Disclaimer: I don't own Weiss Kreuz or the idea or the characters in the show. Don't I wish I did though… That way I could put Omi and Ken together officially.

Warnings: Um…none really so far except shounen-ai Ken and Omi. The rating will most likely change in the future though, who knows where it's going to go! O_O;; Everything is going to change as soon as I know what I'm doing with this.

Ah, not very original so far but I don't really care! ^^;; As for the title, don't blame me, this has no plot yet so I don't know what to call it.


Fanfic by HoneyChurch

"Help me, Daddy, help me! I'm scared, Daddy, please come and save me!" he managed to get out through his sobs. Suddenly he was kicked back, causing him to fall to the cold stone floor as the man spat at him.

"You're father said he wouldn't pay, brat!"

"NO! No, that's a lie...!" he cried. His father wouldn't do that, he wouldn't let him DIE...They were lying to him. As the man raised his hand he sat back, tears still streaming down his face has he readied for the impact, but for some odd reason the man chose not to strike him.

"He screwed us, let's just kill him," he growled, making the little boys heart beat faster. No, his father was coming, he was coming to save him!

"You've got some cold parents, kid, they don't love you," the other man said with a wicked grin on his face.

No...lies, they were lying! NO! Daddy, his Daddy was going to save him!

The men neared closer to him, saying cruel words to his face.

"They don't love you..."

"Why don't you just give it up?"

The boy trembled. Daddy, his Daddy wouldn't let them hurt him, Daddy!

"HELP ME, DADDY!!!" his voice broke the silence in the night, cold sweat dripped down his face and tears burned his eyes... He wasn't a little boy anymore, he was no longer bound by rope; he was back in his room, it was a nightmare.

No, no, this wasn't a nightmare. This had happened, it had happened... Years ago it had all happened.

"Why...why didn't you save me, Daddy?" he sobbed. Why did he have to remember, why couldn't he just forget? He clutched his blankets tightly, this had been going on for what seemed like forever to him; over and over the images played in his mind every time he fell asleep. Why did he have to remember his horrible past?

His door suddenly opened, nearly causing him to scream again, but he realized whom it was first before he was able to.

"K-Ken-kun!" he gasped.

"Omi...I heard you scream, are you alright?" Ken asked with concern, his hair a mess and he was in his lose fitting p.j.'s. Omi looked over to the clock. He was stunned; it was already 3:00 in the morning!

'I woke him up!' Omi thought to himself, feeling a bit dumb. Ken was easily awoken, the slightest noise drove him nuts when he was trying to sleep, it was one of the reasons he got so angry when Yoji brought girls home.

Omi laughed, it was fake one but he didn't want Ken to worry about him.

"Did I scream?" he hated lying to him. "I must have been dreaming, I just remember waking up in a daze, I'm fine, Ken-kun!" he looked at Ken's face; sure, Ken wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed but he wasn't that stupid either.

"Then why were you crying?"

"Was I?" he acted innocent while thinking to himself. 'Please, just leave me alone, Ken-kun... I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to remember...'

"Omi, stop lying to me," Ken said, almost mad. He was more offended, didn't Omi trust him? It was okay if he didn't want to go into details but did he have to lie, couldn't he at least admit to a nightmare?

Omi became rather nervous as this point, unaware that he was beginning to clutch his blanket rather tightly, as a child would.

"Ken-kun, I'm fine... Please don't make a big deal about a dream."

'...but this wasn't a dream...' a voice in his head reminded him but he desperately tried to ignore it.

"Do...you wanna talk about it at all?"

Omi was stunned. Of course he didn't!

"No," Omi said firmly. His assertiveness kind of shocked Ken, Omi usually wasn't so stern. "Just... I'm fine! Go back to bed Ken-kun, it was a stupid nightmare," he almost sounded mean, Ken was only concerned for him. But he just...he just wanted him to leave. He turned over, showing his back to Ken as he laid down and pulled his blanket up to his shoulders. He shouldn't have screamed; why did he have to scream?

"Alright, Omi... If you're sure," Ken said rather reluctantly. He shouldn't leave, he knew Omi needed someone there right now but Omi was making it obvious he didn't want it and he couldn't force it either. "Night..." his voice was soft and sad. He didn't feel right leaving him but he had no choice.

Omi curled up as the door closed softly, proof of him leaving. He began to cry softly again and he hugged his blanket tightly, wishing that it was Ken.

'Why did I do that?' he wondered while he cried. 'Why did I push him away like that? I needed him, I needed him so bad... I don't want to be alone, so why did I push him away?'


"Arigato, come again!"

Yoji finished up with the customer. It was a pretty slow day actually... It was nice though, he never liked actually having to 'work'.

Yoji gave a small sigh... Then he was beginning to realize how silent Ken and Omi were to each other. Omi seemed to be depressed, especially for him. He was staring at the ground the entire time; like he didn't want to face anyone... Or at least just Ken. What had happened between the two of them?

"Hey, Aya..."

"Huh?" he said in his usual calm voice, not even turning to look at him and continuing to water the flowers.

"Is it just me or does Omi seem...down?"

Aya froze for a moment to get a look at what he was talking about. He stared for a moment and then went right back to what he was doing. "Probably just didn't get enough sleep last night," either way what ever was bothering him he would get over it.

But Yoji wasn't going to settle for that answer, something was up; namely between him and Ken.

'I wonder if they had some kind of argument?'

As soon as Omi slipped back into the green house to retrieve some flowers for an arrangement he was working on, Yoji marched right over to Ken.

"Hey, what's going on with you and Omi?"

"Huh?" Ken looked confused and stopped sweeping. "He's a little down... What makes you think I have anything to do with it?" Ken knew it had to be about that nightmare, something had Omi nervous and feeling upset.

"C'mon, he hasn't said a word to you all day for one!" Yoji commented with his hands on his hips. "Don't you honestly know why he's not talking to you? It's not like you both!"

Ken and Omi were always starting a conversation about something especially on slow days like this. Ken wondered... Was he mad at him for pushing the issue about the dream? He didn't think he went too over board about it but Omi could be very sensitive...

"Err... Maybe I'll go talk to him," he announced, setting aside his broom before walking back to the green house.

"Yeah, I knew you'd think of something you did," Yoji chuckled. Ken just ignored him as much as he wanted to reply back to that...

As he walked in Omi grabbed the flowers he needed. Ken realized he really WAS upset. Just the look in his eyes. His eyes were usually bright, filled with enthusiasm. Now they seemed so dark, so sad...

Omi stared at the ground. As he started walk back into the flower shop he noticed a familiar pair of sneakers in front of him.

"KEN!" he gasped and jumped back, dropping the flowers onto the floor. It was weird hearing him say his name without the familiar 'kun' at the end.

"Omi, what's wrong? Are we...okay?"

Omi didn't answer him right away. He kneeled down the ground where he hurriedly began to pick up the scattered flowers. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Did I...make you upset? You know, last night when I came into your room."

Omi dropped the flowers he had been gathering (again) and jumped up immediately.

"No...!" he gasped. "No, no, no! It wasn't you Ken-kun not at all!"

He felt relief-and maybe at that point slight stupidity for asking.

"Oh, um... I'm glad because I thought maybe I was too pushy."

"No," Omi gave him a warm smile. It was also a relief to see him smile. "I've just been a little stressed out, I guess," he dropped back to the floor to finish cleaning up the flowers and Ken decided to help. As they both stood up again Omi continued talking. "You're not upset with me either, right? I mean, I might have snapped a little last night."

"Nah, I didn't give it much thought. I'm just glad you're okay."

"Oh, yeah, Ken-kun, I'm alright," Omi told him.

And then there was an awkward silence between them...

Omi finally gave a small cough-which seemed a bit faked. "Well, um, I should finished that arrangement!" he announced.

"Um, yeah!" Ken agreed. Omi quickly strolled past the brunette but his voice once again stopped him.

"Hey, Omi, if you ever need someone to talk to or anything..." Ken offered. Omi gave him a quick glance and nodded.

"Sure, Ken-kun," it didn't sound like Omi was taking his offer seriously... The boy quickly walked back into the shop and Ken instantly frowned.

He didn't understand; why did everything between them seem so...wrong?


Ahh! It's short! It has no plot! Oh, well, I felt like posting this, that way I feel like I have to finish it. -_-;; I really have no idea where I'm going with this, so go ahead and suggest something if you want.