Its been so long and for that I am sorry. I have been sort of busy, that last week especially. Went comic con Sunday as casual Australia , went around London, had a Birthday and was went to see a film and went to a ball. busy week, but I managed to complete this in the mean time.
Right, Rosey hasn't checked this, she is having problems with her internet so there will be spelling and Grammar mistakes. Half way through Fred gave up telling me when I had spelt things wrong.
Errrr I think that is it.
I don't own Hetalia and enjoy.
Upon opening his eyes, Gilbert swore loudly and covered them. With his arms resting over his eyes, the Prussian tried to move into a more comfortable position to go back to sleep.
He was enjoying the dream he was having, it was action packed and he was awesome in it. That stupid light had to go and ruin it all.
It was unnaturally bright and had bleached his eyelids white, making it impossible to return back to his dream. Yet he still tried to back sleep.
He couldn't remember what he did before falling asleep, but he must have drunk a lot. Nothing puts him into such a deep sleep than alcohol and light never torments him unless he had been drinking the night prior.
This thought brought him to cursing the light, before rolling over to burying his head into his pillow. There was no pillow.
There was no bed.
This discovery caused the Prussian's eyes to snap open, light or no light. A manly squeal escaped him as he frantically waved his arms in front of him, gapping at what he assumed was the floor.
It was almost impossible to tell what was the floor, as everything was white. Gilbert had rolled onto his stomach, or he thought he had, so what he was staring at must be the floor. Why was he floating at least an arm width away from it?
Trying to make sense of this situation, Prussia thought back to what he last remembered, only to find it all foggy. He was alone in some unrecognisable place, with no memory as to how he got there.
Fighting the urge to panic; his military history preventing him from doing so, he tried to stand. Carefully and slowly, Prussia stood surprisingly easy.
Stood upright, the confused nation took the opportunity to take in his surroundings. It didn't take him long as he was stuck in an endless white void, with no shadows, it was eerie. Looking down at himself, Prussia found that he was dressed in white.
He rubbed the fabric of his sleeve between his fingers, admiring the softness of it. He was wearing a loose long sleeve top and trousers that finished above his ankles, his feet were bare.
He was tempted to lay on his front on the 'ground' and blend in with his surroundings. He could jump out on someone when they walked pass and scare the hell out of them, but was there anyone to scare?
Feeling somewhat courageous with a smidge of curious, Gilbert started to walk. He had no idea if he was actually moving forward or if he was actually walking towards anything, but he saw nothing better to do.
So he walked.
Time passed, or it seemed to for the Prussian, but he couldn't tell how long. The rules in which time usually followed, appeared to not apply wherever Gilbert actually was. It was if there was no time, but there had to be time, didn't there?
Throwing his hands up in the air, Prussia swore and started to stomp ahead. His frustration only continued to grow with every step he took. Halting his steps. The albino surveyed his surrounding and sucked in a lung full of air.
"Bloody hell, the pommie is still under. It's been a month and the bastard hasn't so much as stirred." Australia cried in worry, frustration, he was in too much of a state to bother categorising what emotion he was feeling.
The young nation was pacing in Spain's kitchen. The Mediterranean nation had no qualms in letting everyone stay round his house, especially considering what those nations had done for him and the rest of the world. It was his way of saying thank you.
Staying at Antonio's house also meant that the British Isle brothers' bosses didn't know where they were and wouldn't pester them about work. The other nations also helped with the harvest, which there was plenty of.
Still Spain couldn't help but think that having the others still in his house was...tiresome...yeah, he'll go with that. There were a lot of them and they were all on edge due to two people.
He had grieved, still was, due to the loss of his friend. The brunette had only just gotten the albino back, only to have him snatched away. It was like being given the gift of sight, only to be forced to live on a room of darkness. Everything was dark now, even for Spain. He was struggling to find the bright side of anything.
His friend was gone and there was someone upstairs in a coma. How do you find the bright side to that?
"We just have to wait Jack."
There was a bright side, New Zealand had been round Spain's house for the majority of the time after the Japan incident and Spain never ceased to be amazed by the nation. He had so much patience. When you thought the kid was going to snap, he would just take a deep breath, smile and carry on.
The mousey blonde made it his job to calm down his brother, and British Isles. Most of those currently residing in Spain's house were fairly calm, but you could notice the strain. It was only now that he noticed that England did surround himself with a lot of mellow people, but then they sort of balanced out with the louder ones.
"I'm trying Kiwi, he wasn't out this long with Alfred right?" Australia looked towards Canada, who was sitting with Hong Kong and Ireland. The three of them had been sipping their drinks, trying to talk about mundane things.
"No, he was out for eleven days. You said that he was likely to be a lot longer than that anyway, eh Uncle Pat?"
"Aye, that's what Dylan said." The ginger nation stared into his cup, his usual cheery demeanour had gone to the same place as Spain's for extended vacation. Even though he had healed for the most part, he found that he had little to no energy.
"Teacher said that everything was fine with Dad, like, considering what happened to him." Hong Kong spoke his thoughts aloud, mainly to reassure himself. He had just been kicked out of England's room by China, as he kept hovering around the sleeping nation.
He was glad that China was here, he had been around a long time, so was more likely to know what was going on than most. The elder nation had come straight to Spain's once he learnt what happened and that Japan was now sorting things out with his boss.
Yao didn't know how he could help that much really, but he spoke to his boss frequently about what was the best thing to do. China's boss was older than Dewi and conversed with many other magical creatures, so he was actually pretty helpful. China's presence also seemed to calm some of the others present, finally they are starting to respect their elders.
He had so much respect that he could get everyone out of England's room just by asking, which he had.
Patrick sighed and pulled his attention away from his mug and to the window. A whisper of a smile graced his face as he spotted Connor sparring with Joao. It was probably the fourth time that day that the young Brit had been kicked out by China, so Portugal decided to take him outside.
It was always amusing witnessing North fight, he may be shorter than most of his brothers and the youngest, but he was a nimble little bugger. It was fun seeing other nations being surprised when the '14' year old managed to flip them over.
Joao was fine in handling Connor; he had seen the kid grow after all. He also had a lot of experience making the peace between the British Isle brothers, that always helped. America however had no such experience, which was evident last Halloween.
Patrick laughed under his breath at the memory, he had to find that clip again. England had decided that America had cheated last Halloween for hiring Russia and Japan against him, so got North into helping him.
That seemed so long ago now, when in reality it wasn't. It was even shorter on nation terms, yet it felt like a decade had passed for Patrick. Waiting always made him feel old and he hated it.
Standing rather abruptly, the ginger nation placed his tea down and headed for the back door. "I am going to join my brothers outside for a game of rugby, I don't think that Albain will be able to handle An Bhreatain Bheag on his own in a game."
He didn't say anymore before he left through the door and jogged up to the Scotsman. The two Oceanic brothers' heads automatically perked up in interest at the word Rugby, Spain thought New Zealand should have got whiplash.
The brunette didn't say anything as he hurried out the door to join his uncles. James, even though just as eager, if not more, politely excused himself. It didn't take long for everyone else to vacate the kitchen to join in the game.
China looked out of the window a bit longer that he intended to. He was curious as to what was going on, it looked like a battle was taking place. The teams were split into the quiet ones vs the louder ones. It was originally going to be oldest vs youngest but the others decided that less harm could be done if Ireland and North had to work with each other, rather than against.
At the moment, the usually reserved nations seemed to be winning. Canada, Hong Kong, Portugal, New Zealand and Wales were proving to be a strong force to be reckoned with and that one should be weary of quite people.
The old nation watched the youngsters with fondness, a small smile creeping onto his face, which fell instantly when he looked at his patient.
England's chest was rising and falling evenly, if it wasn't for his sickly pale skin and scrunched up eyebrows, one would assume he was asleep.
China had been watching the Brit for almost a month now, having taken over from Scotland to give him a break, yet he could see no improvement.
The wound above his heart was healing at the rate of an average human. Sunbeam, Minty and some other magical creatures had closed the wound enough for it to not be life threatening, but there was only so much they could do.
The colour in his cheeks had returned somewhat, it was barely noticeable. After a month of nothing the smallest of changes was like a beacon, so although most would overlook the change, everyone in the house had noticed it.
That was it though, there was nothing else that China or anyone else could do. That's why he threw everyone out. If it wasn't for the fact that it had been agreed that someone should be with England at all times, China would probably be the referee for the match.
Amber eyes tore away from the window back to the still Englishman. He really wished that England would wake soon, he didn't know how much longer everyone could last. Everyone was incredibly tense, someone was going to snap.
It was bound to happen, but who would be first to cave under pressure was impossible to predict.
Yao had been watching every nation that came and left the room, examining their body language to tell exactly how they are feeling. Countries can be very defensive about their feelings after all.
Scotland seemed to be having an inner conflict with himself. A part of the red head wanted to be by his brother's side, hold his hand and never let go until he woke up. The other side wanted to stay away from the blonde, act as if nothing was wrong. What China couldn't quite determine was whether the act was for Scotland, or for everyone else.
One thing was clear though, and that was that the Scottish nation hated they fact that he couldn't do more for England. The Scot would stare at his hands, occasionally he would close his fist and magic would spill through his fingers. Sometimes he would place a hand on England's forehead and his hand would glow, before he pulled it away again muttering a string of curses. When Alistair caught Yao looking, he informed the elder nation that he was checking the rate of his healing.
Wales walked as if his shoes were lined with lead. China recognised that the Nation was feeling guilty and guessed that it had something to do with not being able to stop Prussia from passing, and England from being completely taken over by shadows. Out of the brothers, Dylan had visited Arthur the least. The times he did come, he found himself going into a daze whenever he looked at England and would stay that way until someone snapped him out of it.
Ireland appeared to be handling the whole ordeal the best out of the brothers, but China knew it was a front. The eldest Kirkland would cheerfully walk into the room every morning with a newspaper in hand and read it aloud to the Englishman. He would often make remarks on certain things in the paper and playfully nudge England in the side. He showed no sign of being dishearten by the lack in response, but his smile never seemed as wide as he entered the room to when he left.
Yao did over hear Connor asking Patrick why he read to him, which the older replied saying that it was just in case Arthur could hear. He said that Arthur would hate falling behind with everything going on in the world and would appreciate being kept in the loop. It was one of the calmest conversations that China had ever heard between the two, it was shame that it had to be under such circumstances.
Northern Ireland had been very quiet. Prior to his talk with Ireland, the young nation would just sit at the end of the bed that England was laying on and stare out the window. He was the one that was with England the most out of the brothers, but the majority of the time was spent in silence, which unnerved the Chinese nation.
China had asked Hong Kong on how to deal with the youngest of the British Isles, which led to the pass colonies to make sure that at least one of them was always with him. The only time they left him alone was when he visited England after his talk with Ireland and started to chat to the comatose nation about anything and everything.
All of the ex-colonies were a lot quieter than they usually were, meaning that they didn't talk much at all. Australia was the anomaly in this, as he had become louder as if to make up for the lack of noise from the others. This meant that the others would try and keep him occupied, which normally meant helping Spain with something.
It seemed to help them keep their mind of things having something to do, which China suspected that Australia was aware of. The Oceanic nation had kind of made it his mission to drag people out to do things with him by acting up, making others give in and do something with him just to quieten him.
The others had wised up to the Australian's plan, but all carried on pretending that they were annoyed with his behaviour. It made things seem normal.
New Zealand and Hong Kong, China always had trouble reading, now just seemed even worse. The only emotion that Yao could ever pick up was worry and anxiousness.
New Zealand had appointed himself as chief Australia keeper and peace maker. The calm nation had made it his job keeping an eye on how everyone was feeling and making sure that they were alright, ignoring his own thoughts and feeling in the process.
Hong Kong had become very observant and tended to be close to either his teacher, his 'Dad' and the two eldest Kirklands. He felt a need to be close to anyone who should know more on the situation. China couldn't figure if it was for comfort or so that if anything does happen, Hong Kong would find out relatively quickly what was happening from any of them.
Canada was being kept busy trying to keep other nations that were trying to get hold of those at Spain's house busy. It was mainly America that the Canadian had to deal with, but he knew his brother well enough to distract him, others weren't so easy.
Luckily, Japan and Spain were also helping with this matter, but Japan was trying to soothe thing out that had happened when he was possessed with his boss and Spain was playing host. Canada was finding that Denmark was becoming harder to deter as well as Wy, Thailand and Cuba.
Portugal was trying to help his brother with his guests, by talking to anyone that showed signs of becoming agitated. He also insured Spain that he would take good care of his house whenever he needed to go somewhere (drinking with France, the French nation couldn't leave his country so stayed in his own country, but told Spain that he could visit anytime as well as anyone else). He found himself trying to find things that the other occupiers of the house constructive to do and often joined in.
Spain was the main person who was finding thing for other people to do whilst they were at his home. They were his guests after all and he was the host. He wanted to keep them happy, as much as he could anyway. He didn't mind much, it kept him busy and when he was kept busy, he was less likely to think.
All of the nations were trying to keep themselves busy. They were trying not to think and some found it easier than others. Still, the Chinese nation couldn't figure out who was going to crack first, it very well could be him.
"Ayia, you better wake up soon ahen."
"Verdammt (dammit), how long have I been stuck in this unawesome place?" The Prussian screamed up to the non-existing sky. He then sighed heavily and fell back in defeat, an invisible force caught the albino before he could hit the 'ground'. He started blankly above him and raised his hand. He wasn't really sure why, it wasn't like he was going to grab hold anything.
He still held his left hand out though. He spread his fingers out wide, wiggling them experimentally before reluctantly closing his hand into a fist and letting it fall. Gilbert didn't know why, but he felt that someone should have grabbed hold of his hand. Someone should have pulled him away from this painfully dull place and save him. There should have been someone...
Time had passed, Gilbert wasn't sure how long he had been in this place, but time defiantly had passed. One thing the Prussian was certain of, was that he remembered nothing about before he arrived wherever he was now.
Nothing. Zip. Nada.
Sure he knew who he was and the history of his country, but there was a huge chunk missing. There had to be something missing, he didn't feel right. There wasn't any doubt in his mind that there should be something else that he should know. It probably didn't make sense to anyone else. How can someone be sure that they are meant to know something, really?
There was meant to be someone there and Prussia would be damned if anyone else told him otherwise.
Allowing that thought to drive him forward, the Prussian rose to his feet in one swoop and charged forward. He would find that someone, it was the only clear though that he had since he ended up at this place and he was going to latch onto it. It was his spark, that ignited his fiery determination to blaze onwards and carry on.
He started to run.
It started out as a jog at first, but soon involved into a run when he saw a flicker of something against this white backdrop he was stuck in. It was something different, a change and he was not going to let that slip away.
More flickers of colours started to dance across the blank canvass surrounding him, some lingering longer than others. His speed increased.
Voices started to echo off the non-existing walls. Most of it was random words that was either part off a sentence or just a single word. He was sprinting.
"Need-stop-beer- arrested –dummkoph"
"All you look is suspicious."
"Your bird-got-hunde(dogs) again-please –for the last time."
"I almost- believe – performing brudrer."
"Frying pan!"
"Mon cher"
"Stupid old potato bastard."
"Ve-we can go-that would be fun-pasta."
"Would you-I'm busy-Chopin."
"Had ye fun?"
"Dag mate."
"Get – arse- here-standing –staring at us."
"Teutonic wanker."
He knew the voices, he could put names to the faces that were flashing in his head. The more people he recognise the longer those flicker stayed and soon they became permanent. Standing off in the distance were silhouettes of people he recognise. He knew that his people were important to him, he knew he needed to get to them. He wasn't sure why, but he had to get there and fast.
He ran like he never had before, he practically flew forward. He was gaining on the figures, maybe he could get some answers. They had to help him fill the blanks in his mind, right?
At this moment, Prussia didn't really care that much to be honest, he just wanted to head for the thing that was different. After so long of seeing nothing but white, he would even run towards a spec of dirt.
Coming to an abrupt halt, Gilbert nearly screamed out in exasperation as the figures suddenly disappeared. He was so close. So God damn close. Frustration taking over, Gilbert fell to his knees and pulled at his hair.
"No giving up now" a voice floated in the air as if caught in a breeze. Crimson orbs slowly torn away from their shelter behind a pair of hands and looked up, only to see a hand out stretched for him to grab. Reaching out quicker than what was thought possible, Prussia latched onto the hand, simply for it to turn into smoke the moment he made contact with it.
A growl escaped the Prussia, his anger flaring at the thought of someone messing with him. He was going to unalive the culprit if this was all just part of a prank. About to reassume his previous position, Gilbert was interrupted by the same voice.
"Looks like someone was just pretending about how awesome they were. I suppose I should help you, as well as some others."
Before Prussia could fully comprehend what the voice had said, he felt something pull him to his feet from under his arm. Feeling dazed, Prussia had no choice but to follow the helpful disembodied hands that were pulling and pushing him in a certain direction. Tripping over his own feet, the albino almost fell over multiple times, but was picked up each time by different pairs of familiar hands.
They belonged to the same people from earlier, he was sure. It had to be, as the same voices from earlier on were encouraging him forward. They were leading a way out of here, they had to be. Even if they wasn't, that is what Gilbert was going to believe. After all, 'No giving up now'.
"Little bit further...aaannnd... there, stop there. This is as far as I can go I'm afraid, take a deep breath."
A hand was placed gently on the Prussian's chest, causing him to halt. Trying to regain his wits about him, Prussia looked up to the person who was guiding him. He knew this person. Although his face was shrouded in a bright light that clung on to his form, he defiantly knew this person.
His touch was familiar, Prussia was certain that the person was a male due to his voice and his visible hand. The vibrant green that was gazing into crimson orbs was something that Gilbert knew he could trust, even though he couldn't make out the emotion that those eyes held.
The man encased in light shifted slightly, which brought Gilbert's attention to the pair of wings that moved as well. It was falling into place, the memories were resurfacing. They just need one last push to break through to the forefront of his mind.
"I know you."
A smile appeared on the man's face before he stepped back from Prussia. Not wanting the man to leave him, Prussia reached out to the angel, only to be suddenly thrown up in the air. A startled yelp escaped him as he shot upwards, nearly missing the man's last words to him.
"Don't forget about your unfinished business Gilbert, if you have any that is."
That was the last thing he remembered before his world faded to black.
"I hope that this works Rome."
"Si, me too. It took a lot of pestering to get God to agree to this."
"Ja, not to mentioning actually being able to get Arthur to guide him here."
"I can't believe that he didn't go mad in purgatory, he's been in there for over two months."
"Si, si, but I had to stall him to get everything set up. Authro was hard to find also, he was buried deep down in his own subconscious."
"Wait, how exactly did you manage to get Arthur to guide him anyway?"
"He is an angel even if he isn't dead. An angel has many duties, one of which is to guide a lost soul. Arthur can only go so far though."
"He is stirring."
"He might not remember you at first, got to give him time."
Rousing from his sleep, Gilbert tried to focus on the voices that were speaking around him. It sounded like they were talking about something important. A groan escaped him before he could stop it, which caused those around him to end their discussion and no dubitably stare at him.
Opening his eyes took more effort than it should have, once he actually completed the task he was greeted by several pairs of eyes. The closest pair were bright blue and belonged to a child, that was looking at him fondly.
"Heilige Rom?" The name automatically spilled from his lips, he knew this child. This child was his brother, but he couldn't be here, he died, he was dead. Prussia remembered holding the boy in his arms as life drained away from the boy's fragile little body. He was there in front of him, wasn't he?
"Bruder? Are you ok?" Holy Rome asked tentatively, edging closer to his floored big brother. Acting on instinct, Prussia automatically lent closer to the boy. His mind was screaming at him to pull away and run, telling him that this was all a trick and that this wasn't really his brother, but he just couldn't bring himself to do so.
"Ja, I'm fine." He shakily got to his feet to prove that the he was Ok to Holy Rome. It took him a bit longer than he cared to admit, but he stood tall in the centre of a group of people staring at him. He recognised three of these people, the others he didn't know, but felt he could trust.
A beautiful woman with long auburn locks and emerald eyes watched him carefully. Prussia knew this woman somehow, but wasn't sure why. She was standing in between Ancient Rome and Germania, both who were watching him with a bit of unease.
The last person was a young man that was wearing a crisp white suit. He had welcoming brown eyes and dark brown hair that looked almost black. A Halo hovered above the man's head and fours large wings were spread out wide at his sides.
"Name's Axel, I am one of the angels that the big man likes to keep close to his side. I only really get to go out for a walk when he gives me a little job and you are one of them. Before you ask, yes you are dead, have been for a while actually."
"Was?" The Prussian asked dumbly, he felt that he should be in denial about his death, but just couldn't bring himself to. This man, no angel before him said that he had been dead for a while, maybe that was why. He must have already accepted it.
Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed at seeing those that had decided to greet him. Why were they here and why did this Axel need to be here?
"Peter is pretty busy tending to the pearly gates and your case would take a little extra time, which the Saint doesn't have. That's why you have me, the average angel does not have the authority to let someone into Heaven, especially not an nation. You guys come with a lot of paper work."
Axel spoke with an upbeat voice that had a bit of a German accent. He was completely immune to the nation that was staring at him, he actually seemed to be enjoying the attention. He walked to a door that had appeared out of nowhere, with spring in his step and held onto the golden door handle.
"Through this door Gilbert is Heaven, right now you are sort of standing on the porch. You are special, you get to make a choice, you get to choose to either go back to Earth or join those present in heaven."
"Take your time before you choose, you won't be able to go back if you change your mind. These kind folks here have taken some time out of their, not so busy schedule, to help you choose. They have to be vague though, no names are allowed to be given and they can't bring up things you can't remember.
"Passing sort of scrambles your mind, I have no idea why. It has been a glitch that we have been trying to fix for ages, but was never able to." The angel opened the door to reveal an inviting light that shone on to the Prussian, encasing him in comfortable warmth.
Instinctively, Prussia edged forward towards the light. It was so warm. All tension dissolved in an instant, years of war riddled memories were supressed behind pleasant ones. He felt accepted, forgiven, he felt at home.
Axel watched the nation's reaction as he calmly closed the door. To his surprise, Gilbert only stared at the door, albeit longingly, but it was a much tamer reaction than that he usually met. The nation might actually have a shot at this, no one had ever denied access to Heaven before that he remembered, but Gilbert just might.
"Mein Sohn (my son), you have a choice which few are unable to make. You have to think carefully and follow that gut instinct which saw you through countless battles. Do what you think is right and not what you think others expect of you."
Prussia was surprised to hear his father's voice, it had been so long. The man spoke slowly and firmly, insuring that the albino was fully capable to understand what he had said. Germania's normally withdrawn blue eyes held a glimmer of pride as they bore into crimson ones.
Finding himself at a loss of words, Prussia allowed the words to sink in. His father's words confused him. He was told to think this through, but to also follow his gut instincts. These usually contradicted each other. He sort of understood, but it still confused him.
"Si, do what you think is right, but don't let there be any doubt in your mind when you make a decision. You had unfinished business back on earth il mio amico (my friend) before you passed, make sure that you have completed them all.
"Heaven will cause you to forget any previous troubles as you are settling in, any doubts will come back after time, but it could be too late by then."
Rome helped clear up what Germania failed to clarify for the Prussian, the Germanic nation never was gifted with words. The Roman was on edge and looked worn out, something that Prussia didn't think was possible for someone who lived in heaven.
"Why do I have a choice?" Prussia didn't like the fact that he didn't know everything, that there was gaps in his mind. He hated the fact that these people in front of him knew and wouldn't tell him.
Axel avoided eye contact with the Prussian. If he was to answer the question, he would be giving away too much information. The nations had less restraint when talking to the Prussian, once the albino passed through the doors, Axel could answer any question. Outside heaven, these nations could sometimes communicate to the nations still on Earth so they could answer questions to a certain degree.
Britannia was the one that stepped forward to answer the Prussian, she gave him a comforting smile before she spoke. "After you died, you had been helping my son with a mission of sorts. When the mission was complete, you stated that there was nothing left for you to do, so you passed on. Rome witnessed this, but wasn't convinced that you actually meant that you had no unfinished business.
"The last two months, Rome has been trying to convince the council to let you have the choice to return if you wished. It was a long process and it took Romulus quite some time to persuade everyone on the council to allow this.
"We have been watching you for some time, and all of us believe that you have unfinished business. We may be wrong, but it is due that the possibility that you could have another reason to stay on earth, that you have been given this chance."
The woman spoke gently, like a mother soothing a frightened child during a storm. To be honest with himself, Gilbert felt like a child. He was confused and couldn't remember anything about his death. He felt lost.
A small warm hand held on to his own, he didn't have to look to know that it was his brother. Prussia knew that the simple gesture was aiming to calm him down, let him know that even though he may feel lost, he wasn't alone. It worked, as the white haired man soon found himself smiling at the boy and squeezed the smaller hand.
Looking to the Roman, Prussia took in his appearance, struggling to understand why the man would go through so much trouble for him. Maybe the Ex-Empire was bored after spending so much time in heaven, that he decided to keep himself busy for a couple of months. It made sense to the Prussian, he would probably find something to do as he is the type of person who would get bored in paradise.
Beyond that door was paradise. He felt it. His body longed to step through that door with arms wide open and embrace the feeling of pure bliss. However, his heart and brain disagreed with his body, but why?
Shifting his gaze from the Roman to the angel, Prussia drunk up the man's presence. The angel was familiar in some way, Gilbert put it down to the German accent , but he felt that he should be amazed to meeting one. Yet he wasn't, he found the two set of wings a bit different as he was used to seeing two, but why was he used to seeing two?
"Who were the people that brought me here?"
"It was only one person Bruder, but he used memories of people you know to lead you in the right direction." Holy Rome jumped at the chance to help his brother, feeling proud at the fact that he could do so. Staring up at his brother with large innocent eyes, he smiled widely at the crimson eyed man, earning a hair ruffle in return.
"Why couldn't he just lead me here, like a guide and why did he leave me in that scheißloch (shithole) for so long."
"Language," was all that Axel contributed to the conversation before Germania took over. "As Britannia said earlier, it took Rome some time to convice the council. The person that guided you is injured on earth and in a coma. It took some time to find him in his subconscious to ask him if he would guide you."
"Si, Ar- he wasn't able to guide you like you said, because you couldn't fully remember him, so wasn't able to reveal himself. I wanted someone you know to guide you. I thought it might help you remember."
Rome took over from Germania, he felt the need to do so as he was the one that managed to convice God to let England bring Prussia to the pearly gates. Britannia was actually the one that was able to get hold of her son, but it was his idea.
"These people that he showed me, let me hear and feel, they are important to me ja?"
"Ja Bruder."
"I-I should protect them richtig (right)? "
"That is for you to decide."
Closing his free hand into a fist, Prussia stared down at the ground as if it would tell him all the answers. He needed to remember, mein gott this was frustrating. There was something there, he just needed to concentrate and focus his awesomeness.
There it was.
"Ludwig? I need to look out for him and be an awesome big bruder."
"Fantastico, you remember your fratello. Anything else?" Rome was bouncing in excitement, the thought of his hard work over the last two months paying off, meant the world to him. Good thing that England had showed Prussia Germany and let him hear the German; Prussia's unwavering determination to protect his brother would destroy anything that threaten to get in the way of that.
"Ja, I can't leave him alone, he will be too boring. I need to make him do awesome things."
Giggling softly, Britannia knelt down next to Holy Rome and placed a hand on his shoulder. Briefly shifting his gaze from his brother to the female nation and offered her a small smile, this was going to be hard for him, but he had to be strong for his brother.
"Is there any other reason for you to go back mein sohn, your bruder has many people looking after him, you won't be able to come back for a long time."
Hesitating for a few seconds, Prussia quickly weighed up his options. There were so many things that had suddenly been brought to the forefront of his mind, reasons for him to go back, but there were two, mainly one that made him want to stay.
Kneeling down so that he was at eye level with Holy Rome, Prussia held both of the boy's hands. He rubbed small circles on the back of his brother's hands affectionately and watched blue orbs with a feeling of remorse.
"I will be fine Bruder, I enjoy watching you and everyone else from up here. I have many friends and Vati is here to look after me. Don't stay for me." Wiping away a stray tear that leaked from ruby eyes, Holy Rome smiled to reassure the albino.
"Kesese, when did you get so clever? You think there is anything I should do back on earth, it has to be something awesome, just like me."
A small giggle escaped the boy, "you need to make sure everyone knows the true meaning of awesome."
"I have to agree with you there child." Britannia spoke from her place near Holy Rome. Rome was trying to supress a laugh, whereas Germania simply rolled his eyes. Axel was making notes on the whole situation, all of these years he had been an angel, he had never seen this happen. He needed to make sure he didn't leave anything out when he reported back to God.
"Ja, I will do that. I'm going to draw my face under the word awesome in every dictionary, starting with Birdie's. Gott, he has so many! The Limey uses them to throw at America whenever he 'butchers the English language', it's what his case is filled with at meetings."
"Birdie? You remember?" Rome asked hopefully, happiness dancing in his eyes. In response, Prussia smiled as wide as he could and gave the ancient nation a thumbs up and turned to face the female nation.
"Your sons are wonderful people for the most part, they are a bit seltsam (strange). They need as many people keeping an eye on them as possible, I feel sorry for everyone that put with them for so long with out my awesome help."
"Thank you for providing your services then, I'm sorry that my boys are not a quiet bunch." The female nation spoke in a sarcastic manor, making it clear as day that this woman was the mother of the Kirkland brothers. She offered the albino a fond smile, before stepping away from him, knowing that he would prefer to to talk to others present than herself.
Stepping forward, Germania brought the Prussian into a unsuspecting hug, squeezing the nation tigtly as if afraid to let go. Completely surprised at his father's actions, Prussia couldn't do anything beside gape like a fish. It took him several long seconds for him to gain enough sense to return the hug.
Not wanting to be left out, Holy Rome hugged the two elder Germanic nations around the legs. Bending down, Germania scooped up the younger nation so he could fully enjoy the family hug.
Standing to the side, Rome was gushing at the sight and fighting every one of his insticnts to not jump in and join the hug. Instead, his eyes kept flickering to the woman beside him, who eventually gave in and spread out her arms. Slightly surprised, Rome paused before hugging Britania from the side.
Axel stood by the door, it was obvious that Prussia wasn't going to pass through, which he still couldn't believe. He couldn't remember the last time someone had denied access to Heaven, yet he couldn't fault the Prussian for doing so.
After a life time had passed, Germaina finally pulled away from his son, his eyes usually stern looking eyes were shimmering with a mixture of emotions. Tears were threating to fall from the older nation's eyes; if it wasn't for Germania's stoic demeanor, they would have already have fallen.
"Viel Erfolg (Good luck)." The long haired blonde said nothing more, as nothing else was needed. Gilbert could read between the lines, he knew that his Vati was proud of him and was going to miss him. The fact that the elder nation just hugged him spoke volumes, the man was never a physical person after all.
"I will miss you bruder, have fun."
"Keep an eye on my Nipoti (grandsons) for me."
"Don't get into too much trouble."
The nations said there goodbyes before Prussia could fully acknowledge what was going on. They started to part from him as the angel stepped forward. Peaking over the Angel's shoulder, Prussia watched the door fade away. He felt as if he should dive after the door and chase after the feeling of pure ecstasy, but he couldn't bring himself to.
"Gilbert Beilschmidt, do you want to return to Earth or stay in Heaven?" The angel coughed before he spoke in a bored tone; he hated having to ask questions he already knew the answers to. He had already ticked what he knew Prussia's answer to be on his paperwork, still, he had to ask.
"I would like to return to Earth my good fellow." Prussia replied in a mock British accent, stroking his non-existent beard. Deciding to go with the flow, Axel decided to follow the nation's example and speak in matching accent.
"If you would kindly follow me to the outskirts of Heaven, I shall take you to your guide. Tally ho!" Grinning, Axel held his clip board behind his back and began marching off in a certain direction.
Spinning round, Prussia smiled at the nations that had helped him. Disobedient tears began to cascade down his face, he owed them so much and they asked for nothing in return. They were content in making sure that he didn't mistake and stay in heaven, instead of returning to Earth.
"Danke, Danke so much. You guys are truly awesome and I will make sure everyone knows it. Your names will be written in gold in history books and will be remembered for centuries." The Prussian yelled as the tears failed to stop, his smile never leaving his face.
"Bruder, you might want to follow Axel, he is leaving without you."
"Was? Oh Scheiße!" The albino looked to where the angel was heading, to find that his brother was correct and that the brunette was steadily getting further away from him. Prussia earned himself a round of laughter from the group of nations as he ran after the angel.
He caught up to the angel fairly quickly, faster than he expected to which led to him running into the back of a still Axel. The angel didn't stumble at all, but instead turned around to face the albino.
"I think a congratulations are in order, so well done. I could see that you wanted to go through those doors, you didn't go through though. You chose to go back and watch your brother, rather than go to the place made up of your every desire. "
"I'm just that awesome."
"Heh, yeah. I suppose you are, not sure if some of the higher ups would approve of your wanting to prank people though."
"I think they will get over it when they realise that I won't be pranking them instead."
Axel laughed heartedly, he liked this nation. He thought that it was a bit of a shame that he wasn't staying, but that wasn't something that he could change. "Right, if you just stay here, your guide will be here shortly."
With that said, they angel bowed and vanished leaving Prussia in a white void again. Sighing heavily, Gilbert tried not to grumble about being put in this situation again. He really hated his void.
Not having to wait long at all, Prussia was startled when he heard a trumpet being blown and a red carpet to appear by his feet. Feeling confused, Prussia stared at the carpet as if it had offended by mocking his intelligence.
His attention was quickly pulled away when a red Aston Martin pulled up, its passenger door aligned with the carpet. The sound of a door opening caused Prussia to go in his tip toes and try and get an early peak of the driver.
Waltzing rather casually to the boot of the car, looking suave in a tuxedo, was England. The English nation fiddled with his cufflinks before he looked up to the gaping Prussian. Smirking at the look on Gilbert's face, Arthur walked around to the passenger door and opened it for his friend.
"Good Evening Mr Beilschmidt. I am you escort and would appreciate if you could get your arse in the car."
"Birdie, you look like a Holy James Bond." The albino began to snigger at the Englishman, causing said Englishman's eyes to narrow and wings to twitch. Upon receiving a dramatic eye roll, Prussia thought that it would be best to get into the car. Once the Prussian was in the car, England closed the door and walked round to the other side.
"Bit of a flashy entrance Birdie." Gilbert stated as soon as Arthur had closed the door behind him. Ignoring the his companion for the time being, England shifted the car into gear and started to drive.
"I suppose it had to do, thought you would like a entrance like that, I know you hate anything boring. They wouldn't let me use a blue police box and I'm not licensed to pilot a flying carpet."
"Awh, such a shame, this wasn't how I pictured our awesome honey moon."
"I have to agree with you there, picking you up from Heaven's door step was not how I imagined it."
"Ah Fick, I'm wearing white and you're wearing the tux."
"Nice to have you back Duckie."
There we go, I haven't killed off the already dead guy.
I was going to have England waking up at the end of this but it was getting too long.
Sorry if anyone didn't like Axel (I was so tempted to make him have red hair, green eyes and say 'got it memorised.')
Nations are always dealt with by angels as they can be complicated cases and would hold up the queue to get into Heaven, sorry if this is against anyone else's headcannons.
Any way, I don't think there is much more I can add.
so review and stuff if you want and I'll see you next time :)