Disclaimer: The characters are not mine.
Notes: This is about 7-10 months after last chapter. And this is the last chapter. I decided to wrap it up, because I don't have inspiration for more chapter and I don't want to push it. I hope you enjoy, since it's cheesy as hell.
Set me down in your warm arms.
(All I wanted…
I just wanted…
She's at his door, her doe eyes filled with longing and something he can't quite name but he totally understands.
"Dan, I…" she starts, but can't finish the sentence. She doesn't know what to say, which is weird considering that she since they first became friends she thought of Dan as the person she could tell everything, without keeping any secrets and trying to deceive him.
"What are you doing here, Blair?"
"I don't…"
He sighs, giving her space to get into the loft. She enters, and it's suddenly reminded of all the times they were here together.
She crossed the unspoken line they had set, coming here tonight.
"I don't know what to say, Dan."
"Well, that's a first. Usually you say a lot of things, even if they don't make any sense at all or you're lying to yourself," he answers, not really looking her in the eye.
"I miss you!" she blurts out, "That's why I'm here," she adds, her voice almost a whisper, "I needed to see you."
He's silent, but this time he's looking at her with such intensity that Blair thinks she might come undone under his gaze.
"Blair, I love you, but I can't keep up doing this. I need to forget about you and I can't do that if you're around," he looks pained.
"Don't forget me, please," she says, coming closer to him, "I don't want you to forget me."
"Blair, you can't ask to wait forever, waiting to catch you in between the multiple heartbreaks Chuck causes you," he tells her, leaning closer to her to cup her face in his hands, she tries to avert his gaze.
She sounds so broken that it breaks him.
"I love you. That's why I can't stand the fact that I have you in many ways, but I can't have you completely."
She looks at him then, her eyes are a mixture of fire and sadness. And in the light that comes from the window, she looks so beautiful and sad, so broken but at the same so delightfully stunning, he just can't stand looking at her, being this close to her without being closer.
"You can have all of me," she tilts her face forward, because she can't really kiss him if he doesn't let her face go.
"Blair, you're married."
And then, to his utter surprise, she laughs. Her watery eyes shine and she looks so bright that it might make him blind.
"No, I'm not. As of today, I'm a free woman."
He kisses her, his lips gentle at first, leaving little kisses in her lower lips, not daring to go further.
"I wasn't ignoring you," she says between his kisses, "I was… I realized a week after I told you we couldn't meet again that I didn't want to be without you. I missed you so much," she laughs, and he catches the sound between his lips, opening her mouth with his tongue, tangling the laughter with the passion.
"Blair, I love you, I love you, god, I love you so much," he says after he breaks the kiss, hugging her tightly.
"I wanted to be with you, but I wanted to make it right. No more room for doubts in this, Dan," she whispers into his shoulder, "I love you. I realized it two years ago, about three months before we met again and I… I don't believe in destiny anymore, but for a moment I thought that it was a sign and… For crying out loud, kiss me again."
He ends the hug before covering her lips with his. He knows that, if someone were to watch them, they would think this is the cheesiest thing in the world, but he doesn't care. With Blair, he wants everything, no matter how cheesy it might be.
He realizes she's crying, so he pulls away.
"What's wrong?"
"Did you ever felt so happy, so content, so in peace, that you cried?" she asks.
"Yeah, me neither," she laughs, her cheeks shining with the trail her tears left.
She pulls him back for another kiss, and it's not long before that they're laying on the couch, cuddling together and watching Roman Holiday in his laptop.
"Audrey really does insist on reminding me of our love story, doesn't she?" Blair asks.
"Well, you had to have a reason for her to be your favorite Hepburn," Dan jokes.
"I can't help it, Humphrey, you're just that irresistible," she rolls her eyes, laughing.
"You said that like you're joking but we both know it's true."
"Dan, it's pretty obvious that you're the one that can't resist me."
He rolls his eyes, "I'm going to let you win this one-"
"This one?" she cocks an eyebrow.
"I'm going to let you win every argument ever, as per usual. So I'm going to say that you're right, you're pretty much the most hard to resist human being I've ever encountered. Your beauty and your wits always keep me on my toes, and that's why I love you."
"I know I'm going to want to punch myself in the face for this later, but I think the same thing about you."
"All of what I said?"
"Except the bit about letting you win in the arguments, seeing as I'm always right and therefore I'll win."
She gives him a light peck and turns back to put The Philadelphia Story.
"I'm surprised you're deciding to watch a film with Katharine, since I was sure I was going to be commanded to watch an Audrey marathon," he jokes.
"You're laughing now, but we're watching Breakfast at Tiffany's later. This is just because it holds a sentimental significance in my life."
"I remember," he says, "you thought you were sneaky and I didn't notice you fell asleep on my shoulder and then decided to avoid the awkwardness by fleeing the loft. But I remember it."
"Well, okay. Then…"
"Then this movie holds a sentimental significance in my life too, Blair."
She smiles and cuddles into his side, feeling the warm of his skins through his shirt, and they watch the two movies together, almost silent, just enjoying the feeling of contentment.
She falls asleep on his shoulder, tucked at his side, a serene smile on her face. And the next morning, she's still there, feeling happier than ever, and she doesn't plan to leave.
Not that morning, not ever.
I want to be with you. Forever.