When Toph realized she liked Aang, it was like a gentle breeze that grew into a raging gale. At first, it was barely there, she had to think on it before she found it was romantic love. It could've easily be dismissed as friendship. But it grew in size and ferocity, and soon it was affecting how she saw Aang, her ears perked up when he was talking, a blush tinged her cheeks when he got too close, and she could feel her own heartbeat skyrocket. At first it was gentle, caressing her heart, but soon it was leaking into her senses, claiming the territory as it's own.

When Aang realized he liked Toph, it felt like a stone wall hit him. One day, Toph was a best friend, and suddenly she turned into a crush. It hit him hard, and cornered him closer and closer to Toph. As soon as he touched her, a brush on the shoulder, grabbing her hand to pull her away, or Toph correcting his stance, the wall pushed him closer to her.

When Toph realized Aang liked her, it was like splashing water onto her face. The world seemed brighter, and new possibilities opened up. She felt fully awake, fully alive, she didn't even know she could feel like this before.

When Aang realized Toph liked him, it was like a flame igniting in his heart, growing into a full blown fire. It consumed his body, taking over step by step, until all he could think about was Toph.

And when they were together, one element couldn't describe it all. They felt stable like earth, but free like air. It was refreshing like water, and comforting like fire. But it was so much more, and even four elements couldn't properly describe it.

Taang week was so much fun, and I'm sad it's ending, cause it was cool working with the prompts! Thanks for all the hits and reviews!