Hello All,

This is my first time on FanFiction so please no really mean reviews. I have been reading different stories by other authors for inspiration and sip far my favorite author is icewolf14 and it not just because of her name. I'll always be using my iPad so there might be some errors with spelling but I will try my best. This is mainly about Kim's past.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kickin It or any refinances made to the shows characters. I also do not own the shoes Supras or the brand Hello Kitty

Chapter 1-The New Kid

Kim's POV

Hello there I'm Kimberly Crawford but call me that or Kimmy you might as well say goodbye to your family as you will be moving into the ER section of the hospital pretty soon. Just call me Kim to be on the safe side.

I woke up to the sound of my new alarm clock. I pounded it with my fist-most probably breaking it due to my karate skills. Yeah you read that right. I'm a girl who does karate and I'm good enough to hurt you with my second degree black belt skills. I had just moved from Tennessee and I was already missing waking up to Stars whinnying. Shining Star was the full name of my white Arabian horse which I owned back at my grandma's farm. So back to the present my dad had died not a while ago and my mom was heartbroken. I will always remember the 3 week before we moved here to San Jose.

Flashback Starts

I was having a trek with my best friend Mia.
"Race you back to the ranch, Kim" Mia said
"Your on" I replied . We found a branch and after the words go left my mouth we were galloping through the 10m wide path that led straight to the ranch my family owned. When we got there we were panting and out of breath so I went inside to get some lemonade. My mom was on the phone and as I watched her face, I knew that I wasn't going to like the news.i got Mia's lemonade and gave it to her on the patio.

I gave Mia her glass and she said a quick thanks. She then rode off to her ranch which was about five minutes away from mine. I turned around and saw ,y mom leaning against the classic French doors.
"Honey, Dad didn't make it from the war."

Those eight words changed my life. My mom was devastated and wanted to move so she couldn't be reminded of my dad who had passed away. But I got over it. For a few days I had to be the tough one even occasionally making the food for my mom and bringing it upstairs to her bedroom. My mom didn't go to work on those days but one of her friends offered her a job at her company. Slowly my old mom came back and she was quite happy. So before I knew it I was saying goodbye and packing my bags for the trip ahead of me.

Flashback Ends

But I don't want to think about that stuff now. I was going to be attending Seaford High as a freshman. I quickly got out of bed. I am defiantly not a morning person. My mom barged into my room and opened the window. She knew that I didn't have any energy to do anything to her this early. So I just let it be but not before I looked outside our 2 stores villa. In the room of the villa next to us was a boy who I guessed was around my age who was doing push-ups. I was almost drooling as he was shirtless and man was he gorgeous. He had a built body with a nice six pack. He must have sensed someone watching as he turned around and looked directly at me. He then looked at my whole body and smirked. I was confused at what was so amusing until I remembered that I had a rats nest for hair and was wearing pink pj shorts and a Hello Kitty shirt so I must have been a sight to see. I mentally face palmed then waved as I closed the blinds.

Great first impression

I thought to myself. But I better get prepared as I have 40 minutes to get ready eat breakfast and get to the school which I learned from yesterday's tour was 10 minutes away. I took a fast shower them tried my best to tame my wild hair but ended up deciding on letting it down naturally. I put on black denim long shorts a white tank with a plaid shirt on top of that. I put on purple Supras and my favorite charm bracelet before grabbing my bag with all the things organized from yesterday. Looking at the time I saw that I had twenty minutes till school started so I took an apple and some yoghurt for a quick breakfast. I ran towards my car and jumped into the passenger seat. My mom was already inside so we drove to the school.

"Good luck. Have a nice day." My mom yelled out.

Some people turned to stare so I rapidly walked away to find the front office. In the office there was a girl working with some files but she turned around when she heard me enter.

"Hi I'm Donna Tobin. How can I help you.?."she said excitedly

"I'm Kim Crawford. Can I get my schedule and locker info?"

She looked around then found my information. She handed it to me. I was about to go find my locker when she suddenly appeared at my side.

"So can I see your locker?"

I shrugged my shoulders and gave her my suddenly squealed resulting in some of the people in the halls to turn our way with an annoyed look on their face.

"Sorry." Said Donna but she didn't look very sorry. Turning to me she said, "You're so lucky you have locker 235. Jack the hottest boy in school has 236."

I laughed and replied"I think I'm just a lucky person"

We turned into a hall and I got to my locker. I started to put my stuff away when the hall went silent and then I heard someone open the locker next to me. I pulled my face out of my locker and saw a tall brunette next to me when they turned around I stood paralyzed for a minute getting lost in his chocolate brown eyes. He gave a smirk and said.

"Aren't you the girl who I saw outside my window?"