Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers Beast Wars, only my OC's.

Last time Son was captured by the Predacons and Megatron began to show his interest in her, will the others be in time to safe her or will she be too scarred after this?

Chapter 8

At the Predacons base

Son woke up with a startle but calmed down as she remembered what had happened and where she was. She knew she was at the Pred's base, but in which chamber?

Wanting to get up she realized her hands and legs we're tied down on a berth and her armor was deactivate, looking around she noticed that this was somebots chamber and she feared the worst now. Struggling to get loose, she pulled harder and harder with all her strength, but each time she did the more injured her wrist and ankles became and it felt like her energy is being drained. Giving up for the time being she heard a familiar chuckle coming from a darker part of the room. Knowing who it was she growled;

"Come out Megatron, you can stop playing these games it won't work on me"

Megatron just chuckled and revealed himself, he studied her body making her squirm at the sight she was receiving. She turned her head and just looked at the wall making sure he thought that would interest her more than him. It worked and Megatron growled, grabbing hold of her jaw and forcing her to look at him. Blazing his optics on her facial-features he took the opportunity to kiss her in anger forcing his glossa in her mouth. Knowing she might bite him, he quickly pulled his blaster on her stomach. Because of this she allowed him to explore her mouth and almost chocked her with his glossa, nibbling her lips he bit down causing her bottom lip to bleed. Licking that up from her plump lips, he gazed down at her and started to explore the rest of her body with his servos. Son was a bit dazed from the harm kiss, but quickly regained her senses and started to struggle against Megatron's assault on her. He couldn't have that and quickly slapped her, but not too hard and tied a rag on her mouth to keep her from talking.

"Much better, now my dear if you please relax and let me see how strong you really are. I am sure you will think twice about Primal after our little session" he smirked at her surprised sight

"He knows about Optimus and me?!" she thought to herself

"Yesss, you both may have fooled your comrades. But I can see clearly what is conspiring between you two and this I shall end right now!" Megatron said as he began to assault her neck with his glossa and sucking on it

Son just closed her eyes and hoped something would come and take him away before it got worst. Megatron then presumed to lay on top of her, continuing his assault on her neck while his servos began to travel from above her body. He touched her breast and rubbed them harshly bruising them, continuing downwards he stopped at the hips and touched her forbidden area. It took all she had not to moan at the feeling growing inside her, Megatron stopped for a moment and looked at how flushed her face was and how heavy she breathed. He smirked triumphantly and started to kiss the area where her neck connected with her body, lowering himself till he was near her breast and sucked on the fabric that was between his glossa and flesh. His servos began to go lower as well and massaged every part of her body down low, while his glossa and lips we're exploring her middle part, till he got to her navel and rolled his glossa in there. She bucked her stomach a little surprised by the assault, making it harder for her to keep her moans in check. He smirked viciously and bit down hard making her gasp in pain, but didn't stop him. He continued down below, till he gazed at her genital area. The forbidden chamber to only one who was worthy of her, which he knew he was.

"Such beauty but I take my time with lovely femmes such as yourself, however most would have stopped being deviant by now and submit to my needs in a flash" he told her

However when he gazed back at her, her eyes showed nothing but burning hatred. Not even a shed of tear was to be spotted near her corners. Impressed as he was, he want to see if that will remain like that and began to gently rub her forbidden area. Son started to struggle again with a look that said "don't touch me". Megatron just laughed triumph, he was certainly going to enjoy every single time he had with her. He stopped his assault as did she with her struggle but kept his servo there, wondering how long it would take for her to finally snap and struggle again. So far none, but he began to bring his servo inside the panty, his fingertips had just passed the edge of the fabric, when suddenly the alarms went off.

"BY THE INFERNO!" he snarled viciously

He activated his comm-link and yelled out to his SIC; "What is the meaning off this?"

"The Maximals and a few of those humans attacked the South side of the base and their gaining the upper hand on us" Scorponoks reported before he yelled out in pain

Megatron cursed the entire universe, as well as the Maximals for the timing of their assault. He looked down at his captor and took off the gag kissing her viciously again.

"This will remind you to who you belong to, I will not allow anyone to pass these chambers" he snarled and left her like that

Son just counted the seconds till she heard a sound coming from one of the vents on the ceiling. When it was pushed off, Rattrap and Aurora came out of it. Seeing the state their leader was in, Rattrap turned around and Aurora quickly unchained her while, Rattrap handed something to cover her in without looking back. Both the girls we're impressed by his behavior and earned him a kiss on the cheeks from the both of them. Startled not expecting that, he nodded his thanks and quickly worked his magic on the door. Son had scanned the room for her armor bracelet and quickly put it on. Activating her armor, she stood ready and they all escaped.

On the outside Megatron had joined the fight, Optimus was the one he was currently facing and they both fought with everything they got. Optimus was more vicious against Megatron when he entered the scene and began their own battle, thinking back at what had happened and what the girls told him and how he made the little one cry for her sister.


Optimus just arrived at the Axelon and made his way to the infirmary where Rhinox was waiting for them. After having checked things with Kushi and leaving their familiars with her, they quickly gathered in the main room. All the girls looked tired and distressed, the others waited patiently for them to explain.

"We were ambushed by the Preds, we were giving them a run for their money. But then…." Soren started

"Then Tarantulas got to Kushi and was swinging her around like a puppet on strings, Boss Lady had no choice but to surrender on condition we wouldn't be taken as prisoners" Kima bursted out fresh tears staining her face

Cheetor held her close and let her cry out on his shoulder, Aurora looked just as bad and was held by Rattrap. Rhinox tried to comfort Mina and Liara, but where shaking just as bad from the fight and the loss of their sister. Though Soren looked worst of them all, if the angered expression on her face was anything to go by.

"We have to get her back, only Primus and whatever deity there might be out there knows what he'll do to her" Liara said before punching the table injuring her hand

Both Rhinox and Mina took her to the infirmary to get that wrapped up, while the others looked solemn and concern. Suddenly they heard Kushi scream from their room and Optimus just followed his instinct and ran as fast as he could. He felt completely stupid for leaving the sparkling alone, especially after what had happened.

Bursting into the room he was met with a sadden sight; Kushi was curled up in a ball crying her eyes out, while the animals just laid near her just as sad as she was. Olympus looked even worse knowing they weren't there for their masters and having his taken away by those brutes. If his sweet master was broken he would never forgive himself and probably go feral on any Preds they'll meet.

Optimus quickly went to the sparkling and held her close to him while rubbing her back and soothing her;

"There, there little one be brave for your sister, we'll get her back I promise," he told her

Kushi rubbed her eyes and looked up at him; "B-b-b-but it's my fault she got caught, I should have never been there than maybe she would still be here, I-I-I-I can't lose her again"

Optimus held her a little tighter and whispered in her ears getting her to calm down;

"Little one it's not your fault at all, even if you haven't been there one way or another some of the girls could have been captured and the Preds no doubt wouldn't give up at one attempt. But we can't dwell on that now, at the moment you need to dry your tears and be brave for your sister, when she gets back and we will get her back she will need you by her side more than ever. Believe me she needs you more than you do sometimes, that is why she would rather have you safe here with people she can trust and know you were safe. So cry if you must little one and be strong for her when she returns to us"

Saying all this calmed Kushi down and drifted to sleep. Optimus tucked her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead, before nodding at the animals in the room with a silent order to keep her safe while they planned to get their comrade back.

End Flashback

Megatron took a swipe at Optimus, whom in turn jumped back to avoid it and used his sword to stop him and hold him in place. But Megatron used this opportunity to taunt Optimus;

"Well Optimus you are fighting rather vicious, are you that worried about her?"

"What did you expect you took one of our own and rather me than any of the girls they'd tear you apart if you so much as touched a hair on her head" Optimus replied releasing him to give a blow on Megatron's person

"Is that sooo, yeeess they would wouldn't they? But then again how could one resist that delicate body of hers?"

"WHAT?!" Optimus yelled and attacked again to which Megatron kept dodging

"Really Primal such an extraordinary creature and you never once tried to feel those delicate curves of her?" he mockingly asked

Optimus getting mad kept throwing his weapons at him, which was dodged every single time and each time Megatron kept on asking;

"Taste those delicious lips of her?"

Another swipe

"Bite that tender neck of hers, or maybe taste her sweet nectar?"

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Optimus roared and was jumped and pinned down by Megatron

"Well Primal I have and made her moan into a state of nirvana, I would have gone further but then you and your Maximals had to come and ruin everything"

He was thrown off by Primal's foot pushing him away with a mighty force obviously angered by his words Megatron got up and they prowled around each other;

"Yeess Optimus she makes just the sweetest nectar when her valves all wet, perhaps you would like a demonstration I'm sure you will enjoy the sight as much as I will enjoy her body"

That did it, Optimus threw his weapons on the ground charged like lighting at Megatron and began beating him mercilessly; Megatron not expecting Primal to gain such a surge of power was trying his best to defend himself but was overpowered. While this was happening Aurora, son and Rattrap made it outside and contacted the others;

"Maximals, Renegades package is secure, time to head out; I repeat package is secured!" Aurora commed them

"You heard them ladies and gentlemen let's get outta here…Optimus get off of there THAT'S ENOUGH1" Soren yelled through the comm

All optics where on the two leaders and to their horror witnessed Primal going berserk on Megatron, it took Rhinox, Cheetor and Dinobot to get him off and drag him out. Eventually Soren had enough and slapped the Maximal leader pretty hard, a little surprised by the action but it got Optimus to calm down and focus. She quickly signaled the rest to head to the exit and get out of Predacon territory, half way to the base they met up with the others.

Megatron looked up in confusion, he wondered for a moment why they were retreating when it hit him like a rockslide, he quickly got up despite the obvious pain and sparks coming out of his injuries, he made it to his chamber and to his horror found it empty of his prey

"PRIIIIIMMMAAAAALLLLLL!" he roared out into the night sky

The girls who went along with them immediately hugged their lost leader and could barely be pried off of her, Rhinox gave them some time since they were all stressed with worry. The girls eventually let go, but then she got hugged by Cheetor and Rattrap and after that even Rhinox wanted to hug the daylights out of her. Dinobot just gave her a pat on the back;

"It's good to see you are unharmed," he said, but Optimus thought otherwise

He stood there with his back on the group frustrated he let himself get carried away like that, but the way Megatron spoke about her, the way he described what he did to her he just wanted to rip his arms off so he wouldn't be able to use them again. While on Cybertron when reports of such crimes came out he felt for the victims and their families, but never did he lose control like that, why did he lose control like that? Son and her family were a part of his team now, but they were friends only right? He didn't see her as anything more than that right?

A hand was placed on his shoulders startling him, turning around to face Rhinox with a questionable look. Optimus just shook his head and looked at his co-leader he wanted to let her know how relieved he was she was ok, but then did a once-over on her body and saw to his horror and huge bite-mark on her side. Knowing whose it was he growled rather dangerously making everyone there stiffen and looking at him in horror; before anyone knew it he grabbed her and held her bridal style whilst activating his jets;

"All of you back to base NOW!" he growled out and without waiting for their reply he boosted towards the Axelon

Both Maximals and Renegades look at him confused, but Soren just shrugged and signaled for them to head on to base. Primal was moving way to fast, causing Son to become nauseous;

"O-o-optimus please slow down a little," she got out with much difficulty

Lucky for them the base was dead ahead so he slowed down, when he reached the entrance he quickly called out Mina and Liara to come get her; both whom made haste and took her to the medical bay whilst telling her how much they worried and how glad they got her back. Primal transformed into beast mode and slumped down on one of the chairs available, put a servo on his face and rubbed it exhausted from the entire night. A tiny hand rested on his other servo, he looked down and saw Kushi looking at him with an exhausted look of her own. He picked the young child up and hugged her tight, which she returned in kind;

"Thank you daddy," she said tiredly and shut her eyes going to sleep

Optimus was stunned, he wondered if she knew what she had called him or was she that exhausted that she didn't know her surroundings at the moment, he just shrugged and gently started to rock her. He didn't notice the others gathering inside whom immediately shushed themselves when they saw the little girl in his arms. Just then Mina rushed passed them with a wooden carved bowl, a few moments later came back inside with it but it was filled with water and got a towel from another room. Rhinox in the meantime had patched the others up and rushed in the medical area where he could examine Son. The others simply sat there and waited for anyone of them to emerge to give some information on her condition. Moments later Mina and Rhinox came out and motioned for Optimus to bring Kushi to where Son was. Carefully cradling the little girl in his arm he made his way towards the med-bay and saw that Son was dressed in fresh clothes. Apparently they'd found their beach house in the middle of the forest with all their stuff inside, they'd gathered everything that was useful and burned the house to ashes. Son opened her eyes and slowly held her arms up, Optimus placed Kushi in her arms and held her there petting her head and humming a soft tune. Olympus ever the loyal companion laid in the corner where he could keep an eye out for them and the door, Optimus placed a chair near them and sat there holding one of her hands in his servos rubbing his thumb gently looking at her. He made his intention for the night clear and commed the others to turn on the automatic weapons and get some sleep. They obeyed and went to their rooms for a much needed rest, the kitten Fausha came in and settled near Olympus. Son smiled at them and closed her eyes holding Kushi and Optimus's servo tight, both leaders going into a deep slumber.

The Following Morning

The sun rose and shined through the windows in the med-bay, one going into Son's eyes. She woke up rubbing them and gently roused Kushi from slumber as well, both companions sensing their masters getting up awoke as well and waited for them. Optimus too had woken when he heard them rouse from sleep and gave them a smile, he transformed and offered to take Kushi to one of the girls so she could take a bath. Kushi didn't want to let go, but with a promise that they would go and take a flight together from Primal got the girl to let go and he found Kima near the hall, giving her the task. Meanwhile Liara came in with a bowl of water and went to the med-bay to help her sister, Optimus went to the command center and checked the security systems. After Liara was done and Son was cleared, they went to the command center where everyone else minus Cheetor, Kima and Kushi were gathered. There they waited till Son was comfortable to brief them in;

*Sigh* "I really don't know what happened along the way to their base or what they did to me while unconscious, but I really don't want to know. When I woke, Megatron had me chained on his berth, those cuffs however felt like they were draining my energy"

"Grrr, those were cuffs some of the Predacons used on some of them when they showed signs of rebellion I know them well, my former teacher was placed in those cuffs when he challenged them" Dinobot snarled out

Son nodded her head thankful Dinobot provided that information in case they would be used again some other time

"While I tried to pull them off, but to no avail. Megatron certainly enjoyed the sight of my attempt"

The others gasped at that

"He mocked me off how useless it was and proceeded to molest me, his disgusting mouth and servos were all over me, long story short if you all hadn't showed up he would have raped me with no mercy" she finished shuddering at the thought of that mech

The others seethed at the audacity of that mech, though Optimus was angered the most anyone who noticed the cracks on the data pad in his servo could confirm it. Dinobot snarled shaking his head;

"I have heard rumors of his conquests though nothing was proven back on the Predacon colony, all the femmes were drugged and disoriented so none but the mechs and femmes on the street could proof his involvement, problem was all those who could have witnessed it were either to scared of him or completely on drugs that they were ruled out"

"Sheesh Dinobrains if you knew that why you not said anything before or followed him for that matter" Rattrap asked him harshly

*SNARL* "As I said Vermin they were rumors and nothing was proven, besides his plan for a better future outweigh the everlasting cruelty on the moon's slums, surely YOU would know what life in slums are like" Dinobot said through gritted teeth

Soren stepped in as did Aurora holding Dinobot and Rattrap respectively away from each other, Aurora softly petted Rattraps head making him shudder and shut up;

"Stop both of you we'll talk about that another time Dinobot, Liara did you do an entire scan of her body for all we know that purple bastard could have done something to her whilst she was unconscious" Soren said

"No nothing out of the ordinary and she showed no signs of being raped before you guys showed up so we should be thankful for Meg's sadistic processor for wanting her to be awake, though I can say he wasn't planning to be gentle on her if her cheek and the bite mark on her thigh is anything to go by"

All optics and eyes went on her face and on the purple mark on her thigh where Liara said it would be.

"That perverted bastard!" Mina yelled out

"Next time we see him we'll shoot between the legs or between the optics" Aurora said

"That'll make it a quick death, our leader deserves to make him go into the Pit in a very painful matter, I could show you where to torture him dear sister" Soren said vindictively making some of them shudder at her thoughts

Dinobot on the other hand looked at her with wonder and snarled viciously with a smug smirk;

"This femme knows how to enjoy herself"

Optimus was quiet the whole time and just stood up walked over to her and hugged her tightly surprising everyone in the room;

"Don't you ever let yourself get captured like that again, because if you make Kushi cry like she did for you I'll…w-well I'll just have to restrict you in the ship till this Beast Wars is over" he said clearly not knowing how else to restrict her

Son just smiled and hugged him back;

"Make it a promise" she said with a small and without knowing what else to do, she subtly kissed his cheek-plates near his mouth-line making Optimus blush and his cooling fans to activate

Just then the elevator came up and Kushi ran towards her sister;

"SIIISSYYY!" she yelled tears in her eyes and hugged both Optimus and Son's legs almost making them tumble

Optimus held Son tightly and picked the little girl up so she could hug them both. The others smiled at the sight;

"It's like looking at a typical family whom just went through a hard time, maybe this femme could be the one whom Optimus had been waiting for hopefully he realizes that soon or he might never ever be happy" Rhinox thought to himself and without knowing was wrapping his arm around Liara, whom held it there

Like I mentioned in "To Love A Warlord" fic I am sooooo sorry for the long wait but real life can be such a bummer that you lose inspiration immediately. Unless you're walking with a notebook full of ideas for writing.