Hey, hey! I am back! Here it is! What you have all been waiting for. The sequel to All I Want Is You, like four months later. Yay! Anyhow, this was a crazy and hetic year and things happened to me between January with AIWIY and now. A lot of things. I won't go into detail but I couldn't really write until now. But I am sooooo excited to write this sequel!
But now that summer is here, I HOPE (not positive but hope) to update everyday. Since school is done. But I work and other stuffs, so we'll see :D. Cross your fingers guys.
Well, this story will be another 15 chapters with a plot that centers on Logie, James, Kendall and another person (Tis a secret!). Also all of the side characters from before will have bigger parts this time, but won't be as significant as James, Kendall and Logan. Again I hope to update everyday, we'll see, and again reviews always help and motivate me! So please do what you did last time and review.
Enough rambling, this is what you have all been waiting for. Drum roll please *drum roll plays* I present to you: All We Need Is Each Other!
Disclaimer: You guys all know I own BTR right? That's how I wrote All I Want Is You. I own them. A-huh.
Chapter 1: Our Time
February 25, 2012
Time was simply flying by. Well not that much time had actually flown by just yet. But still, time was most certainly flying for them now. For James, Kendall and Logan Diamond-Knight, time was continuing to pass by like it had never before. But none of them minded. No, not when these were the best times of their lives.
And it was only the beginning.
James had to admit he couldn't believe where his life was at right now. Even after forty-six days, everything still felt like a dream to James. An unbelievable, beautiful dream that he never wanted to end. Luckily, this wasn't a dream. This was real life.
This was their life.
If someone had asked James one year ago whether he'd be at a crowded park, with yelling children and scolding parents, he would have laughed right in their face. But he also would have said he wouldn't be a father. Yet, now he was a father to a small son.
James couldn't be happier.
"Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" A young voice chipper with excitement, asked for the hundredth time from the back seat. James knew his patience should be worn thin by now; except it wasn't. His patience could never be worn down, least of all worn down by him.
In the passenger seat besides James, Kendall, the love of James' life and his fiancée, chuckled before glancing back in the rearview mirror. A warm, gentle smile lingered on his pink lips as his expression softened.
"Almost Logan. We just need to find a parking spot." Kendall replied softly. The young five-year-old let out an excited squeal, kicking his feet against James' chair. Logan's childish squeals were one of the symphonies of music James could listen to over and over again. It was a magical sound that went straight to his heart. James knew that he was in the same boat when it came to Logan, as Kendall was.
Either man would do anything for little Logan.
Once the car had been fully parked, Logan was already eagerly tearing off his seatbelt. Scrambling, he attempted to open his side door, unaware it was still locked. His impatient frustration only grew when the door continued to remain unopened. The boy inside him was bounding with extensive energy that needed to be released.
"Open the door! Come on guys! Open the door!" Pleaded Logan as he was still trying to open the locked door. James and Kendall laughed lightly at the young boy's enthusiasm. Their smiles widened extensively at the childish antics; hearts happy at Logan's joy. Every day, little Logan was becoming less and less fearful of his life, and more and more joyful.
"Alright. Alright, hold your horses. We're here, see?" James had to laugh at the giddy expression Logan was displaying from his position in the back seat. It seemed that no matter how many times Logan would smile like that, James would never grow tired of it. Because deep down inside, James knew Logan hadn't smiled nearly enough, as he should have for a five-year-old.
While James was lost in his own thoughts about his son, Kendall was already out of the car and opening the back door. Logan happily jumped out and into Kendall's arms, giggling light-heartedly the whole time. An infectious grin curved over Kendall's lips. The two then turned to James, impatient looks embedded into both of their faces.
"C'mon James! C'mon!" Logan waved quickly while he bounced in Kendall's arms. Even now, forty-six weeks later, Kendall couldn't quite get over just how small and fragile Logan was for his age. In fact, most people couldn't either. Logan was constantly being mistaken for his age, due to his small height and body.
"Yeah James, come oooooooon. Now!" Kendall whined and pouted very much like Logan would. James only rolled his eyes at his fiancée's childish behavior. But he was quick to get out of the car, much to Logan's (and of course Kendall's) excitement. Logan let out an eager squeak before clapping his hands. With a laugh, Kendall was off towards the park, with an obvious bounce in his steps. James grinned at his little family and followed behind the two. He would never get over just how much his loved his perfect little family.
By the time James had reached the playground, where dozens of children of all ages were running around, Logan was out of Kendall's arms. Though he was still clutching Kendall's hand tightly. Logan still was very shy around other people and never wandered far from Kendall or James. He hardly ever played with anyone else his age, due to his fear and shyness. James watched quietly as Kendall held onto Logan's sides tightly, while the child swung from one monkey-bar to another. The ever glowing smile radiating from Logan's face, shone over all of the other children in the park.
"Which one's yours?" James was startled from his spot, to find a short brunette woman standing next to him. Luckily, most people didn't recognize James or Kendall with their ball caps and sunglasses, and those who did in this neighborhood, were kind enough to never make a scene. Making their celebrity life easier. James blinked in surprise for a moment, before pointing out Logan, who was currently racing Kendall down a slide.
"My, he looks a lot like you." The woman commented, causing James to chuckle.
"Well that is a shock, considering he is adopted." James murmured quietly. The woman looked rather shocked by this bit of information. It seemed that she did not recognize James at all.
"Yeah. It's not physically possible for me and my fiancée to have kids on our own. So adoption was the way to go." James smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with a deep blush. James waited to see if this woman would react like so many others did towards his sexual orientation to Kendall.
"Is he your fiancée?" The woman asked, pointing over to Kendall. James nodded and swallowed, still waiting for the usual reaction. But to James' surprise the woman merely nodded and grinned at Kendall's and Logan's interaction.
"He looks like a wonderful father. Just as you must be." She smiled and looked directly at James. Relief flooded throughout James as a breathtaking smile graced his face. James' eyes found Kendall and Logan before softening. The woman seemed to blush slightly as James' brilliant smile.
"Yeah he is." James whispered softly. "Sometimes I can't even believe how lucky we are to have a son." James continued without a thought. The woman beamed brightly next to James, her own eyes trained on her son, who was playing on the bars next to Kendall and Logan.
"All parents get that unbelievable feeling around their children. No matter how old they get." The woman murmured in a dazed-like fashion. "As long as you always love them, right?"
"Right." James couldn't agree more.
"Come on! Come play with us!" Logan's little voice came right next to James, when suddenly the five-year-old was in front of his and clutching his leg. His wide, doe-eyes stared up at James, pleading for James to say yes.
"Yes of course!" James grinned, scooping Logan into his arms, earning peals of laughter from the little boy. Logan shrieked happily when James' fingers tickled his sides and James ran across the playground with his son. Logan squirmed desperately in James' grip to escape his father's fingers. It was only when James was distracted by a mushy kiss from Kendall, did Logan finally manage to break free. His legs hit the ground and he broke off into a sprint, while his father's kissed one another.
"Hey! You let him get away!" Kendall cried suddenly, breaking the kiss. James blinked and saw Logan sprinting off. He glared jokingly at the blonde male.
"Babe, that was your entire fault. You distracted me." James pointed out and one eyebrow rose. Kendall huffed but grinned cheekily.
"Only 'cause you're too easy to distract." He said in his dreaded sing-song voice. James groaned and slapped his fiancée away before taking off after Logan. Smiles were ever present on all three faces on the little and new family.
Kendall was the one to finally call it a day. When he noticed the sun was going down, and Logan had opted to remain in James' arms rather than walk anywhere. He made his announcement to leave finally, when he noticed Logan's eyes drooping and yawns coming from James. Of course, the two made whines of protests and refusals to leave. But Kendall managed to coax his family to leave with the promise of delicious food. Of course, only food.
James and Kendall were walking to their car, with Logan walking in between them; their son had one of their hands in each of his and was smiling tiredly.
Right before the three were about to enter their car, Logan paused and bit his lip. The two adults immediately noticed their son's hesitance and looked down with concern. Logan's eyes were casted downwards to his small dinosaur, light-up sneakers. Instantly, Kendall and James bent down.
"Logie? What's wrong Logie?" James asked quietly.
Kendall brushed some of Logan's messy, spiked hair back. "What's the matter Logie? You can tell us." He soothed quietly. Logan bit his lip before finally looking up at his parents. His eyes were wide with caution and question, and his cheeks were flushed.
"Um, well. Can I…Can I ask you something?" Logan whispered quietly.
"Anything. Of course." James said without hesitation. Logan took a deep breath before speaking.
"I-I kept hearing all the other kids. W-While we were playing. And I kept hearing them call all their parents mommy and daddy." Logan whispered softly. Kendall and James felt their hearts sink for a moment, in fear of what Logan might ask. Did he want a mother? Did he need a mother? "And well…I was wondering…um, well, could I called you something else besides Kendall and James?"
James and Kendall blinked.
"Like what?"
"…Like daddy and papa?"
And it was in that moment, that James and Kendall could feel the first true emotion of love for their son swelling through their body. It was at that moment that the two finally felt like how real parents did, when their baby said 'mommy' or 'daddy' for the first time. Their answer came in two gigantic, loving smiles that covered their faces and an embrace with Logan.
"Only if we can call you Logiebear."
June 6, 2012
The time had finally come. Their one big moment and the best time of their life were finally here. All those years of dates and planning. All those years of hardships and preparations were finally going to be paid off.
Today was the wedding.
The one event Kendall and James had been planning since before Kendall proposed.
It was going to be a big wedding. Unfortunately, being a famous hockey star and one of the biggest rising music sensations, did not give them the leisure to have a small wedding. However, their wedding would only include family, friends and the certain members of press or paparazzi that they had invited. No fans or anyone not on the list were invited and security would be tight for this wedding. Nothing could ruin it.
It was to be an outside wedding. On one of James' favorite beaches with small tents and n open view-house to hold the party and dancing in.
The weather was beautiful and absolutely perfect for an outdoors wedding. Not too hot. Not too cold. James and Kendall thanked whatever-higher-power-above for their amazing weather and time.
Kendall and James hadn't seen each other since four o'clock this morning and it was nearly one in the afternoon now. Both were nervous and frazzled at not being or seeing each other yet but they were old fashioned. Meaning they did believe in the old myth about not seeing the - in this case - grooms before the wedding or bad luck would happen. Kendall was with his mother and sister getting ready, while James was with friends who were like family to help him get ready. Unfortunately, James' father was unable to make it out to the wedding and was beyond sad that he couldn't come. However he would be watching the live recording of the wedding on his TV and calling the couple as soon as he could.
Logan was thrilled to have this wedding and be a part of it. He had never been to a wedding before or even seen one in his life. So this was a new but exciting experience for the now six-year-old. He was eager to help to set up the wedding and help out in any way that he could. The guests and family found the child to be downright adorable in his little black tuxedo and bowtie, trying to help Jennifer or Katie with any decorations. Finally once the wedding was just about ready, Jennifer sent Logan to see how his fathers were fairing, and to wish them luck before she took him to his position.
Logan happily complied eager to see his 'daddy' and his 'papa'. His first visit was to James while Katie and Jennifer visited Kendall.
James was standing in front of the tall mirror, of the dressing room he was in, trying to make his tie perfect. James looked stunning his long and slimming white tuxedo, with the tails hanging gracefully along his back. His tuxedo was in perfect condition without wrinkles and smoothed out to show off the vibrant white color, which made his hazel eyes pop.
He was fiddling nervously with the silver tie, even though was already tied, with shaking hands. Logan sensed his father's nervousness and beamed excitedly.
For a split second, James' nerves completely vanished and a warm smile overcame his face. He turned to his son with open arms and Logan pushed himself happily into James. Logan remained on the ground to hug James, knowing he couldn't ruin his daddy's special suit or his. No way!
"Hi daddy! Are you excited?" Logan asked gleefully. James chuckled with a nod and sat down, placing Logan right next to him.
"Yeah. Just a little nervous is all. Are you excited?"He asked shakily. Logan nodded his head fiercely, swinging out his legs cheerfully.
"Of course!" Logan cried, raising his arms. "My daddy and papa get to get married! And I get to watch and hold the rings for you guys! It's very important!" Logan said with wide eyes, filled with determination and awe. James grinned already feeling his nerves disappear completely.
"Oh yes," James agreed with a nod. "The ring bearer has the most important job of them all. That's especially why Kenny and I gave it to you." He whispered, watching as Logan's eyes continued to grow bigger and bigger with awe. His little mouth was even dangling open and James bit his lip to keep from laughing. "You are the only person we trust the rings with. Just you Logie." James whispered and finally Logan's pupils were blown wide with astonishment.
"Me?" He asked, pointing to himself. The box holding the rings was clutched firmly in one hand. In all honesty, James and Kendall were not worried at all about Logan losing the rings before the ceremony. They both knew Logan was more careful than probably any adult at this wedding, Jennifer Knight included. Logan had made a big deal of being the ring bearer and wanted to hold on the rings and "guard" them for as long as possible. Which lead Kendall to give Logan the ring box right after Logan was dressed this morning.
"Yes. Only you." James murmured, pushing gently on Logan's button nose. The little boy beamed a pearly white smile, nodding rigorously at his daddy. A knock on the door startled the two before Katie's head popped in.
"Logie. You better go see Kendall now. The ceremony starts in five minutes." She smiled at her adorable nephew. Logan immediately stood up, gave his daddy one more big hug and ran out the door. Katie, Jennifer and James laughed at his eagerness, before talking with one another.
Logan practically sprinted to his papa, trying to make it there quickly so he could still talk to his papa before the wedding started. He made it to Kendall's dressing room in record time and also opened the door with a gleeful smile.
"Papa!" He greeted.
Unlike James, Kendall was dressed head to toe in a black tuxedo that fanned out his built body and muscles. Each curve of his body and muscles were tightly wrapped in the black cloth of the tuxedo, and did justice to make Kendall look like a daringly handsome man. Though, Kendall was also sitting down, hands clasped together nervously, rather than looking in the mirror like James had been doing.
Upon seeing his son, Kendall swallowed and smiled weakly with a short wave. "Hey there Logie." He said quietly. Logan beamed once more and trotted towards his papa. Quickly Logan gave his papa a great big hug before beginning to notice how much more nervous Kendall was then James was.
"Are you okay papa?" He asked innocently, looking up at Kendall with his big brown eyes. Kendall nodded shakily, in hopes of hiding his nerves from his son. Why should he be nervous? This was what he wanted after all right? Right?
"Uh, yeah. Yeah." Kendall licked his lips anxiously. Unfortunately, Logan knew all the signs of nerves, anxiousness, fear and everything of that sort of emotion. One could not hide something like that from Logan. Especially his papa or daddy.
"You seem nervous. Are you papa?" Logan asked curiously. He moved to seat himself in Kendall's lap, all the while still looking at Kendall's face. Kendall ran his fingers through Logan's hair, in a last attempt to try and calm himself before the wedding.
"Um, yeah. I guess…I guess I am." Kendall admitted guiltily. He was never one to admit nerves or fear aloud; always believing he had to be strong and brave, since his father abandoned him and his family. He also felt guilty that he was even this nervous in the first place. He loved James, truly he did. There should be no reason why he was this nervous to marry the only man he ever loved.
"Oh. Well daddy was too. Don't worry." Logan smiled at his papa. Kendall blinked, but his nerves still did not calm down. So, Logan continued. "It's okay to be nervous. This is big and there's lot's of people here. I get nervous around lots of people all the time." Logan explained earnestly. Kendall smiled faintly at his son's attempts at comfort. "But you love daddy right? With all your heart?"
Now, Kendall blinked in surprise at the sudden question. He wasn't really expecting that from Logan. Slowly, he nodded. I do.
"And daddy loves you. Just as much. You told me so, before you adopted me." Logan chattered on happily. Kendall smiled fondly at the memory. "So, since you both love each other so much you shouldn't be nervous. Silly, papa. You should be excited! Plus there is gonna be cake, and food and a party! A party just for you and daddy! Plus that cake is so big!" Logan exclaimed, raising his arms out wide. Kendall chuckled, without realizing that his heartbeat was finally relaxing and his nerves were calming down. "You two love each other, just like you love me. So don't be nervous papa! Everything will be awesome. You and daddy will get to kiss and stuff like you always do, even if it's gross and now everyone will see you kiss. I even have the rings all ready! I guarded them just like I promised." Logan announced proudly, pulling the two rings from his pocket. He grinned goofily at his papa, while showing off the rings.
Finally, Kendall smiled with all of his heart and without an inch of nerves left in his body. Logan had calmed a full-grown man without even realizing what he had just done. Oh Logan. Kendall thought tenderly, reaching out to give his son a tight hug. Logan giggled into his papa's arms but hugged back just as tightly.
"Thank you Logiebear. You are just what I needed." Kendall smiled poking Logan's cheek. The little boy squealed and jumped out of his papa's arms. A bell rang over head, clanging away and announcing the start of their wedding.
But this time, Kendall didn't feel cold-feet rushing back to him. Instead, his body buzzed with excitement. He wanted to marry James. Right now.
The ceremony itself was going smoothly and beautifully. It was going even better than Kendall or James or anyone could have ever imagined. There were no incidents, no interruptions or problems. Just a ceremony. Katie had done her part as a very elegant flower girl, with Kendall waiting at the steps next to his best man, Carlos and the groomsmen. Katie and Jennifer sat, waiting in the front row when James came out to meet Kendall. He followed the rhythm perfectly, with each step. The sight of James took Kendall's breath away, as James looked like an angel in his white tuxedo with the sun right behind him. At the same time, James couldn't tear his eyes away from his gorgeous soon-to-be husband. Kendall was everything James imagined and then some.
Kendall and James had gone through their vows, each shedding a tear or two at the time (as did many people in the audience), before it was finally Logan's job.
Logan's heart raced wildly in his little chest and his throat was dry. Katie stood right behind him, as he walked down the isle with two golden rings on the pillow in his hands. Logan's eyes were set in determination, to get to his daddy and papa without tripping once. Throughout the crowd, choruses of "awwww's" rang across the beach, upon sight of Logan with the rings in his tuxedo. Once Logan made it to his fathers, he beamed with absolute pride on accomplishing his mission, and laughed when receiving a kiss from his papa and daddy.
"Thank you Logiebear. We knew we could count on you." James winked when he took the rings from Logan. The little boy beamed and nodded fiercly.
The ceremony continued until finally James and Kendall kissed one another, and were officially husbands. Cheers, whoops and hollers filled the beach when the two men kissed and were finally married. Not a dry eye was to be found at this wedding ceremony.
The wedding really kicked off during the reception party in the viewing house and tents. Everything was now in fully swing. Kendall and James were officially married; they had a real family now.
Kendall, James and Logan Diamond-Knight.
They liked the sound of that.
Happiness and relaxing emotions filled the night air, as worries and any heartache were left at the door of the reception. The party was long and hardcore with guests dancing, eating, singing or simply hanging out to have a good time. The cake was most certainly delicious (and messy for Kendall and James!), the food and atmosphere was great. Kendall and James couldn't have asked for a better wedding.
Even Logan seemed to be having the time of his life. With the food, the cake and dancing with some guests. At one point, he and Carlos had even gotten into a dance-off. It was declared a tie at the end with James as the judge. But no one cared who won, all they wanted was for Logan to be happy.
As the party wined down, James and Kendall saved the very last day for Logan. Right then, it was just the three of them and not another soul. They were in their own little world where nothing else mattered but them. Logan would dance with James sometimes and then with Kendall. Or he would take both of their hands to dance. But in the end, he would up in James' arms with Kendall's arms wrapped around them both, as some slow song filled the background. It was a song especially for the family.
Logan wished he could remain in his father's arms, just like that, forever. Where he was safe and warm and just happy. Where it was just the three of them, dancing softly into the night. He wished they could stay like that.
But even Logan was aware Kendall and James had a honeymoon to go to.
So that was why by the end of the night, Logan was found in Jennifer Knight's arms with tears running down his face. Kendall and James were both standing right in front of them, suitcases by the taxi and faces filled with grief like Logan.
"Maybe we shouldn't go. We don't have to." Kendall bit his lip, trying to wipe away Logan's tears while keeping his at bay. Logan swallowed painfully. Oh how he wanted that. How he wanted his daddy and papa to stay! But that was selfish and man. They deserve a honeymoon.
"Yeah, I mean we don't have to –" James began tearfully. Jennifer sighed sadly and rubbed Logan's back in comfort when the six-year-old sniffled.
"Boys, no. This is your honeymoon. Logan will be fine with us. Right Logie?" She asked gently, in her motherly voice. Logan sniffled and rubbed at his eyes, but eventually nodded.
"Y-Yeah. Y-You deserve a honeymoon. B-But you'll be back right? You're coming back?" Suddenly, Logan looked fearful with wide eyes filled with terror. His greatest fear was suddenly creeping up on him, and this time it felt ten times worse. Jennifer coddled him even closer, while James and Kendall stroked his face lovingly.
"Of course Logie." James said quickly to comfort Logan. "Papa and I will be back in ten days. We promise."
"And then we can go surfing just like daddy promised. Right, you want to surf don't you?" Kendall continued hoarsely. He'd never thought leaving someone would hurt this much. Even if it was only for ten days.
Logan nodded quietly. Carefully, James and Kendall nodded.
"Exactly, so papa and I have to come back. Besides we love you too much kiddo." James laughed softly. Logan smiled wobbly at his fathers and nodded. Taking a deep breath, he nodded once more and spoke.
"I love you too daddy. And you papa." Logan whispered, hugging both of his fathers. His tears slowly began to dry, and while it still hurt, the pain wasn't as bad now. Because Logan knew his father's were telling the truth. He knew they'd be back. Just like they promised.
"We love you too Logiebear." Kendall and James smiled simultaneously. Together the fathers pressed gentle kisses to their son's head, before looking at one another.
It was time to start their new lives.
Well there we go. The beginning of this new journey. This was mainly a fluffy chapter to talk about two major events so far with James, Kendall and Logan. Thank to those who gave me these two ideas. I just loved writing them. So much fun! I hope you liked the wedding and little Logie! Ah, so cute ;)
Anyhow, there will be a real plot in this story just like, All I Want Is You, did. The plot will begin in probably the next chapter and I am super excited for it. I hope you all are too. There won't be a lot of time skips in this story (year-wise), because I like little Logie. He'll probably not get any older than six or seven for this chapter.
Anyhow, I hope this was a good start for the sequel and that you all enjoyed it! Thoughts? Comments? Likes? Dislikes? Please leave anything in a review and comment!
Thanks and peace out!
See you soon ;P!