The wind and my loftwing's soft red feathers feel incredible right now, myself still being frustratingly wet from diving through Lake Floria. I wish I could keep flying longer, but I'm in desperate need of supplies.
"Go. The sacred flame you seek lies within this place."
The water dragon's words, referring to the Ancient Cistern, remain firm in my mind. With my purpose renewed, we soar past the thick barrier of clouds and suddenly Skyloft is in our view, accompanied by bright glaring rays of sunlight. We fly towards home as fast as possible.
I must get back on the path to find Zelda- I close my eyes, praying to the Goddess that I can find her.

When I open my eyes, I finally notice a note tied on to one of my loftwing's feathers.

Curious as to how I hadn't seen it, I quickly change our direction, landing us softly on one of the many huge floating rocks levitating in the sky. Yes, I'm desperate enough to change my course already, but any sliver of hope is worth a chance at this point. Carefully, I unfold the pristine white paper, secured with a crimson ribbon, and untie it from my bird.
"Link- I've escaped from Lord Ghirahim! Quickly, you must meet me in Faron Woods! It can't wait!" I mumble it quietly aloud to myself. "Zelda". Zelda?! Without wasting any time, I shove the note into my tunic and practically tackle my loftwing. Hope, more than I've had in weeks, bubbles, and we take off in the direction of Faron Woods in less than a second. Honestly, as we plummet in a tunnel of wind towards the surface, I couldn't care less about how unlike her it all sounds. Especially that she actually called Ghirahim- the tall, pale demon whom I fought in Skyview Temple- a lord. I easily remember his unnaturally warm breath and his tongue flicking out at my neck- I can't help shuddering at even the memory. But who cares? There's a good chance that Zelda is safe, waiting for me, ready to come home to the people of Skyloft and end this nightmare- and I'm obviously ready to take it.

Swooping towards the trees, an experience that had terrified me the first time, my loftwing and I are enveloped in the rich green leaves that create a soft landing. Only now do I realize that here, under the clouds, it's raining.

I stare at my surroundings, myself once again drenched, for a couple of minutes before the rain starts pounding and I take pity on my loftwing. Zelda is most definitely wise enough to take cover in this kind of a storm. Spotting the only cave, and shelter, anyone could possibly reach here, I start running for it and my loftwing takes off from the bird statue for the safety above the clouds, leaving me alone on the surface.

Finally I dive into the cave, out of the deafening sheets of rain outside. I actually cough up a little water before I remember what I'm doing here.

"Z-Zelda... Zelda!" I yell, after I've gained a little strength. Once again, I pray to the Goddess, this time not only that Zelda's here but that she hasn't been followed. My pack is completely soaked and about four times heavier, so I leave it and everything but my sword and shield by the mouth of the cave. If I know Zelda, this is definitely somewhere she would go. In fact, she's probably deeper inside knowing that one else will think to look for her there. Satisfied with her strange inherent wisdom, I keep walking until I can't even hear the rain anymore. This cave never seems to end, and now to top it off, it's pitch black. I should've brought my pack, even if it was heavy. I can't see, and I have no idea how deep in this cave I am-

Wait. Something's on my neck. A hand is on my neck.

Suddenly I'm immersed in a dim light as a huge cluster of candles on the ceiling, flames facing the ground, light all at once. What is this? Who is that- a friend? Enemy? I can't decide whether or not to use a spin attack before they can make a move or if I'll kill someone who's only helping me.

I make my decision and turn to make a deadly surprise strike when two gloved fingers catch the tip of my blade.