I'm back! I tweaked the story a little to seem more realistic and I hope you enjoy it the same, even a little more! Here's another chapter, it's nothing too crazy but I hope I do not disappoint anyone! Also, I apologize for it being so short.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

"Naruto, stop! Don't do this." Ino screamed as she chased her step brother down their driveway with everyone following in pursuit.

"Somebody needs to put him in his place." Naruto said nonchalantly, "It's clear that no one told him it was wrong to treat people- especially women- the way he does."

"Naruto- stop!" Sakura said as she grabbed a hold of the blond's arm, pulling him to a stop. "You don't have to do this, let me deal with him on my own."

Naruto turned around and looked at the pink-haired girl as he rested his hands on her shoulders. "Sakura-chan," he said softly, "I'm going to take care of him first and afterwards you can talk to him. Okay?"

"No, that's not wh-"

"Let him Sakura, someone needs to do this. If Naruto sees how wrongly Sasuke treats you- and everyone else for that matter- and he's only been here for less than a week than that says something. I say we just let this happen." Shikamaru interrupted, voicing his honest opinion on the matter at hand.

"I don't think this solves anything..." Hinata piped in softly.

"Well, I agree with Shikamaru," Kiba stated loudly, "Sasuke had this coming for a long time."

"Just let me talk to hi-"

Sakura suddenly cut her sentence short at the sound of a roaring engine coming to a screeching stop in front of where the group was currently located on the driveway. Everyone stood silently as the Uchiha emerged from the car, slamming the driver's door as he made his way towards the group.

"Get in the car Sakura." Sasuke ordered standing a few feet in front of the group.

"Uchiha, I'm going to warn you only once," Naruto said through his teeth as he gripped his fist tightly, "leave her alone and go home."

"This is none of your business Uzumaki, stay out of it." Sasuke hissed at the blond. "Do I have to repeat myself Sakura? Get in the car."

"That's it." Naruto snapped as he steadily walked up to Sasuke, rolling up his sleeves in the process and ignoring all the shouts of protest from behind him.

Sasuke angrily begin to walk towards the blond that was advancing on him. "This is none of your fucking busi-"

Naruto quickly shut up the black-haired male with a strong, swift punch to the jaw causing him to stumble back from the impact.

"Naruto!" Sakura screamed as she ran after the blond in order to hold him back as he began to advance on the Uchiha once again.

Before Naruto could get any closer Sakura appeared in front of him, pushing him backwards away from her 'boyfriend'. "Please Naruto," she whispered to him as she continued to move him away from the Uchiha, "that's enough."

"Go home Sasuke." Naruto said sternly, allowing Sakura to guide him away from the said male.

Sasuke stared in shock as he watched the forms of his 'friends' go back inside of the house. "I don't need you Sakura." Sasuke shouted angrily as he made his way back to his car. "That's why I've always had Karin too!"

Sakura stood frozen in the driveway, the words hitting her like a smack in the face. Naruto spun around on his heels, ready to advance on Sasuke once again, but Sakura held up her hand to stop him from leaving his spot.

"He's not worth it." She said softly, continuing to walk into the house leaving Sasuke to just watch her retreating figure. "He's really not worth it..."

"How did you deal with him for so long Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked the pinkette as she sat in the passenger's seat of his car. Naruto had offered to drive the girl home after Tsunade called Ino's house demanding for Sakura to come home.

Sakura stared out the window, her emerald eyes studying the scenery that passed them by. "I don't know... I loved him." She answered simply.

"You loved him?"

Sakura nodded. "He was my first love, he was all I knew. I guess that's also why I stuck around for so long, it's because I didn't know any better."

"You didn't know that how he was treating you was wrong?" Naruto asked Sakura looking at her with a wide, confused eyes.

"After a while it just became a normal thing," she answered truthfully, "I became numb to all the pain he brought me, and I accepted the fact that he was like that... a rude, arrogant, son-of-a-bitch."

Naruto chuckled as he focused back on the road, "Love really does make you blind, huh?"

Sakura let out a small laugh as she nodded in agreement. "It really does."

"Is your house close by Sakura?" Naruto asked as he began to slow the car down.

"Yes, it's the one on the right." She pointed to a decent sized house with a large porch that wrapped around the entire structure.

Naruto nodded as he slowly pulled in the driveway. He placed the car in park and opened his mouth to say a farewell but something else managed to catch his attention. "Sakura-chan... is tha-"

Before he could finish the sentence Sakura was out of the car, slamming the door shut, and furiously walking towards her house. Without giving it a second thought, Naruto followed the pinkette up the driveway and into her home. Sakura did not care that Naruto was following her, she was not going to stop him this time if he wanted to hit the black-haired male who was in her house.

Sakura stopped right before entering the kitchen, spotting Sasuke sitting down with her aunt at the small table in the room. Naruto stood behind Sakura, eyeing the male viciously, but refrained himself from saying anything just yet.

"Tsunade?" Sakura called her aunt, gathering her attention from the conversation she was having with Sasuke.

"Sakura, I see you're finally home."

"What is he doing here?" Sakura snapped, sending glares to the male that was sitting across from her aunt. Sasuke had done a lot of messed up things but to show up to her house uninvited was taking things to far. He came to her home to be spiteful, and she felt extremely disrespected.

"Sasuke?" Tsunade asked confused, "He came to check up on you, we hadn't heard from you al-"

"I think it's best if he left now."

"Sakura, what's-"

"It's fine, Tsunade-sama. If she wants me to leave then I will." Sasuke said softly. "I will see you all tomorrow." He took his leave quietly, escorting himself out of the front door receiving multiple glares from Naruto and Sakura.

"Sakura Haruno," Tsunade said sternly, "what has gotten into you today."

Sakura sat down in the empty seat across from Tsunade, releasing an audible sigh. "I sincerely apologize for cutting today but please just be on my side with this whole Sasuke thing, whatever he sai-."

"Sakura, of course I'm on your side. I know that Uchiha is always up to no good. I'm only nice to him because of you." Tsunade said truthfully causing a laugh to emerge from both Sakura and Naruto. "You're still grounded for cutting though, don't expect to leave this house anytime soon."

Sakura couldn't help but smile at her aunt, she knew the grounding was inevitable. Tsunade slowly lifted herself from the table and proceeded to exit the kitchen, leaving the two alone.

"Oh, and one more thing," Tsunade said before leaving the room, "if you ever cut again Uzumaki you should know that I will tell your father and let him deal with you... is that clear?"

"Yes ma'am." Naruto gulped.

Tsunade flashed a devious smile to the boy before exiting up the stairs.

"That went well." Naruto said after several seconds of silence between the two.

Sakura smiled slightly, "I still cannot believe he had the nerve to come here..." she said with a shake of her head.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders, "I did not expect him to be here either. He certainly has balls, I'll give him that."

"...Thank you Naruto..." Sakura said softly, looking up to the blond that was standing next to her.

"It's no problem Sakura-chan," Naruto said as he flashed a toothy grin, "will you walk me to the door?"

"Of course." Sakura said, getting up out of the chair she was in.

She led him to the front door and opened it for him, allowing him to exit her home. He stood outside for a moment, staring into Sakura's large, emerald eyes, before opening his mouth to speak.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'll be in school."

"So I will see you then," he said with a small grin, "goodnight Sakura-chan." He turned and left, giving her a slight wave as he walked down the driveway to his car.

"Goodnight Naruto." Sakura said softly as she closed her front door.

She locked the door and then rested her back against it letting out an exasperated sigh. "What am I going to do," she whispered to herself, "what am I going to do..."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Leave a review if you would like! Tell me what you thought!