Hey everyone! Long time since I wrote on this story!Three years to be exact! How are you all? Hope your doing great! I have other Ice Age stories on the way don't worry! But I've been having this idea in my head for a long time, and I've been itching to work on this!


So please take your time to read these bloopers and I hope y'all enjoy them!


Filming Chapter 1

Savannah: Just think how uncomfortable it's gonna be sitting on an acorn! *walks up to the camera, showing the acorn right into it.* See? I have to sit on this bad boy!

Scrat: *Sees the acorn, and starting going nuts (haha, pun XD).*

Savannah: Crap! AHHHHH!

*The Ice age cast and the director (me) start laughing.*

CookieM2012: Calm that squirrel before someone gets hurt! We haven't even started the scene yet! For God Sake! *But I couldn't keep a straight face. and started laughing again.*

Filming Chapter 2

*She jumped when she saw a smelly sloth come by, eating black berries with his mouth open, spraying berry juice every where. Savannah and the squirrel gagged silently while holding their noses. Did he ever bathe? Then Savannah looked again... and then cried out.

Savannah: (Beep). Sid! You got juice in my eye!

Sid: What? How? Man you serious? Lemme see, does it hurt?

Savannah: Like hell it does!

CookieM2012: CUT!

*Further into the scene...*

Peaches walked around. She searched high and low for this creature, badly wanting to know what it is. She was also wondering what to say to her dad when she got back.

She had a sleeping leg and needed to walk it off?

Someone was calling her name and she went to find out who it was?

She couldn't think of anything else, because something wrapped around her leg and she was up in the air. She hung upside down like a possum, though she always slept like this.

Peaches: Woah! *looks up and saw her foot caught in some vine. She struggled to get out, but couldn't.*

Peaches: Help! *Feels the vine breaking.* Seriously guys! Help! The vines gonna- *Vine snaps, and she falls with a thud.* Ow... can we start that again?

CookieM2012: CUT! RETAKE!

Filming chapter 3

Sid: Huah! *he jumped up to land on Manny's back, somehow MISSED, and fell over Manny, and landed on his butt.*

CookieM2012: Take 2!


Sid: Huah! *he jumped up to land on Manny's back, but only manage to dangle off the side of Manny.* What? Seriously again?

CookieM2012: Bet you didn't practice.

Manny: We did last night, we swear! We had it perfect last night!

*Further in the scene.*

CookieM2012: Action!

Savannah: No! Not with them down there, especially that mammoth!

*Peaches turned around to them, giving a sigh. Shes pauses, with a questioning look on her face.*

Peaches: I was going for a walk... and that was when... i forgot my line!

*Cast started laughing, and Savannah hangs upside down from branch, chuckling.*

Savannah: And I now realize your next line sounded just like that one!

Peaches: Are you for real?!

Filming Chapter 5

Peaches: My dad's behind you.

Savannah: AH! WHERE! *She tumbled out of the bush and fell back, tumbled, and covered her face to stop herself from giggling. Everyone ran to see if she was OK, while CookieM2012 face palmed.*

CookieM2012: Cut!

Filming Chapter 6

Savannah: If you don't mind me asking so, was there- *She pauses quickly, and started speaking jibberish. Peaches, Ethan, Katie, Shaw, Louis, and Kiki started laughing.*

Katie: Seriously! That's the second time you did that!

Savannah: Sorry, sorry! Can we try it again? Please?

CookieM2012: We kinda have to in order to make this story progress! CUT! RETAKE SCENE! *Pauses* AFTER we take a break... again.

Filming Chapter 7

Shaw: OW, OW, OW! *Run's to the edge of the waterfall and dipping his smoking tail into the water.* Ah... wait- wait- WHOA! *Topples over into the water.*

*Further into the scene...*

*Diego patted the ground beside him. Savannah nodded and sat down. She looked up and saw a peach hanging on a branch above Manny. She narrowed her eyes, sensing that the tree trunk was right behind her. And she whacked the tree behind her with her elbow, the tree shook and the peach fell, hitting Manny on the head, and catching it with his trunk.

Manny: Ow! *He looked at Savannah, and started laughing with the rest of the cast on set when she rolled around in slight pain and laughter.*

Savannah: I hurt my funny bone! WHOHOHOAHLIFADHUOCG!

*Take two!*

Manny: Ow! *He saw the peach. He looked at Savannah. She nodded and covered her eye. Manny ate the peach.* Thanks... OW! *He holds his trunk up to his mouth.* THE PEACH STONE BROKE MY TOOTH!

Savannah: Me thinks we need a medic over here!

Filming Chapter 8


*Everyone covered their ears.*

Sid: Since I'm probably gonna be here for a while, my name is Sarah - Jane.

All *ex. Savannah and Sid.* Nice to meet you!

*Then Sid ran out, not looking like... Sid anymore... He looked like... Gary Barlow from Take That! With Elvis Presley hair like fur on his head! Sarah - Jane fell in love with him instantly, even though Sid was dripping wet. She hugged Sid tightly, lifting him off the ground. Savannah was no where in sight.*

Sarah-Jane: Come one Sid!

Sid: It's Lid. *Both stop and realise their mistake.* Wait, that wasn't right. Other way round, sorry!

Filming Chapter 9

Gutt: Well, since we'll be working together, my name is Captain Gutt. *He shook the leaders paw.* And yours?

*The leader smiles evilly in the dark.*

Soto: The names- *ACHOO!*

Savannah: *Off set* Gesundheit!

Soto: *Chuckles* Thank you sapling.

CookieM2012: Retake!

Filming Chapter 10

*Then without warning, Savannah suddenly fell out of the tree.*

Savannah: AH! *Shira stares in horror, but falls to the ground, laughing when Savannah lands on the ground, flat on her face, laughing just as hard as Shira and the others off set.* Ow... I'm OK though! Might wanna restart this again!

CookieM2012: OK, who cut the rope?

*Crash and Eddie walk off whistling.*

Filming Chapter 11

Shira felt her heart stop immediately.

Shira: Pregnant...

Ellie: Uh yeah! Obviously! Said Ellie. *Shira swayed and leaned towards a nearby tree. But she missed, and fell. Ellie starts laughing.* Are you OK Shira?

Shira: *Starting to laugh too.* Yeah! But someone lend me a paw here!

Filming Chapter 12

Diego and Shira looked at Savannah worriedly. She hasn't spoken to neither of them all day. She did speak to anyone all day, not even Peaches. She just sat there, staring into space...

Savannah: Everyone be quiet! I'm trying to concentrate!

Shira: *Laughing* Wow you're really trying!

Savannah: I said shush Shira!

Filming Chapter 13

Diego: No... I feel light headed... *He stood up slowly and shook his head, so it would feel less light.* I had the strangest dream... in it, you told me that you were going to have a cub! How funny is that!

*Shira stared at Diego, eyes big and mouth shut tight.*

Shira: *Trying not to laugh.* It's real Diego... I can't do it! *She started laughing uncontrollably. Diego started laughing too.*

CookieM2012: CUT! Shira! You have to stay focused here!

Shira: How about you try and act serious! Go on! I dare you!

Filming Chapter 14

Diego: Alright, *He looked around curiously before turning his head back to the Gang.* I'll see if I can catch any source of smell that could lead us to Savannah, Gutt or Soto. *He took a deep inhale of air... and sneezed.*

Soto and Savannah: *Off set* Gesundheit!

*Diego and the rest of the cast, me, and other workers on set started laughing.*

Diego: *Bowing towards Savannah and Soto* Merci beaucoup!

*Further into the scene...*

*Then Savannah was interrupted by the Shaw-woman who continued to talk. But missed out on some of it.*

Shaw-women: It's your time to shine! To achieve you goal! And find that inner animal inside you!

*Short pause.*

Crash and Eddie: Hallelujah!

Ice Age Cast: CRASH! EDDIE!

Filming Chapter 15

Diego *quietly: We need to do a live diversion.

Crash *whispering*: What do you want us to do?

Steffie *sarcastically through whisper*: I think he wants them to do Opera!

Katie: Or the Zumba! *Katie and Steffie started dancing softly and quietly singing.*

Katie and Steffie:
'Cause this is Africa- *Pause quickly.* What are the rest of the lyrics again?

*I play 'Waka Waka' by Shakeria, and soon, everyone was dancing, including the camera people, which made the screen bounce about, and I just sit there trying to find out whether I find it funny or not.*

Filming Chapter 16

*Crash and Eddie are practicing their dance routine as the Make-up artist fixed Savannah's hair into a white wig.*

Crash: So it starts like this- *recites his next words, or the dance moves as in the melody of the song.* One, two, step step skip, step step skip, step step skip. *Eddie follows him.* One, two, step step skip, treble treble, rock and two! *Looks at Eddie after they repeated it.* Get it now?

Eddie: Yep.

*Further into the scene 8

Soto: White hair, green eyes, cunning plans? Savannah is a Saber! She is your daughter!

*Everyone stared in shock... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! Everyone looked around in question, but then everyone started laughing.*

Filming Chapter 17

*Soto shifted his eyes at Shira with a smirk.*

Soto: So you see, thanks to your mother's greed and thirst for freedom, you never existed here. Their little Jade.

*Savannah mouth wobbled. Looks an Shira*

Savannah: Geez mom! That's so not cool!

*Shira looked at Savannah, before she bursts out laughing.*

Filming Chapter 18

*Savannah places herself on the grass bed. She looks around while Manny and the others recite their lines.*

Savannah: Weird to see that it's my funeral, and everyone is reading scripts... at a funeral.

Granny: For your own good kid!

Savannah: How?

Granny: Just button up miss lippy!

Filming Chapter 19

CookieM2012: Switch for transformation! Savannah with Jade please.

*White Saber enters on set. This is Savannah as a Saber Tooth; Jade. Savannah is hooked onto a harness, giving the camera a peace sign with two fingers. Jade waves to the camera when it turns to her.*

Filming Chapter 20

Shira: Well done honey. *Plonks herself onto the ground, and nearly fell over. Rolls her eyes when she heard Jade and Savannah (off set) laughing.* Cut me some slack! I'm meant to be pregnant here with triplets for Pete'Sake!

*Take Two*

Jade: *She looked at Shira's whopping big stomach.* How is the baby?

Stomach shifts.

Shira: Giving me the old kicking today. *Pats her stomach with one paw,*

Diego: As usual.

Jade: *gazes at Shira evolving abdomen. Doesn't it hurt?

Shira: *nose twitches to the left.* How should I put it honestly... *Freezes.* Crud I wasn't meant to say that! Can we just retake that?

Filming Chapter 21

Shira: OK Ellie, just breath! And calm down...

*Ellie did what she was told. Then she stopped... and starts laughing.*

*Take Two*

Shira: OK Ellie, just breath! And calm down...

*Ellie did what she was told. Then she stopped.*

Ellie: Wait a minute... Me? I'M THE ONE WHO'S SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN AND 'JUST BREATHE'?! I'M NOT THE ONE WHO IS HAVING A BABY THIS MINUTE SHIRA! *Starts laughing immediately, and soon Shira and the others on set join her.*

Filming Chapter 22

Louis and Kiki: Peaches! Jade! *Everyone turned to see Louis and Kiki behind them.*

Kiki: What's going- *Then they saw the three new cubs.* Shira had... So Jade is... AW!

All (but Kiki): SH! *Kiki jumps at their response, and falls over.* Ow... boo boo!

Filming Chapter 23

*While Kiki sings her peace, Jade starts bobbing her head in time with the music. Savannah doesn't the same off set, and everyone soon does it, even those on set.*

*Further into the Scene.*

*Drags Chris Rock on set as he piece plays and dances about.*
RA da da da da da da da circus
Da da da da da da da da afro
Afro circus, afro circus,
polka dot,
polka dot, polka dot, AFRO!

*Further into the scene*

Even brighter than the moon, moon... M-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-N!

*Glass breaks. Everyone turns to see one of the camera's eye piece's broke, before turning back to Granny, who smacks her lips together.*

Granny: I ain't paying for that! Sidney will!

Hope you liked the bloopers!

Please tell me what you think!

Keep sending in any ideas you have for the sequel to 'Something Unexpected'! I'd like it to have what you wish to have in it!