Chapter 12: The Investigation

Driving to their assigned destination, the Lorandos were prepared as ever since their last paranormal investigation as they know, of course, that this was their life. Darren sat in the driver's seat while Charlotte sat in the other, thinking about this one, in which her husband noticed this action. "What's on your mind?" Darren asked. "The entity," Charlotte started, "I can feel the dark presence from a mile away. It seems that this evil is spreading. Who knows where to? Who was the family we're visiting again?"

"The Moshimos, as they have experienced paranormal activity and now the entity has become acquaintances with the son. I heard that a priest and a psychic were called over and everything just went wrong," However, the Lorandos were just about to reach the house, "Oh, we're here…" Darren declared as they pulled into the driveway. By they approached the door, Kiyoshi opened the door and greeted them both.

After everyone was introduced to the Lorandos, everyone gathered in the dining room and sat the table attempting to call the spirit. "Can you hear us?" Darren called out, but there was no response. "Who are you?" He asked again, but there was still no answer. "Why are you- "Suddenly, all of the chairs slid back, the power went out, someone screamed, and the power returned. Everyone began to look around the room assuring that everyone was fine, but Ami noticed something odd. "Uhh, Mom. Where's Takeo?" Everyone turned to notice the empty chair and Takeo was gone. Miki quickly got up and dashed out of the room desperately calling for her son. Everyone quickly followed and looked everywhere, but with no luck of finding him. However, Charlotte began to experience and feel something calling her. Everyone noticed that she began walking down into the basement. "Honey?" Darren asked, "Where are you going? Is Takeo down there?" The group followed her downstairs until she stopped at one of the dark corners. Then, Kiyoshi noticed something unfamiliar to him, "What is that?" He questioned as came closer to the object. It was a small wooden door and it seemed to be sealed shut. Kiyoshi tried to pry it open, "Darren, Vinnie, could give me a hand?" It took a little bit of time to finally get the wood off, which revealed a small brown door. The door slowly opened to reveal a small red room in which only one person could fit inside. Takeo was sitting in the middle of the room, pale and staring blankly eyes wide open. Miki noticed and quickly grabbed him out of the room and hugged him. Takeo quickly became conscious and looked at Miki. "Mommy…" He began to cry softly, "I don't want to play with Petey anymore. I want to go home." Father Redmond looked into the room and noticed a small hole in the ground. Suddenly, the room glowed crimson red and Redmond noticed what was down there, a bottomless pool of blood, but when he looked closer into the pool, a giant flame burst from below and Redmond was flown back screaming until he hit the ground, still showing a look of dread.

Vinnie and Charlotte began to experience headaches when something began crawling out of the hole and out of the room. Both nearly fainted when the tall figure stood up in front of everyone. A burning inferno with sharp claws and blood red eyes emitting from the flames. A grin shot across its face, "Don't you want to play with me, Takeo." Takeo began screaming and Miki quickly ran upstairs with him. Redmond pulled out holy water and threw it out the entity, attempting to extinguish it, but this suddenly backfired when the water actually spread the flames, almost like gasoline. Everyone quickly dashed out of the basement as the entity charged at them. Everything went absolutely beserk upstairs, with glasses shattering, things being thrown in all directions, hands and faces emerging from walls, and the entity chasing them out of the house as the flames spread even further. By the time everyone was outside, the entire house was consumed by the growing inferno. Everyone watched in horror as the apparition walked out of the house and pointed at them, "Not finished, not ever…" It exclaimed as it quickly vanished. The house quickly fell apart and crumbled until it was nothing but piles of ash and debris.

"Let's go home," Kiyoshi declared to everyone still mind-blown as his entire house was now gone. Everyone got into their cars and started their engines. Mikiko and Ami looked back at the ruins as the car drove off. "Are we heading back to L.A?" Mikiko asked. "Yes," Miki replied, "We're going back home, where we definitely belong." All of the cars quickly drove off the driveway and onto the street leaving the foundation in complete darkness, alone, and silent. However, the apparition appeared once again, with its red eyes glowing and stretching its menacing grin across its face one last time, as it faded away in the wind, like a pile of ash from the ground…