers into his own entrance, and was now moaning around Toshiro's swollen dick while he finger fucked both himself and his small mate.

When the tangerine felt that both he and his mate were ready, he gently removed his fingers from his own and Toshiro's ass and gently grasped the lithe male's hips, pulling his crotch flush to his own.

Toshiro mewled in invitation, grinding his crotch against Ichigo's dick making the larger hybrid growl in excitement and pleasure. Without further ado Ichigo lined up, and with a single fluid thrust he was sheathed to the hilt inside the smaller hybrid.

The silvette cried out loudly in pleasure and slight pain, Ichigo groaning at the warm walls engulfing his highly neglected member. Letting out a shaky breath he twisted his neck and looked over his shoulder at Grimmjow.

"Meow," Ichigo purred and grinned when Grimmjow was on him in an instant.

Hastily ridding himself of his robes the King kneeled behind his husband. Spitting in his hand he used the liquid to lubricate his own member, before letting his head rub across Ichigo's orifice a couple of times making the tangerine release an annoyed and slightly begging yip which had him smiling.

With a smug smirk directed at Ichigo he thrust in, his girth spreading the tangerine's walls open as he sheathed himself inside the tight heat. The carrot head moaned loudly in response, the thrust pushing his own member deeper into Toshiro whom cried out in sync arching his back at the depth Ichigo reached.

"Oh god," he moaned before reaching his arms out and around Ichigo's neck, kissing the tangerine as he bent down towards the silvette.

Ichigo was the first one to move after the initial thrust, moving out of Toshiro and at the same time swallowing Grimmjow even deeper inside of him. With a dominate growl Grimmjow leaned over Ichigo's back and bit down on the cheetah's jugular, setting the rhythm by pulling out of Ichigo until only the head was in, before thrusting forwards strongly thereby sending Ichigo into Toshiro again. All three moaned loudly in pleasure, before Grimmjow pulled out with Ichigo following him, then repeating the pattern all over again.

Skin was mauled while throats ran dry from the endless yowls, moans, groans and mewls of pleasure which escaped the three and by the time they were done the three were exhausted.

Ichigo shakily pulled out of Toshiro, white semen already leaking out of his smaller mate. It had been a while since they last did something like this, so it had been building up.

Behind him Grimmjow pulled out making Ichigo wince when his now sore walls were agitated again, the tangerine falling limply down onto the bed beside Toshiro, pulling the lithe man in to lay with his head on the tangerine's chest.

With a huff Grimmjow mimicked the motion, falling down to Ichigo's unoccupied side, hooking an arm around the orangette's hips, lightly kneading the still flushed flesh there.

"Not that I'm complaining, but what brought this on?" Grimmjow asked making Ichigo and Toshiro chuckle.

"Isn't it obvious? You needed to relieve some stress," Toshiro said.

Ichigo smiled at the silvette before turning a rather serious gaze upon Grimmjow.

"Grimm," Ichigo said.

"Yes koi?" Grimmjow replied with a puzzled tone.

"You need to stop this," Ichigo said.

"Stop what?" Grimmjow replied.

"Stop working yourself into the ground and stressing over everything. You're ruining your health, at this rate you'll become crippled before you reach 30," Ichigo admonished pinching Grimmjow's cheek.

"Owch!" Grimmjow whined while glaring at Ichigo.

"I'm serious Grimmjow, your body is so tense! Your muscles feel like solid stone!" Ichigo said in an exasperated tone kneading the muscles which were strung between the panther's neck and shoulder to emphasize his words.

Grimmjow gazed into Ichigo's worried eyes and was immediately filled with guilt.

"I'm sorry Ichi, but with the instability of Hueco Mundo and the riots I get so much on my plate, I don't have enough trustworthy men to help me handle all of this," Grimmjow explained.

This time Toshiro was the one to voice his thoughts.

"Are you an idiot Grimmjow? If you would look around you you'd realize there's plenty of people completely loyal to you and well educated to help you sort out the mess that is Hueco Mundo," he said in a scolding tone.

"I'm honestly disappointed you wouldn't trust your loved ones with your problems Grimmjow," Ichigo said concluding that guilt tripping the King would be the only way to reach him.

"I trust you, I do!" Grimmjow said in a pitched tone of voice, "but I don't want to endanger you again. And you've got cubs to raise with your brother, they're still too young to be left without one of their parents around," he argued.

"Grimmjow, Shiro and I are both very capable of looking out for Evita and Vito on our own should one of us be busy. Besides their carrier and Toshiro are always around to help as well," Ichigo admonished.

"You don't get it Ichigo! I don't ever want to see you or Shiro for that matter ending up badly hurt again because of a stupid power game!" Grimmjow yelled his cyan eyes alight with anger, stress, worry, care and most of all fear as he looked at the two besides him.

"You give Ichigo too little credit Grimmjow," Toshiro piped up.

"While it is true he was badly hurt during our war against Aizen and Barragan, Ichigo knows how to carry himself in difficult situations. He's fought of masses of assaulters bare handed and came out of it alive. Ichigo's been fighting for his life since he was six years old! Get a grip Grimmjow! You need to trust him more! He's a demi-god for god's sake, I doubt there are many out there who could pose a genuine threat to him!" he yelled, furious teal eyes flaring up as he eyed the King, not afraid to speak his mind against the larger male.

With a kind smile Ichigo grasped Grimmjow's head between his hands.

"I understand and appreciate your worry koi, but I can handle myself just fine. I am not a fragile gem to keep locked up behind barred doors Grimmjow. If you would just let your family help you, you could take better care of yourself and those around you," Ichigo said softly before pecking the panther's lips, warm chocolate eyes filled with love gazing into worried cyan ones.

With a defeated sigh Grimmjow opened his mouth.

"I'm not going to win this am I?" he asked and both tangerine and silvette smiled.

"No, you're not!" they laughed before draping themselves across Grimmjow, curling up with him to make themselves comfortable.

A few hours later Shiro and Starrk with cubs in tow entered the room to the sight of a black panther curled around a golden cheetah, who in turn was curled around a small white caracal.

With a chuckle Shiro veered and picked up Evita, splaying out across the panther's paws and nudging his head under Ichigo's, placing the female silver cub between him and the warm chest of Grimmjow.

Starrk followed suit with Vito in his maws, gently placing the cub in front of his chest after curling down towards Toshiro. Minutes later saw the four fast asleep with the other three, and a few hours later a well-known servant arrived to ask if his superiors would like dinner served to their room.

However that intent was laid aside as nimble hands reached for a clean papyrus scroll, something which he tended to keep on him at all times should he stumble across motives like this.

With a fond smile he took a piece of charcoal out and began scribbling down a rough sketch from which he would create a painting later on.

A few days later saw the royal gallery welcome yet another piece of art to its walls, this time the image of the royal family curled up together in one big pile of fur.


And so life in Pantera continued on peacefully, the demi-god brothers sadly outliving their husbands. But they too soon joined their lost loved ones in the Soul King's palace, transferring their powers to their children before passing on.

At the heavenly palace they were met by Grimmjow, Starrk and Toshiro and most importantly their parents and Yuzu whom both gave the two warm hugs and kisses of joy.

And so the two and their loved ones keep vigilant watch over the ones still alive, guiding their cubs and watching over their aging little sister. Karin after many years soon joined them, leaving three adult children behind to keep Ichigo and Shiro's sons company and so they all lived happy lives in the Spirit World, granted important positions within the Soul King's royal palace.

When their souls were finally ready to be reborn into the world of the living, the world had entered an era of peace and development, huge cities spanning across the different continents, cultures and people intermingling and trading knowledge and language more than ever before.

And soon the world once again shone its light upon a set of twin brothers, a set of twin sisters, and upon a successful blue haired businessman and his co-owner along with a tiny silver haired martial-artist sensei.

The End

Hey guys! So incredibly sorry for the lateness of this chapter. Just recently I moved quite far away from my home to attend school, and I've been using the past months to adjust to living on my own. I'm also busy with school work, as my current focus of study means I have to draw a lot. I'm taking my final year of High School right now, completing my education. When I'm done here I'll be officially recognized as an interior consultant, with the opportunity to upgrade my education into interior designer, or maybe even an architect should I so wish for it. I'm thinking of working for a couple of years after graduating before starting my own consultant agency :-)

Anyways, as I am completely out of ideas for this fic I decided it was time to end it. (Forgive me please!) I really wanted to write at least two more chapters before doing this epilogue but the words wouldn't come to me x.x Now I'm itching to start two new stories which have been trying to break out of my brain's confinement for a while now. One is a GrimmIchiGrimm fanfiction, revolving around the time where Ichigo lost his powers due to fighting Aizen. The other fic I want to write is a Kuroko no Basket one, featuring AomineKagamiAomine XD

Anyways, huuuuuuuuuuuuge thanks to all of you who have followed and reviewed this story! I love you all! *huggles* I hope you'll come back for more of my fics, and I hope you enjoyed your stay for this story :D

Until next time, Ja Ne!