Hey guys! I'm back. I know it's been a while, but please read my Mickie/Jeff fic "Broken" pretty please. Okay so this story is rated M,N,O and P. it's some freaky shit, lol so be sure to heed this warning. Okay, ready for some…action? ;) here's chapter one!

March 19, 2013

Mickie's P.O.V.

Well, well, well.

What do we have here? You wanna know my story? Well, let's start off. I'm very famous and have been for the past six years. Oh yeah, I signed that WWE contract on October 15, 2005. I've been a huge success since then. You don't have to be physically fit to be in the company, but there is a lot of gymnastics involved…well at least a lot of flexibility.

And ability to handle grown men.

You also have to have a pretty open mind. Confused? Yeah, you have the look only Jack Swagger could have. I swear what the hell is wrong with that guy? He's weird looking and if I have to work with him again, I will complain to Stephanie McMahon myself! Gross! *fake pukes*

Anyways, my name is Mickie James. Oooh, now you know who I am. Recognize me boys? I'm sure you have me on the inside of your locker or on a poster on your wall. Or, I'm in a magazine that you've got hidden somewhere. Or maybe all three…..Speaking of Stephanie McMahon…

That fucking rich whore.

We performers do way more work than her spoiled ass and she makes all the money. All she does is bang Triple H! But the pay is pretty fucking awesome. $110,000 per…..um….matches. Yeah, that's what I'll call them. There are all types of matches we have here in WWE. Unfortunately, we can't choose which kinds. We don't get to choose our opponents, which really sucks ass. But, I don't care, that's business I guess. None of us really complain about anymore, but we do set our standards on our applications. Whoever in the company meets those standards are categorized into our partners.

Well it's now 5 a.m. and I am currently cursing my alarm clock. I'm also throwing a tantrum. I'm now in pink lace boyshorts and a black silk bra. My brown hair is in a curly mess form tossing and turning. Yeah, I barely got any sleep last night because Morrison had come over…yeah, imagine how that ended. What? Don't look at me like that…What would you do If Morrison showed up at your hotel room door in a robe and nothing else? You would've fucked him right? You would've let him eat your pussy while you inhaled some marijuana. You also would've sucked every inch of his cock. Last but not least, you take him until it hurts. Oh yeah, JoMo's pretty aggressive. They don't call him The Shaman Of Sexy for nothing believe me….. I know, along with the rest of the Divas. He seems to be getting cozy with Maryse lately…Hmm, she is gorgeous, and so I don't blame him there.

It's just too bad Maryse didn't make the top 5 list.

What's the top five list? Let me explain. I am very excited to share with you what the Top 5 us because well….this year I'm in the Top 5 for the second time in a row baby! Yes, it is a huge deal to be in the Top 5 in WWE. Why? Because it's based on what the WWE Universe thinks of your overall performances. It is a huge honor to be in the Top 5 honey. See, this is how it works. Every year, WWE hosts the WWE Awards, which is a big deal people. Anyways, at the awards is where they decide who gets what award. Who ranked where, etc. Well, not only did I receive 2013 Diva Of The Year, but I also ranked number three in the Top 5 Divas list! Isn't that great! You probably don't understand.

See, Stephanie (Rich whore) and the rest of her stupid family evaluate the Top stars by how the fans react to them. Who is most viewed things like that. Like the more you guys, and some girls, Google pictures of me, the more popular I become around the world.

Well, anyways. They look through all the Superstars and Divas to see who made the Top list. 5 Top Superstars and 5 Top Divas. Yep, that's how it works. The awards will be on April 13, 2013. I already know both Top 5 lists. You wanna know them too? Okay, but don't tell anyone okay?

I'll kill you if I find out you told.

But, some of you might like that…..well I'll list you the lists in the right order so you don't have to go through the trouble of finding out yourself. No one knows who's in the Top 5, except the ones who've made the cut. Now this is based on what you fans decided okay, feel free to express your opinion and tell me who your top 5 would be. That should be fun….

WWE's Top 5 Superstars:

1. Randy Orton

2. Jeff Hardy

3. John Morrison

4. Edge

5. John Cena

Again, feel free to add your own Top 5 superstars in how you would've picked. That's if your opinions differ from the list of course. Now, onto the Divas…

WWE's Top 5 Divas:

Trish Stratus


Mickie James



Again, that what you fans decided. Now, keep your mouth shut until the night of the awards okay?

Now, back to me.

I sit up and rub the crud out of my eyes. With a guttural groan, I hit the button to shut off my alarm clock. This year, the WWE Awards will take place in Las Vegas, Nevada. Which is awesome because what happens after the WWE Awards? WWE Awards after parties ! Oh my gosh, the after parties are the best! Times like that are one of the many reasons why I love being employed in the WWE.

You're probably wondering why am I up so early? Because at seven a.m. I have a meeting with Stephanie and Shane. Another Superstar will be attending this meeting as well. A handsome man by the name of Jeff Hardy. Yes, we all know Jeff's famous for his extreme awesomeness. Not to mention his run ins with paint right? Gosh, he's so hot….I usually don't go for rocker guys but Jeff Hardy, Adam 'Edge' Copeland, and CM Punk are up my alley. But then again, I don't really have a type so to speak. But having a hot boyfriend to poke you every once in a while wouldn't hurt. Yes people, I am single unfortunately. See, I recently ended a one year relationship with Randy Orton about a week ago.

Yes, I'm stupid I know.

Why did I break up with him? Because, paparazzi were just too overbearing for me to be honest. They were everywhere we went. Randy could hardly take me on movie dates or anything because of our many run ins with the paparazzi. Um, excuse me but my name is not Melina Perez. I do not want you capturing pictures of my every move thank you very much….

But yeah, I know it sounds like stupid reason to break up with him. Well, guess what I miss him! And guess what else? I wanna get back together with him! Urgh, I know I know, go easy on me please…I miss how he used to call me Booty because of my rear end. I miss how he used to hold my hand at night while we watched re-runs of Sex and the city. I just miss him. And there's nothing I can do about it. I want to go down the hall to his hotel room, apologize and have great makeup sex with him. His bed skills are so worth it…Randy Orton isn't ranked number 1 in Top 5 Superstars for nothing.

Well, wish me luck on my meeting with Steph later on.


7:00 A.M.

Well, Jeff is late, which means he has to go longer. Ha-ha, victory is mine! He probably was dying his hair all sorts of colors and lost track of time. Shane McMahon let ouf a frustrated sigh as Stephanie shook her head. While we're waiting on Mr. Enigma, how about I describe to you how I feel right now.

I feel like a million bucks. Yes, I feel so wonderful. All of my meeting with Stephanie and Shane have been on good terms, so I wonder what this meeting's about. Although, I have an idea it will be involving myself doing something with Jeff Hardy. How do I know? Because that's how these business meetings go. I personally don't mind working with Jeff. I've done it before, and believe me he is an incredible performer! *gushes like a fangirl* but he's no Randy Orton…..

I also feel good because I look good. Yeah, eighty percent of feeling good is looking good people. Keep that in mind, will you? What am I wearing? Well I'm so glad you asked….

I was feeling like wearing a little black and white, so I'm wearing a white long sleeved shirt, a black shapely skirt and black cowgirl boots. One black bracelet on my right wrist and black hoop earrings dangling from my ears. I also added a denim jacket for a little extra. My hair is straightened now that I tamed earlier. The only makeup I'm in eyeliner and I got Maria to do it for me. That little redhead is so talented when it comes to makeup. She's a rocker girl who's in a relationship with Jeff Hardy. Who by the way still hasn't arrived yet…

Damn that sexy fucker…Maria is one lucky bitch…..

I can't describe to you how good Jeff is you guys. Seriously….Let's leave that alone.

I heard through the grapevine that Jeff Hardy fucked Nicki Minaj. You know what? I believe he did! It's Nicky fucking Minaj. I'll bet he used that sexy southern twang to get her out of her panties… Wouldn't that be a sight to see?

But she won't say anything. But when Jeff's asked about it he just smiles and walks away. Jeff just screams I fucked Nicki when he does that!

"Sorry I'm late. Traffic was straight shit. Maria's looking for a parking spot as we speak."

Oh god, Jeff…

He came in and sat down. He was in his usual Jeff Hardy attire. A white t-shirt and blue jeans with a long chain. Black converses and his hair in a messy bun. I noticed Maria must have polished his fingernails the usual black color. I bet they have a hot romantic life. They could paint each other's nails and get high off the smell. Well, that's what they like to do, the joys of illegal duties. Oh don't be so judgmental.

"That's fine Jeff, I'm in a hurry so I will keep this brief. The fans are wanting to see another Jeff&Mickie shoot. I say we give them what they want. I mean that's what the WWE is about right?" Stephanie asked. Shane had a stupid smirk on his face. I hate Shane. I've always hated him ever since he tried to get into Trish Stratus' pants. Let's just say her boyfriend, The Rock, didn't appreciate that…..

I look at Jeff who was already staring at me. "Well, what do you say Mickie?" he asked wearing a grin. I shook my head with a smile. "Why not? I enjoy working with him…" I say with a shrug. "Alright, great. I'll call you on Tuesday with date, time, location, and scenario. That sound good?" Shane asked.

I wanna slap the shit out of him…

Both Jeff and I nodded. "Alright, you guys can leave." Stephanie said.

With that, I said my goodbyes and walked out of the office. "See ya Tuesday Mickie." Jeff said in that cute accent. I smiled and sent him a wave before walking into the elevator. I saw someone running to catch it, so I stick my hand out to prevent the doors from closing.

"Thanks." A masculine voice said.

Wait a minute….

I look up to see none other than Randy Orton standing next to me. Fuck my life…"Hey Randy." I said, trying to play nice. I mean, I was the one who broke up with him so it's only fair right? Oh who am I kidding, he probably thinks I'm an idiot. Oh well, too late to turn back now. He looks down at me and smirks….oh that sexy fucker. "How's it going Mickie?" he asked, leaning against the wall. "It's going good, I have a shoot with Jeff sometime next week. I also have an interview with Howard Stern later on today. Then after that, I have a photoshoot with Smooth Magazine. So I'm pretty busy." I reply, not showing that I'm completely miserable. Well, without him anyways. Despite this, I am still very happy. I mean I get to party longer and hook up with whoever I want! What a bonus…Maybe being single won't be so bad. Look how much attention John Morrison is showing me. If he keeps this up, he's going to forget all about Maryse. And I might forget all about Randy….

Hm, never.

I think it's humanly impossible to forget about Randy Orton once you've had him in your bed. But then again, JoMo is pretty skilled. Especially when he holds your ankles while he…..*coughs* I'm sorry. Let's not get into that. Matter of fact, I'm gonna text Morrison and see what he's up to.

"Oh you do sound pretty busy. I've gotta get lunch soon then I've got a shoot with Melina. Hopefully I'm not late." The Lady Killer replied. "Oh, okay." I replied with a nod. Noth much is being said after this. I find it sad actually. We used to talk about all types of weird shit. Now we barely speak. And it's all my entire fault.

I know I'm stupid, shut up!

When the elevator got to the lobby, I walked through the WWE building and out of the door. "It was good seeing you Mickie! You look good in that skirt." Randy yelled after me. Fuck, I need to text Morrison and fast!

Well there goes the paparazzi snapping pictures of me as I walk to my red 2013 Eclipse. I unlock the door and get inside. I decided to head back to my hotel room so I can change for my interview with Howard stern. I pull out of the parking lot. The Boys by Nicki Minaj was on my cd. I blasted it because I like that song. This the life for me. All thanks to me signing that contract back in 2005. When I heard Stephanie McMahon say these words to me:

I'm so glad you'll be joining us here in the WWE Mickie. Welcome, you have a very bright future here in WWE.

A.K.A World's Wildest Erotica.

Alright guys, that's it for now! What do you think? Next chapter will be Mickie's interview with Howard and her Smooth magazine photoshoot. Not to mention her alone time with John Morrison. Like it? Hate it? Let me know please! :)