Poison Love

Leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed in a comfortable position, he watched his beautiful wife brushed her hair in front of a gem-crested mirror on the dresser. He smiled contently and reawakening his undying love for her in his heart. Watching her beauty blossom each year caused him to become blinded by it.

Three years have gone by since they've been married and she filled the deep void in his heart caused by his mother's death. His body, once cold and numb, burned alive with fire every time her presence was near.

Padme was his angel of life. Even to this day, she had a radiance about her that made him weak to the knees. She'd chase all his fears and troubles away with the slightest touch.

This kind of love he feels closes around him like a prison cell, chaining his very spirit to Padme. She would never truly understand how much torture he must endure day and night whenever her brown eyes pierce his soul, demanding to give everything he had to offer. The wall of defense he had built around his heart shattered into a million pieces when her soft lips captures his.

Padme is his weakness, love, strength, pleasure and pain. Forever bound to her, he knew there is nothing that could break his chains. He is continuously enslaved by this perfect creature in front of him.

She turned around, catching him with her intense, gentle eyes. His heart rate increased and for a moment he could barely breathe as if all the oxygen in his lungs was sucked out.

Torture. She smiled, blinding him with its brilliance before she released a sigh of happiness. Deep down he wanted to hold her, but he was paralyzed by the love between them. He watched as she put down the brush on the dresser and made her way over to his side. His throat tightened, rendering him speechless and loss of words.

"Anakin?" The look of concern filled her eyes. He smiled his lop-sided grin before taking her hand and kissed the knuckles. She blushed in delight and laid her head on his shoulder; his heart rate spiked dangerously.

"You're…so beautiful," he finally uttered once his tongue loosen.

Padme sighed again as he pulled her into his embrace. He could no longer control his actions or desires; he kissed her passionately on her soft lips. It was as if he was possessed by a dark poison. And when he fought to gain back control, he was overcome by its inevitable power.

Forbidden love is deadly and can change lives instantly before on knows what hit them and has to face penalty.

A force of darkness manipulated him. And there was nothing he could to end this madness that risen inside him, rearing its ugly head, consuming him completely. He must succumb to this demon before it tears away his life-force.

Anakin forced himself to forget everything and focus on the deepening kiss, making him crave more.

The poisonous snake wrapped around his heart and sank its fangs deep. This power was pure evil and the more it grew, the more he longed for it. He's a slave once again and his lust in his master.