Hey guys, so after posting Chapter 4 I realized exactly HOW long its been since Chapter 3, so I decided to start this chapter right away seeing as though you guys probably were expecting it to be published 3 months from now.
I again want to apologize for the lateness of my previous chapters; school has been pretty rough on me, I'm not gonna lie, that just makes trying to get to the computer even harder, so I'm just really sorry.
Thanks again to those who haven't given up on me or this story. You guys rock!
So I promise that this chapter will have MUCH more conversation than the last, the last being a sort of introduction to this one. I know it was a bit slow moving and such which is why I posted this one so quickly. I had hoped that the details from last chapter would help you guys understand Sadie's character a bit better, her being able to catch on and learn things quickly and such.
Just one more quick thing, this is NOT a Bones/OC story, I just wanted to keep Sadie's friendships and dislikes aboard The Enterprise at a certain balance. To me, it would be too Mary Sue-ish if everyone on the ship loved her right away, or in contrast, everyone not trusting her, like Spock.
So, the only conclusion that fit with the way the story was going was to have her respond positively with Bones, which I'm pretty sure won't be too disappointing;)
I don't know, maybe if you guys like how McCoy and Sadie get along perhaps I'll do an AU where she ends up with him.
But that'll be a while from now, unfortunately, so for now, please! Enjoy Chapter 5!
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Star Trek. I only own Sadie.
Chapter 5
The ride back to Kirk's ship was eerily quiet.
Sadie sat uncomfortably with her legs crossed while idly prodding at the wound in her shoulder, deep in thought.
Since there were no open conversations, only faint murmurs of direction from the threesome directing the shuttle, only the rattling of the engine kept her from completely becoming oblivious to her surroundings, which was probably for the best.
Looking up, she found John, who was sitting across from her, also lost in his own pondering; though in contrast to herself, he sat absolutely still as if basking in his silent entitlement.
In the few short moments of silence she was granted since the interrupted crashing of her ship, she had come to the conclusion that John may be an arrogant, demanding bastard, but he possessed all the pieces to the imaginary puzzle she'd been introduced to only a few moments ago. And no matter what it took, she was utterly determined to collect the pieces.
"What did he mean when he said Marcus had 'damaged' me? Nothing of mine is broken; I'm perfectly able to function..." Sadie thought with a furrowed brow before suddenly dawning on another realization.
"Wait! He spoke of Marcus as if he knew him...but why would The Admiral take the time to come in contact with a terrorist?" She sighed inwardly at the information. It was just coming so quickly.
Considering the circumstances, she decided she wouldn't even try to wrap her head around why John was so familiar inside her head; not to mention how she knew his name in the first place. That would be saved for another day.
"Sir!" suddenly came a muffled shout from underneath the metal floor. "Are we almost back to The Enterprise?!"
"Yeah," Kirk shouted from his chair at the front of the shuttle, the ship quickly making its descent at his words.
"See Spock, I told you it'd be fine," Kirk said, almost gloating to his first officer. Though Sadie didn't bother turning her head, she could picture the Vulcan's darkening gaze at his seat beside his Captain.
The moment the ship touched the landing pad a loud CLANG caused Sadie to jump slightly in her seat.
The two unfortunate cadets literally threw the metal grate containing them inside the engine room to the floor, and Sadie couldn't contain her snort at the sight of them.
They looked something out of a cartoon, black char covering them head to foot, the bearded man looking especially scorched.
"Yes Captain, you were right. Everything turned out fine," Commander Spock said monotonously while quoting Kirk to express his feelings of sarcasm he refused to portray.
Kirk and Uhura quickly got out of their seats and stood mortified at the sight, and Sadie quickly covered her face with her hands so that they wouldn't see her laughing.
"Bones, meet me in the shuttle bay," Sadie heard Kirk say into his Com. "And bring a few doctors while your at it," he grumbled after a pause.
The toasted cadets angrily stormed out of the shuttle to wait for the doctors Kirk called for the moment he put his Com down; Spock and Uhura quickly followed. Sadie watched them go, noticing the look of guilt Uhura seemed to be giving Commander Spcok.
She wondered what the relation between them was.
Gracefully standing in her now dusty black boots, Sadie again took John's upper arm, but this time gripped him gentler. She led him from the shuttle with her arm resting completely still at her side before he was immediately retrieved by four armed men and was roughly dragged to stand in the center of them.
"Take him down to the brig," Kirk ordered sharply.
Sadie frowned at him being taken away from her supervision, him being her first assignment given to her by Marcus, but reasoned that resisting might anger Kirk into questioning her authority as Commander Spock did.
As the four men turned away with John, Sadie moved to follow, but was stopped by an all to familiar hand grabbing at her wounded shoulder once again to keep her from going.
"Hang on. I have a doctor on the way down here so you can that that checked out," Kirk told her gently, flashing her yet another grin.
"I don't need a doctor," Sadie bit back, starting to turn away, but let out a sharp hiss when Kirk's hand tightened around her wound.
"But you're in pain," he reasoned.
"Well you repeatedly squeezing it doesn't make it any better!" Sadie snapped at his stupidity, which to her relief, resulted in him letting go of her arm.
"Goddammit Jim, what the hell happened down there?!" Sadie heard a gruff voice demand. She looked to see a dark haired man, judging by his blue uniform shirt a doctor, and two woman approach the two blackened cadets.
"Well we had to improvise when our engine was down and-" Kirk started sheepishly.
"Wait a second, you're not gonna tell me you made these two fix the engine?! That's all radiation and smoke down there goddammit!" Sadie raised a brow at his outburst and blazing gaze at his superior.
All Kirk could do was duck his head and rub the back of his neck awkwardly. "Bones, we had to get off the planet, we didn't have time to call another shuttle down-" Kirk tried to reason, but was once again cut off.
"Jesus man, I've already got enough on my plate and now you want to make me deal with two men who probably have radiation sickness?! You ever heard of Anemia? Or-"
"Bones I don't have time for a lecture. In case you haven't noticed there's a wanted man aboard my ship and I need you down in the brig soon as possible to give him a once over, got it?" Kirk said, finally realizing the need to take charge.
Sadie stood silent, her hand clutching her now throbbing shoulder, and watched the doctor huff in annoyance before turning to follow the two woman gently escorting the cadets most likely back to the Med-Bay.
"Wait! Bones, take her too," Kirk called after him, nudging Sadie forwards. "She's got a nasty scratch on her shoulder; I want it looked over as well."
The man, Bones, she giggled at that, turned around rolling his eyes, but she immediately saw him stand up straighter upon him seeing her.
"Yeah sure," he said offhandedly dismissing his Captain. Sadie glared up at Kirk.
"Bones this is Sadie. Sadie this is Dr. McCoy, he's going to take care of you alright?" Kirk told her as if she were a small child. Sadie huffed.
"Fine. I wish to contact the Admiral as soon as he's done," Sadie grumbled before spinning on her heels and leaving a wide eyed Kirk in her wake.
"Whoa! Hold on there sweetheart, let me look at that," Dr. McCoy called, walking quickly to catch up with her reaching out his hand to gently cradle her injury.
Sadie then begrudgingly slowed her steps and flipped her blonde hair, which was long torn from her braid, off of her shoulder to allow the doctor to examine it.
"Jesus hon, who'd you piss off," Dr. McCoy questioned as he led her out of the shuttle bay.
"One of the Klingons, " she answered monotone. McCoy stopped for a moment.
"A Klingon did this to you?" He clarified, suddenly concerned. Sadie nodded, quickly becoming worried herself.
"Is that bad?" she asked uneasily. They slowly started walking again.
"Well it depends. The Klingons are known for decorating their claws with poison for protection against their enemies," he said, Sadie quickly noticing a slight hint of a southern accent in his voice, "But they weren't expecting anything to happen today so maybe you got lucky. I'm going to run a few tests to be sure, but how are you feeling? Any dizziness? Headache?"
"No, I feel normal. How's the scratch itself?" Sadie asked, hoping it would be something minor as to where she could escape the doctors watch quickly and sneak down to the brig where she could question John in contrast to what she told The Captain.
He nodded after studying her for a moment, his warm brown eyes full of concentration.
"Well sweetheart it's a clean scratch, luckily, but it's deep. I'm going to have to pull it closed so it doesn't get infected," he told her, giving an apologetic look.
"But don't worry your pretty little head, these legendary hands will have you up and running in no time," he reassured, grinning. Sadie gave him a second of an odd look, but soon easily returned the gesture.
They quickly arrived at the Med Bay where Dr. McCoy wasted no time in sitting her down on top of the metal table and retrieving the materials he needed.
Sadie watched in interest. Marcus had only sent her to a doctor once, only to wrap a bandage over a minor cut. She couldn't help but wonder what else doctors were capable of.
She looked around the overly cleaned white tiled room and found that there were in fact more than a few people waiting to be treated, including the two cadets while maybe 6 or so doctors moved between the patients going as quickly as they could.
"Why are there so many people here? Is this normal?" Sadie questioned.
Dr. McCoy openly rolled his eyes toward his patients. "No it usually isn't this bad, but if you haven't been told already, apparently there's been trouble brewing in the engine room of The Enterprise; all the people here have been trying to fix it, but instead they decided to break something and hole up here," he grumbled.
"I see," Sadie said, deciding to drop the subject as it seemed to annoy Dr. McCoy; though she couldn't help wondering how The Enterprise was damaged in the first place.
"May I?" Dr. McCoy asked politely, all traces of his annoyance gone, his fingers gripping the sleeve of her dress to pull away the black fabric covering the gash. Sadie smiled, nodding. She was pleased that he had asked even though it was obviously fine.
It made her realize how seldom she was politely asked to do something.
"You'd think Kirk'd have the sense to at least wipe away the blood," McCoy grumbled more to himself, pushing the sleeve of her dress to rest at the top of her shoulder, revealing the injury. Sadie inwardly agreed with him.
"So where're you from sweetheart?" McCoy asked, using a cold cloth to gently scrub away the dried blood that covered her arm and hand.
"What's he doing?" Sadie wondered. Nobody had ever asked her that before. Never really asked her anything of the sort really.
"London I guess. I haven't really been anywhere else," Sadie answered slowly. Marcus rarely let her leave Starfleet Headquarters let alone the city. And even when she did leave it was always with one of his burly, unintelligent men who always made it their personal mission to try and get her into bed.
"Ah, so a city gal then," McCoy teased, and Sadie rolled her eyes, but not out of spite.
"What about you then? Your're obviously from the south, but what state?" Sadie piped, surprised that she wanted to keep the conversation going. He smiled, showing a mouth full of perfectly white, straight teeth.
"Alabama. It's probably the most relaxing of places you'll find these days. I still miss it." Sadie nodded. She'd never known a day of relaxation in her life, but she enjoyed not only the thought of it, but also the way Dr. McCoy spoke about it.
"Must have been quite a change for you, moving from relaxing to, well, Starfleet," Sadie commented, grinning.
McCoy gently wiped the last of the blood from her hand and moved to pick up and oval shaped device that suddenly lit up blue when he activated it. He then moved it to hover over the scratch.
"Yeah, well I didn't really have a choice. My ex-wife took everything worth anything in the divorce; I didn't really have anywhere else to go," he said gruffly, his eyes glued to the glowing device. Sadie studied it curiously.
"Well hon, you are extremely lucky; the scanner's showing no signs of poison in your system," McCoy stated. Sadie let out a sigh of relief.
"However, I still have to pull it together, so just hold tight while I get the hypo ready," he ordered.
"Alright," Sadie said, watching him retrieve what she guessed was the hypo.
"So you were married?" Sadie asked, wanting to keep the conversation going.
"Yeah. It was nice, really nice actually" he paused, "but after a while...you know...you can't keep up an act forever, and, well, hers eventually ran out and I didn't like seeing her true colors, if you get my drift, and apparently didn't like mine, so..."
"I understand," Sadie nodded, suddenly feeling guilty of having brought up the obvious uncomfortable subject. She sat silent as he brought the hypo up to his eye level, nodding after a moment.
"Your're going to feel a slight pinch," McCoy warned as he brought the metal container to rest at her neck, gently pressing her head sideways as to expose more of her neck.
She didn't even flinch at the hiss of the hypo and the sudden poke in her neck.
"That should numb your shoulder a bit, but it's still going to be uncomfortable, I'm sorry," he said, Sadie shrugged.
"It's fine. Do what you have to."
McCoy suddenly smirked, causing Sadie to raise a brow.
He then held up another oval shaped, metal device and pressed it against her shoulder. She sighed at the coolness of the object, but inwardly grimaced at the sudden aching throb occurring under it; though, she refused to show McCoy that it bothered her.
He watched her expression intently before his smirk growing.
"I'm guessing you've been in the hospital on more than one occasion," he stated. Sadie furrowed her brows in confusion.
"No, actually. What makes you think that?"
McCoy stared at her in disbelief. "It's just that you're taking this exceptionally well," he clarified.
"Compared to who?" Sadie asked, allowing herself to feel the bit of pride his comment gave her.
"Everyone," he answered immediately. "Especially Kirk. He once decided to hide in his room for at least two weeks to avoid having to take his physical," he grinned, causing Sadie to giggle; though she couldn't say she was the least bit disappointed when the device was pulled away from her shoulder.
"There. Practically good as new," McCoy smiled, putting down the oval device. Sadie looked down at her shoulder and was both pleased and extremely impressed that the gash in her shoulder had been minimized to only that of a small scrape.
Sadie couldn't hold back the "Wow," but let it slide from her conscience as it made McCoy openly puff up with pride.
He then quickly wrapped her shoulder in a soft white gauze before rolling her sleeve back down, giving it a friendly pat for good measure.
"Alright, the Captain's ordered me down to the brig but I'm not done with you yet, so don't move until I get back. Not only do I want you to rest your arm, but I also want to take a blood sample," McCoy told her sternly. Sadie nodded.
"Of course," she agreed sweetly. He then turned to leave.
"Wait Dr. McCoy?!" Sadie called after him. He quickly turned around, alarmed, he started towards her but she held up her hand, assuring him she was fine.
"Why Bones?" She asked innocently. McCoy shrugged, smiling as she shook his head.
"I really have no idea," He smiled before gathering his materials in his hands and quickly leaving the Med Bay.
It hadn't been 15 minutes before Sadie followed in pursuit.
Sadie walked briskly down the clean tiled halls with her head held high to try and evade suspicion.
Though there were not many people wandering the halls, she couldn't help but feel a bit self conscious towards the people she did pass; she could evade their suspicion but she couldn't evade their stares.
"Where the hell is the brig?!" Sadie growled in her mind. "When Dr. McCoy finds out I left no doubt he'll send someone looking." She didn't have that kind of time.
Taking yet another right she came across a dead end with a pair of double doors waiting patiently at the end of the hall.
"That has to be it," Sadie concluded, but before she could take a step the doors swung open to reveal Kirk storming out of the room, Commander Spock and Dr. McCoy following close behind.
With a squeak, Sadie gracefully bolted out of sight and down the hall to the left. Luckily for her, the threesome decided to go to the right.
"Jesus Jim where'd you find this guy?!" She heard McCoy say somewhat loud enough for her to hear. She snickered in total agreement before quickly returning down the hall before she was seen.
Upon stepping through the doors, Sadie immediately felt a part within her compose into something calm and gracious.
In the back corner of the room, which seemed colder than any of the rooms she'd occupied on The Enterprise, a single men in a red shirt sat idly tapping away at the Pad in front of him, frowning slightly at her intrusion, but she shot down his questioning with a single glare.
"I was beginning to wonder when you would arrive," the all too familiar voice said from behind her. She sighed. He'd been expecting her.
She slowly stepped forwards to stand in front of the cell containing the man Marcus sent her to capture.
He'd been stripped of his civilian clothing, now wearing a plain black shirt resembling his lack of position on board The Enterprise. It was the same color of her dress.
"You know I have many questions," She said, not bothering to deny it. "This may be the only time I will be able to ask them."
"And who is to say that I will answer them. Perhaps I'll leave you to your thoughts until you come crawling back begging for me to give you the answers you so obviously desire" he said darkly. His face had been cleared of all traces of dirt, while his hair had been neatly put back into place allowing her to clearly see the evil and beauty in his delicate features.
"You said so yourself that you enjoy my wit, why pass up the chance to banter properly?" Sadie asked, finding it difficult to quickly respond as he wanted her to. Her responses were the only thing keeping him interested, and if he lost interest she would never get what she came for.
"But I thought we were already doing so, Sadie girl," he retorted, slowing his words to drawl over her name as if seeing how it felt on his tongue.
"Of course, so let's not stop here. Answer me this with what little time we have; you speak of Marcus as if you know him. How do you?" Sadie asked carefully.
She watched him step forward in his empty cell as if pondering if he wanted to answer her question or not.
"Your dear Admiral and I were acquainted on your behalf," he said richly. Sadie blinked. Once. Twice. It still wasn't enough time for her to come up with a reasonable response.
"On my behalf...I don't understand," She said completely lost.
"Yes that is what I said, pay attention! Or I'll leave you more troubled than you were coming here," John said darkly. Sadie swallowed her disgust reluctantly.
"You know of the war Marcus is planning, yes?" John asked, snickering.
"I knew it!" Sadie exclaimed, ecstatic that she was right, before realizing her outburst and clearing her throat before answering with a calm, "Yes."
John openly rolled his eyes.
"Well girl, you are the weapon in his fantasy war," he concluded offhandedly, while Sadie's jaw slackened.
"So all of this training...it has been preparing me for battle against the Klingons, bu-" Sadie clarified, absolute horror decorating her girlish features before she was quickly interrupted.
This was escalating all to quickly. Too quickly.
"Yes girl. Your are only a mere weapon to him. However, little does he know that his weapon is a stolen one," John said, utter viciousness laced in the back of his throat.
Her wit was gone. Long gone. The only thing she could concentrate on was whether or not she believed that John was telling the truth.
"I do not recall-" Sadie started, struggling to keep her voice level.
"Of course you do not recall girl. I'm sure he made certain of that," John spat. "It is his own mark upon you, tainting what is so purely and utterly mine."
Sadie opened her mouth to speak, but her words were caught in the spindle of web that was the back of her throat. Even behind unbreakable glass, John's savagery was as apparent to her as it would be if he were standing just in front of her, and that alone made her insides shake.
His usual composure was still there, but the viciousness in his voice was an entirely knew side of him that that she feared even more than the arrogant entitled one he more prominently showed.
"Oh he's placed many marks on you, girl, doing so will, of course, result in his demise," he said darkly.
"I don't understand," Sadie shook, involuntarily backing away. She looked over her shoulder with a pleaded glance at the man in the corner, but he hadn't even looked up from when she had entered. It was then she noticed the silver headphones plugged in his ears.
"You will soon come to learn that I am a very possessive man, on account of having little that was honestly and truly mine; my only flaw, perhaps, but no matter. It will only come naturally to you to understand that when I want something, well, you can be sure that I will get it."
"What do you want then?!" Sadie cried, her control over her raging emotions gone. "Marcus dead? His legacy destroyed? That will be done undoubtedly by myself!"
John took yet another step forwards in his cell, darkly, dangerously.
"I thought I made it quite clear what I want, Sadie girl. What I want, is you."
Bum Bum Bum!
So hopefully this chapter was more entertaining, but also not too corny. I personally like a possessive Benedict Cumberbatch;) and I hope you guys do too.
Don't worry though, this is only the first part of their conversation, so more will be explained to her before Khan is done with her, including his true name.
I promise I'll try and update as fast as possible, and I'm sorry if it isn't as fast as this chapter. To be perfectly honest Reviews sincerely help inspire me to keep going! They just make writing worth the while so PLEASE tell me what you think, it would really make me happy.
Thanks again!