Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and property belong to J.K. Rowlings. I make no money off this what so ever.

Chapter One – Heading Back Home


I couldn't believe it was time for me to head back to Hogwarts already for my "seventh year". I remember what life was like before I even knew about the magical community. Dumbledore came to my house to talk to me about attending school there in the fall.

"Thank you for having me, Mr. Granger."

"You're welcome Mr. Dumbledore. When our Hermione got your letter, I have to admit I was a bit shocked. I've never heard of this Hoggy Warts before. Neither of us has. But we figured this school must be amazing if you want our Hermione." My mother smiled as she handed him a cup of tea.

"Well, let me assure you Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Your daughter won't be able to find a better education than the one she will receive at Hogwarts. She'll be living and learning among her peers and advancing her craft. When she graduated, she will have so many opportunities available to her."

"Now that sounds might fine and all but we're just a couple of dentist. This school of yours sounds pretty expensive and a lot of these items, I don't even know where to get them all from." My father commented.

Dumbledore chuckled. Apparently he had been doing this for a while. He explained to my father that all of my supplies would be taken care of and he would send instructions on how to find everything.

"Okay Hermione, you haven't said anything about all this. Is this something you want to do?" my father asked me.

I knew more than anything that the place I wanted to be was at Hogwarts. Dumbledore made it sound so magically. And they wanted me to be one of their next students.

"Yeah, Dad; I really do."

The day had finally arrived. My parents were dropping me off at the train station and in just a few short hours I was going to be a Hogwarts student.

"Remember to write me and tell me all about this place. And if you ever get homesick then you just tell me and I'll come get you." my mom hugged me, tearing up.

"Mum, I'm sure I'll be fine." I chided him but I couldn't lie. I was feeling a bit sad as well but I knew my parents were having a harder time dealing with it than me. After all I was there only daughter.

I gave them both one last hug before disappearing into the barrier between platforms nine and ten.

I opened my eyes at the sound of the trolley door opening. Since I was Head Girl, I was in the last car of the Hogwarts Express. I was expecting the Head Boy any second but that wasn't who walked through the door.

"What are you doing in here?" My boyfriend Ron asked.

We began dating earlier this year, before our sixth year ended. For a while, things were great. Then came the war and everything changed. Although we won, we still loss so much more. Friends and family. The entire Weasley clan had a hard time processing and dealing with Fred's death but it seemed to hit Ron more than anyone else.

After spending so long grieving, he simply one day just stopped caring. He turned off all of his emotions except anger and rage. He became quick-tempered and easily angered. He fought with everyone before eventually taking up drinking to ease his pain.

When I told him I was appointed to the position of Head Girl, all he had to say was, "Your 'Head Girl' duties better not interfere with our relationship. Just because we're back at Hogwarts doesn't mean that things between us will change."

"I'm Head Girl so I have to ride in here. I'm supposed to be meeting the Head Boy soon so we can discuss our duties." I explained, sliding closer to the window.

Ron nodded and came closer to me. When he was a mere inch away from my face, I saw the rage swelling in his eyes.

He grabbed me roughly by the chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Always remember, you are mine. No one else can or will ever have you. Make sure you let the Head Boy know that. If I get wind that someone else has touched you in any way, I won't hesitate to kill them. Understand?"

I nodded and whimpered away from him as he roughly let go of my face before forcing his lips on mine.

The compartment door slid open and Ron slid away, revealing Malfoy dressed in his uniform already, a shiny Head Boy badge pinned to the front of his cloak.

"This car is for the Head Boy and Girl only, Weaselbee. Since you are neither, I suggest you get back to Saint Potter."

Ron sneered at him before slinking away. When he got to the door he looked over his shoulder at me and said, "Remember what I told you, Hermione."

"What was that all about?" Malfoy asked, turning on me.

"Ron just wanted to check on me since I'm not going to be living in Gryffindor this year. He's a bit overprotective, that's all." I told him.

He shrugged his shoulder but didn't take his eyes off me until I changed the subject to our duties. We had a meeting with the prefects in a couple minutes to go over what was expected of them.

"Professor McGonagall wants us monitoring the halls every Sunday night, setting a positive example when we are in the halls and in classrooms and basically keep the first years in line.

"She also expects us to organize a Fall Harvest dance and a Winter Masquerade Dance. She feels that in these days, the students could use some moral boosts and since …" I began but I didn't quite know how to say the next part.

"…Since I'm the reason that Dumbledore is dead and Hogwarts was destroyed. I get it." he said, a weary look on his face. I guess he was tired of people referring to him as that.

"She just thinks that it would help your image if everyone could see how well we work together."

"Personally I don't care what everyone else thinks of me. Only a handful of people's opinions matter to me." He looked at me again and this time I couldn't look away. He seemed so sincere in his sentiment that for a second I forgot that he was the one who use to torture me and called me a "mudblood".

And as if he could read my thoughts, he scooted closer to me and did something so out of character for him. He apologized.

"This past year, I got a taste of what it's like to have people hate you because of your blood. Everywhere I went; people gave me dirty looks and just looked down on me because I was a Malfoy. I remember when my name use to mean something.

"I guess I'm just trying to tell you that I'm sorry I mistreated you all those years. I want to blame it on my upbringing but it was more than that. I hated you because you were everything I wanted to be. You were well liked by our peers and all the professors. People respected you."

I opened my mouth to speak but Draco placed his finger over them to prevent me from doing so.

"I just wanted you to know that before the term start. I've spent too long holding things in." he whispered, kissing my cheek before leaving the car.

After McGonagall made the welcoming speech and went over the rules, she left us to enjoy the feast.

The entire time, I felt like someone was staring at me. When Ron was busy filling his plate with his more treacle tart, I looked over toward the Slytherin table. Malfoy was staring at me, an unreadable expression on his face.

I offered him a slight smile before feeling a sharp pain in my leg. I looked down and saw that Ron had stabbed me with his fork.

I looked into his face, his anger evident.

"Is there something going on with you and ferret boy that I should know about?" He asked through clenched teeth.

I shook my head and told him we only talked about our duties. If he heard that Malfoy expressed a desire in me let alone kiss me, I was certain he would make good on his threat.

"That better be all that it was. Did you give him my message?"

I nodded and gave him a weak smile. He looked over at Malfoy and smirked before laying a sloppy kiss on my lips, pulling the fork out of my leg.

I breathed deeply and kept my head down until it was time for the feast to end.

Once it did, I sprinted up from the table and to McGonagall's side. We waited until Malfoy had joined us before heading off down the main corridor.

"The Head Boy and Girl reside in the west wing of the castle. You two will share a common room and a bathroom but you'll have your own private sleeping quarters. I'm sure I don't have to tell you two how important this year is. Most of the students here are still trying to cope with their issues so be understanding but fair.

"Your portrait is of Amanda and Henry. You each have to create a separate password. This is to prevent you from locking the other out in case of arguments. If you two have any problems, you are to report to the Head of your house. For tonight, you'll use a joint password: pumpkin pasties." She told us, bidding a good night.

The portrait of Amanda and Henry was one we both had never seen before. Amanda was young and very beautiful, a brunette sitting in a chair next to a table with a gas lamp on it while Henry was standing behind her, looking poised with perfectly coiffed hair.

As we approached Amanda leaned forward and squealed. "You must be the new Head Boy and Girl. I don't think we've ever had a Slytherin and a Gryffindor in here at the same time since you and I. Right Henry?" She smiled looking up at him.

Henry nodded smiling down at her. "I believe so, Mandy. If you two need a friendly ear, don't hesitate to ask us." he grinned.

I nodded and mumbled the password, wanting to get in and fix the wound on my leg. When the portrait swung open, I quickly hobbled in and tried to locate my room.

"What was that at dinner?" Malfoy asked me, taking a seat on the green couch.

I shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb Granger. I saw that ugly exchange between you and the Weasel. Why do you stay with him if he makes you so unhappy?"

"I'm not unhappy. I was just feeling a little sad being back here is all." I told him, hurrying off into my room.

As soon as I got in, I closed the door behind me and slid down it. I lifted up my skirt and took in the sight of the purple mark already forming. I pulled my wand out and muttered a healing spell. The wound closed itself up, leaving a slightly tarnished blemish in its place.

As always my trunk was already in my room along with my other belongings. There was even a letter on my bed from my dad.

Hey Herms,

Despite all the years that have gone by, I will never understand how a nocturnal bird can take my letter and make sure you get it every time. Your mother and I were so happy to hear from you although we didn't understand why we couldn't talk for so long.

I hope that things are going well now that you're back at that school you love so much. The way your face would light up whenever you talked about your friends and all the things you were learning was always the highlight of my day.

Things here have okay. I don't know what was going on but it seemed that the entire time that you were gone; there was a certain gloom in the world. It's nice to see the light is coming back.

We miss you every day and think about you all the time. I know your mother is very proud of you and as am I.

Keep in touch Herms.

Loving you always,

Your parents

I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I curled up on my bed in a ball and cried until I eventually passed out.


I could tell something was going on between Granger and that Weasel. I picked up on the tension in the air as soon as I walked into the train car. She seemed so panicked and on edge. I knew something had happened when we were at the feast. I saw the look of pain that crossed her face for a brief second when he caught her looking over at me.

I was unpacking my trunk and hanging up my clothes when I heard her crying in her room. I sat down on the floor and listened to her, wishing I had the strength to go and comfort her.