John didn't sleep. He wasn't about to waste his last few precious hours on Earth in sleep. Officer Woods was fast asleep in the bed on the far wall. John could hear his snore which matched the ticking of his pocket watch. John continued to lie in his bed as he stared at Anna's face in the dim candlelight. While he was glad that she wouldn't be there to see his departure, he would have given so much if it meant seeing her face in person again. Yesterday's visit meant the world and he was grateful for Officer Towner's kindness, but he already missed his beloved wife. He looked at his pocket watch and saw that it was 6:30. He only had three hours left.

There was a banging on the door which roused Officer Woods from his slumber. One of the other officers walked in with trays that carried covered containers. John sat at the table and pulled up the lids to see a bowl of the usual gruel, some scrambled egg, bacon, and toast.

"My last meal…" John thought and his stomach clenched at the thought. He had no stomach, but he didn't wish to insult the officers.

He picked up a piece of bacon and looked at it. He hadn't had bacon since before his arrest. He carefully ate the piece and ignored the cramping in his stomach. He slowly ate the breakfast and sipped the offered cup of tea which helped with the nausea. When Officer Woods finished his own breakfast, he filled the basin with hot water and took out some soap and a razor.

"Would you like to shave, Bates? You might as well look your best." He offered.

"Thank you, Officer. I think I should." John replied and moved to take the razor.

Officer Woods shook his head. "I'll have to do it. I'm sorry, Bates."

"Of course…" John thought as he sat in a nearby chair. "They wouldn't want to be deprived of…"

He couldn't bring himself to put the event into words even though it wouldn't matter soon. He wanted to face it and be strong, so it wouldn't do to show terror now.

The lad had a steady hand and knew what he was doing. When John splashed water into his face and looked at his reflection, he could see that there wasn't a missed spot anywhere.

"Thank you, Officer Woods. It is a job well done." John smiled and offered the warder his hand.

Shaking it and returning John's smile with one of his own, Officer Woods gestured to a pile of clothes near the basin before turning his chair to the wall to offer John enough privacy to change. John stripped before donning clean underclothes. The shirt lacked a collar but was the same color as the death row uniform. When John pulled the suspenders over his shoulders, he cleared his throat to alert the warder that he was finished. Taking a comb, he pulled it through his hair and parted it. He did want to look as well as he could, so he could give them a good show. He didn't want to show his frustration and grief at his situation. He didn't want to show his hatred of the woman who completely ruined his life and Anna's because she couldn't stand him being happy… No… if he only had a short time left, he wouldn't poison it with thoughts of Vera and her venom. His last thoughts should be of his Yorkshire faerie and the memories that always make him smile. Looking at his watch, he saw that he only had a little over an hour and a half left. He grabbed his photo of Anna and his pocket watch from the small table by his bed.

"If I write a letter to my wife, will she get it along with my personal effects?" John asked Officer Woods who was removing their breakfast things.

"Of course, Bates. Do you require writing paper?" He walked to the desk and pulled out a pen and a stack of paper.

"Thank you." John answered before sitting at the desk.

John placed Anna's photo next to the writing implements and penned a final goodbye to his bride. He wrote of his regret that their marriage was coming to such a sudden end and prayed that she would forgive him. He wrote of his good wishes for everyone at Downton and reminded her to take his good wishes to His Lordship. He hoped she would remain at Downton after everything was done for he knew that the Crawleys would take good care of her. As difficult as it was to even think of it, he also hoped that she would one day find a man worthier of her than he was. She deserved a man who would take care of her and enjoy a long marriage rather than the scandal riddled one she has experienced with him. He didn't know what awaited him on the other side but no matter where he ended up, he would wait for her. He closed saying how much he loved her and how his last thoughts were only on her. He folded the paper and slipped in into the envelope before laying her photo on top of it. He didn't bother sealing the envelope knowing the Governor or someone would read it before sending his things back to Downton. He removed her lock of hair from the watch before laying the watch with the photo. He would keep the hair in his hand until he was dead.

There was a banging at the door which interrupted his thoughts. Officer Woods opened the door and let in the Governor and a man in a dark suit that John had never seen before. The Hangman. Nearly panicking, John looked down at the watch and saw that is was just after eight in the morning. It wasn't anywhere close time for his execution!

"Am I going now, sir?" John asked while fighting the rising urge to be sick. "I thought I still had time…"

The Governor raised his hand to stop John from speaking. "It's alright, Bates. You do have time. In fact, I have here in my hand a letter from Mr. Shortt, the Home Secretary. You have been reprieved and will not be hanged. Your sentence is now life imprisonment. You will be taken back to your old cell block until you can be assigned to a new cell. You will be given the main prison uniform to change into once you get there. Do you understand, Bates?"

John was glad he was already sitting down otherwise he would have been a heap on the floor. Life imprisonment. He wasn't going to die today. It was all he could do to keep his composure.

"I understand, sir. Should I gather my things?" He pushed himself to his feet.

"No need, Bates. Your effects will be delivered to you in due time. If there is nothing else, this gentleman and I will take our leave." With that the Governor and the other man turned on their heels and marched out the door.

John looked at Officer Woods in shock and amazement. Officer Woods smiled and put a hand on his arm before pulling out some shackles.

"I know this seems harsh but it's policy as you know." Woods shrugged apologetically.

"Proceed, Officer." John held out his wrists. This was a small thing compared to what he was facing a short while ago.

After the iron was in place, Woods walked towards the door. John quickly grabbed his watch and Anna's photo. He wasn't going to wait for those. He looked at the letter he had just composed.

"That's no longer needed. Would you destroy it for me?" John turned to face the young warder.

Woods smiled and nodded before taking on a gruffer look of a prison warder. "This way, Bates."

John fell in step behind Woods and saw Officer Towner waiting to bring up the rear. He nodded to the other warder who smiled before gesturing for John to walk on. With every step that took John from the death chamber, it became easier for John to breathe though he still had a hard time believing it was true. Outside his new home, Officer Woods removed the shackles and told him to step inside. Once there, John was handed a bundle with the regular prison uniform. For once, John was glad to see the rough grey cloth. He quickly removed the execution clothing and pulled on the regular garb. He wouldn't miss them. After handing them over, Officer Woods reiterated the reassurance that his effects would be brought back to him and shut the door.

John sank onto the mattress as everything hit him. He was alive. He was still in prison, but he wouldn't die a disgrace. His Anna would not be left alone. He felt tears well up in his eyes and spill down his cheeks as he stared at her face. He came so close to being parted from her forever. Suddenly feeling exhausted he laid on his side and quickly fell asleep…

John woke up to a banging on the door. He quickly slid Anna's photo under his pillow as Officer Turner walked in with John's belongings.

"Come on, Bates. You've got a visitor waiting for you. Step lively." He ordered crisply before putting the items on the table.

"Who is it, sir?" John asked in confusion.

"You'll just have to find out, Bates. Come along." Officer Turner pulled out the shackles and waited at the door.

After John was shackled, he quickly followed the officers to the visiting area hoping that the visitor was who he thought it was. When he saw his precious Anna sitting on the visitor's side of the long table he nearly wept again with joy. She gave a weak smile that showed just how much their ordeal had taken a toll on her. But he could see the relief and joy in her blue eyes. It was all he could do to not ignore the prison rules and throw his bound hands around her to hold her against his body.

"Anna…" John breathed as he took his seat.

Anna's eyes were bright with tears. "I'm so glad to see you, John. Thank God, Mr. Murray got to Mr. Shortt in time."

"It was close." John confessed. He could almost feel the sensation of a rope around his neck and shuddered.

"I know." Anna suppressed a sob.

"But all that's over now, my love." Bates offered a comforting smile.

"But you're still not coming home. I want you home, John." Anna wiped her eyes. "His Lordship means to work with Mr. Murray."

"Best of luck to them…" John thought before taking a breath. "Will you stay on at Downton now?"

Anna nodded once. "Of course. I'm sorry to let Lady Mary down, but I think I should. There may be some way I can help them to overturn the conviction. I don't know what I can do, but there may be something."

John felt his heart swell with happiness and pride for his wife. She made him feel truly humbled with her love and conviction.

"I don't deserve you." He whispered as a knot formed.

"Because we will overturn it." Anna swore firmly. "I won't rest until we have you out."

John had no doubt of that, but he wanted, no needed for her to focus on more than that.

"But it might take years. That's if you ever manage it." John took a breath. Even though he wanted more than anything to go home, he was stuck here for the time being. "So, there's one thing I must ask…"

Anna waited for whatever was coming. He leaned forward and continued. "I can't have you grey-faced and in perpetual mourning. Promise me you'll make friends, have fun, live life. I need to know I'm not a drag weight. Tell me you can laugh while I'm in here."

Anna considered this.

"I'll try…" She began.

John gave her a serious look. He needed her to promise him this if he were to have any peace of mind. Catching his expression, he could tell she suppressed a small smile.

"I promise." She said in earnest.

"Thank you, my Anna. That means more than you can possibly know. No more denying yourself opportunities to enjoy yourself, please. It will give me comfort here to read it in your letters or hear about it when you visit. I look forward to your adventures and they will be mine too."

Anna finally gave him a full and dazzling smile. He loved her so much for it.

"Will they have the Servant's Ball after all?" He suddenly remembered what was supposed to happen that evening.

"Mr. Carson, Mrs. Hughes, and Mrs. Patmore are determined to achieve it or perish in the attempt." Anna giggled.

John chuckled. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I can't wait to read about it."

Officer Turner cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry, Bates. It's time." The warder stepped closer to the table to escort John back to his cell.

Reluctantly rising to his feet, John kept his eyes on Anna's pale face, desperate to drink it in one more time. It will be two weeks before he was to see it again. He could see she too struggled with them parting so soon.

"I love you so very much, Anna. More than my own life and I will love you even more after death." John whispered.

"I love you, John. You once asked me why I love you. I love you for your kindness, your gallantry, and your strength. I love you for who I am with you and what you help me to be. I love you because you are the only one for me. I love you." She gave him one last tender smile before he was led away.

As John walked back to his cell, he felt hope for the first time in so long. He didn't know how long he'd have to remain in this Godforsaken place, but he was alive, Anna was fighting for him. He would have to bide his time. But he had what he had always desperately wanted. He loved and was loved by an angel of his dreams. That would get him through anything.